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The Elusive Earl

Page 9

by Eva Andrews

  Leaning his head back against the padded carriage seat, he thought over the past few days, his ride home wasn’t overly long; fatigue was setting in as the carriage drew to a stop. Walking the short distance to his home in the dead of the night his stomach grumbled and he needed sleep. The streets were dead quiet this time of night, the eerie fog rolled down the narrow roads making his visibility poor.

  Stumbling in his back door, he shut it behind him.

  Luke’s staff knew to not wait up on him when he was on missions; they had gone to bed long ago. Shuffling down to the kitchen Luke took off his hat and ruffled his hair as he saw the food left out by his cook. Sitting down he poured a glass of whiskey and ate the cold meal in front of him, he didn’t care one bit, it still tasted delicious. Shoveling the food as fast as he could, he was done in minutes. Leaving the plates where he found them, he made his way up the massive staircase leading to the bedrooms.

  Although it was a bachelor’s house, it was a prime location and perfectly suited for him and his future family. Well decorated and cared for, his large townhouse seemed so empty with just him living there. He smiled to himself as he thought of Genevieve and their children climbing these stairs someday.

  Pulling one foot in front of the other, he walked up the stairs as he unbuttoned his coat. Shrugging it off his shoulders he threw it over his shoulder and unbuttoned his sleeves as he kicked open his bedroom door.

  A rush of delicate orchid perfume surrounded him, instantly his senses came alive.

  He knew that perfume, all too well.

  Taking in a deep breath he stepped inside his room and eyed his moonlit room as a wicked grin adorned his face. The moonlight bounced off yards of purple silk that fell over his bed, which was clearly not empty. Walking over to his massive four post bed he smiled as he looked down upon her sleeping face.

  Genevieve’s long black hair fanned around her in a cloud of ethereal curls, fully dressed, she lay flat on her back with an arm crossed over her eyes, completely asleep. Her shoes had been kicked off and her bare feet peeked from the hem of her gown.

  He felt a rush of different emotions hit him. More than anything he felt a rush of relief wash over him, just seeing her made so much of his tension dissipate in seconds. As he watched her sleep, he pondered how she actually gained entrance to his home, and found his bed. His house was a veritable fortress, it had to be, how she got in was beyond him.

  Everyday this woman amazed him more and more, running his hand over her purple silk covered hip he leaned down and kissed her forehead. She didn’t even flinch; she was happily asleep in his bed, the sight made his heart leap. He wanted to see her in his bed for the rest of his life.

  Chuckling to himself, he walked over to his closet, happy to let her slumber for a few more moments while he discarded his clothes and went into his washroom to clean up. His exhaustion had fled and his thoughts were centered on the woman who lay in his bed, his mind could only guess what brought her here tonight, but he was more than happy to find out. He wondered if she would answer his question, would they become engaged tonight?

  Dressing in a pair of loose cotton smalls, he walked over to the bed and slipped in behind his green-eyed future wife, in his heart, he knew someday she would be his. Wrapping his arm around her waist he slowly brought her against his chest, reaching down he lifted her skirt up and ran a hand across her hot thigh. Laying warm kisses on her bare shoulder he worked his way up her neck as he explored underneath her skirts, he couldn’t resist. He needed more.

  Genevieve awoke slowly to the feeling of Luke’s hands caressing her skin, she could feel his hard cock pressing against her stomach as her hips naturally rolled towards his body. Opening her eyes, she turned into him and captured his lips; dipping her tongue into his hot mouth she rubbed her chest against his bare skin. A moan escaped her lips as Luke rolled his hips against her; the need was too great between them.

  “I think I can grow used to coming home to you in my bed every night kitten, you taste good enough to eat.” Squeezing her ass he drew her closer and kissed the tip of her nose.

  “You’re not mad that I’m here?” She ran her hand over his bare chest.

  “There is no where else I want you to ever be but in my bed every night Kitten. May I ask how you got here, let alone gained access to my home and found my bed?”

  “I used the key Luke, hidden in the fountain in your garden. Your sister told me about it a long time ago.”

  “Hopefully my sister doesn’t share all my secrets to her friends, so, who brought you here? Please tell me you didn’t walk the streets of London alone!”

  “I took a carriage, my footmen are loyal, and I’ve grown up with them. They dropped me off in the back, and I came in through the garden entrance.”

  Moving his hands up her body and cradling her face, “How are you? You scared me to death last night Vieve, what happened?”

  Shutting her eyes, she tried to relive those last lucid moments before she saw black, “I can’t explain it. I’ve been embarrassed about it all day. I botch even the most romantic moment of my life! I am so sorry Luke.”

  “Don’t you dare be embarrassed because you fainted Vieve, I’ve just never seen you black out like that before, you wouldn’t wake up, even after we got you home. All night your mother kept coming downstairs to tell me you hadn’t woken, I thought I broke you for good.”

  “I am okay now, I just needed to see you tonight.”

  “Tell me what you are thinking love, I can see something is on your mind.”

  “I was talking with my sister this morning, and I realized that I have no experience in lust, or love. I’ve only shared a few stolen kisses with you.”

  Knowing there was more, he asked, “and?”

  “Before I say yes, I want you to make me a woman. No promises between us, just teach me. I need to know if I can be intimate with a man without an attack. If we don’t suit, I will not force you to marry me.”

  “Wait, so, last night you told me that you were sure, now you changed your mind? Genevieve, I can’t teach you what happens between a man and wife until you are my wife, surely you understand that kitten?”

  “Teach me Luke, if we do not suit, we can go our separate ways. I want you to show me passion. It can be like a trial run to see if we are intimately suited for each other. Surely you can see my point?” She begged.

  “Forced to marry you? I’m not going to give us a trial run Vieve, either you want me or you don’t! Even if something happened, and you had an attack, we’d find a way to make it work, we just wouldn’t quit being together!” Luke ground out, becoming angrier by the second.

  Sitting up on one elbow she looked down at him, “So over the years, you’ve bedded women all over this town, had numerous mistresses but you won’t make love to me? You gave countless whores their every dream, yet you withhold from me? Why? Why can’t you just make love to me before we agree to forever?” She bit back with contempt.

  Genevieve saw his jaw tense; Luke moved off the bed as quick as lightning and walked into his closet. She heard several things being thrown along with muffled swearing, a few moments passed before he came out fully clothed.

  “What are you doing Luke?” She asked, moving off his warm bed, she walked up to him, this wasn’t going the way she envisioned at all! Seeing the anger in his eyes she took a step back, she was unused to seeing him so.

  “I am taking you home Genevieve.” Gruffly muttering it, he stepped passed her and plucked her cloak up from his chair and threw it at her, “Put it on, cover your head up, we are leaving now.” Walking past her, he put his hand on the door and waited.

  “Why don’t you want me?” Genevieve’s words were a mere whisper in his quiet room.

  Turning abruptly he walked over to her and stood so close she could feel him breathing, “Want you? Yesterday you told me I was the only one you saw a future with, and I asked you to become my wife! Instead, you want to be my whore. What if I did take you right now? What if d
own the road you think we do not suit? You fully expect me to let you go? So I can watch you throw yourself at the next man? What if you become with child? Do you think I care so little for you, or your reputation to soil something so beautiful between us?”

  Genevieve’s jaw dropped, she was speechless, she hadn’t thought of any of that. Damn he was right, she was only thinking of herself.

  “Do you want to know what is different between you and those women Vieve? I actually love you, and I refuse to bed you and then release you back to the wolves. If I had to watch another man touch or kiss you, it would be my undoing. I can’t make love to you then watch you marry another; don’t ask me to do it.”

  Walking back by the door, he stood against the door frame with his arms crossed, his jaw muscles flexed as he watched her process his words.

  She had no words. Luke ignorantly assumed her silence was an admission of her intent. His rage boiled over, “You obviously need rewrite your husband list, feel free to keep me off of it if you intend to bed every man you’re interested in, I’ll take no whore as a wife.”

  Genevieve grabbed her cloak and swung it around her shoulders and walked through the door refusing to look at Luke.

  Her head was a mass of chaos, he had told her he loved her and called her a whore all in the same night! This night had turned into a disaster, why hadn’t she thought of how offended he’d be? Why hadn’t she just said yes? Internally beating herself up for always ruining everything good, large tears rolled down her face as she ran down the staircase. Quickly looking over her shoulder after hearing a litany of cursing, she saw him punch the door, he was furious. He was still standing in the doorframe, his anger poured out of him.

  Picking up her skirts she ran down the stairs faster, and out the front door in a whirlwind, tears poured down her face as she ran out into the street. Genevieve ran until her lungs burned, her tears blurred her vision as she ran towards her parents home.

  Luke had watched her walk past, he had never been so angry with her. He let her get a few steps ahead of him as he attempted to calm down. Everything in him wanted to haul her back into his bed and prove to her they were perfect together. He had no doubt they would suit, in and out of bed. However, his pride refused to allow him to cheapen their relationship in such a way, and he couldn’t chance watching her marry another.

  Lost in his thoughts and cursing himself for losing control of his temper, he slammed his fist into the mahogany door.

  Seconds later he heard his front door slam.

  Quickly exiting his room he flew down his staircase, throwing his front door wide, the night air hit his heated face like ice. Luke took quick measure of the deserted street and ran towards her parent’s home.

  He finally saw her as she turned the corner to her parent’s street. His voice was lost in the howling wind; she never looked back as she slipped into her parent’s garden entrance. Luke watched from a distance as she entered her house, clearly crying.

  Kicking a stone on the road, he put his hands in his pockets, “Fuck!”

  Turning around, he walked back home, to his empty bed.

  Luke thought over the evening’s events and pondered how differently this night could have gone. Something in him snapped when she suggested a sexual relationship without commitment, even now he didn’t understand why he had such a visceral reaction to her request. Luke knew that Genevieve would never be a whore like so many women of the Ton; she was an angel among demons. However, he couldn’t take her and watch her marry someone else, he couldn’t risk his heart like that.

  Chapter 8

  After a night of little to no sleep, Luke called on Genevieve; he was met at the door by her father Philip, and was shown directly to the library.

  Slamming the door behind them, “Would you care to tell me why my daughter refuses to come out of her room? She will not talk to any of us Luke! I know it has to do with you, what happened?” Crossing the room, Genevieve’s father went over to the sideboard and poured himself and Luke a drink.

  Handing Luke the drink, Lord Phillip motioned for him to sit across from his desk.

  As Luke sat down he took a long drink from his glass and thought about what to say to her father, did he go full disclosure? Did he skirt the truth? For Luke, truth was the only option. He’d known Genevieve’s parents too long to be anything but truthful with them.

  “Last night, I came home very late from a mission to find your daughter at my home waiting for me,” easing into the conversation, “I thought she came to answer my proposal and our conversation turned into an argument. There was an exchange of words and I brought her promptly home, my words were probably too harsh, but necessary.” Taking another drink from his glass he saw Genevieve’s father struggling with what to say.

  “Did she refuse you?” Phillip asked, confused.

  “No answer actually, I just refused to meet her demands.” He looked over his glass to see the Earl of Chestshire slowly start to laugh.

  Leaning across his desk, Genevieve’s father said, “My boy, half the fun in life is refusing to meet their demands and enjoying the chase, she is much like her mother no doubt!”

  Luke looked to the heavens and sank into his chair and groaned.

  “Go upstairs and see if she’ll answer to you, maybe she’ll change her mind. Otherwise, you just keep trying until one of you caves. Get ready for marriage my boy, they’re really worth all the hassle, I promise!”

  Phillip motioned for Luke to go find his daughter as he sat back in his chair and finished his glass of whiskey chuckling softly and saying something under his breath about young love.

  Luke gave a quick nod his future father-in-law and slipped out of the library door.

  Walking up the ornate staircase, he heard a sorrowful piano play in the distance. Following the sound, he found himself standing before a beautifully carved door listening to the music coming from within the room.

  Standing before the door, he heard her miss a chord and swear, smiling to himself he listened as she started the song again. Her playing was impressively pleasant, her music was enchanting and peaceful, knocking on her door he went for the heartstrings, “Kitten, please open the door. I need to see those green eyes. Let me make this right.”

  The piano went silent as soon as he spoke, hearing her walk towards the door he smiled. Standing back he waited, but the door never opened.

  From behind the door her words were clipped and angry, “I am not your kitten! Don’t worry; my green eyes are starting to look elsewhere for a husband! Go away, I hate you!”

  She won the first round.

  His eyes squinted with irritation as he barked, “Genevieve Elizabeth, look all you want! At the end of the day, I’ll be the one in your heart, even if your eyes are looking elsewhere.”

  Pounding one fist against the door with the side of his hand, he walked away; he knew better to continue to be baited by an angry female. Walking straight out the front door without saying goodbye, Luke jumped in his carriage and went straight to his club.

  Genevieve stood behind her locked door with a hand over her mouth attempting to silence her crying. Luke was right, no matter where she looked, her heart belonged to him. She was so confused, how could he tell her he loved her, and call her a whore all in the same night? Why couldn’t he just bend? Why did she love him so much?

  She stood between a balance of knowing he was right about so much, yet being too damn stubborn to admit it and fix everything. She was mad at herself and Luke, she was angry and overwhelmed. She just wanted to withdrawal from society and her family, she wanted to go back to the country and hide in her room. Another side of her wanted to rip the door open and throw her into Luke’s strong arms and kiss him senseless.

  For five more days this continued, Luke would come over and attempt to coax her out each morning with no luck. They would bicker at each other between her closed doors until Luke became so frustrated he would leave. She refused to go to any events in the evening, her family made excuse
s for her when people asked.

  On sixth day Luke didn’t appear, which bothered Genevieve greatly. Keeping to her room she began to worry about him. Genevieve assumed he was trying to teach her a lesson by not showing. As each hour passed, she doubted herself more and more. Was she doing the right thing? What was she hoping to accomplish by ignoring him and her family? Where was he? Was he safe? Did he still love her?

  On the seventh day his withdrawal from her life got the best of her, truly worried she left her room and sought out her father, whom was reading in his library.

  Walking in she saw her father look at her with unsympathetic eyes.

  “Where is he? Why didn’t he come?” She asked, confused and upset.

  “What did you expect child? For him to grovel at your feet each morning awaiting your change of heart? I won’t get involved, but I doubt this spat is all his fault, look at how you are behaving? I thought I raised you better than that.” His words were honest, and blunt.

  “He never once apologized during any of his visits.” Pouting she crossed her arms and walked into the room, sitting in the chair across from his desk.

  Her father looked down his nose at her, “Did you?” His eyebrow shot up in a questioning glance. Eyes widening she looked at her father and had no response.

  “Maybe had you opened the door an apology would have been waiting for you, along with a damn fine man whom you’ve treated worse than a dog these past few days.”

  Sighing and rubbing her tired face with her hands she said, “Why do I always make such a mess of things? Everything I do gets turned around and ruined!”

  “He is getting ready to go to Ireland lass, he has a lead he needs to follow for the War Office. He wrote me yesterday, I believe he leaves on evening tide.”

  “He’s leaving? How long? Was he going to come say goodbye?” She asked, wanting to know all the details he had.

  Holding up his hands to stop her interrogation, he calmly stated, “Again Daughter, had you actually been talking to the man who should be your fiancé, you would know all these answers. If you want to fix it, you fix it.”


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