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Death of Darkness

Page 36

by Dianne Duvall

Aidan released the breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding and felt his eyes begin to burn with tears of relief.

  His friend would live another day.

  Bastien’s eyes glistened with moisture, too, as he bent and folded Cliff over his shoulder. Straightening, he swallowed hard and stared up at Seth. “Thank you.”

  Seth nodded and sheathed his sword. “I know you don’t want to abandon hope, Bastien, but there will come a day soon when the kindest thing you can do for Cliff is end his torment.”

  “I know,” Bastien said, his voice hoarse.

  “Call me when that day comes and I will do it for you,” Seth told him softly. “You shouldn’t have to live with that.”

  Unable to speak, Bastien nodded.

  Seth turned to face the male and female immortals.

  Aidan released his telekinetic hold on them, giving them the freedom to move. But both still seemed frozen in place.

  Because the past few moments had made them question Gershom’s assertion that immortals were cold, power-hungry assholes intent on slaying anyone capable of defeating them while they took over the world?

  Utter nonsense. As with Leah, however, Gershom had earned their trust through deception.

  Seth approached them slowly, his face somber. “Jordan, Liora, I’m happy to see you both well. Please forgive us for not protecting you better or finding you sooner.”

  Liora looked at Jordan, then Seth. “What?”

  “I shall explain everything once we get you to safety. I trust neither of you has summoned Gershom?”

  Jordan scowled at Aidan. “That asshole did something to keep us from moving.”

  “I fear such was necessary,” Seth said, his tone apologetic. “They did not wish to harm you. And had Aidan not disarmed and disabled you, both of you would’ve attacked while they were distracted, trying to help their friend.”

  Jordan frowned. “Their friend slaughtered the men you see on the ground around you.”

  Seth glanced at the decaying vampires. “Were they your friends?”

  He hesitated. “No.”

  “You bear empathic abilities.”

  Jordan’s scowl deepened. “How do you know that?”

  “Because I’ve been watching over you and helping you keep your gift a secret ever since your birth. When you brushed against those men, did your gift convey goodness, happiness, and contentment? Or did you feel malice, anger, and a deep desire to commit violence?”

  Jordan opted not to answer.

  “As Aidan told you, the virus causes progressive brain damage in humans. Most of these vampires were already beyond our help. The rest were well on their way.”

  Liora nodded to Cliff. “Isn’t your friend there beyond help?”

  Seth shook his head. “Cliff is still capable of feeling remorse. He can still discern right from wrong. He’s fighting the madness with every ounce of strength he possesses. Most vampires embrace it as soon as the madness begins to erode their impulse control. Cliff didn’t.”

  The low rumble of an engine preceded the appearance of a dark van. Leaving the street, it drove up the wide sidewalk toward them.

  Seth caught the eye of the driver and addressed him telepathically. Thank you for coming. We shall leave shortly. If you need me to return and bury any memories, have Reordon call me.

  The driver nodded and thought, Yes, sir.

  Seth looked at Aidan. “Take Bastien and Cliff to the network. I’ll see to Jordan and Liora.”

  Nodding, Aidan palmed his cell phone and dialed a number.

  “Reordon,” the network head answered.

  “It’s Aidan. Bastien, Cliff, and I are on our way in.”

  “Okay. I’ll turn the alarm off.”

  Tucking his phone back in his pocket, Aidan clasped Bastien’s shoulder and teleported to network headquarters.

  Liora and Jordan gasped. Another look into their thoughts revealed they had believed only Gershom and Seth boasted that particular power.

  Before the younger immortals could recover, Seth grasped their shoulders and teleported away. On the off chance that Gershom might be lurking nearby, Seth teleported to multiple locations, one after another, doubling back once or twice, before arriving in Melanie’s infirmary on sublevel five of network headquarters.

  As soon as he released them, Jordan and Liora staggered away from him.

  Liora clenched her teeth and drew in a series of deep breaths.

  Jordan bent over and braced his hands on his knees. “Oh, man. I think I’m gonna puke.”

  Seth grimaced. He’d been teleporting for so many millennia that he sometimes forgot how disconcerting it could be for newcomers. “Sorry about that.” Stepping forward, he clasped their shoulders once more. “This should help.” A quick infusion of healing energy settled their stomachs.

  The large infirmary was empty. Seth’s preternatural hearing told him the resident vampires were all in their apartments. Melanie was in Cliff’s apartment, waiting anxiously while Aidan helped Bastien rid Cliff of his clothing and weapons so they could wash the blood off his body and make the sleeping vampire more comfortable.

  Seth drew out his cell phone and dialed.


  “We’re here. Turn the alarm back on.”

  “Done. I didn’t realize you were coming, too.”

  “Bastien and Aidan found two more missing immortals. They’re with me in the infirmary.”

  “Excellent. I’ll be down in a few to help you get them settled.”

  “Thank you.”

  Liora and Jordan shared a look.

  “Get us settled?” Jordan repeated. “What does that mean? Where are we?”

  Seth pocketed his phone. “You’re at the East Coast headquarters of the extensive network of humans who aid Immortal Guardians in our quest to protect humanity from vampires and to protect gifted ones and immortals like yourselves from discovery and persecution.”

  Jordan released a derisive laugh. “I’m supposed to believe humans help you? You kill humans.”

  Liora nodded, her brow furrowing. “We’ve seen your victims.”

  Seth shook his head as he read their thoughts. “Gershom slew those men and women, then blamed us in order to sway you to his side.”

  “Bullshit,” Jordan blurted. “You hate humans. You think them all beneath you.”

  Seth heard the elevator at the end of the hallway ding. “I suppose Gershom told you that as well? Just like he told you immortals kill all vampires? You don’t find that suspect, considering you met a vampire moments ago whom we are doing our damnedest to save?”

  Again they shared a look.

  “He’s probably just an immortal,” Jordan said. “We only have your word that he’s a vampire.”

  Seth motioned to the room in which they stood. “Look around you.”

  Both surveyed the high-tech infirmary.

  “Amongst the thousands of humans who work with us are brilliant doctors and scientists who are learning everything they can about this virus in an attempt to find a cure for it. They’re seeking ways to prevent and reverse the madness it causes in humans. They’re also hoping they will eventually be able to manufacture a vaccine that will render humans immune to the virus in the future. Give them samples of your blood and they will show you that your DNA is far more complex than that of ordinary humans. Watch them take a sample of Cliff’s blood and you will see the difference. Cliff is a vampire, not an immortal. And humans do help us.”

  Boots thudded in the hallway outside.

  “I still call bullshit,” Jordan muttered stubbornly.

  Seth smiled. “Wait for it…”

  Chris Reordon strode through the doorway.

  Both newcomers glanced over at him.

  Chris studied them with shrewd eyes. “Jordan Moore and Liora Duran.” He smiled up at Seth. “Excellent. Congratulations on rescuing two more.”

  He nodded. “Gershom has filled their heads with lies, so they aren’t here of their own accord.�

  Chris snorted. “No big surprise there.” He turned to the immortals. “Hi. I’m Chris Reordon. It’s good to finally meet you. We’ve been looking for you ever since we realized you both were missing. I run things here at the East Coast division of the network. I know it sucks that Gershom has lied to you and manipulated you, but we’re here to help you get things straightened out.”

  Liora stared at him. “You’re human.”

  “Yes, I am.” Chris sent Seth a questioning look.

  He shrugged. “Gershom has convinced them that we kill humans because we think they are inferior, so neither believed me when I told them humans actually work with us to help us protect humanity.”

  Chris’s eyebrows flew up. “Didn’t they see the cleanup crew?”

  Seth shook his head. “We left before the driver parked the van.”

  Chris turned back to the newcomers. “You think immortals don’t like humans?”

  Neither responded.

  Smiling, he shook his head. “Then staying here is really going to blow your minds. You hear all those voices?” He pointed upward to the four subterranean floors above them and the one floor topside on which hundreds of conversations currently took place. “Those are all humans, with a few gifted ones thrown in.” He jerked a thumb toward the doorway. “There are more out in the hallway. Immortal Guardians are the good guys, so we humans want to do everything we possibly can to help them. And to help you, too, since you’re both immortals.” He glanced at Seth. “Do they know they’re immortals?”

  “They do now.”

  Chris turned back to them. “If you have any doubts about that, our doctors can clear them up. You can watch them do the blood work yourselves. Until then, I’d like to get you settled. Follow me, please.” He turned to leave.

  Seth motioned for Jordan and Liora to follow Chris, and they did so, shoulders stiff, faces grim. Both believed Chris would lead them to prison cells or the like.

  Out in the hallway, they scowled at the many network guards present. All were clearly human. All issued Seth nods of respect.

  “Gentlemen,” Seth greeted them.

  Jared leaned against the desk down by the elevators and gave them a little wave of greeting.

  Chris headed to one of the new studio apartments. Swiping a card, he typed a code into the keypad, unlocked the heavy door, and led them inside. “Are you two a couple?”

  Liora frowned. “What?”

  “Are you a couple?” He closed the door, which sealed with a thunk. “Would you like to stay together or have separate apartments?”

  “Together,” Jordan immediately responded.

  Chris looked at the woman. “Liora?”

  She glanced at Jordan. “Together.”

  Seth read their thoughts. The two weren’t a couple, but believed they would have a better chance of escaping if they remained with each other.

  Chris met Seth’s gaze. Clearly he’d drawn the same conclusion without reading their thoughts.

  Seth nodded.

  “Okay,” Chris said. “Then welcome home. I tried to make the place as comfortable as possible for you. I’ll have extra food brought in for the kitchen since there will be two of you instead of one. More towels and bath products, too. If you need anything else, just pick up the phone there.” He motioned to a white landline phone that only had one button instead of the usual number pad. “It’s a direct line to my office. If you change your mind at any time and would like separate living quarters, just give me a ring. If you feel like chatting, there are half a dozen vampires living here. They’ll hear you through the walls, and chatting might help alleviate their boredom. I know you guys are listening, so go ahead and say hello.”



  “Hey, man. How’s it goin’?”


  “Hi. I’m Stewart. Welcome to the network. And for the woman, I’m totally open to dating if you don’t mind there being a little insanity in my future. You’ll find I’m a lot hotter than the other guys.”

  “Come on, man.”


  “Stop kidding yourself. I’m way hotter.”

  Liora stared at Seth.

  He shrugged. “If any of them interest you, you are welcome to date them, but”—his voice turned stern as he slid the wall a look—“they will not in any way pressure you or sexually harass you or they will answer to me. Understood, boys?”

  “Yes, sir,” the vampires chorused.

  “Good. Liora and Jordan have been through tough times. Both were kidnapped and held by Gershom.”

  “I hate that asshole,” Stewart grumbled. “When he blew up the front of the damned building and sent those vampires in to attack, they killed a lot of good men and women.”

  “Yeah,” another grumbled. “Fuck Gershom.”

  Surprised, Seth quieted for a moment. He didn’t know why he had never considered that the vampires who resided there might have grown attached to the many men and women they heard converse yet never met in person. But apparently they had.

  “Thank goodness the day care is off-site,” another vampire murmured, “or they would’ve killed the children, too.”

  Liora and Jordan looked more confused than ever.

  “It’s all right,” Seth assured them. “We’ll go over that once you’ve rested. Please, do not try to escape. Doing so would prove futile. Jared, the immortal down the hallway with the human guards, is as ancient as I am and can subdue you with a thought. Should you wish to talk to me, ask him to summon me. Bastien and Melanie are two more immortals who spend much of their time here as well. You met Bastien earlier. Dr. Melanie Lipton is his wife. She will likely want to draw some blood and ensure Gershom has not drugged you. She can also prove to you that you are indeed immortal and not vampire if you wish.”

  “Monster” began to play.

  Seth drew his cell phone from his pocket. He frowned when he saw it was not an immortal calling but a Second. “Yes?”

  “Seth,” Thomas cried. “Oren is down. Michele is, too. I think Michele might be slipping into stasis. I’ve never seen so many vampires attack at once!”

  Seth looked at Liora and Jordan. “My apologies. I must go. Do not harm Chris.” Confident that Reordon could take care of himself, he teleported to Toronto.

  Chris nodded at Liora and Jordan. “You should listen to him.”

  Jordan exchanged a look with Liora, then darted forward in a blur and locked Chris in a choke hold. “Open the door.”

  Chris brought up one hand to clutch the immortal’s forearm while he unobtrusively tucked the other in his pocket. Withdrawing an EpiPen-like auto-injector, he flipped the cap up and jabbed the needle into Jordan’s thigh.

  Jordan jerked. A couple of seconds later, his hold loosened as he began to weave on his feet.

  Chris calmly slipped out of his arms and watched the man collapse to the floor.

  Liora gaped. “What did you do?” Rushing forward, she knelt beside the unconscious immortal. “Jordan?” She patted his cheek. “Jordan!”

  Chris tucked the auto-injector, which she hadn’t noticed, back in his pocket. “It’s okay. He isn’t dead. He’s just going to sleep for a bit.”

  She stared up at him. “How did you do that? You’re human.”

  He shrugged. “While he’s out, let me ask you again: Do you want to stay here or would you prefer to have your own apartment? I wanted to ensure Jordan wasn’t pressuring you into staying with him.”

  “I want to stay here. With Jordan.”

  “Okay. I’d like to ask you to step into the bathroom with me for a moment so I can speak to you privately without the vampires listening in. All bathrooms here at network headquarters are soundproof.”

  She eyed him warily.

  “Please,” he said. When she didn’t move, he sighed and withdrew the auto-injector. “I sedated him.”

  “Drugs don’t affect us.”

  “This one does. I’d prove it, but that
would be counterproductive. If you come with me, I promise I will keep my hands in your sight at all times so you won’t have to worry about my sedating you, too. But be forewarned, if I don’t walk out of this room in the next ten minutes, Jared will come check on me and you will be no match for him.”

  Brow furrowing, she rose and hesitantly followed him into the bathroom.

  Chris closed the door and turned to face her, his hands still raised. “Can you tell me in what kind of conditions you’ve been kept since Gershom kidnapped you?”

  “Gershom didn’t kidnap me. That immortal Aidan did. Gershom rescued me from him.”

  “No, he didn’t. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Gershom can shape-shift. He’s been taking Aidan’s form and kidnapping women for months. You’ll come to realize that eventually. Until then…” He spoke gently. “I don’t know what you’ve been subjected to all this time, if Gershom kept you at his side, if he had you stay with Jordan, or if he locked you in a room full of male vampires. And I apologize if asking this will make you feel uncomfortable, but please know I’m only asking out of concern for you. Were you sexually assaulted while in his care?”

  Her eyes widened. “No.”

  “I don’t know you, so I can’t tell if that denial was genuine or a knee-jerk reaction because you want me to mind my own business. But if you were sexually assaulted, Dr. Lipton can examine you and make sure you’re okay. I know you heal quickly and aren’t vulnerable to STDs, so physically your body should be fine. But I’d still feel better if she gave you a clean bill of health. We also have therapists on hand with whom you may speak if you’ve suffered trauma. Anything you need, Liora, we wish to provide. We just want you to be well.”

  She stared at him. “I wasn’t sexually assaulted.”

  “Okay.” Chris was only partially relieved, however. When he left Liora, he intended to ask Jared to delve into her mind and search for any buried memories that would indicate Gershom had been sexually assaulting her without her knowledge. Chris hadn’t mentioned that fear to Seth but thought it a possibility they should investigate. They needed to be aware of the full extent of Gershom’s vicious mindset. “I’m sorry you’re having to deal with all of this. I know Seth holds himself responsible, but watching over gifted ones falls under my purview as well. I sincerely apologize for not keeping you safe.”


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