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Of Mobsters and Men: WILD (Book #2)

Page 14

by L. A TehPeaceMaker

Around seven o’clock, all of the guests had arrived and hid in their respective places. All the gifts were placed on a table in the back and Romano’s cake was standing tall and demanding attention. No one and not a thing was missing except for Stefano.

  He said he was coming shortly but I hadn’t heard from him in a few hours. For Romano’s sake I hope he makes it before the party ends. I made sure the blindfold was secured on Romano as I carefully led him down the stairs. His fits of giggles brought a smile on my face.

  “Mommy, can I take this off now?” He asked putting his hands over the blindfold. “No! Not yet.” I smacked his hands away. We now stood at the center of the main room and as I hoped, everything was just as it was supposed to be. Everyone was hiding and not a pin drop could be heard.

  “Okay, now you can remove it.” I giggled. Romano took off the red blindfold with haste and threw his hands up in excitement. When he opened his eyes, he began to frown as he looked around. He tugged my dress and looked up at me with sad eyes. “Wh-where is everyone-”

  Before he could finish, a loud “happy birthday!” Could be heard around the room. Romano jumped and hid behind me but then he began to giggle as he saw everyone come out of their hiding spots.

  We began to sing, “Happy Birthday” to Romano and his party then started.

  Caterina was here, Alessio and his family, Gigi, Marcelo, Mom and Dad, and a few of Romano’s friends from church as well as their mothers attended. “Go on,” I said, telling him to mingle with everyone.

  My father was the first to pick Romano up. “How’s my boy doing? You’ve gotten so tall!” He said and everyone laughed. Romano have a toothy grin as he covered his face in shyness.

  “Raelyn! These decorations are nicely put together! The blues and the greens...reminds me of the resort I went to in Hawaii.” I heard Caterina say as she walked up behind me. I smiled and we kissed each other’s cheeks in greeting.

  “Thank you. Stefano and the birthday boy helped me set things up.” I told her. Her jaw dropped. “Stefano helped with this? I don’t know what you’re feeding him, but you’re doing a good job.” She added, making me throw my head back in laughter. “You’re silly.”

  She sighed and pressed her hands against her chest. “Look at the cute expressions on the childrens’ faces. This makes me wish I was a kid again. Actually, I’m having baby fever right now.” She gushed, looking at the kids running around the place.

  Caterina was literally clutching her pearls.

  “Well, you’re gonna have to start dating first before that.” I said, giving her a knowing look. Caterina scoffed and placed her hands on her hips. She then began to chuckle. “Don’t you worry about me, Rae. I've been taking you and Gianna’s advice.”

  I smiled at her response. “Speaking of Gigi…” I said looking around to find Gigi. She held a tray of pies in front of her and children were taking their portions. “I didn’t know she made pies. I’m gonna try one.” I said.

  When I made my way to Gigi, she smiled at me. “I thought I might attempt to make my mother’s cubed strawberry pies.” She said. I took a piece from the tray and looked down at Marcelo and the other little boy, Andre. “Is it good?” I asked them and they nodded their heads quickly.

  “Mommy makes the best pies!” Marcelo said proudly, folding his arms.

  I ate the delicacy and I closed my eyes as I savored the sweet taste. “Gigi, these are amazing!” I complimented her. Gigi flipped her hair. “Oh, stop.” She gushed. I shook my head at her.

  Marcelo and Andrea reaches for more pieces and Gigi gave them both stern looks. “That’s enough. Save some for everyone else.” She said. They pouted and ran off to go outside where the other kids were. “They’re so greedy, these kids.” Gigi huffed. I laughed at her as she sat the tray back on the table. “Ease up, Gigi.”

  Just as Gigi glared at me, I saw Alessio and Maria sneak up beside us. In Maria’s arms was their baby girl, Isabel. At almost four months old, Isabel was still as adorable as ever and beautiful just like her mother. “Little Isabel is so cute!” Gigi said, gushing over the baby. Maria smiled and carefully gave the baby to me. I made sure to hold her securely and prop her head up a little. She began to make grabbing gestures with her hands and Gigi immediately took the opportunity to allow her finger to be grasped by Isabel.

  observed Alessio’s happy face as he admired his daughter in my arms. “Our angel looks just like you.” Gigi commented in awe. I thought of how beautiful it would be for little Isabel to inherit her mother’s dark brown curls and Alessio’s smile. Alessio was always so happy whenever his wife or daughter was mentioned. Seeing him and his family interact with each other brought a smile to my face.

  “She’s so precious.” I said kissing Isabel’s forehead. “Thank you.” Alessio and Maria said in sync.

  Later in the night, music was still booming and Marcelo and Romano broke out into a dance battle. I thought it cute and cringe of their dance moves and it got even more unbearable to watch as Alessio and Gigi joined them. My father was recording everything with his camera and didn’t miss a second. Marcelo definitely had a couple moves up his sleeve and Romano could learn a thing or two from his cousin. I covered my mouth as I watched them.

  “They’re so energetic.” Mother chuckled in my ear. I laughed and shook my head. “That’s not it. One is just trying to outdo the other.” I explained, knowing how competitive they could get. I wish Stefano were here to see this this. That smirk he does when he’s trying to hide his laughter is so cute to me.

  As if my mother knew what I was thinking, she gave me a gentle smile. “Where’s your husband? I know he helped set up the decorations.” She asked me. “Work overcame him.” I said, slightly rolling my eyes.

  “At least your father is recording everything.” She said, chuckling a bit. I smiled in return. Father was always occupied with work so I’m sure having a day off to to participate in his grandson’s big day meant a lot to him.

  I picked up my plate of cake and continued eating it. “Mother, this is so delicious. Thank you so much for making this cake.” She made a blue, butter-creamed cake with sprinkled splashed onto it every which angle.

  I’d almost forgotten how tasty birthdays were.

  I folded the now empty plate and placed it in the trash bag. It was gone too soon. “Ooh! Looks like he made it in time.” Mother mumbled, nudging my side as I looked in the direction her eyes were focused at.

  Stefano was standing and talking with Alessio and Maria, a casual smile on his face as he glanced down at Isabel who was in his safe arms. His long-sleeved, black shirt was rolled to his elbows, the veins in his forearms visible. His gaze was alluring as he made eye contact with the guests speaking to him.

  I could see him roll his eyes as Caterina came forth and began to tease him about something.

  I began to look for Romano. He’d be happy to see his father right about now. Strangely I couldn’t find Marcelo or Romano and then I remembered they were eating outside.

  Coincidentally as I started walking towards the sliding door, Stefano gave Isabel back to Alessio and began walking in my direction. We locked eyes and smiled at each other when we were close together. I circled my arms around his neck and he leaned down to kiss me deeply.

  Our kiss was brief in consideration that we weren’t alone. “Is Romano out there?” He asked me. I nodded my head and he stepped through the sliding door into the breezy outside. I made sure to not make much noise as I followed him but kept my distance as he approached Marcelo and Romano as they ate their snacks.

  “Uncle ‘Fano!” Marcelo said as he was engulfed in Stefano’s arms. “How’s it going, Marcelo?” Stefano asked his nephew with sincerity. All the while, Romano smiled at the sight of his father, but then instantly returned back to looking down at his plate. It was as if he remembered he was supposed to be upset at him.

  “Tell your mother I said the pies were good, okay?” Stefano chuckled as he ruffled Marcelo’s hair and kissed his forehead. Marcelo
waved to me before running back inside the house. “Be careful!” I said to him.

  Stefano was still in squatting position as he looked up at Romano who was sat on the swinging bench. He had still not looked at his father and it was then that I knew the gravity of loneliness Romano was feeling today.

  Stefano placed his hand on Romano’s knee and gave it a light squeeze.

  “You’re mad at me aren’t you?” Stefano asked him. In response, Romano began to lightly swing his feet. He looked at his father’s face, an obvious frown he wore.

  “I’m sorry I missed your party, but I rushed here as fast as I could. If I didn’t go to work, a friend of mine would be very hurt.” Stefano said. Romano pressed his lips together as his eyebrows raised.

  “I promise I didn’t forget about you. See, I got you this…” Stefano stood up and reached in his pocket to pull out a small black box. He opened the box and pulled out a medium-sized shiny silver chain. Romano eyed the jewelry with curiosity and Stefano placed it around his neck. Romano began to play with it, a small smile cracking his lips.

  “I even got myself a matching one.” Stefano said pulling his out from underneath his shirt. “We are connected this way. I’m very bad at gifts son, but I hope you like it. I chose the designs myself.” Stefano said, trying to sell himself to his son.

  Romano continued kicking his feet while a huge smile was plastered on his face. He was genuinely happy now and I could tell a huge weight lifted off Stefano's shoulders.

  “I’ll make up the rest to you, later.” Stefano added.

  “Romano hopped off the bench and hugged his father. Stefano held him tight and placed a kiss on his head.

  “I love you, Romano. You're my little man. Don’t you ever forget that.” Stefano spoke softly, earning a giggle from Romano.

  “I love you too, Daddy.”

  I knew that Stefano never received this kind of love growing up, so for his son to say these words to him, I couldn’t imagine the emotions Stefano felt right now.


  “Please, mama? Can Marcelo please stay?”

  “Please mommy!”

  Romano’s and Marcelo’s begging got to Gigi and I and I just wanted the whining to stop. “I don’t have a problem, you know that Gigi.” I said to my friend, letting her know Marcelo could spend the night here with us. He and Romano had so much fun together today and I’m sure they weren’t ready to call it quits yet.

  Stefano placed his hand on my waist as I waited for Gigi’s response. “I won’t hear the end of it so, sure.” Gigi chuckled, placing her coat over her arm. Marcelo gave his mother a kiss on his lips before scurrying upstairs with his cousin.

  After saying goodbye to Gigi and all the guests that came, I rested my forehead against Stefano’s chest as he held me. “You have a son that really adores you, Stefano.”

  Stefano caressed my back and chuckled. “My son’s love is what keeps me going.” He whispered to me. “The love that we created, its manifested into a handsome devil.” He said. I smiled as he rocked us back and forth.

  “Now that everyone is gone…” I muttered, tracing circles on his arm as I wore a grin. Stefano pinched my butt and raised my chin with his other finger, crashing his lips onto mine.

  In no time, Stefano had me over his shoulder as he carried me up the stairs. I pretended to scream and hit his back as he only laughed at me. He smacked my butt and I bit my lip in response. He began to repeat his actions, shutting me up. I gripped the back of his shirt as I began to feel soreness. All the while, I loved it.



  Stefano snuck up behind me as I was washing the dishes. “Mm. You might want to think of a better way to hide that from young children.” He whispered in my ear at the same time poking at my neck.

  I scoffed. “You just want something to say.”

  “Stefano! Uhn, Stefano! Fuck, fuck-yeah...” Stefano pretended to moan, at the same time making faces.

  “I will throw this this spoon at you!” I said, embarrassed. I held a clean spoon up to show I’d do it.

  Stefano only smirked in response and turned up the volume on the TV in the living room.

  “...and it’s quite obvious that the vehicle went up into flames after it smashed into the pole.” I heard a reporter say.

  “Mama Mia...” I said wiping my hands on the towel and joining Stefano on the couch.

  Stefano’s eyebrows were knitted as he stared at the screen and I began to pay close attention too.

  “The model of the car was a blue, 2018 Jeep Wrangler. It was left here abandoned on the side of this road here and…”

  My heart dropped into the pit of my stomach. “Blue...Jeep…” I muttered. They showed a picture of how bad in condition the vehicle is in. It was covered in ashes, and the front of the car was wrecked, signaling where the car smashed into the pole.

  I scrolled through me and Gigi’s texts to the date where she’d sent me a picture of her new car. Marcelo was sitting in the driver's seat and the doors of the vehicle were blue. No doubt was it a Jeep.

  My hands were shaking as I sent a text out to Gigi asking if that was her car on the news.

  “License and ID were left behind and I’m holding up here the pieces left of this broken phone.”

  “St-Stefano…I think...I think-Gigi-”

  “The driver’s name is Gianna Vanessa Moreno. Please if you have any information regarding her whereabouts-”

  Stefano cursed and I jumped up from the couch, my heart feeling like it lurched sheaf of my body.

  B. Stefano got up from the couch and dialed a number quickly. “Oh no, Gigi…” my vision blurred as I continued to watch the news. I pressed my phone to my ear and heard it go straight to voicemail.

  “That’s Gigi’s car! That’s her car!” I kept saying over and over again. Gigi’s body wasn’t found in the vehicle, all her ID was left behind and her phone was completely destroyed. I could only think of the worst that could have happened to my best friend.

  Chapter 18

  Stefano’s POV

  “Mrs. Moreno is probably going through it right now.” Raelyn said and sniffed as she clutched the back of my shirt. Her face was in my chest and I held her tightly while she cried for her friend.

  I didn’t say anything. It wasn’t because I wasn’t empathetic to what happened to Gianna, but because I had a firm idea of what all this was turning into.

  “It’s so scary because we don’t even know where she is…” she said again. My fingers felt her body trembling.

  “What are we gonna tell Marcelo?” She asked me, shaking her head.

  “I’ll take care of it.” I told her, gently.

  At this moment, Enrico and Ricardo were at headquarters digging through police reports of Gianna’s incident and Thomas and Angelo were on their way here to aid me with investigation. After what had just happened, I couldn’t leave Rae and the children here all alone.

  The doorbell rang once and it was a signal that my soldiers were here. “I’ll get it.” I told Rae and kissed her forehead.

  I walked towards the door and ran my fingers through my hair, closing my eyes. Shit. Things were only going from bad to worse. Vandal had me by the balls and he wanted me to know it.

  I opened the door and saw the light frowns of Thomas and Angelo. “How is the Mrs.?” Angelo asked, his eyebrows knitted in concern. Everyone knew of the close relationship between my wife and Gianna, so his question was no surprise.

  “Not good.” I answered, moving out of the way so they could enter. They hung their hats and jackets and followed me into the living room.

  “Enrico and Ricardo are finding out more information so we’ll have to wait before they give us any leads.” I said quietly to them. They both nodded their heads and Angelo’s attention waived to the kitchen. I followed his gaze and saw Raelyn wiping her hands on a towel and giving us a small smile.

  I didn’t see any tear stains on her face and it looked as if she wasn’t crying just a few mi
nutes ago. Even though she was upset, she didn’t want to look vulnerable in front of my men. She’d never admit it, but she copies me more than she realizes.

  “Would you like something to drink?” She asked Angelo and Thomas. Thomas returned her smile and shook his head. Angelo being the idiot he was, raked over her form but quickly averted his eyes when he remembered he was looking at my wife.

  “No, thank you.” He replied and coughed.

  We entered my office and began work. I logged onto my computer and Ricardo and Enrico’s faces popped up on my screen.

  “What do you have for us?” I asked them. Thomas crossed one leg over the other as he leaned back in his chair. Angelo stood behind me, his arms folded as his eyes were glued to the screen.

  “According to the information given over the news, Moreno’s phone was destroyed and the reporter was even holding it up to confirm his statement. However, that phone that he was holding up, isn’t the one she had active.” Enrico replied, his eyebrows furrowed.

  Ricardo nodded to confirm this. “Exactly that, the phone might have been a fake, placed at the scene. Or, it was just an old phone she kept in her cup holders.” He said.

  “Where’d you find the real one?” I asked them, knowing they already got down to business. “We tracked her phone and found it at a location one mile away from where she crashed her car. It was at the bottom of a small lake when two soldiers went to check it out.” Ricardo replied again.

  “What’s more, according to the report, there were dents at the boot of her car. This insinuates that Moreno was being followed and that vehicle may have drove her to crash her car into that pole.” Enrico said, clasping his fingers together and looking at me.

  Angelo shook his head. “There’s just one thing not sittin’ with me. If Moreno was dragged out of her vehicle and taken, why would the enemy leave behind so much evidence? Honestly, it looks like this scene was committed by a buncha’ amateurs.” Angelo said, putting his hands on his waist.

  “You’re right for your suspicion. Even all forms of ID were left behind.” Ricardo agreed with Angelo.


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