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Of Mobsters and Men: WILD (Book #2)

Page 12

by L. A TehPeaceMaker

  “They’re moving like it’s a fucking game.” Ricardo added, slamming the side of his fist on the desk.

  “You also got a message from Waldo Tinuccio.” Enrico continued. He smirked and raised his eyebrow, giving everyone a look. We all knew that look. I pressed my tongue to the side of my cheek, balling my fists.

  Everyone knows what happens at these meetings. An assassination attempt was in the air.

  “This guy can’t be trusted. Right when we’re getting into the nitty gritty of our investigation, a person of interest all of a sudden needs to speak with our leader.” Thomas’s voice could be heard from behind me.

  I began to think about the dynamics of this meeting with an open mind. Waldo Tinuccio was definitely not free of any of our suspicion and he could be the piece that leads us closer to our enemy. Franklin even confessed that Vincent had help from The Brotherhood.

  “I have a plan.” I said, gathering everyone’s attention. “I’ll arrange the time and place with him myself. I have something I want to discuss with him personally.” I told them. “When the meeting arrangements are finalized, I will fill you in with the details.”


  That evening

  I entered my home wanting nothing more than to now relax with my family. I felt emotionally exhausted and stressed out. I needed to take my mind off of work. The first person I saw as I entered the living room was Alessio. He was standing next to the staircase, looking up from his phone when he saw me.

  His eyes were then averted to the TV screen. “...It seems like gasoline and a few matches caused the fire. Firefighters say when they got to the scene…” the reporter explained, standing in front of the house burnt to a crisp.

  “I assume the mission went well.” Alessio said, slight humor in his tone. I threw my coat on the couch and stood next to him, crossing my arms. “I showed the new recruits today, what happens to traitors.” I said to him. Tomorrow I plan on explaining the Vandal situation and I don’t want any of them to even think for a second I’m a sympathizer when it comes to killing traitors.

  “Stefano, if I may ask, was the Franklin killing an example for those thinking of betraying you?” Alessio asked me.

  “Yes. Though, it’s also more of me having a zero tolerance for backstabbers. I spared just one man and now he’s making me run in circles. I hate that.” I answered him. I then frowned. Killing has never been a joy for me. I’ve only killed those that I had to, but that has never taken away the fact that death is horrible for everyone. I didn’t even want to think of what Franklin’s now widowed wife could be going through.

  “I see.” Alessio responded slowly.

  The patter of feet and low audible sound of voices could be heard approaching. “But Aunt Gigi lets Marcelo eat candy.” Romano whined. “That’s not going to change my mind, Darling.” Raelyn responded. Her voice was smooth and she spoke slowly, almost in a seductive manor. Seeing the two people I cherished most in this world enter my line of sight caused a short smile to grace my lips.

  Romano was tugging on the hem of Raelyn’s Yoga pants. I smirked and spoke up. “She said, no.”

  They whipped their heads to me and Alessio’s direction and we both chuckled as Romano let go of his mother and ran to me. “Papa!” He yelled. I squatted down and opened my arms to meet his hug. I saw Raelyn’s warm smile as she looked at us. Her eyes traveled to meet mine and we gave each other longing stares.

  “I was waiting for you all day!” Romano said, pulling away and crossing his arms with a pout. I chuckled and combed his curls with my fingers. “I’m sorry I kept you waiting.”

  “Oh no…” Raelyn said, covering her mouth as she looked at the TV. “Franklin. Georgio Franklin? There’s no way.” She gasped and put the laundry basket she was carrying, on the ground.

  I almost forgot that my wife knew a lot about the retired Senator. When she was younger, she used to sing for him. I remember the first time she sang for his Thanksgiving celebration. After that, he paid her to sing for all his events and she had a couple more gigs after that.

  “I should be going.” Alessio muttered to me. I nodded and thanked him.

  “Bye uncle Alessio!” Romano said waving to him. Alessio laughed and high-fived Romano.

  “Look, Stefano, I used to sing for him and his wife. Oh dear, so sad.” Raelyn said, her eyes glued to the screen. I could see how upset Rae was by the news plastered on the TV. She knew him after all.

  “It’s very unfortunate.” I replied back. She sighed and shook her head. “I can’t imagine what the wife is going through right now.” She said and got up from the couch, picking up the laundry basket and going down the hall.

  “Papa, what’s wrong?” Romano asked me, his eyebrows furrowed. “Nothing, come on, it’s time for bed.” I said patting his back and moving him forward.

  Later that night

  I groaned as my muscles relaxed within the contents of the hot tub. Raelyn wrapped her arms around my neck and I gripped her waist as she straddled me. I stared at her beautiful face and glanced downward at her lips, leaning forward to kiss her. She held my face in her hands and her fingers slipped through my strands of black hair as we made out.

  “How was your day, Stefano?” She asked me when she pulled away. She caressed the side of my face and I turned my face towards her, holding her wrist and kissing it.

  “A headache. What about yours? Tell me about yours.” I said gently.

  I smirked and readjusted our position under water. Raelyn’s eyebrows raised and she slapped my chest. “Mm! Stefano, stop it.”

  I threw my head back and laughed.

  “I just like seeing your facial expressions as you take me on.” I defended myself.

  “You’re...unbelievable.” Raelyn laughed, getting off my lap and sitting by my side instead. “I’ve been curious about something.” She continued.

  “What about?” I asked her, resting my hand on her thigh.

  She furrowed her eyebrows. “Why is it that women aren’t allowed to know anything about the business?” She started. “I know that's something to do with keeping us pure and innocent, but I know it’s deeper than that. I want to hear from you.” She said resting her elbow on the perimeter of the tub.

  I cupped her cheek. “It’s simply so no information could be extracted from you. Enemy’s know better than to target women and children. What would they know?” I explained to her. Raelyn nodded her head in understanding.

  “You’re right but, wouldn’t you be putting Romano and Marcelo in danger then?” She asked again.

  I shook my head. “The only thing those boys know how to do, is defend themselves. They don’t have a clue about what we do. It’s going to stay like that for a long time.” I said again.

  “I see.” Raelyn ran her hand down my chest.

  “Leave everything to me, Rae. Stop worrying.” I leaned closer and captured her lips, kissing the love of my life. “I love you, Stefano.” She muttered in between kisses. I squeezed her knee in response.

  Chapter 16

  Raelyn’s POV

  “Romano is almost five years. You and Stefano planning on giving him a baby sister?” Gigi laughed, nudging my side. I chuckled and cracked a small smile. I inwardly frowned at the memory of the ultimatum I gave my husband not long ago.

  It was either bringing our son into the business or having more children in the future. I know a lot of thinking went into Stefano’s decision in training our son but it still upsets me. Part of me would like to have more babies with him, but Stefano seems content with what we have going on now.

  “Anything is possible.” I answered her.

  Gigi squinted her eyes at me and scooted closer to me on the couch. “You’re so secretive.” She said, pointing her finger in my face. I made a doubting facial expression and moved back. “What?” I laughed once again. Gigi rolled her eyes and pulled back. “Now that I think about it, you act just like Stefano now. So quiet. I feel like I’m always trying to figure you out when I talk to
you these days.” She said, suspiciously.

  “You’re so dramatic, Gigi…” I said raising an eyebrow. I then registered what she said and I began to think about it. I guess I have been a little to myself these days. There’s been so much on my mind lately. Also being married to Stefano for four years, he’s definitely rubbed off on me.

  “Anyway, how is your new school going? Have they started building it?” She asked me. I smiled and showed her pictures of the construction site on my phone.

  “I’ve been meaning to say, this is a great idea, Rae! You might end up changing some lives.” Gigi edged. “Thanks Gigi.” I chuckled. Then, for some reason, I began to get a familiar memory.

  It was years ago when I was still doing my singing gigs for wealthy people in Boston. I had no idea which songs to sing and I was stressed about learning lyrics to some of these songs. Gigi along with Vincent, encouraged me to not give in to fear and to continue chasing my dreams.

  “It’s going to take two years to build.” I added. Then I thought, Two years. Where would my family and I be in two years? For some reason, something uneasy swarmed in the pit of my stomach, sending a tingling sensation down my back. Hopefully the mission Stefano is on would be over and dealt with. I wanted things to go back to normal.

  My mind then drifted to Vincent and the phone call the other day. Just based off our conversation, I could tell he’s changed so much…

  Please tell me you’re not the one causing this trouble.

  Stefano’s POV

  “It seems like sending our soldiers to the next warehouse was pretty much pointless. There wasn’t shit there.” Ricardo said slamming his hand against the wall.

  Where are you, Louise? I asked in my head. The way he described his confidence going into the mission made me put faith in him. Him going against my word shouldn’t have been for nothing. “Our enemy is no fool, they’ve shown us that many times.” Enrico muttered. Angelo sent him a glare. “Don’t give them any props.” He said, eyeing Enrico.

  We were all as frustrated as Angelo about the situation but unlike him, we’re able to control our anger.

  I placed my hand on Angelo’s shoulder, letting him know he should control his temper. “What’s happening here is that the enemy has located the tracker Louise put on his body. That’s why they’re playing this game. They’re not going to give up Accardi easily. We’re going to find him, let’s focus on that.” I told them.

  They all nodded their heads in understanding. “Now with the meeting Tinuccio called for in Providence,” I said making eye contact with Enrico. “I don’t doubt they’ll try to take me out and kill me.” I added, everyone’s face hardening. I gestured towards Thomas who was on my right side. “Thomas will be coming with me to this meeting and we’ve devised a plan in case of an attack. Continue to send me updates on the mission. We won’t be gone long.”


  My hands were rested on my thighs as I watched the front entrance of the diner across the street. My eyes were narrowed and my fingers tapped against my knees. Thomas looked down at his watch and not a second later, a young boy around seventeen years of age walked out of the diner. He checked his surroundings before locking eyes with our vehicle. I nodded to him as he made a symbol with his fingers.

  “I guess it’s time. Vanzetti, are you sure we don’t need at least one gun?” Thomas asked, raising an eyebrow at my plan. I disarmed myself and took out all the knives as well in my pockets. “I have no doubt that Tinuccio and his men will search me before the meeting proceeds. We had agreed for there to be no weapons involved.”

  Thomas scoffed and began disarming himself as well.

  “If he has another idea in mind, it’s bound to fail. That young man that just walked out the diner, he’s part of the Pride and has just been straightened out. His assignment was to go into the men’s bathroom and place a gun under a tile on the floor behind a toilet seat.” I explained to Thomas.

  “You’re going to excuse yourself midway during the meeting to use the restroom and strap yourself with a gun just in case.” He said with a smirk.

  “You hit the nail on the head.” I replied to him.

  Across the street from us I saw a grey vehicle pull up against the sidewalk. Tinuccio stepped out from the passenger seat and readjusted his coat before walking in. His right-hand man also stepped out and they both went into the local diner, waiting for me.

  Thomas and I stepped out of the car and we made our way towards the restaurant. My intentions weren’t to fight or get my hands wet with blood this afternoon. I wasn’t a fool to think Tinuccio trusted me, and he’d be an even bigger one to think I underestimated him.

  The aging, grey-haired Don, rose up from his chair pulling the fat cigar away from his mouth as he watched Thomas and I enter. With a wicked chuckle and spread of his arms, he greeted us. “Vanzetti! I’m happy you smiled upon my request. Please, join us.” He said gesturing to the chair in front of him.

  His soldier next to him whispered in his ear and Tinuccio’ face turned serious for a second. “But before that, Roberto is going to search you both for obvious reasons.”

  “Thomas will too.” I added.

  I spread my feet apart and raised my hands above my head as Roberto frisked me. My eyes were kept solid on Tinuccio as he smoked his lungs away. Roberto patted my back, chest, legs and thighs and did the same with Thomas. After we were checked, Thomas patted them down as well.

  Thomas and I took our seats and the tension hit the top of our heads hard enough it was hard to not acknowledge. We are two big mob leaders sitting across from each other with the urge to kill one another if there is a misstep.

  Tinuccio tapped his fingers on the desk and smiled. He then leaned back into his chair.

  “We want to admit that we were behind some attacks on your territories.” He started. I lifted my chin as I stared straight into his eyes. If there’s one thing I hated about Waldo Tinuccio, it was that he was always trying to get a rise out of me.

  He’s a traditional gangster and the head mob families didn’t like how he ran things. He liked to appear innocent and ignorant of many things but was the worst of his kind. His style of acquiring money and property was barbaric in my opinion, but that’s just how he was. I still hadn’t forgotten what he did to me and he knew that.

  “Had you admitted or didn’t admit, that is all useless information now. I knew it was you for some time now.” I responded, uninterest in my tone. The nerve of this man to vomit this bullshit after so many casualties.

  Since that first conversation with Vandal, I knew Tinuccio had a role to play in this. I knew for a fact Vandal had connections close by and had plenty of help from a gang. I knew It wasn’t The Brooklyn Band because Marco Morelli didn’t like to get his hands dirty, and we were helping him to capture one of his missing soldiers.

  Vandal was very arrogant and said he had the best people lined up. What better people to do the job than those I let slip under the radar? Vandal is no fool. Senator franklin also told me Vandal had help from The Brotherhood to orchestrate his attacks.

  “Why so confident?” He asked me with a smirk.

  “Senator Franklin squealed.” I answered, tightly.

  The waiter made his way to our table and shakily poured wine into Tinuccio’s glass.

  “Is there a restroom?” I asked the waiter. He had beads of sweat on his forehead and I thought any moment now, he’d pass out. He nodded slowly. “Take a left and down a bit further.” I nodded to Tinuccio and Roberto to excuse me.

  I entered the restroom and walked to the very last stall. I pulled out my gloves from the inside pocket of my coat and slipped them on. Putting one knee on the ground, and tilting my neck to the side, I glanced down at the tiles behind the toilet. The one directly behind the toilet was slightly shifted. I picked up the square tile and moved it, seeing the slick, black, handgun I instructed the boy to place here.

  Quickly I checked for bullets and I wasn’t short of any. I placed the gun behind in my
lower back, behind my belt. I flushed the toilet and took off my gloves and began to wash my hands in the sink.

  In less than two minutes, I made it back to the made-men waiting for me.

  “Very well, shall we continue?” Tinuccio asked me as I took my seat.

  I laced my fingers together. “Yes. I can bet that your agenda has to do with appeasement considering you’ve admitted your crimes against my territory. My truth today is that the last thing I want is to start a war.” I said firmly.

  There was a slight quirk in Tinuccio’s eyebrow and Roberto threw him a look. “You might be vengeful about the leak of information of what my father did to your friend, but I’m also vengeful of you killing my father based off your suspicion.” I said to him.

  It was true. The Brotherhood had my father think there was peace between them but it was the exact opposite. It was Tinuccio who had orchestrated the assassination of my father to crack us down and get profit.

  I saw him tighten his jaw and clench his fists. I narrowed my eyes at him. “That’s right. You made it look like an inside job when you were behind the strings.” I whispered the last part.

  “So what are you getting at?” He said glossing over the subject.

  I knew he regretted his actions, but he’d never tell anyone that.

  “We’re even aren’t we?” I asked slowly, watching him become physically tense. Thomas turned his head to look at me. “The man you’re working with feeds off of revenge. This alliance you have with him will only lead to war. You know how I know? You've been on thin ice with me and didn’t even care about the consequences…”

  Tinuccio looked me up and down, not knowing where I was getting.

  “I also know the thought of murdering me has flashed in your head.”

  “You-” Roberto started, about to jump across the table.

  “Roberto! Be quiet.” Tinuccio said raising up his hand quickly to silence his bodyguard.

  Thomas’s jaw was locked, waiting and anticipating for action.


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