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The Elusive Earl

Page 6

by Eva Andrews

  “Will you go to the docks tonight to see what this shipment is?” She asked as nonchalantly as possible. In her head she was already planning her attack, she needed to know if he’d pose as a hurdle for her tonight.

  “Personally, no. However I will alert Alastair to it and have his minions follow Rossdale tonight if you’d like.”

  “I would appreciate it, if his courtship does become serious I want as much information for my father as possible. He’d never want to hand his daughters off to someone like that.”

  “Consider it done kitten, I will talk with Alastair now if you would like?”

  Nodding her head in agreement, the dance ended a few short measures later, the two to exited the dance floor. Genevieve was genuinely shocked that a few stolen kisses with Luke had sparked a sexual desire that she never felt. Being in his arms was making her want to kiss him again; wanting him so desperately was astonishing. She wondered if it felt like this with everyone?

  “Something the matter kitten, you look perplexed?”

  She could feel the blush creeping across her face, “Just woolgathering Luke, I’m okay, I promise.” She playfully nudged her shoulder against his as they walked over to her parents.

  That evening, long after everyone had gone to bed, Genevieve slipped out of her house in disguise. Borrowing clothes from her father’s steward, she hid her mass of black hair under a large hat and took a hired carriage to the docks.

  Something inside her told her she needed to be there tonight, relying on her instincts she made a rush plan to try to spy on Lord Rossdale and this mysterious shipment tonight. She didn’t understand why she had this desperate pull here tonight; her instincts were pushing her forward, fear trailing close behind. She had never done something so reckless before, she had always made sure she stayed safe within her comfort zone.

  Traveling alone to the wharf Genevieve knew the harbor office would be a perfect look out; it stood three stories tall and looked over the docks. She had the carriage drop her off a block before the wharf so she could walk into the area unannounced.

  She had only been here a handful of times with her father on business, certainly not during the middle of the night or alone. If her father found out what she did he’d send her to a convent. Her father was always overprotective of her; he’d have a panic attack of his own if he saw her dressed as a young man alone in the dangerous wharf area.

  The wharf was well known for criminal activity and danger; she skirted the light posts and stuck to the shadows. She tried to ignore her pounding heart, and attempted to convince herself to stop being so paranoid, every sound had her on edge. The area looked so different during the night, the fog added an eeriness she could have done well without.

  She knew the ship she was looking for, however she misjudged the amount of ships that would be docked this time of night. Hundreds lined the docks, climbing to the roof of the harbor office she flattened herself on her belly and took out her father’s monocular she borrowed from his desk.

  Luke couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw her slim frame exit the unmarked carriage, he recognized her instantly. Granted, her disguise concealed her identity well, but he saw through it as soon as she walked. Clearly, she didn’t think of everything, he watched her avoid strangers and disappear behind the harbor office. Abandoning his current post, he followed her silently. Cursing to himself, he briskly walked in the direction of the harbor office.

  He had a hunch her questions were too direct tonight, however, he never imagined she’d actually show up in the middle of the night alone. Murderers and thieves ran these streets, beggars on every corner and cutthroats around every bend; this was no place for a genteel lady, let alone one who suffered severe anxiety attacks at the drop of a hat.

  Since the moment he heard Rossdale mention The Swansong in the garden tonight, he knew he had to follow the lead. He and his War Office counterparts suspected Rossdale of conspiring against the Crown of England, it fell to him to obtain tangible proof. What he did not need, was an anxiety ridden virgin complicating his mission tonight.

  Luke knew he couldn’t sneak up behind her, he imagined she was already on edge considering where she was, the last thing he needed was for her to scream, or suffer an attack. He needed to keep a trained eye on Rossdale’s ship as well as Genevieve. Picking a new spot, he found himself in a position where he could see both The Swansong and Vieve, making sure he was not far away from her if something went wrong.

  An hour later, activity on the deck of The Swansong increased dramatically. Three large traveling carriages drew up from the foggy alley stopping directly before the ominous ship. Deckhands and sailors spilled out from below the deck and began unloading trunks upon trunks into unmarked carriages.

  Movement in the corner of his eye had him searching for Genevieve, seeing a burly man climbing onto the roof sent him into a state of panic, she had been seen. Thankfully he was positioned close enough to her, he slipped out of his hiding place and climbed up after the large man who was now meters behind her. Still oblivious to the threat behind her, Genevieve continued to watch the carriages be filled to the hilt below.

  Just before the man reached down to grab Genevieve, Luke snuck up behind him and twisted his neck silently, without so much as making a sound he laid the man down and looked at Vieve, who now was fully aware there were two men behind her.

  “Not one word, if he saw you it meant others did too, we need to leave NOW!” He hissed through clenched teeth. Holding out his hand in which she took immediately, he pulled her up and whisked her off the roof in seconds.

  Luke’s grip on her arm was iron tight as he briskly walked her away from the wharf, darting up and down back allies until she saw his carriage. Throwing open the door he pushed her in roughly. As soon as he had her safely inside the carriage, all hell broke loose.

  He didn’t even try to contain his rage, “Do you even realize the gravity of this situation Genevieve? You could have compromised an ongoing investigation, not to mentioned gotten yourself killed, raped or shipped off to the Barbary Coast!”

  She sat across from him with her eyes closed and her hands clasped together not saying a word. She knew she had blundered, he was right. She had been in the wrong, and was so thankful he was there to save her life. She never thought of the how she was endangering her own life when she chose to come tonight.

  Luke hit the top of the roof and directed the driver to the corner streets by her family home. The sound of his fist hitting the roof made her jump.

  “Were you even armed? Do you even know how to shoot a gun woman? What if that man got his hands on you? What in the world did you hope to gain tonight?” He continued to throw questions at her.

  His anger rolled off of him as he seethed, she could feel it.

  “What is your father going to say? What in the hell am I going to tell Alastair tomorrow when I explain I was unable to verify the cargo because I had to save your life? Do you realize this is bigger than your sister? Do you realize you’ve potentially compromised a three-year long investigation that might well lead back to one of the biggest traitors of the Crown?”

  She had so many emotions flowing through her she was unable to focus on any of them. She couldn’t even speak. She opened her eyes to look across the carriage and looked into his stormy blue eyes, into the face of the man who saved her life, and the man who was fast claiming her heart.

  She had never heard him yell, never heard him this angry, and undoubtedly never seen this side of him. He intimidated her, his anger was palpable, yet she wasn’t afraid he’d hurt her, ever.

  Tears pooled in her eyes. Raw emotion overtook her senses.

  Genevieve saw his strong muscular jaw clench in anger as he bit his tongue and stayed silent. She could feel his tension, his worry, his anger surround her. Instead of wanting to get away from his rage, she sought to calm it; something in her sought to sooth the beast.

  He was right about everything, he had every right to be upset, and never once d
id she think coming here would endanger such an important military case. She was so ashamed, clearly ignorant of the world around her. She was so lost in proving her reaction to Rossdale was because he was a bad person; she had forgotten the world around them.

  Wiping her tears away with her fingertips, she tilted up her jaw as she slowly slid off her seat and knelt down in front of Luke in the rambling carriage. Nestled between his legs she leaned towards him and gently entwined her hands into his and looked up into his eyes, “Luke, I am so sorry.”

  Closing her eyes in disappointment she shook her head, “I never should have gone tonight, I should have trusted you. I never imagined something so critical was occurring. Please forgive me, I cannot live with you upset at me.”

  She knew she owed him more than she could ever repay, but this, this she would beg and plead with him to forgive her. He had never yelled at her before, he never had raised his voice to her in all the years she knew him. She knew he had every right to be seething; she only wanted to fix her mistake.

  Squeezing his hands she whispered between her tears, “I’m so sorry Luke, please forgive me.”

  He didn’t move and he didn’t speak. His bright sapphire eyes bore holes into her soul as Genevieve watched his jaw tense.

  She had never suffered his displeasure like this before. She was lost. Raising his hands to her lips, she placed a soft kiss on his knuckles, “Please forgive me Luke.”

  Looking down at the woman who captured his heart, he watched as tears slowly spilled out of her dazzling green eyes as she knelt before him. The sight of her on her knees damn near made him come undone, he could take no more, “Come here kitten,” gently encircling her wrists; he pulled her smoothly into his lap.

  Wrapping his arms around her he hugged her and squeezed her tight as sat curled in his lap, “I can’t see you in danger like that again, the thought of anyone hurting you makes me see red, no matter what my mission was tonight your safety will always be my priority,” running his hands up her back, he removed her hat and her hair fell down in a mass of shimmering ebony curls.

  “I underestimated the danger Luke, it won’t happen again,” she whispered against his neck as she shimmed closer into his chest and held tight.

  Shifting in his seat, he ran his hand down her thigh and tucked her in closer, “It won’t happen again because you’ll never do that again, or because now you know better?”

  “Because I have you.”

  As soon as her lips touched his, he was lost. Her scent, her voice, everything about her made him on fire. Burying his right hand in her mass of hair he tilted her head and with his other hand he pulled back her jacket.

  Luke dropped hot searing kisses along her collarbone, up her neck and nibbled at her ear. With his free hand he undid her shirt buttons and slipped his hand up her ribcage and cupped her breast.

  Following his lead, Genevieve shifted so she straddled his thighs. Instinctively arching her hips against him. With his hands on her skin and his lips on her mouth for the second time tonight, Luke heard her moan his name yet again.

  All of a sudden the carriage drew to a stop, they had arrived at the nearest cross streets by her home. Luke knew they had to stop, he needed to get her home and safely in bed before there was no going back, and even now he wasn’t sure that was possible. She was addictive, he wanted more than this night would allow, he would not bed this woman in a carriage, she deserved far better.

  While still kissing her he redid her buttons and tucked her shirt in, he was unable to break away but knew their time tonight must end. “Come on kitten, let’s get you home.” Cupping her jaw he gave her a soul-searching kiss that had her melting in his arms.

  Leaning down to grab her hat he placed it back on her head and helped her out of the carriage into the dark alley behind her home. Hand in hand he walked her through her parent’s garden gate and towards her house.

  Walking through the garden the past few weeks flooded back to him, he couldn’t pinpoint the time when he went from caring for her as a friend to genuinely having feelings for her. Every time they touched it seemed to magnify.

  Slipping the lock on the door, Genevieve clicked open the door and tugged on his hand pulling him inside.

  “Goodnight kitten, get some rest. I will come by tomorrow if I can,” kissing her forehead he wrapped his arms around her and gave her one last hug.

  “Goodnight Luke, thank you for saving me tonight. I will never attempt spying solo again,” whispering against his chest.

  “And why is that again?” He smiled to himself in the dark, ego be damned, his heart wanted to hear it.

  “Because I have you.” She repeated immediately in a sultry tone.

  “Yes you do, more than you know love, more than you know. Now get to bed, I’ll see those sparkling green eyes tomorrow.” Letting go of her, he placed his hands on her shoulders and gave her a little nudge.

  He watched her shuffle down the hall towards the upstairs staircase in a haze, he smiled and turned and left. Locking the door behind him he walked out to the awaiting carriage and gave directions to go straight home. There was no use going back to the docks, the shipment was probably long gone.

  Chapter 5

  The next day passed in a blur for Genevieve, soon enough she was dressed and ready to attend another ball. She had slept in far too late today, enough where each one of her family members felt the need to say something. She had even been caught daydreaming several times at tea at Lady Juliet’s home.

  Dressed in a red gown, she felt something had changed within her. She felt more like a woman, more beautiful, more wanted, more worthy of affection. Luke had sparked something in her she never felt before; she felt a sense of confidence within herself that never was present before. She had never worn such a bold color before, the combination of red silk against her soft ivory skin made her feel beautiful. With her hair pulled up into an artful crown upon her head, the beautiful diamond necklace she wore accentuated her low cut gown in the most enchanting way.

  Her dance card was filled within minutes of arriving at the ball, as was her sister’s card. Men seemed to flock to their side like never before, Annabelle was a natural and kept the conversation moving as more of their friends joined their group. Looking up from her conversation, Genevieve saw her first dance partner approaching her.

  “My lady, you look simply marvelous tonight. Are you ready for our dance?” Joseph Riverton, The Earl of Glennclose was dressed in a lovely blue suit with a particularly bright vest, his brown hair swept back artfully.

  Smiling brightly at the Egyptian scholar she took his arm, “Of course, shall we?”

  Luke saw her the moment he walked in, he watched in awe, never had he seen her wear don the color red before. She looked stunning, he immediately wanted to walk on the floor and cut in, the gown she wore made his blood boil with desire. There was something so different about her presence tonight, she was absolutely radiant, it was apparent to all in attendance, she easily caught everyone’s eye tonight.

  How had he not seen her, really truly seen her years ago? How had this woman not been snatched up thus far?

  Knowing he couldn’t stand and stare at her all night, he escorted his younger sister Amelia across the floor, she had arrived back in town today, stepping on the dance floor with his lovely little sister he whisked her off into the dance.

  Amelia had been traveling with their close family friends, arriving back in town, Luke was more than happy to escort his vibrant little sister tonight. Luke and Gideon were very protective of their gorgeous sister, only twenty; she had dazzled London for years. With her dark chestnut hair and smoky grey eyes, she was a treasure, extremely smart and witty, she too held out for a love match. It seemed almost normal in their circle of family and friends now, none of them wanted to choose the wrong person.

  Circling around the dance floor with his beautiful sister he took the opportunity to see if she was casting her eyes out for a husband, “So my lovely little Sister, have
you found any men this season that catch your eye?” Smiling down at his only sister, he rotated them through the mass of bodies dancing to the music.

  “I’m in no rush Luke, you know that.”

  “That doesn’t answer my question dear, may I have his name?” He teased

  “Very funny Luke, I know you well enough to know that if I had someone in my sights you would have already written a detailed report on him, his financial status and would have interrogated him by now.” Laughing she pinched his arm as he started laughing.

  “Are you saying that isn’t what all brothers do? I’m shocked,” winking at her, “fine my dear, keep your secrets, I trust you.”

  Looking up with a suspicious eye, “What has gotten into you? Since when did you trust your bat-brained little sister with her love life?” She questioned, since their parent’s passing he had hovered over her, almost to the point of irritation at times.

  Smiling at her sharp mind, “I know you are like me love, you won’t take that step without thinking through everything first, you are intelligent and extremely picky, I’m sure the man you chose will measure up, I think you know Gideon and I would never allow you to marry for anything other then your heart’s desire. We trust you to choose your own path.”

  Her eyes lit up, “You’ve found someone, haven’t you?”

  Damn, she was smart.

  As the song slowed to an end, he knew denying the fact to Amelia would be foolish, she knew him in and out, “Very possible sweetheart, I think you’ll be pleased, but please just let me see where it takes me, as I’ll allow you to do the same.” Escorting her off the floor and back to Lady Juliet and their group, he caught a glimpse of red in his peripheral vision.

  Looking over he saw Genevieve laughing at something Riverton said as they walked up to the same group after their dance. Luke’s jealousy started to rear up watching someone else make her laugh. Quickly dampening it, he dove into a conversation with Alastair who had joined their group as well pretending as if he hadn’t seen her.


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