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Of Mobsters and Men: WILD (Book #2)

Page 16

by L. A TehPeaceMaker

  “I didn’t know black people lived here.” She said giving me a weird look. I stopped swirling the stick and I looked at the skin on the back of my hand. Black…? My skin is brown.

  “Sorry if I was rude.” She said again, covering her mouth quickly. “It’s okay.” I replied, not knowing what to say to her. She was being very weird.

  “Soooo, what’s your name?” She asked me. This weird girl wants to know my name?

  “Why do you want to know my name?” I asked, suspiciously.

  “Uh, ummmm, so we can be friends!” She blurted, putting her hands on her hips.

  “Why do you want to be my friend?” I asked her. I just wanted to finish blowing my bubbles and go back home. Besides, I wanted my old friends back. Why did we have to move?

  “ ya’ have any friends?” She asked me.

  I frowned in response. “I did. I lost them when we moved.” I said resting my face in my hands.

  “Oh. Sorry ‘bout that. Don’t worry. We can be friends. Soo, what’s your name?” She asked again.

  “Raelyn. My mom and dad call me Rae, though.” I said dropping my hands and looking up at her curious face.

  “My name is Gigi. I don’t like Gianna.” She said crossing her arms and rolling her eyes.

  “Who’s Gianna?” I asked her.

  “My real name.” She said and sighed, sitting down in front of me.

  She grabbed my bottle and I narrowed my eyes at her hands. I didn’t say she could touch my bubbles.

  “Why don’t you like your real name?” I asked her.

  “I dunno.”


  I smiled and shook my head at my earliest memory of Gigi and I. She hadn’t changed much and neither had I.


  “Still writing in that book of yours?” Mother asked, standing in front of my bedroom door with a cup of tea in her hands. I smiled and closed my book. “I was just writing a couple ideas I could implement for my school.” I said opening my drawer and dropping my diary and pen into it.

  She chuckled. “That’s fine. Your father wants to know if you have any plans on making your famous mushroom and chicken risotto tonight?” She asked me as I stood up from the bed.

  “I’d love to but I have a lot to do today. Maybe tomorrow. I don’t have anything scheduled and Stefano will also be coming for dinner.” I told her.

  She nodded her head. “The boys won’t listen to a thing I say. I’m sure Romano swayed Marcelo into wanting to come to work with you.”

  I threw my head back and laughed. “Romano Just loves the attention he gets from customers. It’s not a problem.”


  “Business always seem to boom on days I bring Romano.” I said, shaking my head as I heard more and more chatter outside my door. They might think he’s an angel…

  As I was looking at applicants for waitress positions, my phone buzzed. I looked at the notification and it brought a smile to my face.


  You miss me yet?


  I opened the message and replied back.


  Now you’re projecting…





  There were a couple knocks at my door. “Come in.” I said. Angela walked in with an apologetic face. “I’m sorry to bother you, Ma’am.” She said. “It’s no problem, what is it?” I asked her.

  “I’m still new at this but there’s a weird guy on the phone. Some guy named Accardi. He says he needs to speak to you?”

  I inwardly sighed. “You can take care of it, Angela. I can’t get to it right now.” I told her. With looking through applicants, solving customer complaints and other crap ton of stuff to do, the last thing I needed was a distracting phone call.

  “Yes, ma’am.” She said and closed the door.

  It wasn’t even five minutes later that I heard windows shattering and gunshots rippling through the air. I jumped and slowly moved back in my chair, furrowing my eyebrows as horrifying sounds of customers screaming and running around, rung in my ears.

  What’s going on?

  My throat constricted and my hands shook as I gripped my desk. Rounds and rounds of gunshots were heard and the sounds of tables and chairs being knocked over continued. I was in terror and panic for my customers and everyone I knew that was out there. The boys, my mother, Alessio, they’re out there. I quickly got up to my feet.

  “Where is Vanzetti’s wife?!” I heard a deep voice yelling right outside my door. My heart dropped and my knees were about to go out with it.

  “Talk, lady.” Another voice demanded.

  “ I don’t-I don’t know!” A female voice screamed. I also heard a loud thump onto the floor.

  “If anyone moves, there will be a price to pay!”

  I ran to the door and before I could open it, it was busted down with enough force that made me jump back.

  I could now see three men in front of me. They all held up long guns and pointed them at me. They wore baggy clothing and wore dark glasses to hide their identities.

  “If you know what’s best for you, don’t move an inch.” The one in the middle said, slowly. I raised my hands up and his weapon followed my every movement.

  “Come with us.”

  I stood in my spot, shaking and unable to move.

  “We’re not here to harm you, so please comply. Come on.” He said again. Waving for me to come over to them.

  When I defied his orders again, he shot the wall making me blurt out a scream. The sound was so loud. I began to tremble.

  Was this it? Was Vincent behind this?

  “ this Vincent?” I asked them, stuttering. Neither of the men answered me.

  “Everyone is being held hostage until you move out.” The man on the right with a scruffy black beard said.

  “Did you hurt...anyone?” I asked, tearing up.

  “We came for you.”

  “Did you hurt anyone?!” I asked again, my voice raised. I needed to know everyone was alright. I needed to know if my friends and family were alright.

  “We’ve got your son and mother hostage. They won’t be touched unless you comply.” The one on the left said, clearly impatient. I sniffed and closed my eyes right as the tears continued to slip. “Okay.” I began taking steps to walk out of my office. They watched me carefully as I was now in the horrific scene of tables and chairs flipped, as well as seeing customers covering their heads as they laid afraid on the ground.

  I stopped my movements. “Hey lady, what you think you doing?” The leader asked me. New York. They’re from New York. I could tell by their accents.

  “I want to see my family.”I said firmly.

  “We don’t have time-”

  “Just show her!” They argued amongst themselves.

  We turned to the back corner where I saw Alessio clutching his upper shoulder in agony. My mother was pressing a piece of cloth over where his hand was placed over what I assumed to be his gunshot wound. Marcelo and Romano were shaking and crying as they hid behind Alessio and my mother. My tears blurred my vision.

  “Mama!” Romano cried reaching out to me. Before he could run towards me, a customer lying close to him yanked his arm back, making him fall down. The gunman standing next to me pointed his gun at my son as he tried to get back up again.

  “Don’t you dare point that gun at my son! No!” I said trying to wiggle free but two gunmen kept me back. “Where you taking my mommy? Let mommy go!” Romano said attempting to run again but my mother left Alessio and grabbed him.

  “Romano stay back!” Alessio yelled and doubled over. “You heard him…” the gunman said, still pointing his weapon at my son.”

  “No, I won’t!” Romano yelled, struggling in my mother’s arms. “Be quiet, Romano!” My mother yelled at him. I gave her a look of thanks as she controlled him.

  The two gunmen yanked and turned me around. “No! Mommy, mommy…” R
omano’s whining sounded through my ears, making me sob. “Come on!” One of them yelled, bringing me outside the restaurant. I froze as I felt something sharp jab into my side.

  A moment later, I couldn’t even walk. I felt the feeling in my legs and arms growing weak as I collapsed.


  Stefano’s POV

  A stream of violent curses left my lips as I stepped carefully over shattered glass and upside down chairs. As soon as I’d gotten Alessio’s text, I made my way to the restaurant but I was too fucking late.

  Romano and Marcelo’s crying sounded throughout the restaurant and customers were in a state of shock after what they’d just seen. Shit! Shit! Shit!

  Raelyn, did they take you?

  I thought I was losing my head. So many tears, so much damage, so many bullets and shattered pieces of glass were evidence of what had gone down.

  “For fuck’s sake!” Angelo said as he and the rest entered the restaurant. “They took mama, they took mama, they took mama from me. Papa, they took mama…” Romano cried as he hugged me tightly.

  “I can take it from here.” Thomas said to Mrs. Monte as she backed away from Alessio and Thomas propped Alessio up and observed his wounds.

  She quickly tended to Marcelo who was still looking dazed. The look on her wet face was one of despair and the look in his eyes was no better. “Buddy, you alright?” Ricardo asked, squatting down to his level.

  Enrico shook his head and looked down.

  “I want her back, now!” Romano sobbed. “I’m going to get her back.” I whispered to my son, gently. “I want her back now!” He cried harder into my shoulder.

  “Is everyone alright?” Enrico asked going around to the customers who were on the ground. Police sirens were heard and one by one, cars started to show up.

  I’ve failed. I’ve fucking failed.

  Chapter 20

  Dr. Ardizonne’s house

  “How are the boys holding up?” I asked Dr. Ardizonne as he closed the door behind him. After my men had arrived at the restaurant, we had the attack situated with the police on my payroll. Having what just happened in our community as a national headline was unnecessary when this was a situation for The Pride to take on alone.

  “My daughter is talking with them right now. It’s unfortunate, the poor boys are scared and a bit in shock. Your nephew wants the comfort of his mother and your son does as well.” He said, his lips thinning into a line as he shook his head.

  I nodded my head. “Thank you.”

  The boys weren’t the only ones that needed therapy. I felt like I needed to see a psychologist as well. Raelyn’s Mother was in a separate room, weeping about the abduction of her only daughter. I clenched my jaw as I kept my emotions at bay. I couldn’t lose my shit just yet.

  Not yet.

  “Is Alessio fit to take visitors?” I asked again. “Oh yes, yes. Go on, Stefano.” Dr. Ardizzone placed his hand on my back as he gestured to the room down the hall. I put my hands in my pockets and walked towards Alessio’s room. I put my hand in a fist and knocked on his door.

  “I’m decent.” Alessio responded, making me smirk.

  I opened the door and closed it behind me. Alessio laid on the bed, his chest shirtless as his shoulder was wrapped. He rotated his other arm in circles. The curtains in front of the windows were wide apart, allowing the view of the orange sunset to flash throughout the room. The beauty was ironic for the madness that occurred not too long ago.

  “They got you bad.” I said, pulling up a chair on his side.

  Alessio chuckled a bit. “Not too bad, I’m still alive and able.” He replied back. I smiled, admiring his ability to not allow his condition to discourage him. “Unfortunately, they took Raelyn.” He said again. I frowned and knitted my eyebrows. “What happened?”

  Alessio furrowed his eyebrows as he got deep in thought. “There were about five of them. When they began shooting, I opened the lower cabinets in the back of the restaurant for Marcelo and Romano to hide. Romano and Marcelo couldn’t keep quiet and their hiding place was found. With the quantity of bullets rippling through the air and bouncing off walls, windows, and tables, their fright couldn’t be contained.

  Customers were screaming for their lives and trampling over each other to find a safe haven. I couldn’t leave Jazmine and the boys so my movement was limited. The boys had left the cabinet against my orders and I was shot in the arm when I reached for my gun.

  The gunmen told us to stay put but weren’t making any moves to attack us or anything of that nature. They made it very clear they were looking for your wife, instead. They just wanted your wife. Your son was resistant to all our warnings of telling him to stay put. When he saw them handling his mother, he lost it and tried to run to her, even in the face of danger. He’s very gutsy and didn’t fret that a gun was pointed at him.” Alessio described the scene in such a vivid manor.

  I nodded my head. “Any information about the gunmen?”

  “From how one of them sounded, I’d say they’re yanks.” Alessio replied, distastefully.

  “Thank you, Alessio.” I said, getting up from my chair. As I prepare to walk towards the door, Alessio’s grunt stopped me.

  “I know how it is, Stefano. I also have a wife that I love. Think rationally about your next moves if you want to see her again.” He advised me, firmly.

  “Thank you.” I responded and closed the door.

  I was in deep thought as I tried to gather any helpful information I was given prior to this attack. More importantly, I was digging for any warning signs that surrounded Raelyn. I ceased my movements as something came to mind.


  “Shortly before she left for work, I saw her place her diary in that drawer by her bed.” Jazmine said, pointing to the direction I needed to go in. Just after my conversation with Alessio, I remembered Raelyn telling me of Vincent contacting her. Knowing Raelyn, it was certainly something she would write about. That was probably why she recently started hiding her diary from me.

  I quickly opened the drawer and saw what I was looking for. The thick, maroon-colored diary was now in my hands. “Thank you, mamma.” I said and started flipping through dates. I read what Raelyn wrote about Vincent contacting her the very first time. She expressed her shock and her emotions going haywire at the fact she had closure that he is very much alive.

  Vincent, have you come back to haunt me? She asked.

  On the next page, Rae scribbled an address that I was capable of reading.

  “251 Washington street, plainville…” I recited her words. I wasn’t certain of what I’d find at this address, but I knew it’d give me leads.

  I immediately called Enrico and he picked up on the second ring. “I found the address. 251 Washington street, plainville. Get on it.” I told him.

  I ended the phone call and glanced at the door where I saw Raelyn’s mother cover her mouth as tears slipped from her eyes.

  I walked to her and pulled her into a tight hug. “Oh, Stefano.” She cries. She began sobbing on my shoulder as I rubbed her back. I closed my eyes as I felt all her emotions transfer onto me. Her only daughter was kidnapped and who knew where could be right now? Was she harmed, was she alive?

  If only they knew the storm that was brewing inside my heart. I couldn’t let my emotions take over me just yet, I was still responsible for finding Louise, Gianna, and my wife. I was responsible for putting an end to Vincent and the trail of madness he’s led.


  Jazmine and I returned back to Dr.Ardizonne’s shortly after I’d gotten the information I needed. Angelo and Thomas were in the living room keeping guard of the house when I walked in.

  “What ya’ have for us, boss?” Angelo asked, tilting his head to the side.

  “I was able to find an address my wife recently wrote in her journal. I’m certain that if Vandal’s been communicating with her, he gave her this address.” I explained.

  “Enrico and Ricardo left not too long ago to base.” Thomas in
formed me. I nodded my head. “We’ll wait for them to inform us of the area we will be venturing in.” I told them. Just then, I heard the sound of heels clicking and turned my head to the direction.

  Ardizonne’s daughter, Rose, entered the room. Her light brown hair was up in a long ponytail and her red lips thinned into a small smile. She was beautiful, but off limits since her father wanted her to have nothing with a made man.

  She went to school to study psychology and just recently returned to work with her father. We needed professionals like this family in our society. We needed professionals we could trust and could be our first line of medical and/or psychological attention.

  “I’m sorry to disrupt.” She started, her voice soft and innocent.

  “Don’ worry about it.” Angelo spoke up, sending a flirtatious smile to the young woman.

  Women like Rose were very sought after by made men such as ourselves. There was just something about an innocent and feminine woman. There was just something about them we were drawn to protect.

  “No worries, what is it?” I asked her, knowing she was about to inform me about Romano and Marcelo.

  “Our session is done and your son is asking for you. Marcelo is with his nonna.” She told me. I nodded my head to Angelo and Thomas and raised up from the chair. I followed Rose out the living room and took a deep breath as I put my hands in my pockets.

  “I know you must be very frustrated with everything that’s been going on.” She said, a frown on her face as she looked ahead.

  “How did it go with the boys?” I asked her, changing the subject.

  She looked at me with raised eyebrows before looking down. I could see her face getting red as she began playing with her fingers.

  “They were trying to keep their emotions in as I asked them certain questions. Ultimately, that didn’t really last long. For the majority of the session, the boys rambled about how much they missed their mothers. They also told me how afraid they were when men with guns came into the restaurant. Romano described to me how his mother was taken away and how a gun was pointed at him. He wasn’t that bothered that such a weapon was aimed at him.” She said the last part with caution. I could tell by her tone and furrowed eyebrows that she was disturbed.


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