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Color Blind (Team Red)

Page 8

by Hammond, T.

  “Hey, Pal,” Gil interrupted, “What did I do to you that you’d palm another cat off on me? I thought we were friends.”

  “Gil likes cats.” Red said simply. I relayed this to Gil.

  “Actually, I’m a dog person. The cat belonged to my ex-girlfriend. When we split up, she said she didn’t have room for the cat, so I just kept him. I like Dude, he’s pretty laid back, so it’s not a hardship.”

  Mine was not the only laughter in the room, “You have a cat named, Dude?”

  “Yeah, yeah, go ahead and tease. I didn’t name him, I just feed him kibble,” Gil explained. “Let me tell you, the name’s not the worst part. Dude is one of those munchkin cats with the short legs. He looks like a stuffed animal. Molly adores him, and carries him around in her mouth like he’s a favorite toy. Damn cat, just goes all boneless and lets Moll walk around the house with him hanging in her jaws, like a live muzzle ornament. Craziest thing I’ve ever watched.”

  “It seems to me, Red, that the only thing you can do is revel in the satisfaction of catching the cat, then you need to let her go,” I sympathized. Well, I tried to sound sympathetic, I have to say, I had no real interest in seeing him actually trap a cat.

  “Gil, since you’re here, any ideas on what we can do for the colonel’s staff?”

  “Have you asked Super Dog if he has any insights or observations?”

  “That’s an idea, but sometimes he comes up with personal stuff that may not be appropriate.”

  “Lt. Mercer is pregnant,” Red told me helpfully.

  I signed ‘woman pregnant’, to let David make the judgment call on that one. If the lieutenant was obviously showing, this news wasn’t something that everyone didn’t already know. It could also be a touchy thing to bring up if she was a single officer.

  “Lt. Mercer, Red tells us you are expecting a baby,” David said.

  “Talk about surprised,” Red told me. “She’s looking down at her belly like she’s never seen it before.”

  “Baby?” She asked, in a hushed voice. “Really?”

  “She doesn’t sound upset,” I murmured to David. “Good call.” I congratulated him on guessing she’d be okay with the news. “How did you know she wouldn’t freak out?”

  “She has been playing with her wedding band as if she wasn’t used to it being there. I assumed she is recently married,” David replied, quietly. “She looks close to thirty, so I figured it wouldn’t be a mistake if she’s pregnant.”

  “We have been trying to have a baby, but I’ve been so busy lately…” Her voice trailed off as if she were still thinking through the idea. “Oh, my gosh, I could be. Is he sure?”

  Gil answered first, “If Red says you’re pregnant, he’s probably basing it on elevated hormone levels. We haven’t really done tests to see if he can tell how far along a woman is, but he’s told us on numerous occasions that he can smell when a woman is pregnant.”

  “It’s definitely possible; although, I would have to see a doctor to confirm. Oh, wow, I hope you’re right. This would be wonderful.”

  “Congratulations,” Bas said. “If Red says it’s true, I have no doubt he’s right.” Other well wishes were echoed around the room.

  “We can play the guessing game,” I suggested. “The same one I played with Bas the first time Red and I tried to explain what we do.”

  “There’s also an option to take Red out on the deck and just tell him stuff to relay to Teresa. It’s within the thirty foot range, so she can communicate with him, even with the sliding doors closed,” Bas added.

  “How does the guessing game work?” Lt. Osborn asked. His chair squeaked slightly, leaving me with an impression he leaned forward in his chair.

  “Just walk around the room and either point at an object, or collect a few items from various locations and line them up where Red can see, and indicate which order you want him to relay the object’s name to me. If he doesn’t know the name of the object, I’ll have to ask him a few questions to narrow it down, but we will eventually figure it out.”

  I heard the lieutenant’s chair scrape out as he pushed away from the table. “I’ll collect a few things and bring them back to the table.”

  “While you’re doing that,” Lt. Mercer said, “I’ll take Red outside and chat with him for a few minutes. How long can he retain a message in his memory?”

  Gil chuckled, “I think that dog remembers everything he hears. We have found Red has a great memory, but he may not quote back verbatim. It’s not unusual for him to add side comments to what people say, so be prepared for anything.”

  Bas, David, and I joined in with Gil’s amused laughter. “He’s come up with some really interesting observations based on his interpretation of slang.”

  Bas added, “Or, because he hears what you say, but reads your body language as something else.”

  Red let me know he was accompanying Lt. Mercer outside, and I listened to the light click of his nails on the wooden floor of the dining area.

  “How often have you had to do these little demonstrations for people?” Colonel Spencer asked.

  “Not too often,” I replied. “We have less than two dozen people in the circle of friends or professionals, mostly from the police department, that know or suspect what we can do. The Team has talked about approaching the military to offer our services, but we hadn’t gotten as far as to pick out who to approach, or how to go about it.”

  “Lt. Osborne, feel free to grab an item out of a kitchen drawer or cabinet. If you want to add something from your pocket, that’s fine too,” David directed, fully confident that Red could figure it out.

  The men started speaking amongst themselves about possible military applications, all stuff we had considered when we had these discussions as a team. I sipped my coffee and tuned them out as I waited for my dog to start sending me information.

  From the deck, I could hear Red as clearly as if he were standing at my side. “Lt. Mercer is telling me she hopes she’s pregnant, and her husband, Greg, wants a girl first, then a boy. They have already picked out names. Kimberly Anne, after Greg’s mom Annalee. Lawrence Robert after each of their fathers.” I think Red sighed, then he continued, “Now she’s just going on about the wedding and the dress- Geez, Teresa, you’re not gonna get all girly like this when you and David get married, are you?”

  That brought me to attention. Married? David and Me? Not that David had asked, but I suppose I hadn’t really thought through where this relationship was going. I loved him; he was ‘it’ for me, but I had no real desire to get married. Having been raised in the State’s foster care program, I never really gave much credence to marriage after some of the dysfunctional households I’d been raised in. When we had a few minutes together, I would explain to Red that I didn’t know if marriage would ever be in my future. I wondered, briefly, what David’s expectations were. It seemed like forever, but, in actuality, we had only met four months ago. Wow, had it only been four?

  Another dramatic sigh brought me back to Red’s dialogue, “Oh, puh-leeze, save me from gushy brides,” Red’s tone was disgusted. “Now she’s going on about how cute the little flower girl, Jillian, was in her pink dress and Mary Janes. What the hell are Mary Janes?”

  I laughed softly at Red’s commentary.

  “What?” David asked, placing a kiss to my temple. “Our dog being snarky again?”

  “Yeah,” I grinned. “The lieutenant is filling his ears with the wedding details. You know how he gripes when women get all mushy and sentimental.”

  “Oh man, has he started swearing yet,” Bas asked. I heard the grin in his voice, and could picture a huge smile on his face.

  “So far, just ‘hell’, but she is only up to what the flower girl was wearing. I’m sure I’ll hear something more colorful if she…”

  “Crap!” I hear from my dog.

  “Ah, there he goes.” I tilted my head; a habit, I’m sure, as Red was talking in my head, not my ears.

  “Ring bearer, yada
yada. Dropped ring, blah blah. Oh, for Pete’s sake woman…” Red’s voice trailed off in frustration. “Teresa, I can’t stand anymore. Call me inside, please.”

  I raised my voice just enough to be heard by the two on the deck outside, “Time to come in, Red.”

  Red didn’t wait for the slider to open, I heard the plop, and swinging brush of the dog door barrier as he squeezed inside. He rushed past the dining table into the pantry.

  “I guess he thinks he deserves a dog cookie,” I said to no one in particular. Moments later, the tapping of his claws came directly back to the table and David, Bas, and Gil started laughing uncontrollably.

  “What?” I asked. I heard the sliding door open as Lt. Mercer came back into the house.

  “Thanks for saving me,” Red said. Snuggling his head up under my arm.

  “Red, just brought YOU a cookie,” David told me. Raising my knuckles to his mouth for a kiss and laying my hand on my dog’s offering.

  “Peanut butter, your favorite. I raided Ken’s stash.”

  The cookie was one of the extra-large ones that were too wide for the mouth of the cookie jar; sealed in a little lunch baggie that Ken started using after the first time I protested dog cooties on an unwrapped present from my dog. Nothing like dog drool on the baked goods to spoil the pleasure in receiving a gift. “Wow, thanks Pal.” I unsealed my treat and broke off a section for David, who snagged up the offering immediately.

  Kiss to my cheek. “Thanks, babe.”

  I broke off a second piece to hold out for Bastian, “Thanks, Loser,” he teased, snagging it from my fingers before I could withdraw my hand at his insult.

  I snapped off a smaller bite for myself and chased it with a long gulp of coffee. Perfect!

  Chapter Eight

  “… and you told him about Jillian’s pink dress and Mary Janes.” I took a sip of the newly refilled coffee mug, and to Red I said, “Mary Janes are a style of shoe with a flat heel and a strap across the top. They make them for adult women now, but it’s an old-fashioned design based on a children’s shoe. I have a pair, I can show them to you later if you really want to know.”

  “Shoe is enough explanation for me,” Red said.

  “Then you told him you and your husband want a baby girl…”

  “No,” Red interrupted, “I said Greg wants a baby girl. The lieutenant wants a boy.”

  “I stand corrected,” I grinned. “Greg wants a girl, but Red is pretty sure that you are opting for a male-child. I can recite the name choices if you still need convincing.”

  “No, thanks,” she replied, “You convinced me when you mentioned my flower girl by name. But how did the dog know I want a boy?”

  “Body language and tone of voice,” I repeated, as Red answered in my head.

  “Red, you are simply amazing,” Lt. Mercer acknowledged. “It’s so strange to think a dog can comprehend to such an extent. He got all the details correct. He even picked up on the fact I want a boy, though I don’t dare say anything to Greg; he has it in his head he wants a little mini Me.”

  “After that demonstration, it seems like overkill to do the guessing game,” Lt. Osborn said, ruefully.

  “Go ahead anyway,” Bas said. “It will get rid of any lingering doubts you might have.”

  The items were pretty straight-forward: a salt shaker from the stove top, the container of betta fish food from the kitchen counter, a paper napkin, and a can of food. “Red can’t read, so, unless there’s an identifiable picture on the label, he won’t be able to tell me what’s in it.”

  “David just whispered in my ear, it’s a can of Sloppy Joe sauce,” Red said.

  “What! Ken, you told me you made the Sloppy Joes from scratch.”

  “Oh, like you can’t hear me use the can opener every time you tell me you want Joes for lunch?” Ken snarked back at me. “Besides, I add my own secret ingredients when I cook up the meat; I only use the canned stuff for a base sauce.”

  “I have to say, I’m convinced,” Lt. Mercer admitted.

  “Yeah, I am too. I fully understand you could have the dog wired, or be using some elaborate microphone system set up to relay the answers to the guessing game; but the unexpectedness of our arrival and the colonel’s prior working relationship with you guys are my key reasons for suspending disbelief.” I’m not sure who Lt. Osborne was directing his statement to, but I suspected he was speaking to David. “What you have here, with the whole Team Red dynamic, is an unprecedented opportunity to infiltrate places we couldn’t even begin to imagine.”

  “I have to agree,” Colonel Spencer added. “I’m a believer simply because we have worked together so long, and I am more able to believe this fantastic tale, than I am to believe you and Sebastian would lie to me. Quite frankly, your and Bas’ reputations are spotless, and both of you are known for your integrity and forthright manner.” He chuckled, almost sounding giddy, “I am thrilled to be included in your circle of confidants. I can already think of a couple of things I’d like to run by your team to see if you think you can help with some tricky intel gathering.

  “We are happy to discuss anything you think we can assist with, colonel, but keep in mind that Teresa is a civilian, and she is very important to me…”

  “To us,” Bas inserted.

  “To us,” David amended. “Her safety is our main priority. We hope we can help you, but we decide our projects as a team. Bas and I insist that one or both of us accompany Teresa whenever she is working. Gil is one of our valued resources, so please be aware that he is often part of our discussions and strategy sessions. He’s a detective with the police department, and he’s earned our trust. He’s an ex-Marine, although, we have forgiven him for that one misguided decision. If he chooses to be, he will be privy to our assignments so we can take advantage of his military service experience.”

  “I appreciate that,” Gil said. “I’m sure you guys know that I’m willing to help where I can, and I’d be happy to accompany Teresa, when you’re not available, to act as her security.”

  “We’ve never really talked about it with you, Gil, but we figured we could count on you.” I felt both David and Bas shifted forward in their chairs, and I assumed they were doing the manly, fist-bump thing that guys do.

  David continued where he left off, “The team would expect payment as private contractors providing a unique, but classified service. If we are expected to travel, or if we need special gear or outfitting, or if we are away from home for an extended period of time, we will expect per diem as well as all team expenses paid.”

  “Understandable, and acceptable,” Colonel Spencer quickly agreed. “Gil, no offense, but I’d like to get a bit of background on you, due to the classified nature of some of the future projects I may discuss with the team.

  There was some movement from Gil’s chair, and I heard the click of a ballpoint pen. “Here’s my business card. On the back is the name and phone number of a person that can vouch for me.”

  There was a slight pause, as I assumed the colonel was reading the info. Without commenting on the business card, he lightly cleared his throat, “So, how do you guys feel about dancing?”

  I guess the name of Gil’s reference was good enough for the colonel.


  The mission was discussed, refined, and accepted. Fees, expenses, and travel arrangements were all hashed out. Lt. Mercer was our go-to-gal for anything we needed to arrange. With the colonel’s backing, she would handle tickets, reservations, invitations, and petty cash. It seems we were heading to San Francisco for a holiday ball in three weeks. Crap, I needed to send Ken out to buy me a gown. He may not be my personal assistant anymore, but he and Janey would get a kick out of shopping for me. Acckkk, I hated shopping when I had my eyesight, and now, as a blind woman, it was especially tedious.

  At seven-thirty, excuse me (just picture my eye roll), that would be nineteen-thirty hours, the colonel and his staff poured into Ken’s SUV for the drive back to Fairchild. Colone
l Spencer assured us that his staff, as well as Lieutenants Carpenter and Lao, would be instructed to keep the confidentiality of our home address and the existence of the basement facilities to themselves. We were officially ‘an undisclosed’ location in his report. And, Team Red was officially contracted to work for the United States government.


  We relocated to the couch and spent the next half-hour strategizing about our mission. How cool is that? We had a mission! Gil had some really great insight on how we may be able to utilize Red; and might I add, I had no idea until now, just how devious Gil was.

  It wasn’t until the guys started to talk about heading home and making plans to get together again tomorrow morning, that I bent to Red and whispered a few instructions in his ear. “Hey guys, hold up for a few minutes, would you? Red and I have something to show you.”


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