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Love's Fury (Immortal Ireland Book 2)

Page 9

by Kristen Cobb

  Kaelan and the beautiful man’s opponent looked her way when they noticed the disturbingly handsome warrior’s distraction. She wore the altered version of men’s clothing that Marta created for her, this particular outfit so deep a blue it appeared almost black. The sword with the green ball embedded in the hilt was strapped to her back, dagger in the pocket on her thigh. What would they think of her appearance?

  The stunning warrior watched her with a grin on his face. He did not appear bothered by her attire at all. Sliding the sword back into the sheath at his back he held out his hand. “Ronan. You must be my brother’s wife, Nessa. Father told us all about you.”

  Placing her hand in Ronan’s Nessa could not pry her gaze from his face. After shaking Ronan’s hand she forced herself to look at his opponent. A slightly rounded face topped with short brown hair framed brown eyes. Nothing about this man could ever be called anything other than average. He bore a slight resemblance to Kaelan but somehow features that were magnificently striking on Kaelan became nothing special on this man. Although smaller than either Kaelan or Ronan he did however appear to be quite strong.

  Holding out his hand Ronan’s opponent grinned. “Eanna, and do not worry, I am used to that reaction when people meet me at the same time as my brother.”

  All three men kept their facial hair trimmed short. That was about the only true resemblance between Conri and his brothers. Other than his body itself Ronan looked nothing like Kaelan. Conri and Kaelan’s features combined to create a masculine sort of appeal. Ronan’s facial features were soft with an almost surreal beauty. Blonde hair flowed down to his bare shoulders. Blue eyes so light she had no idea what to compare them too, having never seen their like. His lips were Kaelan’s now that she looked closely, full and sensual, the very image of Conri’s.

  Her husband was taller and larger of build than either of his brother’s or his father, probably coming from Ciaran. Although very thin Conri’s grandfather possessed a great deal of height compared to most people. If the man did anything that could be considered strenuous activity he probably would have been quite large, much like Conri.

  Nessa wanted to deny being struck by Ronan’s beauty, likely a useless endeavor. “Was it that obvious?”

  Eanna’s instantaneous smile put her immediately at ease. “It always is.” Eanna put an arm around her shoulders, steering her toward the table. “My father tells me you are not eating or sleeping. I do believe we can remedy one of those right now.”

  Nessa allowed Eanna to lead her over to the table. Sitting across from Kaelan she had no intention of consuming a single bite until the smell of roasted beef reached her nose.

  After slipping his sword back in its sheath Eanna took a seat next to her on the bench. Ronan plopped his lithe body down next to his father, pulling a dagger from his belt he immediately speared a slice of beef.

  Eanna used his dagger to place two large slices of beef on her plate. After adding a slice of bread and a wedge of cheese he began serving himself. “You must keep up your strength. My brother will need you when we find him.”

  They already called Conri their brother. It made her feel as though she were among family. The emptiness of the hall felt rather eerie though. “Where is everyone? You cannot be the only people that live here.”

  Eanna filled her goblet with water. “They are all out trying to gather information about Declan and his men.”

  “All of them?” She was shocked that so many would be willing to help, although she really had no idea how many people all equated to.

  “Everyone who is currently living here. The mortal women who cook and clean for us are still here.” Eanna finally dug into his own food, popping a small square of cheese into his mouth.

  Nessa used her fingers to hold down the slices of meat on her plate and cut them in half. Spearing one of the halves she used her dagger to place it on the slice of bread. She considered taking a bite then decided against it. “You have mortals who come here?”

  Kaelan was busy filling his plate with food as he answered. “We work together with the mortals in a kind of barter system that benefits us all. Starving yourself will not help my son by the way.”

  “I am doing exactly nothing to help your son!” Nessa pushed the plate away in frustration. “Why am I just sitting here when I could be out there searching for him?” Kaelan wound up the target of her wrath for ordering her to stay put.

  “For the same reason Eanna and Ronan are here. The instant someone returns with information we need to leave. If I am remembering correctly there were at least eight men who left with Declan. They are all immortals, for lack of a better term, and therefore more difficult to kill. They could also have mortals with them. I would rather not have to fight them all on my own. I will need all three of you to make certain we can defeat them and ensure Conri’s safety in the process. That means at least one of us will need to guard Conri while the other three are fighting. That leaves three or more men for each of us to battle even if I have all three of you with me. I need you to eat and I need you to sleep. I need you to be ready to fight for my son. Can you do that?” No jagged edges of anger accompanied Kaelan’s voice, only a calm explanation of the relevant facts. He believed they would find Conri. Kaelan reached across the table, pushing the plate of food back toward her.

  Nessa nodded, looking down at the slice of meat and bread. Picking it up she took a bite and slowly chewed. If Kaelan believed then so would she. He made a valid point. If she were half dead when they found Conri what good would she be. More than anything she wanted to kill the men who took him. Tearing off another bite of beef and bread with her teeth she imagined herself decapitating each one of them. Her eyes glowing bright green with fury would be the last sight any of them would see.

  She ate everything Eanna put on her plate. In that time Ronan managed to devour two plates full of food. Nessa watched him eyeing the last three slices of meat on the platter. She had never seen anyone eat so much so fast.

  Ronan grinned, motioning toward the platter of meat. “After you dear sister. I am quite certain you will need to build up your strength if you expect to lift that big, heavy sword.” The sparkle in his eyes and the slight grin indicated he was teasing.

  Struck again by how quickly they accepted her as family Nessa grinned back at Ronan. “You will need more than those slices of meat if you expect to beat me.”

  Eanna leaned over, kissing the top of her head. “Finally a woman that is not rendered completely speechless by my brother’s beauty.”

  Nessa could not keep the smile from spreading across her face. This is exactly what a family should feel like. Although highly unlikely that Ronan and Eanna had the same mother since they looked nothing alike they still acted like family, calling each other brother.

  Ronan took one last longing look at the three slices of roasted beef on the platter then stood up. “I cannot allow such a challenge to go unanswered.” Ronan pulled his sword from its sheath, moving toward the open area in front of the hearth where he battled Eanna. Standing with legs braced slightly apart Ronan looked over at her grinning. The man apparently enjoyed fighting.

  Nessa’s first thought was that Conri would like Ronan. Thoughts of Conri always sobered her mood these days. It must have showed on her face because the grin disappeared from Ronan’s face as he walked over to her.

  “That was inconsiderate of me. I am sorry. I…”

  Nessa laid a hand on Ronan’s arm. “You were not being inconsiderate. I was merely thinking about how much Conri would like you if he were here.”

  “Will like me. We are bringing my brother home where he should have been all along.” Ronan looked into her eyes as he said the words.

  Nessa stood up, pulling her sword from its sheath, smiling at Ronan. She would never forget the kindness of these men during the most trying time of her life. “Did you grow up here?” Nessa moved toward the empty space in front of the hearth.

  “Yes.” Ronan followed beside her.

nbsp; “Can you change form?” Nessa stepped back a bit, watching Ronan spin the hilt of his sword in his hand.

  “Yes.” Ronan’s eyes watched her intently for any sudden moves.

  “And your brother?” Nessa waited patiently for Ronan to make his move. Ronan was an excellent swordsman. His moves while fighting Eanna had been effortless and graceful. She did not feel at all confident about possessing the skill to handle him. Conri would be a much more appropriate opponent for Ronan.

  “No. Are we going to fight or talk?” The fire in the hearth cast red and orange light across Ronan’s bare upper body, slashes of corded muscle creating an almost chiseled look to his torso.

  “One more question. You are not mortal are you?” Nessa smiled, knowing her next comment would get the fight started. She felt fairly certain neither Eanna nor Ronan were mortal. They had been fighting like two men completely unconcerned about inflicting a deadly wound.

  “No.” Ronan’s brow furrowed just a bit at her question.

  “Good, because Kaelan would undoubtedly be upset if I killed one of his sons by accident.” Nessa laughed at the look of mock outrage on Ronan’s face.

  Ronan’s sword, held in his right hand, quickly came at her from the left.

  Gathering in a small amount of power Nessa easily blocked his blow. Holding position she waited for him to make another move.

  Ronan stepped back, coming at her from above.

  Meeting his sword just above her head she was forced to take in more power to keep his weapon from reaching her, suddenly wishing she’d gone on the offensive rather than baiting him. Deciding to do just that she attempted to step back.

  Ronan’s sword came down at her again the very instant she attempted to take a step in retreat. Blocking the blow from above again would put her in an awkward position. Quickly stepping aside she managed to elude the downward swing of Ronan’s weapon. Unfortunately this was not a position from which she could launch an offensive strike.

  “Stop!” Kaelan’s voice shocked them both. He stood up, walked over to them and looked straight at her. “Why are you not using the power at your disposal.”

  “I am.” She felt like a child being scolded.

  “Then how is it that Ronan already has you beat?” Kaelan continued staring at her, waiting for an answer.

  “If I try to collect too much power I have a difficult time controlling it. I did not think going on the offensive…”

  Kaelan shook his head, a frustrated look on his face, holding out his hand for her sword.

  Handing Kaelan her sword Nessa stepped out of the way.

  Kaelan put himself in the same position she had been in. “Come at me exactly as you did Nessa.”

  Ronan quickly raised his sword, swinging down at Kaelan.

  In the blink of an eye Kaelan’s body flipped over Ronan’s head, clear of the weapon’s arch, landing squarely on his feet. Once securely on the other side of his son Kaelan went on the offensive, swinging the sword down at Ronan’s shoulder.

  Ronan pivoted around to face his father, falling to his knees as he turned. She nearly held her breath watching Ronan lift his sword just in time to block his father’s powerful blow. Now Ronan was the one left in an awkward position.

  Kaelan walked over holding out her sword hilt first as if nothing out of the ordinary just happened.

  Wrapping her hand around the hilt of the weapon she stared at him in awe. “How did you do that?”

  “You need to embrace the power and learn how to use it. Stop fighting what should come naturally.” Kaelan sat down on the end of the bench facing them. “Again.” He motioned for her to join Ronan in front of the hearth. It was not a request.

  TOMORROW WOULD BE ONE WEEK, the amount of time she gave Declan to reveal Conri’s location. Receiving no word from Glenna or Etain left her to assume Declan still refused to concede defeat.

  She had a choice to make, bond with Declan or wait and continue allowing Kaelan’s people to search for information. Out on her balcony staring at the ocean, listening to the waves batter the rocky shoreline in the bright afternoon sun she wondered if Conri would ever stand here with her.

  He had a family most people could only dream of and did not even know it. After a long discussion the other night Kaelan agreed it would be unfair for everyone to turn his son away. Conri deserved to know his father and brothers. They were wonderful people and could provide him with a permanent home. Her husband deserved that more than anyone she ever met.

  Unfortunately that would leave her with nowhere to go when she broke his heart pretending to be in love with Rory, the only person like family to him for all these years. Nothing about this situation could be considered even remotely fair.

  Another option began to form in her mind. What if she could convince Conri to remain here at Killala? Ronan, Eanna, and Kaelan would certainly agree to help ensure his safety. Conri could theoretically be guarded all of the time without even realizing it. She knew without asking that his father and brothers would cooperate.

  The last few days were spent training with Ronan, Kaelan, and Eanna. Kaelan was a demanding teacher. If someone received a serious injury he simply healed the wound using his powers then said try it again. Exhaustion and exhilaration battled for emotional dominance most days. She had so much to learn. Right now Conri’s father spent a lot of time teaching her how to use her powers while fighting.

  The door leading into her chamber from the hallway opened with a bang, slamming against the wall. Ronan strode purposefully across the room straight out to the balcony, an uncharacteristic intensity on his face. “Time to go sister.”

  “You know where he is?” She had never seen Ronan look so serious, even while fighting.

  “There is a mortal northeast of here staying with relatives. He is telling stories of men that cannot be killed, brutal men that are terrorizing anyone unlucky enough to be caught in their path. That sounds like our boys. The mortal’s daughter knows where they live.”

  Kaelan’s assessment of the situation proved accurate. Conri’s captors left a trail of violence. What that meant for her husband she hated to even consider. Grabbing her sword off the bed Nessa followed Ronan out of the room.

  A WATTLE and daub thatch roofed cottage on a farm in the middle of nowhere came into view as they slowed the horses to a trot. Most would consider it a less than desirable destination. Nessa saw it as a shining castle made of gold and jewels sparkling brightly in the darkness. The people inside had information that could help find Conri. Her heart beat faster as they moved closer.

  The moon shone bright tonight providing plenty of light. Small plumes of smoke billowed out through the thatch roof and what appeared to be a door made of bundled sticks.

  An outcast named Aidan led them here. She knew nothing else about him other than his appearance, tall and thin with red hair and blue eyes. There would be time to thank him later. Every moment that passed increased the risk Conri would be dead by the time they found him.

  Riding up behind Aidan, on Ronan as a horse, Nessa took a deep calming breath. They were so close now. Eanna riding Kaelan fell in right beside her. Quickly dismounting they both headed toward the cottage.

  Aidan’s voice stopped them almost immediately. “I think Nessa should speak to the girl alone. She seems terrified of men.” Aidan slid off his horse’s back, looking directly at Eanna. “Your presence will likely keep her from talking. Right now the daughter is the only one who knows where Declan’s men are but she is frightened and refusing to go back. The father is willing to help but does not actually know their location.”

  Eanna nodded without argument. “I will try to find some water for the horses before we head out. My father and Ronan will remain in their current form rather than risk changing in front of the mortals.”

  Eanna looked into her eyes for a moment before leading all three horses away. Kaelan and Ronan followed without any further direction necessary. Eanna made a nickering sound at Aidan’s horse while tapping him
on the flank. The beast followed behind Aidan submissively.

  Eanna carried his father’s sword as well as his own, a bag with Kaelan’s clothing slung across his upper body. Nessa currently possessed Ronan’s clothing and sword. When they found Conri stealth would be necessary for success. Horses could make noise, alerting Conri’s captors to their presence. Aidan and the girl would ride away before the rescue even began, leaving only Kaelan, Ronan, Eanna, and herself.

  Apparently Ronan could turn into any creature he wanted. He explained it as a fortunate inheritance because his father was an ancient. She found it odd that neither Conri nor Eanna could change form at all yet Ronan had abilities that rivaled the ancients, at least in this one area.

  Aidan immediately led her to the cottage, knocking gently on a door made from bundles of sticks tied together with hemp rope. They waited patiently, unsure if anyone heard. Knocking any harder seemed ill advised on a door constructed of large twigs.

  Eventually they heard voices inside the cottage and the door opened just a crack. A stream of smoke flooded out of the house along with the smell of burning wood. Slowly a man’s face became visible through the haze. A pudgy weathered face peeking out as if he could keep them at bay with the door of sticks if he decided they were unwelcome. The glow of a fire blazed behind him through the smoke.

  The man suddenly began to cough, waving his hand to clear the haze. He opened the door a bit wider to allow them entry. “Please, come in. Just a bit of smoke, nothing to worry about.”

  She followed Aidan into the house, both coughing and waving a hand back and forth in a thoroughly unproductive effort to clear a path through the smoke. The only thing she could see was a rather large fire burning in the center of the cottage. They started a fire with no hearth for ventilation. Bumping into a bench she fell across what felt like a table, cursing under her breath.


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