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Claimed by the Dragons

Page 4

by Cara Wylde

  The entrance was wide enough for a dragon, so they made their way down the main gallery, Delyse leading the way and Viggo stepping carefully behind her, his hot breath keeping her warm. She soon realized she was more than warm. She was sweating. And she didn’t know if it was because they were approaching the ice cave where Eric slept, or because Viggo’s breath on her back made tiny shivers of pleasure dance up and down her spine until they settled between her thighs. It was embarrassing how aroused she was. The fact that her nipples were hard and her pussy was soaked because of Viggo when she was about to give herself to Eric made things awkward and uncomfortable. Right then and there, Delyse made a promise to herself that no one would find out her dirty little secret. She knew Claudia would never betray her, so all she had to do was hide her feelings and control her body’s reactions when she was close to Viggo. Actually, she could do more than that if she really wanted to: stay away from Viggo.

  They reached an even taller entrance into a wide, well-lit room, and Delyse stopped in her tracks. The view was spectacular. She couldn’t understand how, but it appeared that the ceiling, which was made of ice, was thin enough for the sun to shine through it and send its cold rays to every corner of the dragon’s lair. Because there was a dragon in that room. A huge, black dragon whose chest and shoulders rose slightly with every breath he took. The dragon’s head faced the entrance, so every time he exhaled, the hot air sneaked around Delyse’s ankles, giving her a nice feeling of warmth and comfort. She heard Viggo move behind her, and she turned around to see if he was shifting back into his human form. She wouldn’t miss it for the world. To her disappointment, the dragon had turned around and was heading back.

  “Hey! Don’t… don’t leave me here alone…” she called after him, but her voice was no more than a whisper. Theoretically, she knew she could scream her lungs out and the noise wouldn’t wake the dragon, but it didn’t feel right to raise her voice. When Viggo ignored her, Delyse sighed and turned back to the black dragon. “Well, here goes nothing.”

  She stepped into the wide ice cavern, but made sure to stay close to the wall. She wasn’t particularly interested in getting closer to Eric. Soon, the moon would cover the sun and the sky would begin to grow dark in the middle of the day. As she waited, she admired the dragon’s sleeping form, his strong muscles, shiny scales, and long, elegant snout. It was hot in the room. So hot that Delyse had to wipe the sweat off her forehead a couple of times before it fell into her eyes.

  She waited like that for a little over half an hour. Viggo had made sure to bring her earlier. Astronomers had calculated the totality of the solar eclipse and concluded it would last longer than usual. Still, 11 minutes wasn’t much, so Delyse was glad to use the time thinking of ways to convey what she wanted to tell Eric as quickly as possible. After such a long sleep, he probably wanted to exercise his voice too, so she wouldn’t even have those 11 minutes at her disposal. 5 minutes? Would 5 minutes be enough?

  “I’m Lily Harington, my father is a councilor, and he has a pharmaceutical company which has been secretly working on developing cures for the types of shifter venom,” Delyse told the dragon. The beast didn’t move. The sun was still shining happily in the sky, and Delyse bit her bottom lip. “I’ve turned into Amelia,” she said. “Instead of telling you my favorite color, I’m advertising my father and his research. Business.” She folded her arms over her chest and looked at the sun through the transparent ceiling. Not long now.

  When the moon started covering the solar disk inch by careful inch, the dragon stirred in his sleep. Delyse yelped and pressed her back against the cold wall of the cave. This was it. It was happening. The dragon stretched his wings, then opened his golden eyes, and Delyse’s mind went blank. What was she going to say?

  Eric Drekinn felt as if he had been asleep for a few lifetimes at least. His body was heavy, his joints ached, and the truth was that he was dying to go for a flight. But that meant leaving the cave while the solar eclipse ran its course and ended, leaving him stranded in the real world. No, the cave would have to do. He would stretch his wings a bit, pace around, then find a comfortable position for the next couple of years. That was his train of thought before his nostrils picked an interesting scent. It wasn’t Viggo’s, nor Astrid’s. This one was new, different. Sweet and delicious. He raised his head and looked around. When his eyes met the woman’s sky blue orbs, he forgot how to breathe for a second.

  “Hi…” Delyse whispered. It had sounded lame, so lame. She cleared her throat and tried again. There wasn’t much time. “I’m… I’m Delyse…” What was she doing introducing herself as Delyse? “Umm… I mean, I’m Lily Harington, the daughter of Councilor Arthur Harington, the representative of the human faction.”

  The dragon didn’t make a move. He was just staring at her like he had seen a ghost. Delyse wondered if Viggo had really told him about what had been happening in the world in the past 700 years. The Annarr had assured her that his Fyrstur was aware of the war which had taken place well over 100 years ago between humans and shape-shifters, and of the Council of the Six Factions and the peace treaty. Still, Delyse wasn’t sure Eric had any idea what she was talking about, and she had no time to help him catch up. She took a step towards him and took a deep breath before speaking again.

  “You don’t know me, but… I hope you will. Your Annarr bought me for you. I’m your bride and you are my husband, Eric Drekinn.”

  Finally, that got a reaction from him. The dragon huffed almost angrily, and the hot air that escaped his flared nostrils hit Delyse like a scorching wave. She closed her eyes and waited for it to pass before she dared breathe again. She was pretty sure it was a sign he didn’t like what he heard.

  “Listen,” she tried again. “It will be different this time. Viggo told me everything… about you, about your ex-brides… You won’t lose me like you lost them, I promise.”

  The dragon stood up on all fours and took a couple of steps around the cavern. The moon had covered the sun completely, and now Eric’s golden eyes shined in the dark brighter than the sun itself. Delyse forced herself to stand her ground. It wouldn’t have helped if she had started backing up against the wall. She had to show him she wasn’t afraid of him. He had to see that his mighty beast form didn’t intimidate her, that she was made to be a dragon-bride.

  “My father is not only a councilor with great influence, but he is also a man of science. He’s been working on a cure for shifter venom. Dragon venom… He might have even discovered it already. A cure, do you understand? A cure that can turn humans into hybrids and grant them the strength and long lifespan of shifters, but leave human brides the ability to have children.”

  She couldn’t tell if any of what she had just told him had registered, because the dragon seemed distracted by something. He had stopped pacing the ice floor, and he was looking straight at her. Apparently, he was studying her face, and Delyse stood still. She gulped audibly when the dragon’s head floated closer to hers and his nostrils flared up to smell her hair. What was happening? Was this a good sign? Was he about to show his displeasure by turning her into a delicious piece of roast? She closed her eyes and waited. Even if she wanted to, she didn’t have the power to speak anymore. Her voice was gone, her thoughts were a mess. She was aware that she hadn’t exactly done her best to convince him, but her knees felt weak, almost like jelly, and the last thing she wanted was to fall to her knees before Eric Drekinn. She struggled to keep her traitor of a body upright.

  The dragon sniffed her carefully. Her long, blonde hair smelled like roses and strawberries. Her skin smelled like spring. Who was this young woman and what was she doing to him? She had said Viggo had bought her for him. He could vaguely remember those boring details about the peace treaty and the clause concerning shifter-brides. His Annarr had bought him a bride. Well, he had to admit this trick was new. And dangerous. He looked up at the sky and groaned deep in his burning throat when he saw the silhouette of the moon slowly moving to the other side of th
e sun. The totality was over. Just a few more minutes… He should have been making himself comfortable just about now, instead he was still standing, his wings were still stretched, covering the greater part of the cave, and his face was still unbearably close to the young woman’s face. Her pretty eyes, her full lips, the sweet sound of her voice…

  Delyse’s heart jumped when she heard a crack coming from above her. She opened her eyes just in time to see the dragon’s body snapping and twisting, taking a whole different form. She covered her mouth with both hands as she watched in amazement how Eric Drekinn shifted before her very eyes. It took him more than she had expected, probably because he hadn’t done it in a very long time. The eclipse was over, and the sun was once again bathing the whole cave in its bright, crisp rays. The man who stood in front of Delyse was as tall and strong as a god, completely naked, and nothing like Delyse had expected him to be.


  Delyse had never felt so intimidated in her life. It was clear Eric had accepted her as his bride, as the eclipse was over and he was still standing before her in his human form. This mountain of a man, with rock hard chest and abs, was her husband now. She tried not to look down between his legs, although the temptation was overwhelming. He took another step towards her, still fixing her with his golden gaze, and Delyse swallowed heavily.

  Eric Drekinn was gorgeous, of that there was no doubt. But he was gorgeous in a whole different way than Viggo was. It was as if they were perfect opposites. Where Viggo had blond hair, short and messy, Eric had raven black hair that flowed freely down his back. His skin was slightly tanned, his lips were full and sensual, and his features indicated a proud and determined personality. He was pure Alpha. He oozed strength and dominance from every pore, and Delyse couldn’t help but feel a bit breathless at the thought that this man was soon going to touch her, kiss her... What if he wanted to do more?

  He stopped a few centimeters away from her, and Delyse had to crane her neck to look up into his eyes. Yes, his presence was overwhelming, but she wasn’t going to avoid his gaze. She was Lily Harington, born into a rich and noble family. She had her own pride.

  “Lily,” he whispered.

  It was the first word he said, and it sent shivers up Delyse’s spine. His voice sounded hoarse and heavy. She caught a glimpse of his tongue as it touched his perfect white teeth when he pronounced the two l’s. Desire coiled in her stomach. She was surprised at the reaction of her own body. She had just met the guy. But then again, he was naked and so close to her that she could feel the heat his smooth skin radiated constantly. She wet her lips and forced her voice to work properly.

  “You can call me Delyse. It’s the name I chose for myself when my family donated me to the Alma Venus Boarding School.”

  “Delyse,” he whispered again, this time his eyes moving to her lips. “Delicious, indeed.”

  She gulped. What was this man doing to her and how? Yes, she had been terribly horny lately, but she wanted Viggo, right? She wanted Viggo, not Eric. Her pussy throbbed and she almost jumped in surprise. She was considering putting some distance between them and asking him to take things slowly. She was painfully aware of his massive erection pointing at her belly. She didn’t have to look down to know Eric was craving her body. He had been asleep for 700 years and she was the first woman he had seen in a long, long time. It would’ve been foolish to expect something different. She was supposed to be ready for this, but… was she? His warm hand running up her arm snapped her out of her thoughts.

  “I prefer Lily, if you don’t mind. I think it suits you better,” he said.

  She wanted to protest, but then his hand cupped her jaw. He leaned in, and his tongue sneaked out to lick a trail from her collarbone to her ear. Delyse moaned and grabbed onto his arms for support. Her fingers tingled when they came in contact with his taut muscles. Then, his lips found hers, and Delyse felt like she was falling and falling into an endless void. His full lips on hers felt like heaven. His tongue sought entrance, and she granted it quickly, curious to see what he tasted like. She felt like jelly in his arms. As their tongues danced lazily around each other, Delyse gave up trying to support herself and allowed him to envelop her in his arms. Her palms rested on his huge chest, and his hard cock was pressed against her belly. Every place on her body where he touched her was on fire. Her panties were soaked, and her clit was swollen to the point where it almost hurt. She needed release. She realized she had never needed it so badly in her life. It was a good thing, though. If she was so attracted to this man, then it meant this whole thing might actually work. Eric could make her forget Viggo.

  The dragon-shifter pushed her against the cave wall, and Delyse sighed when she felt the cold ice through her light dress. It cooled her skin and helped clear her head, but not for long. Eric’s hands were roaming her body, squeezing her tiny breasts and groping her hips until he decided to stop on the hot spot between her quivering legs. She moaned when she felt his big hand cup and then press on her mound. She couldn’t help spreading her legs just a bit to give him better access. Eric started kissing and licking down her jaw and neck again, as his hands tugged at her long dress, unsure if it was easier to pull it up around her waist or rip it off her body.

  It had been too long since he had been with a woman, and Lily… his Lily was simply too delicious, too addictive. Viggo couldn’t have made a better choice. Eric had always been crazy about blonde women with fair skin, perky breasts, and long legs. All of his other brides had been blondes, but he had to admit that Lily was the most beautiful woman he had ever had. How could he resist her? Yes, she was worth waking up from his slumber. And if what she had told him about her father’s research was true… But he couldn’t think about that now. He could barely concentrate on anything else than his painful need to spread her legs and fill her. He was trying to take things slowly, that was why he was taking his time kissing and touching her all over, when all he wanted was to turn her around, press her cheek to the cave wall, and take her hard and fast until he exploded inside her. Oh, he would then be able to fuck her for hours, but right now he just needed a quick release so he could get some of his sanity back.

  He was impatient, she could feel it. Briefly, she thought how she had always imagined her first time would be slow and sensual. In a bed, preferably. Life could be so ironic. She was brought back to the present when Eric lifted her dress to gain access to her thighs. When he grabbed her by the back of her knees, she hooked her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, allowing him to position her above his cock. She hadn’t even had a good look at it, but she was sure he was big enough to hurt her. She sucked her lower lip between her teeth in preparation for what was to come, and looked straight into his eyes as his fingers sneaked under her panties and tore them off.

  “So wet…” he whispered. His thumb found her clit, and he rubbed it lightly until she started shivering and her pussy released more juices.

  Her mouth formed a cute “o”, but the sensation was so intense that she couldn’t even moan, let alone speak. She had touched herself countless times, especially after Viggo has started visiting her at Alma Venus, but it had never felt so good. Her thin, smooth fingers were nothing compared to Eric’s big, firm thumb. He knew exactly what to do to make a woman beg for his touch. The teasing didn’t last long, though, as Eric soon removed his fingers, grabbed her ass with one hand, and positioned the head of his cock to her entrance. She squeezed her eyes shut when he pushed in and did her best not to cry out. He was huge. Her pussy was on fire, and not exactly in a good way. His hard, massive cock stretched her way beyond her limits, or so she thought.

  Eric could see she was in pain, and he tried to hold himself back. Tight. She was so tight that for a moment even he thought he wouldn’t fit. Her walls had enveloped his engorged head, and it was all he could do not to thrust his whole length inside her slick passage. He stopped and waited for her to adjust at least a little bit, but then her walls clenched around him. He didn’t know if s
he had done it on purpose, as an encouragement, or not, and he didn’t care by that point. All he knew was that the sensation was overwhelming, and his body reacted on autopilot. He pushed all the way in and didn’t stop until he was buried inside her to the hilt.

  “Oh my!” she yelped. And there went her determination to stay silent.

  For a split second, Eric felt the intense need to apologize, to kiss her forehead and soothe her gently, but he couldn’t do it. He just didn’t have it in him… the ability to be kind and considerate. Instead, he started moving, pulling out almost completely only to slam back in, each time harder and faster. There was no way he could slow down or stop now.

  Delyse opened her eyes and looked at him. His face was determined, his jaw was clenched. He was looking at her, but she wasn’t sure he actually saw her. He was pounding so hard and fast that she was literally bouncing on his body. She wanted to tell him to slow down, but she couldn’t find her voice. She wasn’t sure he would hear her, anyway. Her pussy was still burning, but the pain had begun to turn into something else, something deliciously sinful. She willed her whole body to relax and abandon itself to Eric’s wild rhythm. It would be over soon, and next time would feel better, she was sure of that. It had to feel better.

  “You’re gorgeous…” he whispered. “So slick and warm…” He could feel his balls tighten. His mind was clouded by the impending orgasm, and he used both his hands to press her harder against the wall and lift her hips a bit higher, a position which gave him a better angle.

  Delyse moaned when he hit a certain spot inside her, a spot she didn’t even know existed.

  “Oh! There! Right there!”


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