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The Elusive Earl

Page 28

by Eva Andrews

  Covering a large yawn as she woke, she peeked out of the bright windows to spy the famous Salthill estate before her. She felt Luke’s arm wrap around her waist and squeeze her close.

  “By my calculations, we’ll have a full day before our families descend upon us and the full mayhem of wedding planning begin. I’m sorry I didn’t stop last night at an inn; I wanted to get here as quickly as possible. How do you feel?”

  “I feel wonderful, truly. Stop worrying about me; I’ll be fine Luke.” She replied sweetly, reaching up to place a small kiss on his jaw.

  “I think that I’ll always worry about you, I can’t wait to have you to myself for an entire day here,” kissing the top of her head he sat with her and watched as the mansion drew closer as their carriage made the way up the gravel drive.

  Snuggling into him, “What do you have planned for us?” She inquired, taking in the beautiful grounds.

  “First, I’m going to show you down our personal family wing.”

  “Wing?” She asked, a little confused.

  Chuckling, he explained, “Obviously, Salthill belongs to the Dukedom, so it is Gideon and Helena’s as he’s the heir. However, we will always be welcome here, before our parents passed away, they renovated three separate wings for their children, one for Amelia, Gideon and myself. Our wing is on the south end of the mansion, it overlooks the side garden and the ocean,” he pointed to the grand estate before them, showing her where they’d be located, “Our wing has an impressively large suite for you and I, and has twenty seven guest rooms as well as a nursery when we have children.”

  Looking at him with shock, “Twenty seven guest rooms in your wing alone?”

  Smiling, “Yes love, our wing is reserved for our personal guests and family, your family will always have a place here as well. Just like Helena’s family, think of it as a house inside a house. There are four wings at Salthill, Gideon and Helena’s, ours, and Amelia’s and then the general guest lodging wing.”

  “I knew the place was large, I didn’t know it was that large! It’ll take me a while to think of your possessions as mine Luke, I feel like I’m bringing nothing into our marriage,” she admitted, a little ashamed. Although her family was very wealthy, she had no real major possessions like he did. He had homes all over the country, a booming shipping company and was known for being one of the wealthiest earl’s in all of England.

  Tugging on a strand of her hair, Luke caught her eyes, “All that I am is yours Vieve, my body, my soul, my homes, my wealth- it is all yours. You are bringing the most important thing to our marriage, yourself. Money can’t buy what you make me feel, my homes cannot replace the love I feel for you, take away my money and possessions and I’m just a man.”

  Leaning up, she kissed him as they pulled in front of the grand estate, “I love the man, not what he has.” She whispered upon his lips.

  Cupping her face he kissed her senseless before opening the carriage door and helping her out, their ride had been daunting, they were both excited to stretch their limbs and take a refreshing bath.

  Footmen appeared from the home and unloaded their trunks as they walked up the marble staircase towards the front entrance. The friendly staff greeted them, already prepared for them the expert staff at Salthill promised to send a light lunch upstairs within the hour for the couple.

  Taking her hand, Luke gave her the personalized tour of her new home at Salthill. She had been a guest here for Helena and Gideon’s wedding a short time ago, but saw limited rooms in the house. Walking up the grand staircase, she followed Luke’s lead as he entered his wing. Pointing out the rooms as they walked past, the nursery and finally arriving at their suite at the end of the grandiose hall.

  Pausing before the mahogany door, he swept her up into his arms, “Welcome to your new home at Salthill my love.” Opening the door and carrying her over the threshold, she took in the breathtaking room.

  “Oh Luke, this is amazing! Did you decorate it?” She asked as he sat her back on her feet.

  “Yes, I’ve occupied this space for almost ten years now, my parents let me design and decorate as I pleased. If there is anything you want to change, just say the word. That goes for any of our homes; you have full control to do as you please.”

  Taking a few steps into the room, she cast her gaze upon the warm room, “Oh it is perfect Luke! There isn’t a thing I’d change!” Twirling around, she saw him smiling at her, “What?” She asked, he looked perplexed.

  “You are the first woman to enter this room, besides my mother and staff, no woman has ever slept in this room. You’ll be the first, and the last.”

  Raising an eyebrow at him, “Seriously?” She knew of his reputation, he was not stranger to the ladies over the years. Handsome and rich, the ladies of London flocked around him for many years.

  “Seriously Vieve, I knew even back then, that only my wife would sleep in this bed. The same goes for any of my homes, only my wife graces my beds. It’s where we’ll make our children, I’d never taint that. Even as a young buck, I knew that.”

  Shaking her head she wrapped her arms around his waist and squeezed, “You can stop being perfect at any time now Luke, I’m not sure if I can live up to your standard.”

  “You are perfect for me, and that is all I care about. You are everything I could have ever dreamed about Vieve, now, let’s wash off our travels and enjoy a day alone before our loud families’ descend on us!” Grabbing her hand, he walked her across his enchanting room towards the large gilded doors.

  Their suite was located on the corner at the end of the wing; it overlooked the picturesque ocean below, along with the side gardens. The large windows let in beautiful sunshine into the room. A large marble fireplace anchored across the room from the bed, the walls were a beautiful dark blue that seemed to mirror the ocean outside the windows. The mahogany woodwork in the room was outstanding; the four post bed seemed large enough to fit an entire family. The room had a masculine charm about it that made Genevieve feel Luke’s touches all around it, from the leather chairs to his matching mahogany desk set by the windows.

  Opening the gold gilded doors, he swung the heavy doors open to reveal a huge cooper tub that looked large enough to fit a group of people, the room was fitted with dark marble flooring and furnishings, it was dark and romantic. Very fitting for Luke, every square inch of his room reminded her of his soul. She wasn’t lying when she told him there wasn’t a thing she would change. Everything in this room made her feel closer to him some how. It bared his soul to the onlooker. Amazed that she would be the first woman to sleep in his bed made her feel cherished. He held his standards high, years before even meeting her.

  The room also had a massive walk in wardrobe that was loaded with all sorts of Luke’s belongings. The entire suite smelled of his earthy cologne, closing her eyes she took a deep breath and exhaled, a lazy smile graced her face.

  “This entire side will be yours as it was at our London home.” He whispered

  Turning her head, she kicked up a bright smile for him, how easily his became theirs, he never stumbled and called something his, it was always ours or theirs, it warmed her soul. She had never felt calm quite like this before in her life. She had felt no attack after being rescued by Luke, even having to touch Gideon and Alastair while sewing their wounds shut. It was as if her soul was finally at peace, when Luke was next to her life was in balance.

  She looked out upon the large empty space that stood waiting for her belongings and smiled. Watching Luke turn serious, she saw him cross his arms and furrow his brow as he cleared his throat.

  “I know we haven’t spoken about our living arraignments, but I can assure you Genevieve that I will not have my wife living in a separate bedroom. Your place is beside me, always.”

  Swatting at his crossed arms, she wound her arms around his neck and kissed his frowning face, “I can assure you Luke that I will not have my husband sleeping in another room either. We have an accord darling. I was simply smiling
at how generous you are. You’re the man women could only dream about,” kissing his jaw, “I love you Luke Michael Somerset.”

  “I would give you the world if I could.”

  Hugging him back, “I only want you Luke, not the world.”

  Chapter 21

  The day flew by so quickly for the couple, after bathing and eating lunch, the two went on a walk by the cliffs until sunset. They talked about their future, where they’d like to live throughout the year, Luke was very aware of Genevieve’s adverse reaction to the city, he assured her he only needed to be in town a few months out of the year. His shipping company could run smoothly wherever he lived. That evening they sat together by the library fireplace and wrote down their guest list to the wedding, they agreed to have both families look over the list before the official invitations went out to the select group.

  After they ate a candlelit dinner in the side garden, afterward he gave Genevieve the full tour of the mammoth mansion. He wanted her to always feel at home, and the only way to do that was to learn the bones of the home. It was easy to get lost in such a large home, endless doors and hallways, sunrooms, music parlors, several sitting rooms on each floor, ballrooms, tea rooms, several billiards rooms. Behind each door Luke revealed more and more of the historic home that she never knew existed. There were hidden staircases for the lords and ladies of the manor to escape in the event of an invasion, or simply move throughout the house unseen.

  The Salthill tour took them hours, thankfully Luke had been smart enough to make sure they past by a wine cellar every hour to grab another bottle as they drank together upon their tour.

  Luke ended their entertaining tour in the family gallery, hundreds of canvases were arraigned in the long gallery. Past dukes and duchesses long in their grave, hundreds of years of history looked back as them as they walked hand in hand looking at the paintings.

  Stopping before the fireplace, his family portrait, the last one they ever had. It was over five years ago, before Gideon left for the war and while his parents were still alive. In the past five years, Luke aged very little; the artist had done a phenomenal job of capturing each member of his family with precise detail.

  Looking up at the painting of Luke and his family, her eyes began to pool at the sight of his deceased parents. She couldn’t even begin to understand the pain he had went through when he lost them. She knew he still had to miss them, especially back at his family home. His earliest memories of life began here. Every stone in this house had to remind him of his parents. Decades of memories were hidden around every corner. Reaching up, she brushed off a rolling tear from her cheek. The movement made Luke look down at her face.

  Turning her, so she was looking at him, he tipped up her jaw and rubbed another lingering teardrop off her ivory cheek, “Vieve, don’t cry my love.”

  “I’m so sorry for your loss my darling, my heart aches for you. Being here must bring back so many memories,” she blinked as more tears feel from her green eyes as she spoke.

  “Only happy memories love, my parents were amazing people. They loved generously, they gave fully, and they loved us completely. I’m so thankful for the years I had with them, coming here makes me happy. It makes me feel closer to them,” he brushed back a falling curl, and tucked it behind her ear, “They would have loved you Vieve, they would have welcomed you with open arms. I’m sure my mother would tell you that you have your hands full with me, and my father would tell you to tattle on me if I ever upset you.” Luke chuckled as he pulled her close, every word he spoke was true, and “My parents would’ve been protective over you, just like Helena and Gideon are, for that is whom they learned it from. My parents protected their brood fiercely.”

  “They are awfully protective, aren’t they?” She smiled in his arms.

  “The Duke and Duchess are very protective of us, we are family. We protect our family at all costs. Welcome to the most insanely protective family, they’ll be sure to be in your business, and meddle in some fashion, especially Helena and my blasted sister!” He laughed as he squeezed her tight.

  The next morning they woke early, walking hand in hand to the stable, they were greeted by the elderly stable master who had been on these grounds a lot longer than any of the Somerset children, Old Max.

  Saddling two fine horses, the couple was off on a ride about the estate. Walking through tall grass, the two rode abreast with each other, feeling a bit queasy, Genevieve placed a hand over her stomach as the rode in the sunshine.

  Luke noticed it immediately, but didn’t rush to her aid. He refused to be a blithering idiot every time she didn’t feel well. If she needed his assistance, he’d be the first to know. Continuing to look straight, Luke rode on as if he hadn’t seen anything. He even noticed Genevieve look over at him quickly before looking forward again, both of her hands back on her reins.

  Luke had his suspicions that Genevieve was pregnant with his child. Smiling as they listened to the morning birds in the distance. He knew she hadn’t figured it out yet; it wouldn’t take long, especially when all the ladies showed up today.

  Calculating the days in his head, he knew she couldn’t be far along, that is why her sickness was so sporadic, he imagined as time progressed it would become more prevalent if it was indeed true. He reminded himself he agreed he wouldn’t bring it up until he had to, he wanted her to come to the realization she was carrying his heir. Sitting up in his saddle a bit straighter, the thought of having a child made him feel a sense of pride he didn’t know possible.

  Looking over at his dark haired witch, he eyed her from toe to the crown of her head, seated on her horse with regal presence. Immediately concerned with her riding a horse, accomplished horsewoman or not, he worried about her being thrown.

  “Would you like to head back to the house?” He gently asked, as if it were a passing thought.

  Shaking her head, and smiling at him, “The fresh air feels wonderful, are you able to ride more, or do you need to return?” She asked, eyeing him in his saddle.

  “I can continue just fine kitten, I wanted to make sure you were still comfortable.”

  “Of course I’m fine,” a mischievous grin kicked up on her face, “want to race, down to the creek and over to the old ruins?” She asked.

  “No!” He shouted a little too quickly and harshly, the thought of her thundering down the narrow path over the creek sent him into a panic.

  Crinkling up her nose, Genevieve stuck out her tongue at him, and spurred her horse forward, cracking the reins down upon her chestnut’s neck, and then she was gone.

  The wind whipped in her hair as she cantered down the wooded path, behind her he pushed his mount to gain ground on her. Watching her with worried eyes, he saw her lowering herself in the saddle and leaning forward as she prepped her horse to jump the creek. Clinching his jaw, he watched her effortlessly sail over the creek in a graceful jump, landing it softly.

  Pulling her mount to a stop, he pulled up beside her and nearly shouted, “What are you doing?” Dismounting his horse he crossed his arms.

  “We’re racing Luke, we’ve always raced down this path, we’ve done it since I’ve known you. What is wrong with you?” She asked breathlessly, looking at him as if he had lost his mind. Swinging her leg over her saddle, she gently dropped down onto the forest floor next to him.

  Shaking his head, he had known he overreacted, “I’m sorry, I just am so worried about you. I promise I will try to keep a better handle on my reactions.”

  Reaching over, she ran her hand over his shoulder and up his neck to cup his tense jaw, “Trust me Luke, as I trust you. I’ll never knowingly endanger myself or our child,” her face kicked up in a beautiful smile as he took in her words.

  Locking eyes with Genevieve, “You know?” He asked, amazed she hadn’t said something to him.

  “You know?” She asked back, clearly surprised he had guessed.

  Laughing, he reached over and pulled his future closer, “Your morning sickness is a telltale
sign my love, you?”

  “This morning, I was still thinking of how to tell you. I wanted it to be perfect for you.” She admitted as she looked into his eyes with love.

  Squeezing her tight, “This is perfect Vieve, we’re going to be parents.”

  Mumbling against his chest, “You’re happy? It isn’t too soon?”

  Pulling her back so he could look into her eyes so she could see his sincerity, “There is nothing I want more in this world than to create a family with you Genevieve Elizabeth.”

  Sighing, she leaned back into his chest and squeezed her arms around him, “I suppose I better get used to you overreacting over me, am I right?”

  “Aye, I would die a million deaths for you and our son Vieve.”

  Reaching up, she placed his hand on her stomach, “and what if it is a girl Luke?”

  “She will be loved just as much, and spoiled even more,” kissing her forehead; he tied up her mare’s reins to his saddle. Mounting his horse, he held his hand out and pulled her into the saddle with him.

  By the time the two were back to the stable, they heard a familiar clatter of carriages charging up the long driveway. Hand in hand, Luke and Genevieve walked up to the stairs to await their oncoming families. Five carriages pulled up, doors opened and Luke and Genevieve’s serene escape transformed into a mess of trunks and people bustling out of carriages.

  Out of the first carriage, Helena stepped out and glided up the stairs to her friend waiting at the top, “Vieve! I’m so excited for you! Oh we have so much to plan!”

  Helena clasped hands with Genevieve, and looked over at Luke, “Can you please help your brother and our guests, Vieve and I have so much to catch up on and plan! We’ll see you at lunch!”

  Luke watched as the new duchess walked away with his fiancée. Saluting the ladies, he moved down the stairs to greet his brother and Alastair, along with Jasper.

  The men directed the footmen where the luggage all went, Mrs. Hollington the resident housekeeper helped direct the families to their assigned quarters for their stay.


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