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Boy Allies with the Victorious Fleets; Or, The Fall of the German Navy

Page 29

by Clair W. Hayes



  November 21! This was to be a day, perhaps, more historic than the onethat preceded it, for on this day was to be surrendered to the alliedfleet the bulk of the great war vessels that comprised the Imperial Germannavy.

  Heading the great British flotilla that moved out to sea again was thesuper-dreadnaught the Queen Elizabeth, Admiral Beatty's flagship, aboardwhich were King George and Queen Mary, as they had been the day before.

  Following the first twenty-five British ships steamed the Americansquadron, Admiral Rodman, aboard the dreadnaught New York, showing theway. Following the New York were the Florida, Wyoming, Texas and Arkansas.Behind the Americans trailed a pair of French cruisers, followed in turnby a few Italian vessels, after which came the remainder of the greatBritish fleet.

  So the flotilla moved out again and took up the positions they had heldthe day before. Again every eye was strained to catch sight of the firstGerman warship. And at last came the cry, sounding much as it had on thepreceding day:

  "Here they come!"

  The German fleet that approached now came much more swiftly than had theflotilla of undersea craft. This time the halt was made while the Germanflagship was abreast of the Queen Elizabeth. Admiral Baron von Wimpfen putoff for Admiral Beatty's vessel in a launch.

  Admiral Beatty received the German admiral on the bridge of the QueenElizabeth, with him were King George and Queen Mary. Admiral von Wimpfenmade the formal declaration of surrender and it was accepted by theBritish admiral without ostentation.

  The German fleet thus turned over to Admiral Beatty consisted ofapproximately one hundred and fifty vessels of all classes, includingdreadnaughts, battleships, cruisers and destroyers. Slowly these giantvessels fell into line now and steamed toward Harwich, the British ships,still cleared for action, accompanying them and watching carefully for thesigns of treachery.

  But no such signs showed themselves. No longer were the Germans thinkingof fight. They had been decisively beaten, and they knew it. Apparentlythey considered themselves lucky to get off so easily.

  Still some distance off-shore, the crews of the German ships weretransferred to the half-dozen small vessels that were to carry them backto the Fatherland, and British crews were put aboard the vessels. Then,their eyes sad and watching what had once been the pride of Germany, theGerman officers and sailors began their cheerless journey home.

  Again it was a night of festivity in Harwich, and in all England, and allallied countries, for that matter. The surrender of the great German fleetwas now a thing of the past. Germany's hands were tied. She could continuethe struggle no longer even should she elect to do so. While a formaldeclaration of peace had not been signed, and probably would not be signedfor months to come, the war was over, so far as actual fighting wasconcerned.

  No wonder England, France, America, Italy and the smaller nations withthem went wild with joy. After four years of war, peace had again cast itsshadow over the earth, and everyone was glad.

  "So it's all over."

  It was Frank who spoke. He and Jack were in the latter's cabin on theEssex. The ship was lying at anchor just outside Harwich harbor, ridinggently on the swell of the waves.

  "Yes, it's all over," said Jack, "and I'm glad."

  "So am I," Frank declared; "and yet we have had a good time."

  "So we have, of a kind. And still you can't rightly call it a good timewhen all we have been doing is to seek, kill and destroy."

  "But it had to be done," Frank protested.

  "Oh, I know that as well as you do. But war is a terrible thing, and themore you see of it the more certain you become that it is allfoolishness."

  "And yet, you can't permit a big bully to run amuck and smash up thingsall over the world."

  "That's true, of course, and it's exactly what the kaiser and his warmachine tried to do. Now, the machine had to be smashed, of course, and ithas been smashed. But how long will it take the world to recover? How longwill it take to rebuild what has been destroyed in these four years ofwar?"

  Frank shrugged his shoulders.

  "I'm not good at conundrums," he replied.

  "Nor I; and yet I'll venture to say that the reconstruction days will beas hard as many we have experienced in the war."

  "The thing that I want to know," said Frank, changing the subjectabruptly, "is just what will be done with Germany in the final peaceconference."

  "You know as much about it as I do," replied Jack, "but my own idea isthat the German empire will be dismembered--divided into the states ofPrussia, Saxony, and so forth, as they were years before they united underone head."

  "I'm sure I hope so. Certainly the allies will never permit Germany toattain such power that may make all our fighting futile--they'll never lether grow strong enough to start another world struggle."

  The lads conversed far into the night before retiring. Nevertheless theywere astir at an early hour, awaiting orders that they knew must come thatday; and they came shortly after noon in the shape of a wireless from LordHastings.

  "Return to Dover at once," the message read.

  Again the Essex put to sea.

  But it was upon a peaceful voyage that the destroyer was bound now. Nolonger did her decks bristle with shining guns, crew at quarters and readyfor action. True, the Essex still showed plainly that she was a ship ofwar, but her threatening attitude was gone. The war was over and all wasquiet aboard.

  That night the destroyer put into Dover harbor and the lads went ashore toreport to Lord Hastings. It was after ten o'clock, but their formercommander received them at once in spite of the lateness of the hour.

  "Sorry to disturb you at this hour, sir," said Jack, "but I thoughtperhaps you would wish us to report to you immediately."

  "And I am glad you did," returned Lord Hastings. "Come, tell me somethingabout yourselves. So you were in at the finish, eh?"

  "You bet!" exclaimed Frank enthusiastically. "You should have been there,sir."

  "I was," replied Lord Hastings.

  "You were, sir?"


  "But we didn't see you, sir," said Jack.

  "I know you didn't. But I saw you. And I saw Frank when he inspected thesubmarines on the first day of the surrender."

  "Where were you, sir?" demanded Frank.

  "Aboard the Queen Elizabeth. I viewed the surrender as the guest ofAdmiral Beatty, and their majesties."

  For some time the conversation dealt only with the surrender of the fleet.Then Lord Hastings said:

  "Well, boys, the war is over. What do you intend to do now?"

  "I know what I shall do, sir," said Frank.

  "Well, let's hear it."

  "I shall return to America as soon as I am able to procure my discharge."

  "As I thought," said Lord Hastings. "And you, Jack?"

  "I hardly know, sir. I have no relatives, few friends. There is no onedependent on me, and I am dependent on no one. It strikes me, sir, thatthe navy might be a good place to stick."

  "And I had expected that, too," said Lord Hastings quietly. "But I don'tagree with you, Jack."

  "Why not, sir?" asked Jack, in some surprise.

  "In the first place," said Lord Hastings, "the life would begin to pall onyou when it settled down to dull routine. Now in active service, ofcourse, it's different. I know, because I've tried both. No, my advice toyou Jack, is to get out of the navy."

  "But what shall I do, sir?"

  "There are many things," said Lord Hastings quietly. "There is theconsular service, the diplomatic service. Who knows how far you may rise?Already you have made a name for yourself and have won distinction. Youmay go far, if you apply yourself."

  "That's true, too, sir," said Jack. "I have thought of that, at oddmoments. But I guess you are right about the navy, sir."

  "I know I am. And the sooner you get out of it the better."

  "Then I'll take your advice, sir. But I'm afraid it won't be possible toget a
discharge for some time yet."

  "It will be much simpler that you think, for both of you," said LordHastings with a smile. "I still have some influence, you know, and I shallsee you receive your discharges within a fortnight, if you wish."

  "Hurray!" shouted Frank. "That suits me. There is no use sticking in thenavy now. There is nothing to do."

  "And," continued Lord Hastings to Jack. "In the meantime I'll look aroundand see what I can turn up for you, Jack."

  "Thank you, sir," said Jack.

  "And in the meantime, Jack," added Frank, "you are going home with me fora visit. That is, as soon as we get our discharges."

  Jack hesitated.

  "But I don't know that I should," he said. "Lord Hastings----"

  "Go by all means," said Lord Hastings. "You have earned a rest and shouldtake it. Now I'll see about the discharges at once, and as soon as youreceive them, both of you take my advice and go to the United States. Thatwill give me additional time to look around, Jack. And when you get there,stay until I send for you."

  "All right, sir," said Jack with a smile. "You're still my superiorofficer, sir. I must obey your commands."

  The three shook hands and Jack and Frank returned to the Essex.



  "Recognize that, Jack?" asked Frank, pointing across the water.

  The lads were standing on the forward deck of a great trans-Atlantic linerthat was edging its way into New York harbor.

  Jack looked in the direction Frank indicated.

  "Rather," he said, "although I only saw it once before. That's the Statueof Liberty."

  "Right," said Frank, "the emblem of that for which America went to war."

  "And the spirit for which we all fought," Jack added.

  "Exactly. Well, it's been a long time since I saw her. I'm glad to see heragain."

  It was morning of the last day of the year 1918.

  True to his word, Lord Hastings had been able to secure discharges for thelads within two weeks after the surrender of the German fleet. Theyaccompanied Lord Hastings to London, where they remained some time at hishome. Frank, meanwhile, communicated with his father and announced that hewould be home soon. He did not give the exact date, for he wished hisreturn to be a surprise. And a surprise he knew it would be, as he nowstood on the deck of the incoming liner.

  The ship docked a short time later and Jack and Frank went ashore at once.They took a taxi to the Grand Central station, where they caught a fasttrain for Boston. It was night when they arrived there, but Frankdetermined to go out to his home in Woburn, ten miles from Boston, atonce.

  Accordingly they took an elevated train at the South Station. This putthem in the North Station ten minutes later, and Frank found that therewas a train for Woburn in half an hour.

  It was after dark when the lads alighted from the train in the little townof Woburn. Jack had been there with Frank before, when the lads hadcrossed the Atlantic to New York soon after the United States entered thewar. Accordingly, he knew the way from the station to Frank's home almostas well as the latter did himself.

  "Know where you are?" asked Frank.

  Jack grinned.

  "I've been here once," he said. "That should answer that question. Youknow my memory is pretty good."

  "Then you can show me which house I live in," said Frank.

  Jack pointed to a house a block away where a dim light showed from beneatha drawn curtain.

  "There's the house," he said, "and there appears to be some one home."

  "That's father, of course," said Frank. "He seldom goes out in theevening."

  The lads quickened their steps and soon were before the house. Quietlythey mounted the steps and as quietly tip-toed across the porch. Franktried the door. It was unlocked.

  "Careless of father," he whispered. "I'll have to speak to him aboutthat."

  He opened the door gently and the two lads passed within. Frank closed thedoor noiselessly behind him. The lads dropped their grips silently in thehall and then tip-toed toward a room at the far end, where a light showed.

  Keeping out of sight, Frank peered in the door. There, with his back tohis son, sat Dr. Chadwick, reading. Frank stepped softly across the roomleaving Jack standing, grinning, at the door.

  Frank reached out and put both hands across his father's eyes.

  Dr. Chadwick's book dropped to the floor and for a moment Frank was afraidhe had frightened him by this unceremonious greeting. But Dr. Chadwick'shands reached up and clasped the hands that for the moment blinded him.

  "Frank!" he cried, and sprang to his feet.

  The next moment father and son were in each other's arms.

  Dr. Chadwick held his son off at arm's length, and looked at him.

  "You're a sight for sore eyes," he declared. "You look better than you didthe last time I saw you, and you were looking fine then."

  "Here, Father," said Frank, "is a friend of mine come to see you."

  Dr. Chadwick turned and saw Jack in the doorway. He stepped forward andgripped Jack's hand heartily.

  "Jack Templeton, eh?" he exclaimed. "I'm glad to see you. And you areCaptain Templeton now, I perceive."

  Jack blushed.

  "They insisted on making me one, sir, and I couldn't refuse," he said.

  "Now," said Dr. Chadwick, "you two boys sit right down here and tell meall about yourselves. But first, are you hungry?"

  "No, sir," said Frank. "We had dinner on the train just before we reachedBoston."

  "Then let's hear what you have been doing. I understand you were presentat the surrender of the German fleet. Give me some of the details."

  Until long after midnight the three sat there, Dr. Chadwick listeningeagerly to the tales of his son and the latter's chum. But at last helooked at his watch.

  "Why, it's after midnight," he exclaimed. "Time for bed."

  Frank led the way to the room he had occupied since babyhood. This Jackwas to share with him during his stay.

  "I'll tell you," said Frank, as he climbed into bed, "it feels pretty goodto a fellow to get back into his own bed after all these years."

  "I should think it would," agreed Jack. "But mine is a long ways fromhere. However, I guess I shall see it again some day."

  "Of course you will, old fellow, and I'll go along with you."

  They fell asleep.

  Both lads were awakened by the sound of a commotion without. They jumpedout of bed. It was broad daylight of the first day of January, 1919.

  "Still celebrating the new year, I guess," said Frank. "Remember we heard'em shooting before we went to bed?"

  Jack nodded.

  Frank went to the window and stuck his head out. Instantly there was awild yell outside. Frank drew his head hurriedly back again.

  "What's the matter?" asked Jack.

  "I don't know," said Frank. "There is a whole gang of fellows out thereand they all seem to be crazy about something."

  Jack had a faint suspicion. He crossed to the window and looked out.

  Again a yell went up, followed by a cry from many throats:

  "We want Frank!"

  Even Frank heard this. His face turned red and he began to act flustered.

  "Some of the fellows know I'm home, I guess," he said.

  "That's what's the matter, all right," Jack agreed. "Better show yourselfagain."

  "Wait till I get some clothes on and I'll go down and see 'em," saidFrank.

  "They'll probably want you to make a speech," Jack suggested.

  Frank was alarmed.

  "Speech?" he repeated. "I can't make a speech."

  "Oh, yes you can. You don't mean to tell me that a fellow who has donewhat you have--who has talked with kings and czars--is afraid to talk tosome of his old friends and companions?"

  "That's different," declared Frank.

  Jack smiled.

  "I catch your point, and maybe you're right," he admitted. "However,you'll have to do it."

  "I suppos
e I shall," said Frank with a sigh, "so the sooner I get it overwith the better."

  He led the way downstairs and on to the front porch. Jack stepped forwardclose beside him. Again there was a wild cheer from many throats.

  Both lads still wore their British uniforms, and they both presented amanly and handsome appearance as they stood there on the front porch ofFrank's home.

  "Hello, Frank!" "Glad to see you back!" "Are you going to stay here?""Tell us about yourself."

  These were some of the cries hurled at the lad.

  Frank's face turned red and he would have turned away had not Jack'sstalwart frame stayed him.

  "Speech! Speech!" came the cry.

  The hubbub increased.

  "I can't do it, Jack!" Frank exclaimed.

  "Oh, yes you can," replied his chum. "I'll help you."

  He raised his right hand for silence, still keeping his left tightly onFrank's shoulder, for the latter showed signs of bolting at the firstopportunity. Instantly the shouting died away and the crowd of youngfellows waited expectantly.

  "I just want to introduce my friend," said Jack smiling. "LieutenantChadwick, gentlemen, of His British Majesty's service, though an Americancitizen, and a good one at that. Lieutenant Chadwick will be glad to say afew words to you."

  The cheering burst forth again, but died away as Jack pushed Frankforward.

  Frank made a brave effort and finally managed to say a few words. He grewmore at ease as he went along and his audience listened intently. Hespoke for perhaps five minutes, then concluded:

  "And now, fellows, I want you all to step up and shake hands with myfriend--also my commander--Captain Jack Templeton. He's an Englishman, buta pretty good fellow at that--and he's no older than any of us."

  There was another cheer and the boys gathered around to shake Jack's handand get acquainted with him. And after they had talked and talked andfeasted their eyes on the British uniforms to their hearts' content theywent away. Then Jack and Frank went in to breakfast, where Dr. Chadwickwas awaiting them at the table.

  A few words more and the history of The Boy Allies on the Sea is complete.

  Jack remained with Frank for several weeks, then returned to England uponreceipt of a message from Lord Hastings announcing that he had found aplace for the lad in the diplomatic service. The story of Jack's strugglesin his chosen profession would make interesting reading, perhaps, but itis in no wise connected with the great war. Suffice it to say that he israpidly rising to fame and fortune and that in years to come, in allprobability, he will hold one of the most important posts in the Britishgovernment.

  Frank, for his part, remained in his home town, where he took up thestudy of law. He proved an apt student and soon showed signs of talentthat undoubtedly will make him famous.

  So here we shall take our leave of Jack Templeton and Frank Chadwick,knowing that, in years to come, they will meet again, both famous then,and that through all the years their friendship shall survive, and growstronger than it was in the days when they fought side by side for thefreedom of the world.



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