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Relatively Famous

Page 5

by Jessica Park

  Chapter 15

  Dani had never thought of herself as particularly materialistic, but how was she supposed to ignore how fantastically awesome this room was? Even the word room didn’t feel quite appropriate—this was more of a private condo than a bedroom. The cathedral ceilings were lined with dark wood beams that matched the floors, and the walls were freshly painted. Mark had said something about Venetian treatments, but she had been too distracted by the eat-in-kitchen, complete with stainless appliances, to listen.

  She bit her lip to keep from smiling as she climbed a ladder that led to a large loft on one side of the room. “No way!” Oversized pillows were scattered in one corner and created the perfect lounging area for watching TV on the built-in plasma screen. A complicated-looking stereo system was on and just waiting to blast music. There was even a mini-fridge up here! Dani opened it to find it packed with sodas, imported water in fancy glass bottles, and all sorts of energy drinks that she’d never heard of. She and Sam could spend hours holed up here, gossiping and giggling.

  Mark had left Dani alone so she could unpack and take a shower or bath, but Dani had to check out the view from the deck again. She went halfway down the ladder and jumped the rest of the way, whooping with delight. The French doors opened onto the deck that was surrounded by a stone wall, encasing the outdoor paradise. The hot tub bubbled happily, beckoning her to get in, but Dani was too fired up to sit right now. Maybe she’d use the outdoor shower? How much fun would it be to shower surrounded by leafy foliage and pungent flowers? The patio was filled with potted plants, and the tropical atmosphere was positively intoxicating. The view was really unbelievable and she admired house after house nestling the Hollywood Hills.

  Dani lay down on one of the cushioned lounge chairs and noticed a number of small remote controls. What were these for? She hit the power button on one and nearly fainted when an awning began to appear above her, shading her from the strong sun. Very cool. After a little experimenting, she determined the other remotes controlled the hot tub, the outdoor sound system, and the lights.

  “Dani?” Mark stepped onto the deck. “You doing okay out here? I wanted to make sure the housekeeper remembered to leave you enough towels. The bathroom is stocked with shampoo, soaps, weird skin polishers, and all that stuff you girls like. Do you need anything else?”

  “I can’t think of anything else I could possibly need. Do you want to sit down?” She gestured to some chairs and sat down.

  Mark sprawled out on a lounge chair, put on his sunglasses, and handed her one of the bottles of water that had an unpronounceable name. “Tomorrow we’ll go shopping for whatever you want. I know some really great stores. Listen, we have to do a stupid interview with Celebrity City tomorrow, too. I’m sorry about that. Hopefully the press will get their story and leave us alone. I promise it will be quick. The show is sending someone here in the afternoon, and we’ll give them what they want and then kick them out. Sound manageable? Is it too much for you? Say the word, and I’ll cancel it.”

  Dani was slightly nauseated at the thought of being on television, but she supposed Mark was right. There was no way to avoid dealing with the press, and her father was certainly more of an expert in this arena than she was. Besides, Sam was nuts about Celebrity City, and she would throw a fit if she ever found out Dani refused do the show. “Yeah, I can do that.”

  “And I’ll get you signed up at Waves tomorrow, too. You’ll like it there.”

  “Waves?” Dani asked.

  “That’s the Malibu beach club I belong to. I’ll just add your name to my membership, and you can charge whatever you want. I called a producer I know, Evan, who belongs there. His daughter Kayla is also fifteen, and I thought maybe the two of you could hang out together. She can give you the lay of the land better than I can. How about the day after tomorrow?”

  “That’s nice of you. Thanks, Mark.”

  “Sure thing. Hey, don’t forget to call your mother and let her know you’re alive.”

  “You’re right. I did promise her I’d stay in touch. Practically every hour,” Dani said, rolling her eyes. “Is there a phone upstairs? Or a computer? I could just email her.”

  “You have a new computer in your room. Didn’t you see it? But you can use your phone or whatever.”

  “Um…I don’t actually have any of those things, but the computer will be great.”

  Mark sat bolt upright in his chair and pulled his sunglasses off. “You don’t even have a cell phone?” he asked, looking dumbstruck. Dani shook her head. “How are you supposed to know what your friends are doing? Good God. Consider it done. We’ll hook you up tomorrow. And, do you need a tan or what? I’ll have someone come to the house to spray you.” Mark checked his watch. “Dammit. Look, I have a date tonight. You’ll be fine by yourself, right? The fridge is packed, or I could order you take-out. I have to leave soon, so I better get going. You good?”

  “Yup, I’m all good.” Dani said, feeling some disappointment. “Mark, do you have a girlfriend?”

  “A girlfriend?” Mark said. “No, no girlfriend. Tonight I’m going out with a woman who was on some reality show. I can’t remember which one, but it had a bunch of women vying for a musician’s attention.”

  “Holy crap! Rock of Love?” Dani clapped her hands together, and her face lit up. Watching Poison’s Bret Michaels live with a group of crazy, bikini-clad groupies was about as fun and sleazy as TV got. “Who is it? Which bikini babe?”

  “I don’t know. They all have show names like Fantasy or Misty. One of the blondes with humungous…well, you know.”

  This was too fricking weird! Her dad was dating one of the Rock of Love chicks? “Yeah, I’ll be fine. Me and the Jacuzzi have plans, so I’ll be busy, too.”

  “All right. Later.” Mark returned to the house through the French doors.

  Mark was leaving Dani alone on her first night here, but at least she could hang out in this unbelievable suite. And at least he wasn’t forcing their relationship. Mark’s attitude was obviously more of a take-it-as-it-comes approach. Let things happen naturally.

  Dani lay back down in her chair, savoring the afternoon sun. Tomorrow was going to be majorly fun. Shopping in L.A.? Signing up at a beach club? Dani wiggled her toes and pictured herself walking down Rodeo Drive, her hands clutching overstuffed bags. If Mark wanted to spoil her, then she certainly wasn’t going to refuse his generosity. That would just be rude!

  But what the heck was that thing about someone spraying her?

  Chapter 16

  “We’ll take it in the pale blue, the red, and that black swirl pattern.” Mark pointed to a collection of beach bags on a display table.

  Dani watched in awe as her father pointed around the boutique, sending young girls flying about to retrieve whatever she wanted to see. Dani already had a bag filled with clothes that would drive Leila crazy, but not as much as the bikinis. Besides, it’s not like Mark had bought her two tiny triangles to paste over her chest and a skimpy thong. There was some actual material involved here—some reasonable coverage..

  Mark leaned in to Dani and whispered in her ear. “Sorry the shopping today has been kind of mainstream, but we’re on a time limit because of the interview.”

  “I’ve never been in any of these stores. But I did bring clothes with me, you know. Mom has miraculously kept me dressed for fifteen years. I mean, there was period of time I had to go to school without pants, but it was only that one year.”

  “Oh, my God, you couldn’t afford pants!” Mark said.

  Dani looked seriously at Mark. “Times are hard. You have to make sacrifices with today’s economy being what it is.”

  Mark exhaled, concern clouding his face. “I had no idea.”

  “Mark, I’m kidding!” Dani laughed.

  “That wasn’t funny.” Mark smiled. “Oh, good, here is that dress you liked. It would be perfect for the interview.” Mark took a printed sundress from one of the shop girls and held it up to her. “What do you think

  “I love it, but it costs more than everything else you’ve already bought. This isn’t necessary, Mark,” Dani protested, but she gazed longingly.

  “Not an issue, kid. It looks great.”

  Mark handed the dress back to the store employee and took another swig of his energy drink. Dani noted that this was his third so far today. “You sure you don’t want one of these?” Mark lifted his can in Dani’s direction. “I’m not used to being up this early.”

  “No, I don’t need a Red Bull. And it’s one o’clock.”

  “I know,” Mark said with a nod. “Like I said, it’s early.”

  “In some parts of the world, it’s not unheard of for people to wake up before lunchtime,” Dani said. “Very odd, I know, but it is acceptable.” Mark laughed.

  “Oh, I forgot to tell you,” Mark started, as he moved to the register, “I made arrangements for you tomorrow with Kayla Dodd to go to the beach club. She and her brother and sister are going to swing by and pick you up tomorrow at ten. By the way, the club has kick-ass crab cakes with wasabi guacamole. And take this.” Mark handed a credit card to Dani. “I’m sure you’ll need things while you’re here, so just charge whatever you want.”

  Dani had a credit card in her mother’s name to use only in extreme emergencies, but this card obviously wasn’t just for dire situations. Dani took the card hesitantly. She certainly wouldn’t use this unless absolutely necessary. Absolutely, completely, no-other-choice necessary. “Thanks, Mark.”

  The brunette behind the counter finally finished ringing up the purchases and announced the cost. Dani gripped the counter. “Whoa! Miss, I think you’ve made a mistake with the zeros.”

  “You didn’t do anything wrong,” Mark said, reassuring the young brunette. Dani watched in awe as Mark simply pulled out a roll of cash from his pocket and counted out hundred dollar bills. “Actually, I was expecting more.”

  Dani noticed some paparazzi on the sidewalk looking into the boutique. But instead of getting annoyed, she was excited. After all, she was with Mark. Her father took the bags and held out his arm for Dani to loop hers through his. The two marched out of the store, and the paparazzi went wild.

  Chapter 17

  “Are you nervous? Don’t be. Barry Kinch is okay. Most of the time. But he might try to get you to cry, so watch out for that.” The stylist that Mark hired pulled Dani’s hair and clipped sections into large rollers. Despite the fact that he had dropped thousands of dollars on new clothes for Dani this morning, Mark insisted that the stylist bring a rolling hanger full of more outfits for Dani to try on. “Have you ever been on television before?” she asked.

  “Only if you count being videotaped while opening my Christmas presents.”

  “Okay, let’s let your hair set for a while. Take off your clothes.” The stylist looked expectantly at Dani.


  “It’s time to tan. Strip down to your undies, my friend.”

  “Uh, I don’t think I have time to go tanning right now.”

  “Spray tan, Dani. You’ve never had one? All you do is stand in the tub in your underwear and I’ll spray. You’ll glow like you’ve lived your entire life on the beach. You can just pull your bra straps down and tuck them under your arms.”

  Dani gripped the sides of the swivel stool. “Nope, not going to happen. You are not spraying me down like you’re sealing a deck.”

  “Look in the mirror. Right now you’re fair-skinned, but on TV you’ll look like Anne Hathaway’s long-lost ghost. You’ll thank me for this.”

  A few minutes later, after more examples of pale celebrities who shouldn’t venture onto the red carpet without a tan, Dani stood still in the Jacuzzi tub while the stylist sprayed her and declared that Dani was now “radiant, youthful, and healthy.”

  When her tan dried, Dani sat back down in front of the mirror, refusing to open her eyes and see her color. She was probably neon orange. “Fine. I’ll do your makeup, finish your hair, and then can open your eyes. Agreed?” the stylist asked.


  Aside from the strange tanning experience, Dani had to admit that it was incredibly fun to be pampered. She could feel fake eyelashes being pressed onto her eyelids and eyeliner being applied.

  “I’m doing dark eyes and natural lips on you. With the dress we chose, this will be perfect.”

  “I’m just going to trust you,” said Dani. She was crazy about her outfit. A plum-colored Marc Jacobs bubble dress paired with navy blue Jimmy Choo pumps with a purple toe. Leila wouldn’t mind the shoes, but the short dress was sure to invite comparisons to teen pop stars if her mother was polite, and prostitutes if she wasn’t.

  The stylist finished Dani’s hair and then pushed her off the stool and into the bedroom to get dressed. “Don’t peek until you have the whole outfit on. I want you to soak in the new you all at once!”

  Once she had put on her new clothes and the simple earrings and bracelet, Dani took a look at herself in the floor-to-ceiling mirror. Wow. It was a lot easier to feel confident about the impending interview now that she looked like this! She ran her hands through her hair, enjoying the feel of the soft curl that added the fullness she had always wanted. She admitted to herself that the outfit was tighter than what she usually wore, but the way it clung to her thin waist and the curve of her hips was definitely flattering.

  “Say something!” the stylist begged. “God, don’t tell me you hate it, because you were supposed to be downstairs ten minutes ago. And I know your foundation looks twenty times too dark, but it’ll read perfectly on camera.”

  “I love it,” Dani said as she ran her hands over the expensive skirt. “I don’t hate it at all.”

  “That’s what I want to hear. Are you ready?’

  Dani nodded and mentally reviewed the interview instructions that Mark’s publicist had given her earlier. (Look relaxed, don’t fuss with your hair or touch your face, and keep your legs crossed at all times. All times! You’ll be wearing underwear, right? Answer Barry Kinch’s questions honestly, but don’t unlock doors for him to throw open. Don’t lie or he’ll catch you. Short answers.)

  “Ready.” Dani shook her hands to relieve her nerves. She would present herself and let Mark make a few statements to set the record straight. Then the media would leave them alone.

  Dani went to the top of the staircase that overlooked the living room. Lighting equipment and cameras surrounded one of the leather loveseats in the living room. She hadn’t realized there would be so many people for one interview, and the spacious room was crowded.

  The stylist grabbed her by the shoulders and whispered in her ear. “Repeat after me. I am a bronze goddess! I am a bronze goddess!”

  Dani suppressed a smile but obediently declared, “I am a bronze goddess!” before making her way down the stairs.


  Mark Ocean gave Barry Kinch his best camera angles and proceeded to deliver the Celebrity City audience exactly what they wanted. The last time this show had wanted to interview him had been over three years ago, and he was not going to blow this opportunity. The stylist had transformed Dani into a strikingly attractive young woman, and he was thrilled that his daughter hadn’t turned out to be some nerdy, scraggly dork. He was impressed at how well she was holding up as Barry asked them questions. Mark affectionately put his arm behind Dani on the back of the couch.

  Barry Kinch leaned his face full of pancake makeup forward, squinted his eyes with false sincerity, and asked, “Mark, tell me, what is it like to, overnight, have a teenage daughter in your life?”

  Mark pursed his lips together as if deep in thought. “It’s indescribable, Barry. Very emotional, obviously, but I’m absolutely overjoyed to welcome Danielle into my life. She is incredibly bright and charming. And she’s obviously beautiful.” Mark leaned his head into Dani and shrugged slightly, as if incredulous at his good fortune.

  “But how did you feel when you found out that your ex-lover had kept this colossal
secret from you for all these years? Did you feel betrayed? Dani’s mother, Leila, covered up her daughter’s paternity every single day for the past fifteen years.”

  The look on Barry’s face told Mark that he was desperately hoping Mark would criticize Leila. But he wasn’t falling for it. “Dani’s mother made difficult choices in her life, and I fully believe she had the best of intentions. I’m just happy to have my daughter now.” Mark paused and held a clenched fist up to his mouth, as if suppressing emotion. “I just want to show Dani my world. Show her who I am. And hopefully see who she is.” Mark looked wistfully at Dani. “I’m embracing the idea of fatherhood. I’m so excited that I want to rush out and take my kid to the zoo and the aquarium, but I suppose she’s a little past that stage now, huh?” Mark laughed. “We have a lot of catching up to do.”

  Barry nodded vigorously. “Mark, when this story first broke, you insisted that you were not Danielle’s father. Tell us why you denied your daughter.”

  “I’m quite ashamed of my behavior, Barry.” Mark bit his lip. “I was in shock. I had never pictured myself as a father and couldn’t fathom that this stunning girl was mine. Was a part of me. I’m embarrassed, but it took a little time for me to take it all in.” Mark’s eyes glistened, and he knew that the effect was magnificent. “All I can do now is apologize to Dani and do everything I can to make it up to her.”

  “And Dani? What on earth was it like to learn that your biological father is this man here?” He gestured enthusiastically at her father, as though he were the Dalai Llama. “The incredible Mark Ocean himself?”

  “Well, I don’t know that it was different than it would be for anyone who learns who their real father is. True, he happens to be a movie star, but I just wanted to meet him and find out what kind of man he is.” Dani answered smoothly.


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