The Elusive Earl

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The Elusive Earl Page 29

by Eva Andrews

  Walking down the enormous entry hall, Helena walked arm in arm with Genevieve as they caught up. They had yet to talk about Vieve’s kidnapping, let alone her engagement, and now they had to plan a wedding in five days.

  Helena pulled Genevieve off to a back room, the walls were all glass and overlooked the back garden, and it was quiet and serene. Ordering a pot of tea, Helena shut the door behind the maid and sat down on the comfortable couch with her.

  Tucking in together, the two kicked off their shoes and pulled their feet underneath their skirts. Helena reached over and squeezed her friend’s hand, “Tell me how you are doing Vieve, are you okay with all of this? It’s very sudden.”

  Nodding with a slight smile, “I’m very happy with it happening so quickly, I feel like the world was trying to keep me apart from Luke, I want nothing more to be his bride.”

  Cracking a smile, “Alright, so we have a gorgeous wedding to plan in day’s time, thoughts? Requirements? Tell me what you want, and I’ll see it done flawlessly!”

  Helena was as efficient as they came, she ran the household like a well trained solider in Gideon’s army. Genevieve had no doubt that Helena could put together a wedding to rival royalty in a few days time.

  “I’d like to do a seaside wedding like you had at sunset as well, simple, we came up with a guest list last night, it’s sitting on Gideon’s desk awaiting your approval.”

  “Easy my dear, anything else? What about a dress?” Helena asked, yawning as the tea was delivered on a tray. The maid left as quickly as she entered.

  Pouring tea for herself and Genevieve, Helena handed a teacup to Genevieve as she continued, “We can go into town tomorrow and see what Madame Francesca has in stock, her elite gowns she keeps in the back for just an occasion!”

  Taking a sip from her tea, Genevieve nodded in agreement, “Oh that would be wonderful Helena, I’d love a new gown and there isn’t enough time to have one made! I need to find a ring for Luke as well, can you help me?”

  “Of course darling, we’ll go tomorrow. We can take my mother and yours, I’m sure Amelia, Hero and Annabelle will want to come too! Oh, it’ll be so much fun!” Helena continued to talk of plans for the upcoming events surrounding Vieve’s wedding.

  An hour later, Gideon and Luke found the ladies curled up beside each other on the same couch, fast asleep shoulder to shoulder. Looking at the sleeping angels on the couch, Luke nudged his brother’s shoulder and announced quietly, “I’m going to be a father too.”

  Luke felt Gideon’s strong arm pull him into a hug, just like a father would, “Congratulations brother, we are blessed men indeed. You’ll be a fine father, and an uncle. Our children will grow together and fill our shoes one day. Mother and Father would be proud of you, just like I am.”

  Patting Gideon on the shoulders, “Thank you brother.”

  The brothers gently picked up their ladies, and took them up to their rooms to rest before dinner. They knew the ladies would need a lot of rest in between the busy events these next days.

  That night after dinner, Gideon requested to talk to Genevieve in the library as everyone mingled and took turns playing the pianoforte in the ballroom, the young girls made their brother’s dance with them, Michael chased around Amelia’s cat and the parents all sat down and watched their broods.

  Walking out of the brightly lit ballroom, Gideon escorted her into his famous library. As they walked down the hall together, Gideon explained, “Earlier, Helena explained to me that you were in need of a ring for Luke, correct?”

  Nodding, “Yes, I asked her to help me find a ring for him tomorrow in town.”

  “No need dear, I have something very special for you, follow me,” opening wide his library doors, he walked over to the large oil canvas beside his roaring fireplace.

  Standing beside him, she watched as he clicked the painting open, and pulled it wide revealing a stately safe.

  “The combination to all of our safes is Helena’s birthday, if you ever find yourself in need of anything, you are to help yourself. Jewels, money, loaded guns, we do not have secrets or hoard in this family, everything we own is for our family.”

  Genevieve watched as Gideon spun the large combination, and pulled the safe open. Looking inside, he pulled out a men’s gold ring that held an emerald and a diamond, very similar to her ring.

  Reaching down, he clasped her hand and turned up her palm, placing the beautiful ring in her hand as he explained, “This belonged to our grandfather, and then our father. It is very special to our family; I’d like you to take this. Luke knows this ring very well.”

  Wrapping her small fingers around the cold gold, she looked at the dazzling ring before her, seeing S etched on each side of the elegant ring, “Are you sure Gideon?”

  “Helena picked a family heirloom for me from this safe earlier this year, she choose a similar ring my grandfather and father wore. It would make me very happy to see my brother bound with tradition, this ring has such meaning to us Vieve. Trust me, and look, it matches your ring perfectly. It is as if it was meant to be, please, take it.”

  Wrapping her hand around it, she held it to her chest, “Thank you Gideon, I couldn’t ask for a better family to be surrounded by.”

  “My pleasure, now, let’s get back to them before they have too much fun without us!” He chuckled, wrapping her arm around his, slowly escorting her back to the ballroom where music and laughter were flowing freely.

  Entering back into the ballroom, they saw Amelia and Alastair playing the pianoforte together across the room, the pair was laughing and playing a bouncing waltz. Hero, Helena’s little sister was gliding around the room with Luke as Helena and her brother Jasper were also dancing.

  “Care to dance?” Gideon asked her, making a dramatic bow.

  “Of course Your Grace.” Making an equally exaggerated curtsey in return. Laughing, the two circled on the floor next to the couples as Amelia and Alastair played an artful waltz.

  The group held an impromptu dance in the ballroom, all taking turns playing while others danced well into the night. Many hours later, the group disembarked for their beds, Helena made it clear the ladies were leaving after breakfast for the town.

  Luke ended up carrying her to their room after she stumbled from being so tired. Both of them confident, yet not completely sure she was with child. Luke had already shown signs of his protectiveness tonight.

  “What did you and Gideon talk about Vieve?” He asked, clearly curious at what his older brother wanted.

  “You’ll see soon my love, don’t ruin your surprise.” She yawned against his warm neck and snuggled closer to him.

  The next morning, true to her word, Helena had all of the ladies packed into carriages and heading to town directly after they broke their fast.

  A short distance from Salthill, the ladies visited several shops, but the most important stop of all was at Madame Francesca’s shop. For she was a legend in England, her gowns were exquisite creations of the highest quality, she was in such high demand she was able to pick her own clients. Arriving in the beautiful store, Helena and Genevieve were shown directly to a private parlor where Madame Francesca was waiting them, the rest of the ladies perused the store, purchasing all sorts of new trimmings.

  “Bonjour Your Grace, welcome!” The beautiful French seamstress purred as she walked up to Helena and kissed cheeks.

  “Merci Madame Francesca! I’m so happy to see you! We are in desperate need of your assistance again,” linking arms with Genevieve, Helena continued, “Our very own Luke has finally captured the hand of our sweet Genevieve. They are to be married on Friday night. Please tell us you’ve got something for her?” Helena requested sweetly.

  Madame Francesca’s face lit up upon hearing the news, she had been a personal seamstress to the late Duchess, and she had known the Somerset children since they were babes.

  “Ma chérie,” pulling Genevieve into a warm embrace, “I’m so happy for you! Of course I have something for y
ou! Follow me my sweets!” Waving the ladies to follow her, she walked them back to a special room, her private workspace. Bolts of rare fabric were neatly arraigned against the walls, her drawings were neatly stacked on her drawing board, on the other side of her room, there was a rack of dazzling gowns that caught Genevieve and Helena’s eye immediately.

  Clasping hands with Genevieve as they crossed the room, “What color would you like Ma chérie?” Francesca asked as they stood before the selection of gowns of every color.

  “Emerald green.” The words were out of Genevieve’s mouth before she knew she spoke.

  Nodding in appreciate of her choice, “Excellent choice my dear, you will look magnifique! I have the perfect gown for you my dear, go stand by the mirror and undress with Her Grace, I’ll bring it over, I do believe it’ll fit you perfectly,” shooing the ladies off to the dressing area, Madame Francesca pulled down the gown she had in mind.

  “Close your eyes Ma chérie, this will be a surprise for you, we shall dress you. Arms up!” Madame Francesca requested. Doing as told, she closed her eyes and smiled. Standing perfectly still while Helena and Madame Francesca laced her into the soft gown.

  “Open your eyes dear,” Francesca ordered kindly from behind her.

  Opening her eyes, she looked into the mirror before her, and her jaw dropped. Turning in the mirror, she took in the creation in awe.

  “Isn’t it the most perfect gown Vieve?” Helena asked, dabbing tears from her eyes.

  Nodding in agreement, “It is so unlike anything I’ve ever worn, it is simply perfect! It fits flawlessly!”

  The gown was a perfect shade of emerald green as requested, made from a rare eastern silk, gathered and secured at her right shoulder. Tight around her large breasts, it showcased her chest and ivory skin. It pulled in tight around her slim waist and curvy hips. The skirt floated around her long legs in layers of exotic silk. It was enchanting and enticing, regal and far nicer than anything the royals had in their wardrobes.

  “Let’s go find a few items for your wedding trip my dear, I imagine you’ll need all sorts of items, come, let’s go shop and show your mother the dress!” Madame Francesca offered.

  The invitations were posted that afternoon while the ladies were away, within three days guests would start to arrive for the wedding.

  The men found themselves busy doing the ladies’ bidding during the following days. Chairs and flowers, and task after task they willingly did as the ladies provided daily lists for them. Day after day went by as the families happily helped the couple prepare for the wedding.

  The time had flown so fast for the group, each night they found themselves dancing and playing billiards as a giant family. The halls of Salthill were alive with happiness and families once again.

  Guests had started to arrive at Salthill Thursday morning, right on time. Helena and Gideon welcomed the guests and had them shown to their rooms. Tomorrow the wedding would be held at sunset in the main garden overlooking the sea. All the details were sorted out, everyone was joyfully anticipating the wedding tomorrow night.

  Friday morning Genevieve awoke alone in Luke’s bed, reaching over with her leg, she felt he had gotten up a while ago; the sheets were cold where he once lay. In his place, on the pillow she spied a jewelry box with a note.

  Genevieve Elizabeth,

  To the mother of my child, you have blessed my life with untold fortunes. I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you and our family.

  I love you with everything that I am,


  Opening the accompanying velvet box, Genevieve saw the matching earrings to her ring and necklace he had already given her. Running her trembling fingers over the luminescent emeralds, she felt tears of joy well in her eyes.

  A light knock at her door rang through the bedroom, “Come in,” she beckoned. She was giddy to start her day!

  Her sweet mother peeked her face in, “Good morning love! Luke said I could find you here! Are you ready for breakfast? Helena ordered us all food brought up to the sunroom down the hall.”

  “I’m starving,” swinging her feet out of the bed, she laid the box on an ornate table next to her dresser, “help me change?” She asked her mother.

  Hours later, the ladies had all eaten, had tea and enjoyed a carefree morning away from the busy main floor of the house. Breakfast slipped into lunch before each of the women made their way back to their respective rooms in search of a hot bath before having their hair done.

  Upon entering her room, Genevieve saw another velvet box and note sitting neatly on the fireplace mantel. Walking over, she smiled as she read his elegant handwriting.

  Genevieve Elizabeth,

  To my ravishing wife, I cannot wait to become your husband.

  Forever yours,


  Opening her second gift this morning, Genevieve saw the final piece to her set, a glimmering bracelet. Absolutely amazed at his thoughtfulness, she collected all of her jewelry from him; she would wear the entire set when she said her vows to this man.

  Opening the gilded doors, the aroma of rosewater captured her senses. The large cooper tub was full of steaming water, covered in white rose petals.

  Sighing with pleasure, Genevieve shrugged out of her gown easily and slipped into the heavenly bath with immense satisfaction. Reaching up, she let her hands rest on the beautiful tub, when she suddenly rolled the fingers on her left and realized the heavy weight of her ring was missing. Water splashed out of the tub as she sat up and stared at her bare hand.

  “Luke must have taken it last night or this morning as I slept,” she murmured to herself, trying to dampen her panic. A little concerned she hadn’t noticed it earlier today.

  Sitting back she thought over what today would bring, trying to reassure herself that Luke had her ring.

  After her bath she would need to dry her hair, and eventually have her maid put it up in a glorious style for her wedding day. She thought over her green gown, hanging in the back of her wardrobe, she had never worn anything so enchanting. Together with her newly completed set of emerald and diamond jewels, she knew she would look perfect for her future husband.

  In the back of her mind she did worry of an attack, with Luke, he could calm or stir her senses in unimaginable ways. Would she faint while saying her vows to him?

  Quickly shaking off the thought, she felt so different now that she was beside Luke the majority of the past days. She felt grounded and peaceful, clam and focused.

  She had quite a few hours before she would walk down the candle lit aisle to Luke. She luxuriated in cooper tub for over an hour, washing her hair with delicate perfumed shampoo. It took a lot of convincing herself to leave the bath. Drying off and slipping on her black silk robe she had bought as party of her wedding trip attire, she rang for her maid.

  It took her maid over an hour to dry and coif her hair to perfection. Sitting before the mirror, still dressed in her robe she heard a knock at her door.

  “Come!” Genevieve called, looking over her shoulder at the door.

  Opening the door with a bright smile upon her face, Helena came dressed for the wedding. Wearing a beautiful purple gown, she floated through the room, holding something covered with velvet upon a decorative cushion.

  “Good eve my dear Genevieve! Are you ready to get married?” Helena exclaimed with profound excitement.

  Dismissing her sweet maid, Genevieve turned around to greet her beautiful friend.

  “I am more than ready! Please tell me Michael hasn’t lit the garden on fire already?” She asked, laughing as she watched Helena cross the room and sit next to her before the mirror on the bench.

  “Not yet my love, but the night is still young! I’ve brought you something special! Do you want to see?” Helena asked with baited anticipation.

  Nodding her head, Genevieve watched as Helena pulled back the velvet cover on the blue cushion to revel the famous Montrose crown, worn by every female in the family on her wedding day. For
hundreds of years, this delicate gold crown adorned with perfect diamonds was worn at every wedding in the Somerset family. It was the most dazzling crown Genevieve had ever seen in her life. Helena had worn it only months ago when she married Gideon at this very place.

  “Oh Helena! The crown, you want me to wear it?” She asked, placing her hand over her mouth as the diamonds glittered before her.

  “The entire Somerset family wants you to wear it my pet! You are a Somerset bride, and by tradition, I pass this onto you to wear today at your wedding with Luke. When Amelia marries, you can pass it on to her my love, and then we pass it amongst our children on their wedding day!”

  Tears of joy collected in her eyes as she watched Helena stand up, and place it upon her dark locks, taking her time to secure it with a few hairpins. Helena stepped back, and Genevieve looked in the mirror at her reflection, she felt worthy of Luke, of his love and this family. She felt centuries of family tradition and love flood her as the crown sat upon her ebony locks.

  “Oh Helena, it is beautiful!” She admitted, turning her head from side to side to look at the precious crown.

  “Just as I wore it, our husband’s mother wore it, their grandmother and so on. One day, our daughters will wear this crown. Today my best friend becomes my sister, I’m so happy for you Genevieve. There is no one else in this world I’d want by my side as we stand beside our men. There is no other woman as perfect for Luke as you, and likewise, there is no other man more suited for you,” leaning down, she kissed Genevieve’s temple trying to hide her tears of joy.

  “Oh don’t make my cry you brat!” Playfully swatting at Helena.

  Chuckling, “let’s get you dressed; there is a handsome earl downstairs who is pacing. I think he’s nervous you’ve changed your mind and run away!”

  Within the next hour, Genevieve’s mother and sister had joined them, Amelia, and Hero made their way into the room as well. Even Lady Juliet found them eventually. The ladies prepared together, helped each other lace into their gowns and most of all, helped the bride get dressed.


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