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A Spy and His SEAL

Page 6

by Kaydee Robins

“Mine,” he whispered possessively.

  “Yes,” I hissed as he skimmed over my prostate. “Again.”

  He hit my prostate again and tweaked my nipple before removing his fingers for a brief second. Finally, he shoved 3 fingers in, I felt too full and whimpered.

  “You okay?” Danny asked with concern. He paused but didn't remove his fingers.

  “Yeah give me a minute.” The pain finally started to subside to a pleasurable burn so I pushed back against his fingers and he continued his sensual assault on my entrance until he stopped.

  I wept loudly when he removed all of his fingers.

  “I know baby,” he said. “I got you.”

  Gawd and have me he did. “Danny,” I cried, “I need... I want.”

  “Relax baby,” he whispered as his cock head started to probe my entrance. “I got what you need right here. Push back against me.”

  I did. I tried to force my body to relax against his intrusion and I felt the moment my hole collapse and let him in. I hissed, just his cock head was in and I already felt full, “Jesus!”

  “You're so beautiful. This virgin hole is so fucking tight. It was made just for me, wasn't it?”

  I nodded my head, I was too choked up for words. I felt a tear slip out, he was being so sweet. No one had ever cared about my needs before. It was always just fucking.

  He rocked back and forth ever so slowly that it was torturous but he never once hurt me. Finally, after what seemed like forever he was fully seated.

  He didn't seem to be in a hurry at all as he made love to me. Yes, this is what it felt like to truly be loved. I had it before with him, but I let stupid assholes take him from me. Never again, I thought. No one would take my Danny from me again.

  “Mine,” I whispered through tears. “You're mine damn it.”

  “All yours,” he agreed kissing my ear, “don't cry, baby. I promise I'm not going anywhere, now come.”

  So I did, I screamed his name into the pillow as I shot my load all over the sheets. I could feel his dick pulsing as he rammed into me a few more times and then he followed me over into the abyss. “Mine,” Danny whispered into my ear and pulled me tight against him.

  “Yours,” I whispered as I fell back asleep in his arms.


  “L over boy! Wake-up,” Rebecca yelled a little too closely for my liking. I jumped for my gun before realizing where we were.

  “What the fuck are you yelling at me for? You almost got your ass shot,” I asked.

  “It’s noon jackass and I've been trying to wake your ass up for the last 5 minutes.”

  I looked around. What the hell! I never sleep that well. I noticed that Danny wasn't in bed and my face dropped.

  “He's on the phone with his handler. Apparently, when Gunnar pulled his clearance status it alerted the CIA. His handler called this morning. He's been locked in Darius' office for like 30 minutes now. I heard yelling before he went in there.”

  “Any news other than that?”

  “Nope. I-” Rebecca was cut off from whatever she was going to say when Danny stormed back into the room.

  “Out, Becca.”

  She gave me a look that said have fun with that before leaving without a word.

  “Baby what's wrong?”

  “I'm supposed to fucking stand down that's what.”

  He was pacing the room so I grabbed his hand and pulled him into my lap. “What do you mean?”

  “They said it's not my fight, we're on American soil so I have no authorization to go after him. Let the SEALs handle it. They want me to just up and leave and fly to Langley where I'm safe. They don't care about me, they only care about their damn asset.”

  “Well,” I started. “I would love if you listened to him.”

  “Her,” he corrected. “Really, you want to send me away?” Danny stood up and spun on me, “Fuck you, Liam!” he said pointing a finger in my face. “You're just like 'em. Think I can't fucking take care of myself. You think I am useless.” He turned around to storm out of the room.

  I raced him to the door and was able to slam it shut before he got out, “Danny.” I said pulling him into my arms. I lifted his chin so he had to look at me. “You didn't let me finish. So stop assuming what I think.”

  “Sorry,” he mumbled.

  “Have I ever treated you like you can't handle yourself?”


  “God damn-it babe, please don't put words in my mouth or assume things of me.” Danny let his head drop to my chest. “I know we have to get to know each other all over again. But you need to trust that I will always have your back.”

  “I'm sorry, just everyone treats me with kid gloves sometimes. My own god damn handler does too.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I haven't heard from my handler in a month. I called to check of course but she just said there was nothing for me to do. I thought it was weird but who am I to question Langley. Turns out I've been pulled off fieldwork pending a review. The only reason she even called me was because your CO checking my clearance status last night flagged her.”

  “Why the hell would they pull you?”

  “Apparently, because Eclipse keeps slipping through our fingers.”

  “So what they think that you turned?” he didn't say anything, but he shook his head indicating as much. “Have you done anything else to warrant that?”

  “No, all my other intel has been solid and the intel on him was good. Unless someone is trying to set me up there's no reason for them to think that I gave them bad intel.”

  “We'll figure it out babe,” I said kissing his head. “Together, fuck the CIA.”

  He looked up at me with a smirk, “you could get in trouble.”

  I laughed, “I'm a fucking SEAL, babe. One of the youngest team leaders ever. The worst they will do is slap my wrist.”

  “I lo-” Danny was interrupted by Andre shouting for us.

  I grabbed my gun and followed Danny out of the room. When we got to the living room, Andre and Darius were on either side of the window looked out the shade.

  “You know that guy, he's calling your name,” Andre said flicking his head towards the window.

  Danny and I both peeked out the window shade like Andre and Darius were doing.

  “Fuck,” I mumbled. “It's Jack.”

  “What, then let him in,” Rebecca said with a smile.

  “Um, Becca. It looks like he has a suicide vest on or something,” Danny said.

  “WHAT?!” she said hysterically. “He would never, ever do that.” She was shaking her head in disbelief.

  I went and grabbed her hand and made her look at me, but she kept looking at the window. “Bec, look at me damn it.” After forcing her to look at me I went on. “I don't think he is doing this by choice. We'll get him out of it, okay.”

  I helped her sit on the couch. “Get it together, Bender!” using her moniker as I shook her. “He needs you to be sharp.”

  “Twitch.” I heard Jack shout from outside.

  “Danny, can you take Bec to your mom? Until she can get herself under control?” I said softly while holding her hand. I don't think I've ever seen her like this. I knew that she and Jack were close but this.

  “I got this,” she whispered. “Just give me a minute.”

  I sighed, I knew that she would be fine but I was worried. “I'm gonna see what Jack wants.”

  I went to the front door and crack it enough that I could talk to Jack without a barrier but so he couldn't get into the house.

  “Socket, what's going on buddy,” I shouted.

  “He said you, Becca and the CIA agent need to surrender and no one gets hurt and everyone's family will be able to go home.”

  “Fuck,” I heard Danny say.

  “Is that who he has Jack? I that why you're doing this?”

  “There was only a live feed with video, this vest, and a note.”

  “Hang in there Jack, we'll figure something out. What do you have?” I as

  “You have 20 minutes to surrender. I'm a dead man, either way, Twitch.”

  “Hang tight, we'll get you out of this.”

  I went to close the door, but he shouted again, “tell my mother that I was there exactly at 6. That I missed her pumpkin pie.” Pumpkin pie was our code word for sniper if we ever got into situations like this.

  “Shit,” I said closing the door. “He has a dead man switch and a sniper at his 6 and the vest is going to go off in 20 minutes.”

  “Fuck! Did he say that there was a live video feed?” Danny asked and immediately put his speakerphone on as we listened to it ring.

  A female voice picked up on the other end, “Danny, you catch your flight yet?”

  “I'm not coming in Anne, I can't Eclipse knows I'm here.”

  “Danny you were given an order. Get your ass in here now. Let the LEOs and SEALs deal with this, we aren't supposed to operate on American soil,” she said.

  “Anne there is a SEAL standing outside the county sheriff's house with a suicide vest on. I don't fucking have time for Langley's bullshit. We have 20 minutes before we go boom and I much rather save this SEAL's life than argue with your stupid ass. Now get ZZ on the line we need to find the SEAL's family.”

  “Fuck okay,” came the reply.

  We heard a click and a loud man's voice came on the line. “Murphy you had better have a good fucking reason for disobeying a direct order.”

  “Sir, I just fucking told Anna. Get ZZ on the line now I don't have time for this bullshit a SEAL has less than 20 minutes to live, he needs ZZ's help now.” Danny seethed into the phone then turned to me, “find out if he has the live feed on him or he left it behind?”

  I opened the door and relayed the question. “I have it, 15 minutes, Liam please.”

  I heard Danny in the background talking to whoever at Langley, I knew he had better cyber resources then we did. “Jack, is there any other way to detonate that?”

  “Not that I saw.”

  “Are you able to disarm it?”

  “If I wasn't in it, yeah.”

  “Fuck, man, hang on.” I could see on his face he was fucking scared and I've never seen him even flinch from anything. He usually had the best resolve of anyone.

  I closed the door and turned to Danny, “anything?”

  “They found it and are working through the reroutes they have it pinging everywhere.”

  I turned to Darius and Andre, “bomb squad?”

  “Yeah, they are on their way already. They are around the corner a block away waiting. SWAT is searching for the sniper now.”

  “Got Em,” a voice said through Danny's phone. “We are dispatching SWAT to their location now. 10 minutes out.”

  “Fuck that's close, thanks Z,” Danny said.

  “You think he's out there or using someone else?” Andre asked.

  “He's watching but I don't think he's the sniper. He's too smart for that.”

  I grabbed my phone and called Gunnar, “O'Neal, what's the status?” I stepped into the kitchen area.

  “You fucking tell me, Gunnar. Someone screwed the fuck up. Smith is outside with a suicide vest because someone got to his family. How the fuck did he get our information? They know about Danny too,” I yelled. I was fucking livid.

  “Lieutenant!” Gunner warned. “Stand down now. We're looking into it. Get it together. We'll find Smith's family.”

  “Langley is already on it. They are about 5 minutes out of the supposed location. Then I can disarm Socket,” I said through gritted teeth.

  “Don't pull out any heroics O'Neal.”

  “Fine,” I wouldn't argue with him, but he knew I would do anything for my team so he already knew he was beating a dead horse when he said that. “What about the rest of the team?”

  “Everyone else has been accounted for. Families have been taken to safe houses. Except for yours and Smith's.”

  “Thank fuck!”

  “The rest of the team other than Claymore will be there at 1600 hours. Claymore should be there at 2200 hours. Clint's been instructed to leave 2 people at the airport to await Claymore. No lone wolf crap, O'Neal.”

  “Understood, sir.” With that, I hung up and returned to the living room.

  Chapter 11


  I could hear Liam yelling at his CO. I knew it wasn't normal for him to do that and I absently wondering if he would get in trouble later for it. However, I was livid too about the issue so I would probably do the same when I next spoke to my boss, mostly because I didn't know where the leak came from, Langley or the military? Wherever it was, it was serious. I knew we needed to get ahead of this, but first things first. We needed to get Jack safe ASAP. Which meant we needed to get to his family and fast.

  I was glad that I was on speaker with Langley it meant I could hear what the SWAT team was doing. Different people were confirming they were in position. The snipers first and then one by one everyone else confirmed positions.

  “Confirmed hostages. 3 women, 2 men, and 4 children,” I heard come from one of the snipers. “No clear shots though.”

  Another voice came over the SWAT comms, “do we have a go?”

  “Standby,” my boss said to the SWAT team.

  “Murphy, verify that we have the right headcount we need to know if they got someone somewhere else,” Evans said.

  “On it,” I opened the door, “Jack, what's the timer?”

  “4 minutes,” he yelled back.

  “How many people were you supposed to be visiting?”

  He was quiet for a few seconds but then must have realized why I was asking. “My mom, 2 sisters, their husbands, and my nieces and nephews.”

  “How many nieces and nephews do you have?”

  “3,” he replied. Well, at least we seemed to have all of them we'd have to find out who the 4th kid was later. I wasn't sure if he had a wire on him or not so I didn't want to give anything away so I just shut the door and went back to my phone.

  “It's a go, get them out of there,” I said into my phone.

  The SWAT teams started to move, I could hear them clearing room by room and helping the hostages as they came up to them. One lady begged the SWAT guy to find Jack since she didn't know where he was. He assured her that Jack was not there but he was fine. Well, that's a big fat lie.

  I tapped the mute button on the phone and tossed it on the table. “Liam! Let's go they almost have it cleared.” I yelled while I checked my gun and adjusted the straps on my vest that I was hastily throwing on. I grabbed the helmet that my father borrowed from the police station.

  “We have them,” I heard through the phone. I didn't waste any time and neither did Liam. We both ran outside.

  “Get the bomb squad here now,” I heard my dad yelling into the phone.

  When I got to Jack the timer was at 45 seconds. “Fuck,” Liam whispered.

  “What the hell?” Jack asked quickly.

  “Family's safe,” Liam said as he quickly exposed the wires.

  Jack's face looked relieved. “No time, Liam get out of here. Tell Bec I love her.”

  “Shut the fuck up Jack and let me do this,” Liam said as he quickly cut wires in a specific order.

  “10 seconds Liam.” I watched the counter count down it was like everything was in slow motion. I swear those 10 seconds lasted 10 hours. When it hit 1 I heard Liam say got it at the same time I heard a gunshot.

  At least the bomb didn't go off. I thought to myself. By the sound of the shot, it was a rifle at Jack's 6 o'clock. I searched the horizon and saw a reflection of some type before I could start running towards it though I heard Jack say, “Fuck Liam.”

  I turned and saw Liam on the ground and then I heard another gunshot. I dived on top of him not even thinking. I could see blood dripping down his forehead but I didn't see the wound.

  “Fuck, baby.” I could tell he was still alive because he was breathing heavily. “Jack help me get him to the house.”

  “I need
to get this vest off,” he yelled at me.

  It took what seemed like several minutes for him to pull the fucking suicide vest off, as soon as he did he threw it as far from the house as he could. He ran over to grab Liam's legs while I got his arms but we heard another shot ring out.

  Both of us dove on top of Liam. After a minute with no sounds I moved off of Liam I looked up and saw my dad behind the column on the front porch.

  “Come on son, I've got you covered.” As soon I Jack and I stood up and started moving gunshots rang out again. My dad fired back with one of the sniper rifles he grabbed from my house.

  Either my dad wasn't a good aim, which I knew was bullshit, or the guy wasn't visible and my dad was just shooting in the general direction to cover us. I would guess the latter.

  After what seemed like 20 minutes but was probably just 30 seconds Jack and I cleared the door with Liam in tow. Jack and I gently sat the still unconscious Liam on the ground. I feared the worst when I saw what looked like a hole in his helmet.

  I dropped down next to Liam and removed his helmet. “God! Baby, hang on.” I looked up and my dad was right there. “We need to get him to a hospital,” I said with tears in my eyes.

  “I know, son. I know.”

  “Let me look,” Rebecca said. “Get me the first aid kit. Do you have a go kit, Danny?”

  “My duffle,” I responded without looking up.

  Liam opened his eyes, “Danny?” he asked with confusion.

  “I'm here, baby. I'm here.”


  “Yeah you stupid son of a bitch, you did it,” Jack said.

  Liam tried to sit up. “No, baby, you're hurt,” I said pushing him back down. “Let Becca look.”

  I held his hand while Rebecca worked on the gunshot, Jesus he had been shot twice in 24 hours.

  “This doesn't look like a bullet wound,” Rebecca said with a confused look on her face. She picked up the helmet and looked at it. The helmet had a huge dent in it that looked like a bullet hit it but it doesn't seem that it actually pierced the helmet. Rebecca started laughing hysterically. “Liam you are a lucky son of a bitch. I don't know how since Eclipse typically uses armor-piercing rounds but all you're probably gonna need is stitches,” she said as she placed butterfly Band-Aids on the cut.


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