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The Elusive Earl

Page 3

by Eva Andrews

  He processed Genevieve’s answer as they danced, looking over the sea of people and saw Lord Rossdale dancing with a pretty brunette. He too didn’t care for the man; he had to agree with Genevieve’s assessment of the man. Casting his eyes across the crowd he also saw his best friend, Luke, staring daggers at him.

  Luke was dancing with Genevieve’s sister, yet Luke’s entire focus was on Genevieve. Instinctively, Alastair created a little space between himself and Genevieve as he pondered over his friend’s reaction. He knew Luke cared for Genevieve as a dear friend, what he didn’t know was if Luke saw her as a potential wife. Luke and Genevieve had been acquaintances for a few years and Alastair had never seen Luke as protective of anyone as he was for Genevieve. What puzzled him was, if Luke wanted this woman, why didn’t he snatch her up and make her his? Maybe Genevieve didn’t return his affection? Maybe Luke didn’t truly see Genevieve in that light? Maybe his friend needed a push; he wouldn’t encroach on his friends love interest if that were the case.

  Puzzled by Luke’s reaction, Alastair drew Genevieve off the dance floor gently as the dance ended and said, “I will see what I can find out my dear, I know he has been frequenting our club and has taken up residency in town now. If I find anything I will relay that information. Keep an eye on your beautiful sister, I do not trust that man at all.” Quietly whispering into her ear so guests could not hear his words. The last thing he wanted to do was raise suspicion and have Lord Rossdale run and hide.

  “I genuinely appreciate it, if he is interested in my sister I want to know all I can about him.” She smiled up at the duke as he returned her to her parents.

  Alastair saw Lord Rossdale coming in their direction, he made sure he stood between Genevieve and Rossdale so she wouldn’t feel a wave of nausea again. Also in his view, Alastair spied Annabelle and Luke walking towards them. Alastair bid Genevieve and her parents’ goodnight and quickly invited Rossdale and Luke to a game in the billiards room as they approached Genevieve’s circle.

  The invitation kept Rossdale from joining the St. George family and kept him away from Genevieve. Both Alastair and Luke wanted the opportunity to investigate Rossdale the billiards room was perfect. Alastair and Luke had been secretly spying on Rossdale on a completely different matter; they knew to take advantage of their social interaction with him to gain additional information.

  Annabelle floated up to her sister, “Oh Vieve, dancing with Luke is such a bore compared to Lord Rossdale! I can’t believe Rossdale asked me to dance twice tonight! All Luke wanted to do was talk about you!” She was giddy and glowing with happiness and she teased her older sister.

  Since Genevieve had no evidence Lord Rossdale was anything but a gentleman, she smiled back at Annabelle and ignored the insinuation, “I’m happy for you Annie!” Nudging her gently, the girls giggled together as they watched the men walk away.

  With the night drawing to a close, and many heading home, Genevieve’s father gathered his lovely daughters and wife and questioned the three, “Well my dears, the night grows late, shall we head home?”

  In unison, the three ladies nodded in agreement.

  Many hours later, after all the guests had left the ball, Alastair and Luke went to into the library for one last drink, the hour was very late and both of them were drained of energy.

  As they walked in, Luke sat down with a thud as Alastair walked over and snatched up his whiskey bottle and a few glasses, “So, I have to ask. What was the look I got for dancing with Genevieve tonight? You seemed extremely upset, if she is yours, just say it man and I’ll not flirt with her anymore.” Alastair was trying to lighten the mood, he smirked at his friend who sat across from him. Sitting down the glasses, Alastair poured both of them a stout drink.

  Luke plucked one of the glasses and threw back the amber liquid in one smooth gulp as he shook his head at his friend, “I was worried about her, it wasn’t a territorial thing Alastair.” He held Alastair’s stare for a moment before he looked back into the roaring fireplace. He wasn’t prepared to answer these types of questions about Vieve; he wasn’t sure what the hell he felt.

  “Then what type of thing is it? When have you ever given me attitude when I danced with a young lady? We used to chase skirts together for years my old friend, forgive me if I don’t believe you when you say it isn’t territorial” He smirked at Luke knowingly.

  “I have absolutely no idea what you are rambling about Alastair, I haven’t even kissed the woman!” He looked into his empty glass and avoided eye contact with his friend.

  Alastair smiled into his glass and stated, “Yet.”

  Swinging his head back over to his friend, Luke rolled his eyes, “You know what I meant Alastair, stop trying to turn my words.”

  Alastair’s shoulders gently shook as he laughed quietly, “Kiss her and get it over with, you’ll know if she’s the one, if she isn’t, you can release your claim on her.”

  Luke scowled as he asked, “What in the hell does that mean?”

  Alastair sat down his glass and laced his large hands together and set them on his desk as he leaned forward, “I think old boy, that you haven’t kissed her yet because you know she’ll be different, she’s got the potential to be the one for you. You are scared.” Alastair sat back and watched the revelation sweep across Luke’s tired face.

  Instead of admitting that Alastair had a damn good point, Luke grew defensive, “Alastair, I don’t see your love life flourishing, why don’t you go kiss someone until you find your one and leave me be.”

  “What if I kiss Genevieve?” Alastair asked with a raised brown and a mischievous grin.

  “I’ll break your neck.” The words were out of his mouth before he had time to think. Luke refused to vocally admit he was possessive over Genevieve, let alone that he had lusted after her for weeks. He had spent years of his life avoiding becoming attached, he knew someday he’d have to marry, at seven and twenty, the thought finally occurred to him, maybe he was finally ready.

  Alastair knew he hit his mark, instead of badgering Luke further, he changed the subject, “Genevieve was asking about Rossdale, do you know why?”

  Luke let out a snort as he grabbed the whiskey bottle and refilled his glass, “She’s protective of her little sister, she thinks Rossdale is interested in Annabelle and wants to find out more about him if I were to guess, she’s a nosey one.”

  “I’d think Lord Phillip would be the one to worry about that, why doesn’t she ask her father to check on this character if she’s worried about him?” Alastair rebutted.

  He had a point, with Lord Phillip was Annabelle’s father, there should be no reason why Genevieve needed to concern herself, plus, neither of them needed her nosing around in their investigations into Rossdale’s past.

  “Aye, next time I see her I’ll have to remind her of that” getting up from his seat he shook Alastair’s hand and said, “I’m heading home for the night, I need sleep,” with a stiff nod, Luke let himself out of the dark library and exited out the now vacant main entrance.

  The normally bustling streets were eerily silent as only his footsteps could be heard bouncing off the townhomes, daybreak was only hours away. His home lay only a block from Alastair’s front door.

  Walking down the dark street with his hands in his pockets he mulled over his conversation with Alastair. What did he feel for Genevieve? Alastair did have a point; there had been many times he wanted to kiss Genevieve senseless, but always resisted the urge, why? He had never hesitated in the arena of seduction with any other women it was his forte, he was well known for this prowess. So what was unique about the dark-haired green-eyed witch that had him second guessing himself?

  Genevieve had become a normal presence in his everyday life.

  Without warning, without fanfare, she had become his main focus. He worried about her incessantly, he was always within eyesight of her, he watched over her like a hawk, and when any man showed interest in her he saw red.

  Allowing himself to re
flect on how he had morphed into this role, he realized, Genevieve never asked him to do anything. He, on his own took up this role; he alone sought her out when she had her attacks. He wanted to be the person she relied on, only him. She hadn’t chased him, she hadn’t played victim or sought to trap him into marriage. She was one of the few trustworthy females he knew.

  Why did he feel this magnetic pull to her? It wasn’t because she was weak or without support, she was strong and feisty, yet there was something in her beautiful green eyes that called to his soul every time he looked into them. Something that made him want to wrap her into his arms and lose himself in her.

  With his mind wandering, he was home before he knew it. He knew he needed to see her tomorrow, he didn’t know what he was going to say, or what he was going to do, but Alastair was right, she might be the one. Genevieve, was like no other woman he had met before, she had the unique ability to crush his heart if he let her.

  As his military investigations drew to a close, he knew that he would eventually have to find himself a wife, what if she had been in and out of his life for years? What if someone else swept in and claimed the one woman that could claim a piece of his heart? An intense possessive cloud swept into his heart, the simple thought of another man marrying Vieve, let alone the simple vision of her intimate with another man had him counting the hours until he could see her.

  Marriage was something he pushed to the back of his mind years ago, his shipping business and his role in the War Office kept him so occupied he had little time for social activities these past years. Luke always thought, when the time came he’d find a woman and settle down. But what if the woman his soul called for, was married and gone before he acted? Slamming his front door behind him, Luke went straight to his room and devised his plan to see if the fair Genevieve really was the one. He needed to know, and there was only one way to find out.

  With a plan in place, and many hours later, Luke arrived on the doorstep to the St. George family home. He knew it was a tad early to call, but he knew the family well, knocking on the door he brushed off his shoulder as he awaited entrance.

  Winston, the cherub like majordomo pulled the door wide with a smile, “A good morning to you My Lord,” waving Luke inside, “Please, come inside.”

  Winston had been with the family since Phillip married Selina almost thirty years ago, nearing his sixties, the jolly man smiled up at Luke, “Who would you like to see today Master Luke?”

  The corner of Luke’s lips turned up at being called Master, the name usually was reserved for boys still in the classroom, not military trained earls.

  “Good morning Winston, Lord Phillip and the lovely Lady Selina if you please?” He requested, bowing to his elder while he tried to contain his laughter, he always did like Winston’s humor, he never let Luke forget he was still a young man, it reminded him of something his father would have done.

  Nodding towards the library, “They are having morning tea, I’m sure they’ll be more than happy to see you, enjoy your day!” Walking away, Winston let Luke show himself over to the library, he had been here enough times to know his way.

  Hesitant to interrupt their morning, Luke rapped on the wooden door twice, and waited until he heard Phillip bid him entrance. Walking into the warm library, he smiled at the couple as they sat together on the couch, “Good morning, I’m sorry to bother you both, please forgive me,” raising his hand over his heart.

  “Oh posh, you are never bothering us Luke, please sit down,” Lady Selina requested as she waved him over the chair beside them.

  Raising his hand in protest, he smiled, “I can’t stay long, I hoped to talk to Genevieve quickly if she’s available?”

  Genevieve’s father chuckled as he quipped, “Oh she’s available, I’ve been waiting on some man to come sweep her away from us, alas, she sits in her garden.”

  Rolling her eyes and elbowing her husband gently, Lady Selina added, “Never mind him darling, she’s in the west garden dear. She’s been out there all morning working on something. Took her parchment and ink out there over an hour ago and has been writing non-stop, feel free to join her, she could use a bit of a distraction,” smiling Lady Selina gave Luke the freedom to join Vieve without a chaperone, exactly what he was after.

  Genevieve’s parents bucked tradition years ago due to her illness; Luke was a welcome sight to them. Genevieve’s parents trusted him impeccably, there were only a handful of people that could calm her potential life threatening attacks, and he was one of them.

  “If you don’t mind, I can’t stay long, just needed to talk to her quickly. I’m sure I’ll see you tonight at the ball, have a wonderful day,” waving to Genevieve’s parents, he exited the library and went in search of his lady in the garden.

  Walking down the long hall and out the French doors, the sunlight hit his face and made him smile. He walked along the rose bushes until he spotted her under her favorite tree. She was writing vigorously and muttering to herself, clearly frustrated.

  Silently, he stood and watched her for a moment in wonder. Her beautiful raven hair fell around her shoulders to her hips, free of any pins, it was glorious. The breeze blew through the garden, the birds chipped in the distance and after hearing her mutter a few curse words, he couldn’t hold back any longer. How he’d waited this long, was a mystery.

  “Talking to yourself again Vieve? Should I be worried?” He asked as he crossed the garden to join her, he didn’t wait for an invitation.

  As soon as she heard his voice she quickly looked up and locked eyes with him, and then back down at her papers. The mesmerizing beauty rushed to hide the sheets from his view.

  Sitting down beside her, “What are you working on kitten? Let me see?” He joked as he tried grabbing for her papers.

  “Absolutely not Luke, don’t you dare take that list!” She batted at his hands and gathered her papers against her bosom and gave him a furious glance.

  Chuckling, he sat back on the garden bench and said, “a list eh? What sort of list does a young maiden such as yourself work on in the morning with such vigor?”

  He could tell she was embarrassed by the red tint in her cheeks; her black hair fell in a mass of curls around her shoulders and her green eyes bore holes in his soul. He reached out and grabbed onto an ebony curl and tugged at it, “Come on Vieve, what are you working on. I’m not going to take your papers, relax kitten.”

  “Yes, it is a list. A list in which you will laugh at, and it isn’t for your eyes, so leave off. Why are you here?” Annoyed with being questioned, she changed the subject and batted at his hand.

  “If I promise not to laugh, may I see the list?” He was intrigued; she wasn’t one to keep secrets. He reached out, waiting for her to hand over the list with a raised brow.

  “No, you may not.” She slapped at his hand and stood up and gathered her things, clearly flustered and embarrassed.

  Growing impatient, he snatched her papers right out of her hand and quickly slipped from the garden bench before she knew what hit her.

  He was laughing loudly at his childish actions as he ran to the other side of the garden, all while trying to read her papers.

  Behind him he heard a litany of profanity spew from her sweet angelic mouth that made him laugh even harder as his back was turned to her, he loved her spirit. Unfolding the paper as he moved across the lawn he heard her yell.

  “Luke! You get back here right now! Don’t you dare read that!” Running behind him she took off her shoe and threw it directly at his head.

  Hitting her mark, Luke stopped dead in his tracks as her shoe bounced off his head. Reaching up, he rubbed his head and spun around to see what she threw, “Did you just throw your shoe at my head?” He couldn’t stop smiling; the fair and always composed Genevieve actually threw her shoe at his head.

  “Aye, now give me back my list and stop acting like a naughty child!” Crossing her arms, she stomped her feet and pouted.

  Still laughing, Luke bent down and pi
cked up her delicate shoe and crammed the letter into his pocket. Walking confidently back over to her, his eyes sparkled with interest as he bent down before her.

  Swishing her skirt out of the way he spied her bare foot, “No stockings? Tisk tisk Vieve, what the Ton would think of you if they knew the real you?” Chuckling he grabbed her soft foot and slide her shoe back on to her naked foot.

  The simple act of kneeling down in front of her and touching her bare skin set his blood on fire. Being so close to her, touching her soft skin, smelling her orchid perfume. Jesus, she didn’t even have to try, everything she did made him want her more.

  “I hate stockings, I hate anything tight and uncomfortable. I’d walk around barefoot if Mother would let me. Now, my list please?” She reached out and tried to snatch it out of his pocket as he stood up.

  Side stepping her attempt easily, he eluded her and pulled out the list, clearing his throat so he could read it aloud.

  Utterly embarrassed that Luke was about to read her list; she shoved the giant of a man as hard as she could, sending him tumbling into the thick yard.

  Laughing, he laid down in the grass, shimming his shoulders in the lush grass, totally undefeated, “Shall we see what it says?” Clearing his throat, he opened the paper and his eyes grew wide, he looked at the parchment and back at her several times, the humor disappeared off his face instantly.

  Vieve rolled her eyes back in her head at his reaction and gave up; thoroughly embarrassed, she sank down on the ground beside him and cradled her face in her hands as she groaned. Her shirts pooled around her as she sat beside him in the garden.

  “You can’t be serious Genevieve?” He asked, his voice almost unrecognizable.

  Looking up, she was puzzled. She expected him to tease her, not question her intentions. “Even I deserve to get married Luke, even if I’m an invalid,” she choked, tears pooled in her emerald eyes.


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