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Up Close and Personal

Page 19

by Kathryn Freeman

Her eyes flicked away from his and onto her bed. Her cluttered, unmade bed. ‘Crap, look at the mess.’ Immediately she began to pick up the clothes and straighten out the duvet. ‘You should have warned me you were going to seduce me tonight. I’d have made sure to tidy up first.’

  ‘Kat,’ he said heavily, tugging at her hand until she dumped what she was carrying onto a small chair. ‘I rather hoped we were going to be taking clothes off. Not tidying them up.’

  ‘Of course.’ Her eyes were too bright, her smile too wide. ‘Taking clothes off, that’s a good plan. Why don’t you start?’

  He couldn’t fathom what was happening. If she were another woman, he might have said she was nervous, but Kat, confident enough to face down a would-be assailant, wasn’t the nervous type.

  ‘Hang on a second.’ She jumped onto the bed, wriggling up until she was sitting with her back against the headboard. ‘Okay, now you can start.’

  ‘You want me to give you a private striptease show?’

  She nodded, eyes not meeting his. ‘Do you need music? I can go and get my phone.’

  She started to move but he stepped up to the bed, blocking her way, afraid if she left, she’d never come back. ‘I don’t need music.’

  ‘Okay, good.’ She drummed her fingers against her thigh. ‘I could hum, if you like? Or whistle. I’m pretty good at whistling.’

  She was nervous, he realised with a shock. ‘I think I can manage without the musical accompaniment.’

  ‘Right.’ She folded her arms and rested them on her raised knees. ‘Whenever you’re ready.’

  Smiling, he slowly shook his head and went to sit on the bed in front of her. ‘What happened to the woman I kissed downstairs?’ He searched her eyes. ‘Has she changed her mind? Because it’s okay if she has.’

  ‘No.’ Her voice was reassuringly firm. ‘Definitely not. I mean, Debs is away, I’m not your bodyguard anymore. You’re … you know, you. No way am I changing my mind.’ She waved a hand towards him. ‘You should take your shirt off.’

  He worked hard to keep his shape, and one of the benefits of that was he was comfortable in his skin, so he quickly undid the buttons and shrugged off the shirt. His reward was in the way her tongue crept out to lick her lips; a gesture he thought was totally unconscious.

  ‘Can I touch?’ Her eyes bounced up to his.

  In reply he clasped her hand and placed it on his chest, as he’d done earlier. He knew she could feel the way his heart began to thump harder, reacting to her touch.

  ‘My turn.’ He nodded to her T-shirt. ‘That needs to come off.’

  She bit down on her lip again. ‘Now?’

  He laughed softly. ‘Yes, now. I want to see you, Kat. I want to touch you.’

  ‘Okay.’ But she didn’t move, just kept her hand on his chest, her fingers moving across his skin, leaving a tingle of excitement wherever they touched.


  ‘What if you’re disappointed?’ The words came out in a rush. ‘I know I shouldn’t think like that. I mean I work out, so I’m in good shape, it’s just … it’s just it’s a different sort of shape to what you’re probably used to.’

  ‘Look at me, Kat. Look into my eyes. What are they saying?’

  Her gaze flicked up to his but then settled back again to where her fingers touched his chest. ‘I don’t know, I’m too chicken to look into them right now.

  ‘Then feel my heartbeat.’ He pressed her hand further against his skin. ‘What’s that telling you?’

  ‘It’s jumping, like it would if you were scared. Or maybe nervous.’

  ‘Or?’ he prompted, moving her other hand further down so it was touching his abs. Instantly his heart rate kicked up a gear.

  ‘Or you like me touching you,’ she whispered, finally raising her eyes to his.

  He smiled straight into those twin dark pools. ‘I more than like you touching me, Kat. I need you to touch me. And I need to touch you, too. Please?’

  Finally, she seemed to relax a little. ‘Please, I like that.’

  ‘I’ll beg if it helps.’

  She rolled her eyes. ‘No begging needed.’

  In a flash she removed her top, leaving him starting at a pair of perfectly sized breasts in a plain black bra. He slipped a finger beneath one of the cups and tugged gently. ‘Can I?’

  ‘Knock yourself out. I mean, not literally, but you know, go for it.’

  He’d had romantic preludes to sex, frantic ones, but never anything like this. Never anything that had felt so real. A twist of his wrist and the bra fell onto the duvet. ‘Christ, Kat.’ His gaze swept appreciatively across her naked breasts and up to her eyes, which looked achingly vulnerable. ‘You’re stunning. I hope you know that?’ His fingers brushed across the curve of her breasts, and then to her rose-pink nipples, and he drew in a sharp breath as a pulse of desire shot through him.

  She touched him again. ‘I can feel your muscles quivering.’

  ‘They’re enjoying your touch. I’m enjoying your touch.’

  She smiled, a hint of mischief to it now. ‘Time to see if the rest of you passes muster. Trousers off.’

  ‘And she’s back.’ When she frowned at him, he smirked. ‘The bossy Kat Parker I know left for a while, but now, thank God, she’s back.’

  ‘You like me bossy?’

  Hurriedly he yanked off his trousers before pulling her down so she was lying on her back. Then he bent to kiss her. ‘Bossy, argumentative, untidy … it doesn’t seem to matter. I more than like you.’ He kissed her again, deeper, for longer. ‘I’m falling for you.’

  He felt her stiffen, but he ignored it and kept kissing her until her body grew pliant again.

  Chapter 23

  Kat was lost in the happy bubble that was Zac and his incredible mouth. She couldn’t ever recall kissing being so erotic, so mind blowing. Add to that the touch of his hands on her breasts, the feel of his hard, muscular length all the way along her body. The luxurious smell of his cologne.

  ‘These need to come off.’

  She felt his hand dip into the waistband of her leggings and bugger it, that small distraction, that loss of his mouth on hers, was all it took for the nerves to jangle again.

  ‘It’s been years,’ she blurted, holding onto his wrist, stopping him from peeling her leggings any further. ‘Lots of years. Too many years. I might have seized up down there.’ She made the mistake of looking into his eyes, and oh my God there was so much going on in those brilliant green orbs. Desire, concern, affection. Hints of something deeper. I’m falling for you. His husky whisper from earlier floated through her mind and she slammed her eyes closed. It was all too much. ‘I’ve probably forgotten what to do.’ She was going to start babbling, she could feel it. ‘Is there an instruction manual I should look at, you know, just to remind me again? I don’t want this to be a rubbish experience. I mean obviously you won’t be rubbish, it’s just—’

  ‘Kat.’ Her eyes fluttered open, and immediately she felt herself drowning in swirls of green and burnt orange. His lips found hers again and it was as if that was all the connection she needed to turn her brain off.

  This time he kept his mouth on hers as he drew the rest of her clothes off. By the time he finally slipped on a condom and eased his way inside her, she was too far gone to worry.

  He let out a deep, guttural groan as he began to slowly pump his hips. ‘You feel incredible.’ The smile he gave her was both wicked and sensual. ‘And I can confirm nothing has seized up. Everything,’ he thrust again, making her shudder, ‘everything is in perfect working order.’ Another thrust, followed by a groan of pure male satisfaction. ‘Absolutely perfect.’

  Gradually his hips began to increase their pace, and desire, hot and frantic, began to claw at her, building until she wasn’t sure who was groaning now, him or her. ‘I …’ His scorching mouth captured her words, her breath. ‘Oh God, I …’ Another wave hit her, and she dug her fingers into his hips, feeling herself coming undone.

then she fell over the cliff, dimly aware of him following her.


  ‘Hey there.’ Kat blinked, and when she turned onto her side, she found herself staring into a pair of amused green eyes. ‘Looks like I’ve finally found a way to shut you up.’

  It was hard to focus on talking when her limbs felt like overcooked tagliatelle, and the man she was staring at, with his mussed hair and crooked smile, was so flaming sexy. ‘You think?’

  ‘Of course, I can’t be absolutely certain, until I give it another go.’

  She experienced a bump of delight at the thought of doing it again. ‘The instruction manual wasn’t needed then.’

  His fingers reached across to caress her face and she almost purred. ‘Why has it been so long?’ he asked softly.

  ‘Ah.’ Time to regret the earlier meltdown. Now she’d left herself wide open to a series of questions she really didn’t want to answer. ‘If I tell you that, will you tell me whatever it is you’re keeping from me, because I know there’s something.’

  Slowly his hand dropped to his side. ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘I was there at your parents’ house, Zac. I met your brother and sister. I know you have secrets, and that’s fine, of course you do. It’s not like we’re in a relationship, I don’t need to know your personal stuff.’ She looked him straight in the eye. ‘But that goes both ways.’

  He let out a deep sigh and flopped onto his back. ‘I’m not asking about your family life, Kat. I’m asking about your romantic history. You know mine.’

  ‘The job makes it hard to have any sort of private life.’

  Still on his back, he angled his head towards her, his expression clearly telling her the answer was a cop out. Well, tough. The more she shared, the more vulnerable she became, and she wasn’t risking that for a man still clutching hard to his own secrets.

  ‘According to Hollywood, bodyguards are always jumping into bed with their clients.’

  ‘According to Hollywood, the world is protected by men either dressed as a spider, wearing an iron suit or wielding a big hammer.’ She could see he was annoyed, and she didn’t want him to be. This man had just magically, and patiently, made love to her. ‘I’ve already told you, I’ve never kissed a client. Until you.’

  He shifted so he was facing her once more. ‘What about an ex-client?’

  ‘Jeez, Zac, same answer. Only you.’

  She marvelled that he was so bothered by the thought of her with other men. Was he really starting to fall for her, like he’d said? If so, this was more dangerous than she’d thought. She didn’t want to lead him on, to give him any reason to think there was more between them than simmering sexual chemistry and mutual like and respect. There couldn’t be anything more, because she couldn’t go through all that again.

  You hated seeing him kiss on set.

  You kissed him even when he was your client.

  A shudder ran through her. God, was she falling for him, too?


  Zac watched Kat’s lithe, toned body tremble. ‘Hey, what’s wrong?’ Concerned, he wrapped his arms around her, changing their positions so she lay against his side, her head on his chest, her soft hair brushing against his chin.

  ‘I just felt a chill.’

  She was evading, just as he’d done when she’d asked, yet again, if he knew of anyone who wanted to kill him. He didn’t though, not really. He had a fear, yes, but no evidence to back it up. Nothing to suggest it wasn’t simply wild paranoia.

  She was right about him hiding things from her though, and by not opening up, he wasn’t helping convince her that what they had was more than sex. More than the fling he knew was all she planned. For the first time in his life, Zac wanted that more. He needed time with her before he could dump his life history on her though. Time for her to see him for who he was, without the gloss of fame. Or the tarnish of the past.

  Drawing in a breath, he kissed the top of her head, catching a faint smell of her coconut shampoo. ‘I can recommend something to warm you up.’

  He felt her smile against his skin. ‘I thought you might, but am I going to like it? Because right now I’m thinking food, preferably something with a bit of heat, like a curry.’ Her stomach gave a little rumble, making her laugh. ‘Oh God, that is so not sexy. I’m lying in bed with a naked Zac Edwards and my stomach is making “feed me” noises.’

  ‘I was thinking more along the lines of you taking a hot shower. With me. But we can go with the curry if you prefer.’ If she chose the latter, he wasn’t sure his ego would ever recover.

  She propped herself up on her elbow. ‘So let me get this straight. You’re asking me to choose between taking a shower with you, or a chicken jalfrezi.’

  ‘It doesn’t have to be a jalfrezi. We could opt for something milder. Like a korma.’

  She screwed up her face. ‘A korma isn’t a curry. It’s got no spice, no flavour. It’s bland, boring, tasteless goo.’

  ‘You’ll find I’m less bothered about the attack on my favourite curry, than I am about the fact we’re discussing curry at all.’


  ‘Yes, ah.’ He tried to remove all trace of neediness from his voice. ‘Have you dismissed the shower idea?’

  ‘I wouldn’t say I’ve dismissed it.’ She sat up, dragging the duvet with her so he was deprived of the sight of her naked breasts.

  ‘So taking a shower with me isn’t unacceptable. It’s just not as desirable as a chicken vindaloo.’ Perhaps that would be his new tagline, he thought gloomily. The film star not quite as desirable as a chicken vindaloo.

  ‘Chicken jalfrezi,’ she corrected. ‘The vindaloo takes my head off.’ He was about to remark he wasn’t sure whether that made the comment better or worse, when she burst out laughing. Proper, belly laughing. ‘Oh my God, look at your face. You don’t seriously think I’d rather eat a curry than have a shower with Zac Edwards and all his rippling muscles, do you?’

  He’d rather hoped she wanted the shower with him, not the celebrity version of him, but considering a moment ago he’d believed he’d been beaten by a curry, perhaps he should count his blessings. Besides, this awful insecurity he’d just developed was of his own making. He’d been the one to spill his feelings, to tell her he was falling for her. Now, guess what, he’d left himself vulnerable to second guessing her every action, her every word, for a hint that she felt more for him than simply a passing attraction.

  In cricketing parlance, he was an opening bat on a dodgy wicket who should have ducked the bouncer, but instead he’d decided to hit it for six. Now he was crossing his fingers he wouldn’t find his stumps flattened, and the umpire raising his finger.

  ‘After we shower, I’m taking you out,’ he decided as he took her hand and led her to the en suite. If she wanted that celebrity version, he’d pull out all the damn stops and give it to her. ‘And no,’ he added when he saw her hesitate. ‘You can’t stop this. I’m officially no longer in danger, and you’re officially no longer my bodyguard. Tonight, I’m in charge. I get to decide where we go, and I get to drive.’


  She’d baulked when he’d suggested she might want to wear a dress, chuntering on about how uncomfortable they were, though she’d slipped her black number on anyway. And taken his breath away.

  She’d complained when he’d snatched the Jeep keys off her, though she’d let him open the passenger door for her and only winced once on the drive into London.

  When he’d pulled up outside The Ivy and given the keys to the valet though, she’d not said a word. Nor had she spoken when he’d taken her hand as they were escorted to the dining room, with its signature harlequin stained-glass windows, and to a discrete private booth.

  And as they sat reading the menus, her head remained down, her eyes not meeting his.

  ‘You’re very quiet.’

  She glanced up and gave him a weak smile. ‘I’m trying to work out what on earth a Casterbridge steak is and how it differs from one from Tesco.�

  ‘Casterbridge steak is from the West Country. The cattle are grain fed. It’s very tasty.’ Slowly he put down his menu, all the joy from the day ebbing away. ‘But that’s not what’s really on your mind, is it?’

  ‘No.’ Her neck, elegant, though she’d not thank him to point it out, moved as she swallowed.

  The waiter came over and Zac did as he hated to do and ordered for Kat. ‘Before you throw something at me,’ he told her when the man had gone, ‘I did that not because I don’t think you’re capable of making a decision on what to eat, but to get rid of him. So we could talk.’

  ‘I’m sorry.’ She sucked in a breath, her hand playing with the stem of her wine glass. ‘Places like this make me uncomfortable.’

  ‘By places like this, do you mean restaurants?’

  ‘I mean pretentious places.’

  ‘I see.’ Stung, he reached for the glass of water. ‘You don’t like my choice of venue.’

  She huffed, her eyes skimming around the room. ‘I don’t mean it like that. It’s lovely. It’s just …’ Her eyes settled on his. ‘It’s not me. Putting on a dress, sitting here with more wine glasses than I can count, and more sets of cutlery than I own. I feel like a fraud. I don’t belong here.’

  ‘Yet you look like you do.’ This time he glanced around the room. ‘You’re more gorgeous, more real, than anyone else here. You’re the only woman I see.’ It frustrated him to think she couldn’t see what he did. And it hurt that she thought he was putting on a show. ‘I came here because I wanted to take you somewhere as special as you are.’

  ‘Oh God, Zac.’ Her hand flew to her chest and he wasn’t sure of the emotion that clouded her face. Was she horrified? Touched?

  He shrugged, trying not to show how wrecked he felt. ‘It’s true.’

  Her hand reached across the table to cover his. ‘Then I thank you, truly, for the beautiful gesture.’ She smiled into his eyes. ‘For future reference though, I don’t need any of this. I’m happy sat at home with an Indian takeaway. And you.’

  The warmth from her smile lit him up inside and just like that, all was well with the world again.


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