The Elusive Earl

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The Elusive Earl Page 30

by Eva Andrews

  Donned in her emerald one shouldered silk gown, the Montrose crown nestled securely in her shiny dark curls; she stood still as her mother fastened her necklace upon her, followed by her earrings and bracelet.

  A strong knock at the door had all the ladies swinging their eyes to the door.

  Cracking the door open, Lord Phillip gently announced, “It is time.”

  Helena shooed the group of ladies out of the room and down to the garden to their seats, the wedding was about to start!

  Swiftly exiting Luke and Genevieve’s suite, the ladies left Genevieve with her handsome father.

  Crossing the room, he placed his hand over his heart as he spoke, “Oh my girl. I always knew you would find him. You are stunning my child. I’m so proud of you!”

  Holding out his arms, he waited for her to run into his arms like she always had. Genevieve did not disappoint, closing the distance to her father, she wrapped her arms around his broad chest and held tight “I love you father.”

  Wrapping his arms around her, “and I love you Genevieve.”

  Rubbing her back, “Are you ready sweetheart? There is an outstanding young man downstairs in the garden waiting for you, shall we?” He asked in his usual humor.

  Linking arms with her handsome father, Genevieve exited her room, her long lace train that peeked out underneath the silk gown trailed behind her.

  With Luke’s ring tied to her bouquet, she walked down the grand staircase and through the long stone arched hallway towards the sea on the arm of her tall father. Through the glass she could see the vibrant rays of the setting sun upon the horizon, in the breeze she could hear the small string orchestra play outside in the garden.

  Squeezing her father’s solid arm as the grand doors opened wide, she heard him whisper, “You’ll do fine my love, just breathe.”

  Walking out into the sunset, Genevieve looked past the rows of elegantly dressed guest and found Luke. Standing before the cliffs, she watched his chest puff with pride as his eyes took her in. She could see his bright white smile even from the house, standing with his hands clasped behind his back, Luke watched only her as she walked down the candlelit grass aisle, adorned with white rose petals.

  Passing row after row of guests, she had eyes for only Luke; he looked striking standing with an entire ocean behind him. His dark hair softly ruffled in the breeze, his black suit was paired with an emerald green cravat and vest, his eyes never left hers as she walked to him.

  Arriving at the end of the aisle, Lord Phillip handed her over to Luke, stopping to shake his hand and kiss her forehead before sitting down next to his blissfully happy wife.

  Luke’s warm hands entwined with her hands as he brought her up towards the candlelit altar. The sun was slowly disappearing on the horizon as the priest began the ceremony. Lost in each other eyes, they repeated their vows to each other with deep meaning in every word.

  The priest held out his bible and asked the couple to place the rings upon it so he could bless them. Luke laid Genevieve’s large emerald and diamond ring on the open bible first, giving Genevieve the chance to untie his ring from her flowers.

  Holding it in her hand, she gently placed it next to her ring, and looked back up at Luke as she watched his eyes widen with surprise when he saw the ring. Emotion swept across his face as he saw the ring she had chosen for him.

  Looking down into her green eyes, he mouthed, “I love you” as the priest blessed the rings.

  Moments later, the two finally exchanged their rings. When Luke slipped her ring on her finger, she noticed a solid band of diamonds added along both sides of her ring. Looking up at his grinning face, he winked at her.

  Taking her turn, Genevieve slipped the golden heirloom ring onto his hand. It was a rich and regal ring that suited him perfectly. It was as if were made for his hand. Their rings matched in a fashion.

  The moment the doors opened, Luke spied his green-eyed witch, dressed in his favorite color, adorned with her jewels from him. She made the rest of the world disappear. His eyes caught the sight of the dazzling family heirloom crown upon her beautiful hair and his heart skipped a beat. Genevieve truly looked like she could be the reigning Queen of England, with her graceful entrance and adoring eyes; she captured his heart all over again

  As soon as his father’s ring was on his finger, he reached down and cupped Vieve’s sweet face and pulled her up against him, kissing her softly just as the priest declared them husband and wife.

  Behind them, they heard the guests cheer in celebration. The sun had disappeared and the bright moon reflected upon the ocean as they stood in the candlelit garden, lost in each other completely.

  Kissing her nose, he gathered her closely beside him and turned to face their guests. Genevieve’s mother and Helena were sobbing, all while smiling. Lady Juliet was dabbing her eyes and Amelia and Hero, along with Annabelle were throwing more rose petals at them, laughing in happy merriment. Gideon had his arm around his crying duchess and kissed her temple as he whispered into her ear.

  Luke and Genevieve looked out amongst the group, waiving to their friends and family before walking back down the aisle and into the house.

  In the garden, Helena directed the guest into the main dining room for dinner before the dancing. Taking his opportunity, Luke whisked Genevieve off into a hidden stairwell as soon as they entered his family home.

  Hand in hand, Luke navigated the narrow enclosed stairs through the hidden tunnels of the grand home, eventually ending in their room. The secret door was hidden behind his bookcase next to the fireplace, exiting the hidden door; Luke pulled his glorious bride into their room.

  Pulling her close, Luke ran one hand over her derrière as he sunk his fingers into her curves, “Hello wife.” He whispered against her lips.

  “Hello husband.” She teased as she wrapped her bare arms inside of his jacket and up his back, digging her nails into his shoulder blades as she nibbled on his ear.

  “God you look phenomenal Vieve, the Montrose crown, your jewels. Do I even need to mention the silk creation you are wearing? You are perfection kitten.”

  “You’re spoiling me far too much Luke, waking up to priceless jewels will have to take some getting used to. Thank you for the earrings and bracelet, I’ve never seen a more breathtaking set before. I will treasure them forever. Do you like your ring?” She asked.

  Reaching down, Luke swept Genevieve off of her feet and walked over to the leather couch before the fire, sitting down, he pulled her close and held her tight.

  “This ring is very special to me Vieve,” he reminisced as he gazed at the golden ring on his left hand again, “It belonged to my grandfather, and then my father. I can remember my earliest days of them wearing this ring. Someday, I hope to pass it on to our son,” placing his hand on her stomach.

  Shaking her head and smiling, she kissed him sweetly before saying, “You’re so sure it’ll be a boy, what if you are wrong?”

  “She’ll be the light of my eye, right behind her beautiful mama.”

  Snuggling into his lap, she sighed as she asked, “Do we have to go back to dinner and the ball?”

  Chuckling, “Yes wife, we should head down. We are expected, but we do not have to stay long after the dancing starts. I have a surprise for you tomorrow morning that requires us departing from Salthill rather early. I’ll order our trunks packed tonight while we are downstairs with our guests.”

  “Surprise destination? Ohhh Luke, you know how to treat a lady!” She teased as she kissed his jaw.

  The two slowly made their way down to the dining hall, where people were busy mingling before dinner started. Entering into the grand hall, they slipped next to Helena and Gideon who were busy chatting with Lady Juliet and Lady Selena.

  Once the newly married couple had arrived, Gideon called for everyone to take their seats. Moments later after everyone was seated at their assigned location, scores of staff brought out the most delicious smelling food.

  Gideon nodded to Luk
e once everything was in place. Standing up Luke addressed his guests, “Sincere thanks to all sitting here today with us,” looking down at his glowing bride and then back to Gideon and Helena, “I’d like to give Gideon and Helena a special thank you for always supporting me through my life’s adventures. I love you both,” nodding at the duke and duchess, he smiled at his brother and Helena. Looking over at Genevieve’s parents, “Phillip and Selena, thank you for always welcoming me as family and for your patience while Genevieve and I found each other.”

  Extending his hand out to his bride, Luke helped Genevieve stand up next to him in front of their guests. Raising his glass, he held it up and the room followed.

  Turning to look at her sparkling green eyes, “To my wife, I will live everyday for you and our family. I will never leave your side; I will go to the ends of this earth for you. I can’t wait to see where life takes us,” kissing her gently, he raised his glass even higher, “Cheers my friends, let us eat and dance! Tonight we celebrate love!”

  Down the table their guests toasted to the couple, and everyone dug into the abundant feast laid out artfully before them.

  True to his word, Luke snuck Genevieve out of the ballroom an hour after dancing started. Upon entering their room, their trunks were neatly packed and stacked by their door awaiting their departure the following morning.

  Hand in hand, Luke and Genevieve walked across the room, “Will you tell me where we are going yet my love?” She asked, gently tugging on his hand. Tilting his head for him to follow him, Luke walked over to the giant windows that looked out over the cliffs and ocean.

  Peering out the window next to Luke, the full moon illuminated the water below. The Interceptor, anchored in the bay floated upon the waves below, smiling at the sight of the sleek ship, she rested her head on Luke’s shoulder, “Where are you taking me?”

  “We leave at first light for Scotland; I’m going to take you to see your new Scottish castle in Inverness. I thought you could use a few months away from London. I hope you’ll love the castle; it was passed to me from my mother’s family after her parents died. It is smaller than the castle Gideon and Helena inherited with the dukedom, but beautiful nonetheless. I’m sure it could use your touch, it is the one home I haven’t redecorated, I think I was waiting for my wife,” smiling down at her, he wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed her temple as she looked outside in the moonlit night upon his grand ship.

  “Hmmmm, let’s see. Scotland, a castle and a wedding trip for a few months with my husband? Oh, I think I’ll love it even if it were a dilapidated shack in the highlands my love!”

  Chuckling, he explained, “We can head back to Salthill before Christmastime for our annual holiday celebration here, of course, only if you want to. I fear if we don’t return, the new duchess might scold us.”

  “Christmastime here with our families sounds wonderful Luke, I’m looking forward to learning the Somerset traditions and sharing them with our children,” leaning up to kiss his jaw.

  “How are you feeling? You were amazing today; I was so worried about you all day. I’m not sure how to handle this protectiveness I feel over you, let alone how much it has increased now that you carry my son.”

  Shaking her head in amusement and giving him a little swat, “I felt incredible today dear, probably because I’m carrying your daughter, and little girls know when to behave,” placing her hand on her still trim stomach, “You’ll just have to learn to stop being so nervous Luke, we have no enemies hunting us any longer. I won’t break, and this wee babe we bring into the world will be so loved. Just think, you and Gideon will be able to watch your children play together, just like you two did. What a great feeling knowing our child will have a best friend born before her! Soon enough, Amelia will get married and have lots of little girls too!” Purposely calling the baby a girl in order to rile her new husband.

  She knew that no matter what, Luke would be ecstatic with either a boy or a girl. Of course, due to his title, he’d need a boy someday. She knew this playful teasing was just that, he wasn’t demanding a son; he was teasing her like he always had. She had witnessed him starting to turn back into the playful Luke he’d always been for so many years.

  “I’m not sure I’ll ever learn to stop worrying about you Vieve, I’m going to spend the rest of my life giving you babies and making you smile. Your happiness and health is all I care about. You Genevieve, you are my future, you are my heart. You move my soul with your smile. You make my heart sing with your laughter. Forever and always, forever and always my love.”


  April 18, 1816

  Westminster Abbey, London England

  The Christening of Theodore Wilfred Somerset, the first-born son of The Duke and Duchess of Montrose had the entire extended families in London once again.

  After spending more than three months at their Scottish castle, Luke and Genevieve finally sailed back to south England right before Christmastime. Helena and Genevieve’s family joined them as they enjoyed the season together. It had been a joyous time for all, especially the newly married ladies.

  After the parents had went home weeks later, Genevieve and Helena along with their husbands stayed at Salthill for several more months. The ladies were in their confinement from pregnancy and they both craved the privacy and expanse of land that Salthill had to offer over the crowded streets of London.

  Luke and Genevieve were the last of the family to return to town, extremely close to having her first child, she had to throw a fit in order for Luke to let her travel north to London for the occasion. True to his nature, his overprotectiveness was driving her a bit batty. Choosing to let it humor her, she had to admit she was extremely round. Even walking was becoming a chore. Genevieve bartered with Luke that if he brought her into London for the christening she’d stay until she had their child. He had been begging her to hire more doctors than she really needed. She knew he’d snag up the chance to be in London where the best doctors were located.

  Sitting in the front pew of Westminster, Genevieve and Luke watched their sweet little nephew be christened in front of hundreds of guests. Helena and Gideon looked so elated, their love for each other would make anyone envious. Holding their heir, they turned and faced the full church.

  Silently, Genevieve smiled as happy tears softly rolled down her cheek. With one hand on her overly large stomach, she felt the baby kick. Gently grabbing her husband’s warm hand, she moved it from her hip to her belly so he could feel the precious movement of their child who would be coming into this world soon.

  Luke leaned closer to wife’s ear as, “I can’t wait to meet him.”

  Shaking her head as they congregation stood up, watching the duke and duchess leave in grand precession, “I think you mean, her.”

  For months Luke and Genevieve teased relentlessly back and forth over the sex of the baby. Luke was adamant it was a boy, and Genevieve still sure she carried a little lady. It had become quite a family joke; all of the family were busy trying to guess the sex of the baby. Genevieve was sure that the men had put money on it, although they refused to admit having a betting pool to her.

  After the christening, the families returned to Helena and Gideon’s for a private luncheon. Eventually the extended families made their way home after lunch, the group moved to the library so the men could have a drink.

  Helena and Genevieve chatted together by the fire as Gideon, Luke and Alastair poured a drink on the other side of the enormous library. Trying to hide a rather large yawn, Genevieve saw her friend notice.

  Helena ran her hand over Genevieve’s belly as she said, “You should go home and get some rest my dear. I think you’ll have a busy evening ahead of you.”

  “We have no plans tonight Helena, Luke refuses to let me leave the house most days. I haven’t been to a ball in months, not that I’m complaining. The self-induced exile has felt wonderful!” Genevieve admitted.

  “I had a vision today at Westminster Vieve,” Helen
a said knowingly.

  Sitting up a bit straighter, Genevieve knew to listen when Helena said those words. Her visions were always accurate and shockingly precise. “What did you see Helena?” She asked, a little afraid. Luke had been so protective, especially when her size continued to expand each day; even she was a tad worried.

  “Tonight you will give birth my love, everything will turn out perfect, I promise. You should go home and rest, I’ll come over this evening. Nothing will happen before then, I’m sure. I’ll bring Amelia with me, and I’ll pick up your mother along the way. They want to be here for this blessing, as long as you’re fine with that,” Helena questioned.

  “Tonight? Oh my. Yes, please, bring Amelia and my mother; of course I want them there. You should bring Gideon and Alastair as well to keep Luke busy,” looking over at her beautiful blonde friend she felt a presence behind her.

  “Keep me busy for what purpose my love?” Luke asked, standing behind the couch Genevieve and Helena sat on, half a smile on his face.

  Looking up, she saw her dashing husband standing with his arms crossed, holding a whiskey glass; his blue eyes twinkled with amusement. She was sure he hadn’t heard the entire conversation, otherwise she was positive he’d be loading her in a carriage right this second.

  “Helena has offered to keep me company this evening, I requested your brother’s presence as well so you will stay out of my hair for a few hours. I hope you don’t mind.” Smiling up at him.

  “Tell him Genevieve Elizabeth,” Helena teased quietly.

  Nudging Helena with her elbow to quiet her, she saw Luke catching on that she was hiding something from him, “Helena..shhhhh!” Genevieve hissed.

  Looking up at Luke to see what his reaction was. Being a top spy, he hadn’t missed a word. “Tell me what?” He looked down at both ladies. Behind him, Gideon and Alastair had stopped talking and were watching the trio standing by the fire. The inflection in Luke’s voice had everyone’s attention.


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