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Tempting Hatred: A Dark Bully Romance

Page 10

by Bella King

  Oliver chuckled. “Lydia, you’re a beautiful person, but I don’t exactly trust you. I can tell that you’re pissed at me, and no offense, but you would totally snitch if it meant getting out of this situation easily.”

  “You can’t keep me from calling the cops,” I said, lifting up my phone.

  Oliver’s hand shot out, wrapping around my phone and jerking it out of my hands. “Yes, I can,” he said, rolling down his window and chucking my phone out onto the freeway.

  My mouth dropped open. I couldn’t believe that he would do that. “Oliver, you better stop the fucking car right now and let me out.”

  “I can’t do that,” Oliver replied coldly. “You’re not calling the police.”

  “Okay, I won’t. Just let me go, please,” I pleaded.

  Oliver shook his head. “James would scoop you up in a heartbeat. I need to protect you.”

  “You could protect me by letting me call the police, not kidnapping me.”

  “Is that what this is?” Oliver asked, gripping the wheel angrily. I could see the color rising to his face. “You think I’m kidnapping you?”

  “You literally are,” I replied. I already missed the feeling of my phone in my hands. I felt weird without it.

  “I guess that makes me a criminal then. One more reason not to have you call the fucking cops,” Oliver spat. “We’re staying at this motel,” he said, pulling off the freeway violently.

  My ass slid a few inches in my seat as centrifugal force took effect. The turn could have been gentler, but Oliver looked like he wanted to wreck something. I just hoped he didn’t drive the truck through the motel building or something.

  “I’m thirsty,” I complained when we finally pulled into the motel parking lot. My mouth was now dry and still tasted faintly of bile.

  Oliver got out of the car and opened my door for me. Grabbing my wrist and pulling me out. “I’ll get you something in the motel,” he grumbled.

  We entered the lobby, and Oliver paid cash for the room, pulling out fresh hundreds. I wondered if those were from James. For a second, I thought that Oliver might be leading me into a trap. What if James was actually in the motel room waiting for me. I shuddered to think what he would do to me if we were locked in there alone.

  I had to trust Oliver or make a run for it. I wouldn’t make it far on my own, so I decided to stay. Besides, I didn’t think that Oliver had it in him to turn me over to James. He had just professed his love for me, after all.

  Oliver spoke briefly to the man at the front counter before retrieving the dirty keycard to the motel and leading me out roughly.

  We got to the room, where there was a cheap plastic bottle of off-brand water waiting on the counter in from of the TV. I rushed over to it, cracking open the lid in a single twist and gulping down half the contents.

  Oliver closed the door and turned the bolt, locking it shut loudly. “Nobody is leaving this room tonight,” he stated.

  “You want me to drink from the sink or something?” I asked, swirling the remaining water in the bottle around before finishing it.

  Oliver shrugged. “I don’t care where you drink from, but we’re not leaving until I’ve figured out what to do about James.”

  “We could kill him,” I said, half-serious.

  Oliver laughed. “I wish. How are we going to deal with this guy?”

  “Call the police,” I reminded him.

  Oliver let out a sigh so large that I could feel his breath from across the room. “No, because I don’t want to go to jail,” he said slowly.

  “Maybe we could catch him doing something illegal,” I suggested. “Trap him.”

  Oliver walked over to the single bed and sat down on the worn sheets. It groaned under his weight, the old metal springs clanging inside the mattress like a symphony of drunken chefs using pots and pans to make music.

  He rubbed his strong chin, the sound of stubble prickling up against his hand, ringing out into the dead silence. I walked over to him and sat down beside him, placing my hand on his thigh to think with him.

  “I know what we’re going to do,” Oliver said finally.

  I squeezed his thigh with my manicured nails, watching my fingers sink into his powerful muscles. I wanted to squeeze him so hard, drop to my knees, and suck him off in this seedy motel room for no reason other than I was fucking horny from the thrill of everything that had happened. Perhaps tonight, I would be fucking him. I had no way to know what his true intentions were.

  Oliver looked at me, nodding his head and pursing his lips. “I’m going to tell him where you live, and then we’re going to call the police if he tries to break in.”

  “Oh, so now you want to call the cops. Great,” I said sarcastically.

  Oliver laughed. “Why would I call the cops before he’s done anything illegal. I want him in jail for breaking and entering, not in court, testifying why I helped him harass and stalk you.”

  I saw his point. The crime had to be different. We wouldn’t get him on stalking charges without taking Oliver down with him. What a fucking shame that I like Oliver enough to cover his ass after everything he had put me through.

  I could talk to myself all I liked, casting guilt like a net riddled with holes, unable to catch myself in my own shame. It wouldn’t work now that I was infatuated with the massive hunk of man that sat on the bed beside me.

  Oliver sprung up off the bed. “I have a burner phone,” he said as he began to pace back and forth in front of me. “I’ll ditch it later so that I’m never found out. We’ll play stupid. You never knew that he was actually coming up here, you got it?”

  I nodded, admiring his serious face. He looked especially handsome when the lines on his forehead were creased in concentration. I had trouble focusing on what he said, but I tried anyway. I didn’t want to seem like a complete dolt in the face of such a serious situation.

  “I don’t have a lot of cash on me. I’ve converted most of it to Bitcoin. They’re not going to find anything if James tries to pull me into this,” he said.

  I nodded. “Did you already tell him where I lived?”

  “I still have to do that. He’ll probably come to campus looking for you, but if I give him your address, we can catch him if he tries anything criminal.”

  “What if he doesn’t?”

  “Then what are you worried about? If he is unwilling to break into your place then I don’t think he’s going to murder you.”

  “I hope he does break in so I can shoot the bastard,” I said, my teeth clamped down hard in my mouth. The words hissed through my lips like vapor.

  “Calm down there, Lydia. Nobody is getting shot,” Oliver said. “You won’t even be in the apartment. Neither will Mia.”

  “Fuck,” I exclaimed. “What if he comes after her?”

  Oliver stopped walking and slipped his phone out of the pocket of his jeans. “I’ll call her and tell her to come here. I’ll get her a separate room.”

  “I can sleep with her,” I said.

  “You’re sleeping with me,” he responded, not giving me room to protest.

  “Fine,” I said, acting like it would be some kind of a huge chore to share a bed with him. I was getting my wish, in a way. I had tried to do this before, but he brought me back home. This time was different.

  Chapter 22

  Oliver explained everything to Mia, who ate it up like ice cream on a summer afternoon. She loved the drama and the danger, knowing full well that she wasn’t at much risk. I was.

  Oliver got another room for her and made her sleep there for the night, keeping me locked away in the first room while he went out to talk with her. He came back in and ordered a pizza for us.

  “I’m assuming you’re hungry,” Oliver said after he hung up the phone to the pizza place.

  I nodded eagerly. It had been a while since I had some real greasy junk food. I had grown too used to the awful school dining experience. Pizza sounded like a dream right now.

  Once the pizza man arrive
d and delivered our food, Oliver and I feasted on the bed, laying across from each other as we shoved melted cheese and sauce into our hungry mouths.

  I looked up at Oliver, who had a string of cheese running from his mouth from the slice he had just taken a bite out of and giggled. “You’re a messy boy,” I teased.

  He raised an eyebrow and swallowed his bite. “I’m going to make a mess out of you if you keep talking so cute to me.”

  I blushed at his words, but it was what I wanted. I craved to have his body sober so that I could feel everything to the fullest extent. Drunk sex was great and everything, but it paled in comparison to having it sober. I wanted to feel the heat of his skin and the pain of his grip on my delicate body. I wanted him to ruin me.

  I didn’t say this, but I looked at him with seduction in my eyes. If he was going to keep me captive like this, I was at least going to enjoy myself in the process.

  Oliver took another bite of his pizza, but I was already full after two slices. The stress was killing my appetite. “I’m going to hop in the shower,” I said, springing off the bed.

  Oliver gave a nod as I went to the bathroom, still chewing on a hot slice of cheese pizza.

  I found myself shivering as I stripped off my clothes. I didn’t even have anything to wear the next day, so I tried to pile my sweaty clothes neatly on top of the toilet instead of leaving them in a crumpled mess on the dirty tile floor.

  The goosebumps on my skin didn’t go away immediately when I stepped into the steaming hot shower. The heat made them worse for a moment before they began to fade. I relaxed in the water, taking in deep breaths to calm myself.

  Everything was so crazy in my life. Everything that I didn’t know was happening behind the scenes had all come out to crash down on me and ruin my life. I had run from James long enough. It was time to take action against him.

  My hand found a bar of soap beside the sink when I reached out of the comforting heat into the cold bathroom. I quickly jerked my arm back in and moved the shower curtain back in place to shield myself from the outside world. I felt safe in this old shower.

  My safety was an illusion, just like it had been before. I was never safe with James still roaming around the free world. I didn’t wish his insanity on any other woman, but I still wished he would stop tormenting me. It was unfair to have to live your life in fear just because some asshole decides they want to make your life a living hell.

  I had Oliver to protect me, but could he really be trusted? He seemed to be on my side, and I had to accept him or be on my own. He had flaws, and he had brought me into this mess, but at the end of the day, James was the mastermind behind it all. Oliver had good reasons to take money from James. I couldn’t be that hard on him even though what he had done was clearly wrong.

  I rubbed the scentless soap in my hands, lathering it up. This stuff would probably dry out my skin, but I would be clean. I needed to clean myself up after all this. I felt disgusting.

  I rubbed the suds on my body, massaging my muscles as I moved over my shoulders and back. The soreness permeated through to my core brought on by stress and worry. I always had such physical reactions to stress.

  I didn’t wash my hair because I knew it would be a frizzy mess if I tried. I tucked my blonde strands up on top of my head and tied them in place, forming a messy bun. I rinsed myself off and stepped back out into the cold.

  I snatched a towel from the rack. There was only one in the whole bathroom, which was bad even for a shitty motel like this one. With all the money Oliver had made stalking me, he could have gotten something nicer.

  I tossed the towel over the shower rod once I was done, opening the door to the bathroom and stepping out naked, my pale body on full display for Oliver. I needed him now more than ever.

  “You’re beautiful,” he muttered as I walked toward the bed naked.

  I could feel the cool air making my nipples firm. They bounced dramatically as I climbed onto the bed, hanging down in front of me and swinging as I crawled toward him. “Pizza or pussy?” I asked him as he continued to eat.

  Oliver pushed the pizza box off the bed, tossing the contents on the dirty blue carpet. “Pussy.”

  I crawled the rest of the way over to Oliver as he stood on his knees, unbuckling his belt and sliding it off. He hit me with the leather on my ass, the slap resonating loudly in the small motel room. I grinned up at him. “Harder.”

  Oliver smirked, slapping it on my ass hard enough to sting and leave a pink mark. He tossed the belt aside and pulled his pants down, his cock springing out and growing hard before my eyes.

  All the lights in the motel were on, but they weren’t terribly bright. I was still able to see every detail of Oliver’s body this time, though, and my pussy tingled in anticipation of his veiny member inside of me.

  Oliver pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his toned abs and broad chest to me again. Every muscle in his body moved and flexed in detail as he moved. I was drawn into his raw sexual attractiveness. Who was doing the seducing here?

  Oliver was naked in the bed with me, and I was still on all fours. His cock waved in front of my face like it was saying hi. I wanted to give it my own special greeting, so I opened my mouth and took it inside.

  I looked up at Oliver’s face as he groaned. It was contorted in pleasure as I sucked him. I tasted every detail of his cock in my mouth, wrapping my tongue around the shaft as I moved along it. Oliver was practically dying from pleasure.

  His breathing was deep and heavy as I popped the cock out of my lips, lifting it up on my hand and kissing the sensitive spot below the head. I slowly looked up at him as I mashed my lips against his flesh. I could see the fires of passion burning in his eyes. This man wanted me badly.

  I wanted him. I abandoned his cock and let myself fall backward, opening my legs for him as my body bounced against the firm mattress. Oliver dove down on top of me, taking my breasts in his hands and massaging them. I moaned as he played with me, refusing to enter my aching pussy until I was leaking onto the sheets.

  “You’re mine now,” Oliver whispered in my ear.

  I got chills at his words, and my mouth parted in response. I felt the familiar prod of his cock against the entrance of my pussy as he began to make his way inside of me. Yes, this was everything I had ever wanted. I needed Oliver.

  I pulled Oliver close to me as he pushed inside, letting him ride me hard as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He pushed deep inside of me, taking his time at first, but unable to stop himself from pounding me with feverish intensity as he neared orgasm.

  I wanted everything. I wanted every drop of him inside of me, and I wanted it right then and there. I was already floating in a sea of pure bliss, melting into the sheets as I gripped the bed to keep myself from flying off. Oliver was pumping his hips fast and hard.

  I felt Oliver tense up, and I saw a look that I wanted to see every night for the rest of my life painted over his perfect face.

  “Lydia. Oh fuck,” he moaned deeply as he emptied his balls inside of me.

  I held him as he pumped everything he had between my legs. I moaned with him as he thrust his hips over and over to fill me up. I was certain that people could hear us through these thin plaster walls, but I didn’t have a care in the world, hell, the universe. Oliver was mine.

  Chapter 23

  Oliver’s boot came down on the cheap arrangement of plastic, metal, and glass that used to resemble a phone. He stomped it to bits on a lonely outstretch of hot pavement, kicking the crumbles of it into the grass nearby. Nobody would ever know that he was in contact with James.

  I watched in awe at Oliver’s aggression against the device. I believed that for him, it was symbolic of a rift between the two of us. Perhaps it was the romantic in me, but the way he pummeled that thing until there was nothing but shards of unrecognizable material smeared across the road made me feel like there was emotional significance to his act.

  Oliver looked up at me. His blue eyes had a fire burn
ing behind them, and I could hear the urgency in his voice. “Let’s finish this bastard once and for all.”

  I nodded. “James is fucking done.”

  Oliver and I climbed back into his red truck. He shifted to drive and slammed his foot on the gas, sending up screeching down the road, on our way back to my apartment to keep a bird’s eye view on the place until James got there. I felt like two spies, scoping out the enemy before an assassination.

  Oliver kept his hand high on my thigh, giving it a squeeze on occasion as we barreled down the narrow strip of road back home. Soon, we would be perched on top of the hill outside my apartment, bunkering down until we saw James. Oliver and I had picked up some snacks, and I was sure that laying with him for hours on the hill would be a nice experience. We could probably talk more then. We had never really gotten the chance to dig deep into each other’s lives.

  “I’m sorry about your phone, by the way,” Oliver said as we drove. “I’ll get you a new one, whatever you want when we get done with all this.”

  I laughed, throwing my hair back. “Now, you’re sorry? You’re going to buy me the newest model. That shit ain’t cheap.”

  “I’ve been stalking you long enough to afford it, Lydia,” Oliver joked.

  I slapped his arm playfully but felt good now that things were beginning to heal between us. This is the way it should have been all along.

  Oliver’s red truck climbed a tall slope, which led to a patch of trees that overlooked my apartment. I had never seen it from this angle, and I felt somewhat odd spying on my own apartment. It was cool to get the view though.

  Oliver parked his truck on the side of the road, and we trekked through the woods to the overhang that would give us the best view of the apartment without being seen. I had no idea what kind of car James drove nowadays, but Oliver knew.

  “We’re on the lookout for a black Civic, four doors,” Oliver said.

  “Everyone drives those things,” I said as the leaves crunched beneath my feet.


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