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The Elusive Earl

Page 15

by Eva Andrews

  Her confidence skyrocketed within her, once again murmuring, “I can do this.”

  The light rain drizzled as she past an older woman on a busy street corner, Genevieve noticed she was begging for change, approaching her with caution, “Could you point me in the direction of The Irish Thistle ma’am?”

  The elderly woman, dressed in rags pointed down the street to the left, and cocked her head, “That way ma’ dear, but what’s a pretty English girl like yerself want with a whorehouse?”

  “Whorehouse?” Her shock was unfiltered, she was not ready for the answer the elderly woman had for her. She had assumed it was an inn or pub, never had she imagined it was a house of ill repute.

  Chuckling at Genevieve’s reaction the older woman nodded, “Aye my girl, The Irish Thistle is Ireland’s finest whorehouse, just down the road, ye can’t miss it.”

  Standing up straight she looked in the direction the old woman had been pointed, reaching into her cloak pocket she tossed a few pounds into the woman’s jar, “Thank you for your help,” and started walking in that direction.

  Emotions were flooding her senses faster than she could comprehend; she was feeling everything from utter shock to disbelief, anger and betrayal. Not only had Luke received a letter from another woman, the woman was located at a whorehouse. As Genevieve continued to walk towards the building, she scolded herself for jumping to conclusions. She reminded herself under her breath that this is why she had ventured into the city, to see for herself. Luke could very well be innocent; there very well could be a valid reason for her sending for Luke.

  With clenched hands she took step after step towards the brightly lit establishment that Lady Jade beckoned her fiancé to, she silently wondered who this woman was. She seemed familiar with Luke, far too familiar.

  Genevieve saw a man crossing the road ahead of her in the darkness, he heading into The Irish Thistle; her attention was immediately captured, for it was Luke. The night disguised his face, but his walk was so unique she could pick him out in a crowd of thousands. His saunter and mannerisms were his alone.

  She almost called out to him, but something inside her stopped her from calling out his name. She wanted to see for herself what was going on, did Luke have another woman? Why was he frequenting a whorehouse?

  Watching him enter, she slowly proceeded toward the entrance, completely unnoticed by Luke as he walked into the establishment.

  The Irish Thistle boasted large glass windows that showed the front entrance, it was also were scantily clad ladies danced to attract customers. Walking up and peering around the corner she stood in the shadows as she watched Luke being approached by a busty redhead who ran directly into his arms.

  Snapping back her head, she watched in disbelief as he cradled the woman in his arms talking to her as he rubbed her back, just as he did to her. Never, in all the years she had known him had she ever witnessed him embracing another woman like that. Jealousy and anger lanced through her veins as she squeezed her fists so tight she felt herself cutting her palms with her nails.

  “No!” She whispered to herself, her heart started to pound as she looked upon them. Her heart was breaking. Tears started to roll down her face as she continued to watch. Just seeing him touch another woman made her want to fall to her knees and cry. The tender way he was holding the redhead crushed her heart completely.

  Forcing herself watch the two of them, she saw Luke tilt up the redhead’s chin and shake his head. She knew him well enough to know he was angry, and concerned. She was unable to hear their conversation, but from what she saw, they were very familiar with each other, and each other’s bodies. In all the years she had known Luke, she had never seen him hold another woman like that.

  The redhead buried her head back into his chest seeking comfort from him; slowly, she unwound herself from Luke and took his hand. She smiled at him in a way that made Genevieve’s blood run cold. Watching Luke follow the whore into the back, her hands were clenched in fury.

  Leaning against the brick building for support as she tried to calm her panic; closing her eyes she concentrated on her breathing, and willed herself to push though the panic. She could feel her heart pounding, her throat closing.

  “How could he do this to me?” She asked herself in the darkness, reaching up to wipe the heavy tears off her face, she leaned up against the brick building silently crying.

  It took her time to regain control of her emotions; she had never felt so betrayed in her life, especially by the man she thought loved her. Quickly spinning on her foot, she started back in the direction from which she came, bitter betrayal and heartache flooded her, crossing her arm over her chest she silently cried as she made her way back to The Liffey Inn.

  Passing the elderly beggar woman again on the street, she nodded to her again and tossed her new engagement ring into the lady’s dented jar, “May it bring you more luck than me…thank you for your direction.” Hearing it ding in the cup, she heard the old woman gasp as she dug it out of the tin jar as she continued to walk away.

  Walking back into the inn, she took the back stairs two at a time, throwing open her trunk she threw her belongings in as quickly as possible. Kicking it shut she threw the latch closed and walked over to Luke’s wardrobe. Throwing the doors wide open she found his stash of money, taking enough to get her home. Spying his prized golden hilted dagger, she removed it from its sheath and walked back over to the table where the letter from Lady Jade rested.

  As she read it again the image of them flashed in her head, raising the dagger she brought it down with such force driving it deep into the wood table, directly through the letter.

  Picking up her trunk, she left the same way she came. She left no note, nothing. She would walk out of Luke’s life and disappear.

  Chapter 13

  When Luke entered The Irish Thistle he had no clue that Lady Jade would be waiting for him in the lobby, it was highly unlike her. What also shocked him was the enormous black eye she was trying to conceal under her makeup.

  “Luke!” Lady Jade sat up from the tufted settee and ran into his arms as she burst into tears.

  Once again shocked at her tears, he hugged her as she told him what happened earlier this evening, trying to calm her he spoke as calmly as possible and asked her to go somewhere more private, he didn’t want the other ladies to hear anything about the Napoleonic treasure.

  “This way,” she tugged at his hand and led him back to her sitting room where they usually discussed business.

  As soon as the door was shut behind him he asked as calmly as possible, “Will you please tell me what is going on? Why do you have a black eye? Why in God’s name are you crying, you never cry!”

  Lady Jade walked over to her vanity and sat down, clasping her hands together she placed them in her lap and bowed her head, “Rossdale came in earlier, he tied me up and proceeded to ask me questions about how I had dealings with you. He gave me this lovely thing,” motioning to her black eye, “I do not think he liked me spiting in his eye!”

  “What did you tell him Jade?” Growing increasingly alarmed, she had no loyalty to the English crown, if threatened, she very well could have told Rossdale everything she knew.

  “Nothing, I swear, I think coming here was a bad idea, what if they are watching me still?”

  “I need to go, I think maybe you should lay low, maybe leave town just in case Jade, take your bodyguards with you at all times.” He requested, walking to the door.

  “Thank you, good luck Captain, thank you for wearing black again, I wasn’t sure if you’d heed my request.”

  “What do you mean, request?” He asked, fearing the worst.

  “I sent you a letter earlier tonight, to the Liffey Inn, like usual. I assumed that is why you were here, didn’t you get it?”

  “Fuck. I need to go, stay safe Jade,” and with that he was out the backdoor of The Irish Thistle.

  If Genevieve read that letter there would be hell to pay, he was used to the lewd letter
s Lady Jade would send when he was in town. He had grown used to her sordid letters; she was always trying to get him naked. The thought of innocent Genevieve reading and misinterpreting the letters sent a chill over his skin. He never told Genevieve about how Lady Jade was his informant, fearing the worst, he moved quicker.

  Walking at a brisk pace down the street a sparkle caught his eye as he passed an elderly woman who was gazing at her hand in awe and wonder. Slowing down, his jaw dropped as he recognized the ring on the old woman’s hand, it was the one he just bought for his fiancée that very morning.

  “Excuse me ma’am, please don’t fear me. May I ask who gave you that ring?” Asking his question delicately, he didn’t want her to worry he’d harm her.

  “Ah, you must be the one she watched!” She looked at him with wide eyes as she tilted her head and inspected him from top to bottom.

  “Ma’am?” He questioned, he didn’t understand what she meant.

  “The pretty green-eyed lass with black hair like an archangel! She saw you walk into that whorehouse, watched you through the window. Came back just as broken hearted as could be, tossed the ring in me jar as she walked past, tisk tisk tisk young man.”

  “Fuck!” He seethed between his grinding teeth. “My fair lady, if you would be so kind to strike a bargain? A ring like that could get you murdered by the wrong person, or accused of thievery by the guard. What if I buy it off you, you stay safe, I get her ring back, and you also get coin that you can keep hidden and safe without question from others.”

  He spun the deal sweetly; he knew being polite and respectful was always his best option. Not only was the ring worth a fortune, it belonged on Genevieve’s hand only.

  It didn’t take the old woman long to decide, she twisted the ring off her finger and placed it in his palm as quick as could be, “You be a smart one, you go make it right with her, a woman like that is worth fighting for young man.”

  Clasping the ring in his finger he reached into his inner pocket and pulled out a leather bag full of coin, placing the entire thing into her leathered hands he bid her goodnight, “I will, and thank you.”

  As he walked away, terrible thoughts ran through his head and he damn near ran to The Liffey Inn. Bursting through the back door of the inn, he ran up the stairs three at a time, unlocked the door to find the room empty, devoid of anything that belonged to her.

  Walking in, he slammed the door behind him, walking over to the table where his golden dagger was impaled; he looked down and saw Lady Jade’s familiar writing.

  “Fuck!” He said between his teeth as he pulled his dagger out.

  Knowing she couldn’t be far, he packed his belongings quickly and ran back out and headed towards the docks. Knowing Genevieve as he did, he knew she’d head straight for home. Although it was night, tide was coming in and many ships disembarked during that time. Finding a passenger ship to London would be easy, even for her.

  Hiring a carriage he headed straight for the docks.

  As his carriage pulled up he noticed many ships already heading out of port. Grabbing his trunk he ran towards the docks searching for any sign of her. The last thing he wanted was for her to travel alone, she was a young beautiful woman and there were predators everywhere.

  Several ships were heading out of the harbor on their way to the sea; he was helpless as he watched them disappear against the bright moon. Wondering if she was on one, he turned towards the port office. Seeing out the harbor master, he walked into the building and saw Mr. Mcfarland tidying up a stack of papers on his desk.

  “Evening Mcfarland, I’m wondering if you could help me?” He asked, rounding the desk and sitting in the chair across from the older harbormaster.

  “Evening Cap’n, what can I do for you this fine evening?” The old seafarer asked directing his full attention back to Luke.

  “I’m wondering if you could tell me if you remember a young woman sailing out on a passenger ship tonight? English, green eyes and striking black hair, within the past hour or so.”

  “Aye, I remember her, shy thing she was. Bought a passage on The Golden Sunrise, just left out of port here.”

  Luke head hit the back of the chair and looked up at the wooden ceiling. “Thank you Mcfarland, The Darkhorse will be leaving tomorrow morning, I’ll have our papers ready then.” Shaking hands with the old harbormaster, he got up and walked out to the docks.

  Crossing his arms he looked back over the black sea, “Fuck!” Short and clipped, his temper was running rampant. Whipping around, he went in search of his ship, he’d sleep in his quarters on The Darkhorse tonight. Walking towards his ship he noticed that The Swansong had already disembarked as well, carrying with it Rossdale back to English shores.

  With Rossdale and Genevieve now gone, he needed to get home right away. It would take a day to assemble his crew and leave for England. Thankfully the trip was a short one it wouldn’t take him long to return.

  His thoughts kept returning to Vieve, he prayed she was safe and not suffering a panic attack. The thought of her watching him through the glass windows at The Irish Thistle worried him; did it send her into an attack? What was she thinking? Was she scared? Was she okay? Would she understand? Would she forgive him?

  He still couldn’t believe that she gave away her engagement ring, although he knew what she saw, he was astonished she quickly ended their short engagement so easily.

  Worried that she was about to show back up in London unescorted, and to a town full of gossip about her whereabouts, she had no clue what she was returning to. He prayed she was able to make it back to her parent’s home without anyone seeing or questioning her. There was no way to notify her father of her return, or to warn Alastair or ask for his help in time. Walking up the plank to his ship he nodded to the few remaining skeleton crew that stayed with the ship as usual, passing them he walked directly to his cabin.

  Tossing his trunk against the wall he sat down at his desk and poured himself a large drink, throwing it back in one motion he slammed down his glass and poured another.

  He had no idea how he would make this right with Genevieve, he only hoped when he returned to London she would listen to him, that she would believe him and trust him. He had no way to prove his innocence, only his words. He just wasn’t sure that would be enough for Genevieve.

  Genevieve’s passage back to London was extremely uneventful, mostly because she stayed in bed the entire time sobbing. Her cabin was small but comfortable, she felt no need to mingle with any of the other passengers, let alone show her face. She had been crying all night, her skin was splotchy and her eyes were almost welled shut.

  She slept very little during her sail home; her brain wouldn’t shut off long enough for her to sleep. Visions of Luke holding that woman floated back to her every time she shut her eyes. It physically hurt her to think about him touching another woman, she loved him so much. How could he do this to her? She felt like a damn fool, she should have never trusted him, or any man for that matter. She knew there was a reason she had sworn off marrying, and now she understood why. Heartbreak was too much for her to bear, love had cost her and she would pay dearly for her mistake.

  She knew Luke had written her father, and she knew her father knew where she was, what she hadn’t worked out yet is what she would tell him. She wasn’t naïve enough to think that her absence from the London ballrooms wasn’t missed; she hoped her family was able to cover for her enough to calm the wagging tongues of London. She just wanted to go home and crawl in her bed and shut out the world. She wanted to hug her sister and mother, she wanted to avoid questions and most of all she never wanted to see Luke again.

  On the second day of her trip home she dressed and prepared to arrive back into London’s port. More determined than ever, she had thought through all of her upcoming hurdles and was mentally prepared to face each one of them alone if need be.

  Arriving on the second day as the sun was setting, the ship’s guests were gathered on the deck watching their a
pproach, donning her dark cloak yet again with her hood covering her face and hair, she joined them with her trunk in her hand.

  It didn’t take long for the passenger ship to tie up and started letting passengers off, the wharf was a busy place, and many ships were coming and going at the same time. Blending in was easy to do in such a large crowd, plus she was used to sticking to the shadows and avoiding hoards of people naturally.

  Walking into the bustling port a familiar voice had her looking amongst the crowd, a sweet female’s voice she hadn’t heard in a very long time, Helena, her best friend in the entire world.

  Looking frantically, she spotted the new Duchess of Montrose and weaved her way though the mass of people to her. “Helena!” Genevieve cried as she locked eyes with her best friend, her feet carried her directly over to her at a rapid pace.

  “Genevieve? What in the world are you doing here? Are you alone? What is wrong my sweet?” The petite blonde opened her arms as they ran to each other.

  Genevieve was unable to speak as she hugged Helena, tears poured down her face as she mumbled incoherent words. Helena was her savior, her best friend and such a relief to see. The Duke of Montrose stood next to the pair and quickly opened the door to the Ducal carriage; silently he nodded to the ladies to get into the elegant carriage and out of eyesight.

  “Come on Vieve, get in the carriage, you can tell me all about it love, you are safe, shhhhh.” Rubbing her back, she took Genevieve’s hand and pulled her into the grand carriage.

  Climbing into the carriage Genevieve quickly wiped away her tears and watched Helena and her new husband, The Duke of Montrose enter the carriage as well. Gideon Somerset, The Duke of Montrose was Luke’s eldest sibling and only brother; their looks were very similar. Just looking at Luke’s older brother made her start to cry again, she missed and hated Luke so much.

  Helena grabbed Genevieve’s hands and looked into her friends tearful eyes, “Love, I need you to tell me what happened so we can help you. We just returned from Scotland moments ago, I have no clue what has been going on while we were away. Please Vieve, please.”


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