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The Elusive Earl

Page 12

by Eva Andrews

  It was by happy chance the group chose to meet here tonight; Luke had never seen them use this establishment before, which is why he always stayed here. He knew Rossdale’s men were not loyal to one tavern; they bounced around to avoid eyes. It was the luck of the draw they chose to visit his inn. Waiting until all the gentlemen had left, he gently lifted Genevieve in his arms and carried her back to their room. Carrying her upstairs he couldn’t take his eyes off his dark-haired vixen.

  The evening was closing in on them and Luke wanted to get Genevieve settled in before he stepped out for a few hours. He needed to follow a few leads he had, he couldn’t afford to bring Genevieve with him. He couldn’t risk her having an attack, nor would he risk her safety in the dark alleys of Dublin.

  Walking into their room a hot steamy bath awaited them, while the men were getting ready to leave he ordered it for Genevieve, he knew she’d appreciate it after working on his ship, losing her virginity and traveling to Ireland all in a days time. Setting her gently on the bed he let her sleep while it took care of a few pressing matters.

  Walking over to his trunk he dug out a pair of black breeches and a matching shirt, he’d be traveling in the shadows tonight. Kicking of his boots and rolling his neck, he thought over his objectives tonight. He had a good suspicion where The Jackal’s hideout was in Dublin, although the city spanned hundreds of miles, he believed to have finally pinpointed the mastermind’s lair.

  Tossing his new clothes over the foot of the bed he sat down at the desk and penned a letter to Genevieve’s parents, he swiftly explained what had happened, where they were and they’d be back in a few days. He knew her father would trust him impeccably. Sealing the envelope he dripped wax on the paper and marked it with his signet ring.

  Sitting back in the worn wood chair he placed his elbows on the desk and rubbed his face, he too was fatigued. Hearing a rustling behind him, he looked over his shoulder to see Genevieve’s green eyes upon him.

  Sitting up on their bed Genevieve looked at the generous sized tub and a smile graced her face. Sliding off the bed she skipped over to the bath as she clapped her hands in happiness. “Mmmm, a bath is pleasant surprise Luke, will you help me out of this dress?” Turning around presenting her back to him. Looking over her shoulder she bit her ruby red lip and gave him a look he could not deny.

  Pushing his chair away from the desk he was by her in an instant, his hands set to her laces with lighting fast precision. He marveled at the beauty before him, she wasn’t shy or timid. She wasn’t a fragile woman who needed to be handled like a piece of glass. She had shown him such a different side of her that he never knew existed. He absolutely loved her openness; he would have never guessed her to be such a vixen.

  With her laces loose, he shimmied the lovely gown down her shoulders and over her hips with knowing ease. Kissing her bare shoulder he wrapped an arm around her slim waist and pulled her against his body. Working his way up her neck his other hand cupped her breast as he whispered in her ear, “God you are gorgeous Vieve, get in the bath my love, I’ll join you.”

  Slapping her derrière, he sent her in the direction of the large copper tub in the corner with a chuckle. He was anticipating the coming days, having her all to himself made him swell just thinking about it. They had no eyes upon them, they were in a different country and they could indulge in each other as much as they wanted.

  Walking to the tub Genevieve started removing her hairpins, her hair was so heavy and long she had been looking forward to letting it down all day. She noticed that Luke had lit a few candles around the room throwing it into a romantic glow. Below them a few floors down, she could hear an Irish jig being masterfully played in the common room.

  Completely naked, she walked unashamed to the tub and sat down the handful of hairpins, she could feel Luke’s eyes on her the entire time. There was something comforting knowing he wanted her as much as she wanted him, that he loved her and understood all her ticks.

  Stepping into the hot bath she sighed with pleasure, looking over her shoulder she saw Luke taking off his shirt and trousers watching her like a hungry lion. Knowing he was enjoying the show, she licked her lips as she shimmed down into the tub, letting her dark hair fall around her shoulders as she sunk into the water. Moaning in delight, the hot bath was a very welcome sight.

  A few seconds later she heard him walk to the tub and slip in with her, looking up, she saw him directly across from her beckoning her with a come-hither finger.

  Grinning, she moved gracefully in the water and straddled his hips as she pressed her breasts into his rock hard chest as she kissed him wantonly. She loved the reactions she pulled from him, he never let his passion hide, and he let her know she pleased him. She felt a low growl rumble in his chest as his hand reached up to cup her jaw, licking her lips he took her mouth with an urgent need.

  Genevieve ran her hands over his shoulders, and ground her hips into his underneath the water. Taking charge she reached below the water and ran her fingers over his rock hard shaft, lifting her hips up she sheathed herself upon him in one smooth movement.

  Closing her eyes as she slid down his shaft she heard him moan, “Jesus Vieve, you are so tight, I can’t believe your mine.”

  Whispering into his ear as she slowly lowered herself down. “Only yours.”

  Moving his hands down her hips Luke set a pace for her as he reached up and cupped her breasts and bobbed her up and down in the hot water. The music from the band below floated up through the wooden floors and surrounded them in their room.

  Short of breath she gripped the sides of the copper tub as rode his throbbing cock, grinding against his thrust she nearly came undone, he was so large, he buried himself to the hilt with each thrust. Water splashed around them as they claimed each other in the steamy water, savoring the way he refused to hold back, she sunk her hands in his dark hair and tugged as he buried himself into her.

  Luke reveled in the sight of Genevieve in the throws of passion; her head thrown back while she gasped with elicit pleasure. She was a sight to behold, her large breasts jutted to the motion of their thrusts; her eyes were pure emerald as he made love to her.

  Moving his hands into the water he slid his hands over her thighs and across her ass and jerked her closer and harder, knowing she was close to exploding in glorious climax he set her to a grueling pace as he whispered into her ear, “Do you feel me Genevieve, do you feel what I do to you? Do you like it?” He asked.

  “Oh God Luke, yes! Yes!” She answered as she bit her lip as he slid into her time and time again.

  “Who do you love?” He purred as he slowly began to pull out, teasing her.

  “You, only you Luke!” Pulling her back down, she shattered into a million pieces; she screamed his name as he felt her pulsate against him. Hearing her scream his name in ecstasy did him in, feeling her milk his rock hard cock as she came, he let go of all his restraints and joined her in ecstasy, cradling her head he locked eyes with her and gave her his heart again, “God I love you Vieve.”

  Slumping against his chest, they both were breathing deeply as he cradled her into his arms and kissed her temple.

  “Is this normal Luke? What we feel?” She asked against his neck as he held her.

  “I’ve never experienced anything like this Vieve, I don’t think everyone is fortunate enough to find what we have.”

  Sighing against him, she wound her arms around his neck and kissed his jaw, “Why would anyone settle for anything less?” She questioned breathlessly.

  “Indeed.” Grabbing the soap he ran it over her wet body and lovingly washed her long dark hair. The evening was upon them and he needed to take up his post for the night. His team had already been scouring the city for any evidence and trailing several members of Rossdale’s suspected crime syndicate. He needed to meet up with them and be briefed on their findings. Had Vieve not been with him, he would have already met up with part of his team.

  Genevieve repaid his favor and washed his bo
dy, never before had he had a woman bestowed such care and love on him in an intimate fashion. He was at total peace with her, he never worried about her motives, and he never doubted her words. She was a perfect fit for him in so many ways.

  Sitting back and enjoying her work, he leaned his head back on the tub’s rim and soaked it in, “I have to go out for a few hours Vieve, I am to meet up with my team and take my post tonight. You will be safe here, the room is very secure, as long as you stay in it.”

  Rolling his head, he looked at her as she washed his chest.

  Smirking up at him, “Very well, I’ll curl up with my book for tonight.”

  He knew she understood all too well the liability she posed if she went with him. Danger and surprise were not her forte.

  Genevieve was quite pleased with their arraignment, she preferred peace and quiet, and an evening spent reading by the fire was just what she needed. Knowing that Luke would be coming back to share her bed made her wishful for their future.

  “I’ll be back late tonight, I’ll have the only key to our room so you will not need to wait up. Come on love, let’s get dried off.” Rising in the tub Luke lifted her gently out, reaching down he grabbed a large towel and wrapped it around body.

  Rising up on her tiptoes, she kissed him sweetly, his attention to her never waned. He always thought of her first, always looked after her safety and health, she felt surrounded by his protectiveness in a way that made her feel free of her illness. After giving him her body and heart, she felt an even closer connection with him. It was something she had never experienced before. She had entrusted him with something she had never given anyone, her heart and her body.

  Feeling his strong hands wrap around her waist he brought her closer as he leaned down and kissed her senseless once again.

  “I really have to go Vieve.” He whispered between their kisses as he reached up and grabbed a fist full of her wet hair, pulling her head backwards exposing her neck, he placed a searing kiss on her neck as he pulled away.

  Sighing with a playful smile she skipped over to her trunk and dressed for an evening by the fire. In a simply nightgown she brushed out her hair and watched Luke dress for the night. She promised herself that she would not get in his way or delay his missions while he was here, she knew he had to focus. Sitting down, she absentmindedly brushed her hair as she watched her lover.

  She had never witnessed a man prepare for a mission, or get dressed. Luke’s body was glorious, he was tall with rippling muscles. Not an ounce of fat graced his body, he was solid. She had noticed several scars on his body as she watched him, she wanted to kiss each and every one of them. Smiling to herself, she reminded herself to do that soon…the next time she had the man naked.

  She could tell he was lost in his thoughts as he suited up for his mission, dressed in all black he attached weapon after weapon upon his person with intense determination. With four pistols, his sabre, and several knives, were his only adornments to his all black clothing. She had to admit, he looked damn fine in all black, he always did.

  Seeing him look up, he smirked at her and asked as he raised his hands and slowly spun around for her viewing pleasure. “Do you like what you see?”

  Before her, Genevieve saw her lover transform into his spy persona, standing over six feet tall, dressed in all black with his dark chestnut hair with liquid blue eyes that pierced her soul he made her wet just looking at him.

  Rising slowly off their bed, she walked across the room and directly into her lover’s arms, winding her arms around his neck she leaned up and whispered into his ear, “I love what I see, now return home to me tonight safely so I can take it all off you…slowly.”

  Squeezing her, he kissed her temple and promised, “Nothing will ever keep me from you Vieve, lock the door behind me and enjoy the fire. I know you are excited for the peace tonight.” Giving her one last hug, he was out the door.

  Chapter 10

  With the evening upon him, Luke exited the inn by a backdoor only used by the staff. He didn’t want anyone noticing him leaving the inn, he knew there was always the potential that he was being followed and watched at all times. He did not trust anyone but his own men, if someone was to learn that Genevieve was unprotected upstairs, they could very easily use her against him.

  Being overly cautious, he would have to exercise great caution in order to keep Genevieve safe. This would be a difficult mission with Genevieve with him, one that required him to head to a local brothel house for a meeting tonight.

  Weeks ago Luke intercepted a journal of Rossdale’s that he nicked from his pocket at the theatre. Over the past week he began the process of deciphering the ramblings written in the book.

  To the untrained eye, anyone who picked it up would think it was a scratch pad. Ramblings and numbers, shapes and drawings lined the pages. It was anything but.

  What Luke had found was an intricate web outlining each sale Rossdale had made in the past years, even before he became titled. Each rambling on the page was a decoder for the drawing on the next page. Luke knew it was quite ingenious; the book was a direct tally sheet of every black market item Rossdale had sold before, during, and after the war.

  Guns, stolen property, gems and jewels of fallen kings, stolen bolts of rare silk were recorded, row after row. He had struck gold when he stole the journal from Rossdale; it was exactly what they needed to wrap up their case. What Luke was still figuring out, was how to connect each sale from buyer to purchaser. During wars, it was common practice for army’s to sell goods for money for weapons.

  He knew that most of the dealings were with the French, which meant that Rossdale was taking their goods and selling it to or for them for profit. Without a doubt they knew they had Rossdale proven guilty, what they wanted to see is if they could connect him with The Jackal. The Jackal was the head of the operations, to date, no one had been able to put a face to the notorious traitor. Although bringing down Rossdale was huge, they all wanted to bring down the mastermind of it all and to do that, they needed to Rossdale to lead them directly to the man.

  Walking down the Irish streets quickly, the slick cobbled roads echoed his footsteps as he made his way to The Irish Thistle brothel. His informant, Lady Jade was awaiting him. She had penned him a week ago stating she had news regarding a dealing going down in a few short days.

  Lady Jade was one of the Irish Thistles loveliest ladies, petite and curvy her alabaster skin radiated against her cooper tresses. Her eyes were a lovely shade of green, and she also came with a high price. He had met Lady Jade years ago while on a mission to Ireland; he had paid her to spy on several gentlemen while they were in her company. Ever since, her participation in his investigations regarding the Jackal had been priceless.

  Lady Jade was able to find out information none of Luke’s other spies could fathom; she was damn good at both of her jobs. Although she was not officially part of his team, she was a paid informant who always came through for him.

  Entering the brothel, Luke walked back past the beautiful ladies who waited in the foyer; he waved to the ones he knew, over the years he had been here many times. He was no stranger to the brothel or the faces he passed.

  From across the room a redheaded beauty blew him a kiss and taunted him sweetly, “’Ello Cap’n, we’ve missed you!”

  Nodding his head, he smiling at the painted lady, “and I’ve missed you Lola, where may I find Lady Jade darling?”

  Tipping her chin towards Jade’s parlor, she said, “You know where handsome, if you get bored, come find me.” The other girls giggled as he tipped his hat and proceeded to the purple parlor, Lady Jade’s personal area.

  The Irish Thistle was set up with privacy in mind, very rarely did one run into other clients inside the massive brothel. The privacy provided by the large brothel made it an extremely destination for locals and transient visitors.

  Arriving at her door, Luke knocked his knock and awaited the lovely Irish lass.

  Her purple door opened s
lowly as she stood in the doorway dressed in a lace see-through nightgown of all black. Her cooper tresses fell in long curls over her shoulders that flowed down to her slim waist, a wicked grin curled upon her beautiful face as she eyed him from head to toe.

  Beckoning him inside her suite, “Come in my love! My, you look dashing tonight, I see we dressed to match.” Summoning him in, Luke stepped into her beautiful room as she gently latched the door behind her.

  Luke had frequented The Irish Thistle many times over the years, only to retrieve secret information. Never, in all the years had he sampled any of the bonny lasses or even Lady Jade; he never needed to pay for sex. Throughout the years Jade had tried to coax him into many romps, as did many of the other fine young ladies with no success. He was used to seeing her nearly naked, it never troubled him, he saw her as a coworker and spy, nothing more.

  “Good eve Lady Jade, I believe you only wear black when you know I’m coming to see you darling,” smiling at the lovely vixen, “tell me my dear, what urgent news was so important that I needed to leave England immediately.”

  Cocking his brow he crossed his arms and sat down in her leather chair before the fireplace and stretched his long legs out before him. Luke watched her pour them a glass of gin and saunter back over to him, handing him his glass, she gingerly sat down on his lap and got comfortable.

  Luke was beginning to think she saw him as a challenge, each time he came her she would try her best, even he had to admit, she was good.

  Her cooper curls cascaded below her waist in a shiny mass; she took a drink and pressed herself against his chest and shimmed her ass in his lap. “Last week when I wrote ye, the crew of The Swansong was in here after a rather lengthy sail, they was getting ready to head to London with their shipment.”

  “Aye, I watched them unload it in London, what of it?” He questioned.

  “No, no, this is a different shipment my love. It was the treasure Bonaparte had hidden in a secret cave, he had gave instructions to his right hand man to have it moved and sold off and given to his favorite spy, The Jackal!”


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