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Of Mobsters and Men: WILD (Book #2)

Page 25

by L. A TehPeaceMaker

  "Wait, Stefano." I said, stopping his movements. He turned around and raised both his eyebrows in surprise. "I know you've been beating yourself up about all of this. Please don't blame yourself for what happened. I don't blame you for any of it."

  "It's easier said than done, Raelyn." Stefano put both of his hands in the pockets of his tailored pants before walking out. Stefano was right.

  That night

  It's easier said than done. That's what Stefano told me earlier today. I knew exactly what he meant because when the night over the rooftop, my obsessive thoughts kicked in and they wouldn't go away until I woke up either screaming or crying.

  Stefano's protective arm was placed over me, securely. I closed my eyes remembering I was in his arms. I drifted off into sleep.


  The warehouse was cold and barren. After Vincent was fed up with Eric's sudden disappearance, he insisted there was no time to waste and we had to get a move on. I had a gut feeling once we climbed the long stairs up to the second floor, that Stefano would be here soon.

  I was still silently praying that Vincent wouldn't be suspicious and find the gun inside my jacket. I didn't want to even use it but if I had to threaten Vincent in order to get away, I would.

  "Just sit here for a while and don't get out. I'll come for you when I'm all done." Vincent said as he opened the first door we saw. There were nothing but barrels inside the room. Some were rolling horizontally on the floor and done stood up straight. I couldn't find a place to sit so I just carefully sat on one that was already on the floor.

  I was looking anywhere but Vincent, still I knew his eyes were sharp on my form. He began walking towards me and he sat on the barrel in front of me, not saying much of anything.

  "I understand if you hate me for what I'm about to do tonight." He started. I felt a sharp twinge in my side, having a feeling it would have to do with Stefano.

  "What are you going to do?" I daringly asked, meeting his mischievous eyes. "I rather not say."

  I clenched my jaw and tears welled up in my eyes. My heart hurt so bad.

  "What are my chances with you, Rae? If I do get rid of your so-called Husband, what would it be?"

  "You can't have me, Vincent. I'm sorry."

  "So, it's like that, huh? I see. I guess you've left me with no choice." His tone was gentle. It seemed for like a split second, the old Vincent had returned. His eyebrows were knitted and he looked downward as if a significant realization just hit him.

  He stood up from the barrel and took a step closer to me. I was tense, but he cupped my cheek and raised my head so we could see eye to eye. He stared at me like that for what seemed like a minute. He stroked my cheek with his thumb like he used to in the past. He closed his eyes and displayed a small smile.

  Then a few seconds later, his smile withered away into a frown. "Raelyn, I'm so sorry."

  I didn't know what he meant or what just happened. His hand fell from my cheek and just like that, he left the room.

  After that, the only thing I could remember was me delivering a kill shot at Vincent's head.


  I shot up into a sitting position on my bed, gasping. My hand was on my chest as my chest rose up and down. Stefano had jolted awake too and he reached over to turn his lamp on.

  "Shit, Raelyn. Raelyn, are you okay?" He asked, placing his hand at my back, rubbing it in circles to calm me down. "Raelyn..." he whispered, gently.

  My lips quivered and tasted the salty tears that raced down my cheeks. I'd been crying during my dream. I was still being tormented.

  "I'm so sorry, Stefano. I didn't mean to wake you." I apologized to Stefano. Stefano wipes my tears off my face with his hand and kissed my cheek. "I'm fine. Let's go back to sleep." He said, encouragingly.

  "Okay." I whispered, nodding my head.


  2 months later

  "You're on the road to recovery, Mrs.Vanzetti." Dr. Ardizonne said, setting his pen on his clipboard. He gave me a warm, reassuring smile.

  "Thank you, Doctor."

  "There's been a tremendous growth in your compliance and willingness to get better. These emotions aren't easy to handle, I understand. You should be proud of yourself, Raelyn." The older man said, with a nod.

  "You really think I'm progressing?" I asked, a bit insecure in my efforts. I knew myself well. I was partaking in all of these sessions of course to function well like I used to. But a major part of me was doing this for my family. I've put up a good front for the past month, even trucking myself that I was okay and moving on quickly from my trauma.

  "Yes, Raelyn. Infact, I've been doing this for many years and I'm just as shocked as you are. After abduction and rape, survivors often experience shock. They are likely to become mentally confused, feel nauseous and socially awkward." He started.

  "I see."

  "There is restlessness, agitation and inability to relax. You said it's been a while since you've experienced those things, correct?" He asked me picking up his clipboard again. "Yes." I answered.

  "About your sexual activity, have you been Still feeling unresponsive to um, sexual advances? You might still have difficulty differentiating between pleasure and pain."

  "No, not anymore." I answered again, although this was partially true. I've engaged in my husband's sexual advances sooner than recommended. I wanted him to believe I was recovering quickly, and some days I just wanted to distract myself from the violation I experienced with pleasure from my husband.

  "Okay, are you still experiencing being easily frightened? How about bring very alert and becoming frustrated by small things?"

  "Yes, I'm still working on it."

  "That's normal, absolutely normal. I assume this still yields to a lack of trust as well. Please remember to not beat yourself up for holding on to the belief that your attacker was a good person. The one that did this to you is the one who should feel ashamed, not you."

  I bit my lip as I closed my eyes and nodded my head. "I understand."

  Stefano's POV

  "How is Raelyn doing?" Alessio asked as we both walked into headquarters for Enrico's latest report.

  I gave him a short smile as we stopped in the middle of the hall. "She's better than before. I can see that she's trying hard to overcome her trauma. She's smiling again, and that's all that matters to me." I answered him.

  "I'm happy to hear that. I know she's at her session right now. Would you like for me to pick her up and bring her home?"

  "That's not necessary. Raelyn doesn't want to be cooped up at home. She told me Dr.Ardizonne told her to be as social as she can. She's going out with Gianna this Afternoon." I replied back. Alessio nodded his head and chuckled.

  As we continued walking, I reflected back to a thought I've been having often. My wife wasn't the only one that had persistent thoughts from the night I confronted Vincent Vandal.


  I heard this mad man laugh again. I raised my head and the cool tip of the gun was now pressed against my forehead.

  "It's time to say goodbye." Vandal said with a wicked glint in his eyes. I watched carefully as his finger was on the trigger. I expected him to pull it immediately but he stilled for three seconds, not making a move. His hateful glare still remained. I caught his mouth moving and I was only able to make out the words, "take care of..." before the kill-shot from Raelyn was delivered.

  He froze in mid-air before falling down on me.

  I looked straight ahead to see Raelyn with a ghostly look on her face as she trembled. She dropped to her knees and sat, looking at me but almost through me. "I k-killed him." Raelyn stuttered.


  I closed my eyes and came to the conclusion once again that Vincent Vandal chose to die. He wanted to die by Raelyn's hand.

  Chapter 29

  Raelyn's POV

  I sipped my glass of lemonade through a straw, watching Gigi's mouth move yet I couldn't comprehend her words. This exact tab
le in this restaurant we were occupying was the same table Gigi, Vincent and I sat at once. I remember the day so clear.

  Vincent tagged along with me and Gigi for the day. The highlight of my day was when Vincent went off on a lady for disrespecting me. It was in this exact spot but I was sitting by the window and Vincent was right next to me.

  "You're zoning off again, girl." Gigi said, snapping her fingers, distracting me from my trance. Before I could apologize for not listening to her spiel, she interrupted me.

  "No need to apologize. I understand." She said with a gentle smile, she reached her hand to grab mine and she squeezed it.

  "Fill me in on what's been happening at the salon?" I asked her with a smirk.

  Gigi playfully rolled her eyes. "I've been spending more time with my son, so I don't have that much tea. I'm only there two times a week. I've hired two more girls to make sure things are running smoothly in my absence, though."

  I nodded my head. "Smart move." I stated. Being abducted by Vincent changed the both of us. I knew being separated from her son urged her to spend more time with him and build a solid bond.

  "I also want to be here for you." She added.

  I felt warmness surround my heart at her words. I was receiving so much love and support. Everyone around me prays for my recovery and wellness and that means so much to me.

  "I appreciate you, Gigi."

  "Of course, babe. Anyway, I have to take you to this new spa across town one of these days. It does wonders for me. We can invite Caterina too!" She said with a bright smile. I almost laughed at Gigi's over-hyped act. She was never this excited for anything but I knew she was just trying to get me into higher spirits.

  "I'd love that. I need to let loose anyway." I said relaxing back into my chair. I looked out the window and my eyes locked onto a familiar post outside. There was a bus stop across the street in-between a bread shop and a delicacy store.

  I remembered that post clearly. It was the same stop Vincent and I took a bus to the greyhound to start our adventures together.

  "Raelyn?" Gigi asked me.

  Slowly, I drew my eyes from the window to Gigi's concerned face.

  "Sorry again. So, when should I bring Dante over for him and Marcelo's sleepover?"

  "Dante?" She asked, raising both of her eyebrows in confusion.

  "What?" I asked her, confused as well.

  "Who's Dante? I know that's Romano's second name but—" she started but my eyes widened once I realized what I said.

  I brought both of my hands in front of me and waved them dismissively. "No-no-I'm in Space. When should I bring Romano over?"

  I received a strange look from Gigi.

  These days everything reminded me of Vincent.


  That night

  I poured myself a glass of juice, needing something sweet to satisfy my taste buds. I leaned over the counter as I watched Romano mumble to himself as he stuck his head in a children's book and began reading and deciphering the images.

  Stefano and I were discussing a few days ago if Romano should continue to be homeschooled or attend a private school. Each option sounded good but I wanted Romano to get out there more and make friends.

  I'd probably ask Gigi what she wants to do with her son.

  I brought our plates of sandwiches and chicken nuggets outside into the gazebo and placed them on the clean table. Romano and I ate dinner way earlier and I was sure Stefano ate out before coming home. Romano and I decided to plan something cute for family night.

  He's the one that came up with the bright idea of eating sandwiches and chicken nuggets outside to look at the stars.

  I heard footsteps behind me and the light breeze kissed my face as I turned around to see Stefano walking towards me with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. My eyebrows raised and I opened my mouth in surprise at the romantic gesture.

  "Baby..." I said as I gently accepted the flowers. Stefano grinned at me and lifted my chin to kiss me. I held the bouquet with one hand and applied pressure to behind Stefano's neck with the other.

  "Ewwww." I heard Romano's voice in the distance.

  "Boy, you haven't seen anything yet." Stefano said to Romano as we pulled away from our intense kiss. Romano stuck out his tongue and ran back in the house.

  Stefano shook his head before chuckling. I shook my head at Romano's cute silliness. "You seem a little too excited." Stefano said, raising an eyebrow. "I am. Why not?" I asked, confused.

  "Hmm, over some sandwiches?" He asked, quickly glancing at the table behind me. I threw my head back and laughed. Stefano took advantage and kissed my neck in the process. "I feel like I'm on trial." I giggled.

  Stefano smirked looking down at me. He had that playful glint in his eyes I loved so much. "Unfortunately for you baby, I'm the judge, jury, and executioner."

  "Oh, shut up." I slapped his chest.

  "Your lunch with Gianna went well I assume?" He asked, chuckling. He brought my body closer to his and caressed my back.

  "It did, I'm glad we got to spend time with each other. It's been a while since we did something."

  Stefano nodded his head and called for Romano to come outside. I stepped away from Stefano, remembering to bring the drinks outside. "What were you reading, son?" Stefano asked Romano, the ecstatic little boy

  "Green eggs and ham! Eww, I don't like it either." Romano said, making a disgusted face. Stefano laughed as he took a seat next to Romano. "Well how do you know? You've never eaten green eggs and ham."

  Romano was embarrassed and he covered his face. "Yeah but..."

  I chuckled at his act. I placed Romano's Capri Sun juice in front of him and sat on Romano's right.

  "Com'è stata la tua giornata con i tuoi nonni? So, how was your day with your grandparents?" Stefano asked Romano, his eyes narrowed.

  Stefano was determined to make our son bilingual. Of course there was a bigger focus on Romano mastering English, but it was also important for him that Romano learn Italian as well to communicate and maneuver around our society.

  "They took me—"

  "In Italiano." Stefano interrupted him.

  "Oh. Siamo andati al...cinema e abbiamo mangiato il...." Romano looked at me, his eyes begging for help.

  "Gelato." I chuckled.

  "...e abbiamo mangiato il gelato! And we ate ice cream!" Romano said, raising his arms up in excitement.

  Stefano smirked and nodded his head. "Sembrava divertente, sounded fun."

  "Glad to hear you had fun. Do you still want to ride in bumper carts next week?" I asked Romano and glanced at Stefano.

  "Yes!! Can Marcelo come too?" He asked, hope in his eyes as he bit out of a chicken nugget.


  "That one looks like sponge bob, right mommy?" Romano asked me, pointing up to the sky.

  "Oh, which one?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. Stefano threw me a playful glance before rolling his eyes at Romano. I chuckled, laughing at the scene.

  Romano raised his eyebrows and turned to his left but Stefano gave him a blank look. I threw my head back and laughed, becoming weak.

  For a moment it was like everything was back to normal.


  I'd just finished changing our sheets when Stefano came through the bathroom door from taking a shower. I tied my robe before slipping into the sheets and closing my eyes.

  I'm so exhausted.

  "I must be losing it, these days. You're so cold, Raelyn. Not even a glance." Stefano muttered. I laughed so hard and threw a pillow at him, hitting his shoulder. "Oh shut up. Your body can't distract me when I'm sleepy." I told him, matter of fact.

  His ego was just bruised that I didn't eye him up and down as he cane from the shower.

  Stefano laughed after me and threw the pillow back onto the bed. I smiled and rolled over, staring up at the ceiling. Remembering Romano's smiling face and messy curls gave me ease.

  "What are you thinking about?" Stefano asked, rubbing lotion on his arms.

  "Your so
n needs a haircut." I giggled.

  "He does grow a lot of hair." Stefano said, tilting his head to the side. "Are you two still going to Gianna's?" He then asked, combing his hair in the mirror.

  "Not tomorrow. We decided on a different day." I answered him, my eyes fluttering closed.

  "Good. I can take him with me to my meeting tomorrow." Stefano replied back.

  I drifted off into sleep, not bothering to feel any type of way about Stefano taking Romano to work. I didn't need any more thoughts to keep me awake.

  I felt the bed dip and Stefano scoot closer to me. He wrapped his arm around me tightly, letting me know he was here.

  Stefano seemed to think I was just being regular old me again, which was how I wanted things. He's happy though, and our son is as jovial as ever.

  However, I was in my protector's arms. My husband risked his own life for me. Just for me. I killed a certain someone, to save him. In return, we saved each other.

  That morning


  "No, it hurts. It's hurts, stop! Stop stop stop!" I shouted. My eyes were shut tight as I tried to push Vincent off of me. "Rae, you're so fucking feisty." He said back, mockingly.

  I was only more horrified. Kicking, scratching, all of my attacks were useless. He was way stronger than me and much more aggressive. He covered my mouth with my hand and I screamed loud into it.

  "Raelyn! Raelyn!" I heard an outside voice say loudly.


  I felt strong hands place themselves on my shoulder, shaking me gently. I opened my eyes quickly, snapping into reality.

  I saw rays of sunlight sleeping through the curtains, indicating it was already early morning. I turned my head to Stefano who was laying beside me.

  I quickly sat up, and Stefano shut his eyes right before opening them.

  "Shit, Raelyn." I heard Stefano curse. He was holding his arm and the side of his waist.


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