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Demon Stone

Page 8

by D E Boske

  When the Knights came walking through the door, all eyes were on them. Rohn kept his helmet on to obscure his features should his sister be present. Sooner or later he would run into her here and he braced himself for it.

  Tansher Morningstar was in the lead. When he crossed the threshold, he saw the Mage seated close to Kyler and the Monarch and this surprised him. That he should be so highly regarded here. Like the Old Times, he thought briefly. He wondered if it was good or bad. Time will tell. He felt the Mage had much to answer for, but he did not think he would be able to make him talk. No. Not that one. A Mage of The Order was in a league all his own. He was but a Knight of Shorlan. He could not compete with a Mage of The Order, nor did he wish to try. He saw Kyler and nodded his head in greeting and Kyler inclined his head.

  “Greetings, Knights. You are far from home this day. What business do you have with Kiri A’ Nouell?” asked the Monarch, taking the lead.

  “We felt compelled in our duty to travel here. We witnessed Morphindinaetlus flying over Al-Dan-Tir with an elf from Kyler’s group in his claws. We did not know if you knew, but she was alive when we saw her. We did not know her name, but Rohn identified her as one of your own.”

  Curse it, thought Rohn. Did he have to use my name? Nephraete’s face was frozen in a mask of shock and denial.

  “Are you alright?” whispered Kyler, as he felt the seer stiffen next to him. She shook her head in response.

  “Rohn, please tell us what you saw,” said the Monarch. Rohn stood reluctantly. He removed his helmet, shaking out his silvery-blue hair. Nephraete gasped aloud.

  “Rohn! You’re alive!” she nearly knocked over her chair to get to him. Most of the council room was dumbfounded.

  She put her hands to either side of his face. “Rohn, is it really you? I thought you were dead!” She embraced him, holding him close and weeping uncontrollably.

  He held her tightly. “It’s me, Nephraete. I’m sorry for what I did. I left because I could not continue in Thelarki’s service anymore. The things he made the Gor Li’ Khan do… It was not meant to be! I could not reconcile it. Then mom died and I knew I had to leave. I should have told you, should have taken you with me. I’m sorry for abandoning you. Can you forgive me?” Rohn begged, holding her at arm’s length so he could look into her eyes.

  They looked so much alike. Kryndale could not believe his eyes. The son of Thelarki lived! So, he was not

  the only Gor Li’ Khan to flee their homeland. Well, he was glad the Skyblade siblings were reunited.

  “Of course I forgive you, Rohn, you’re my brother! I left too. Calisha helped me to get to Kiri A’ Nouell. Father became so obsessed with my visions that he locked me in my room and would rarely let me out. I can’t believe you’re really here.”

  “I am and I’m not going anywhere anymore. I’ll always be here with you.” He kissed the top of her forehead and put his arm around her as he prepared to speak.

  “I saw the dragon fly low over the city with an elf female in his claws. I recognized her as one that was with Kyler, but did not know her name. We all agreed that we could not let her remain a captive of the dragon. We thought it best to come here to alert you that she lives. We want to help you. We would go with you to the wyrm’s lair and exact punishment for this heinous act,” said Rohn passionately.

  “We gladly accept your help, Knights. It is deeply appreciated and your kindness shall not be forgotten,” said Galavad.

  “What is it you would like us to do? Can we help with anything?” asked Tansher and Galavad looked to Darian. This was not lost on any member in the council room.

  “Darian, it seems, has some ideas. But they might clash with your moral sensibilities,” said Galavad, pulling no punches. Tansher raised an eyebrow.

  “What do you have in mind, Darian? I am no stranger to your work.” Tansher let the Mage know that he knew about Nereina.

  “Are you sure you want to know? Because if anyone here is faint of heart, they’d better leave now. Once I begin, if anyone tries to leave I will be forced to kill him,” Darian said seriously. He did not crack a smile nor did his eyes stray from Tansher’s.

  “I assure you, we can handle it. We’ve seen just about everything there is to see in our time as Knights,” assured Tansher.

  “I doubt that, Tansher, but I appreciate the sentiment,” replied Darian. Some of the Knights bristled at that, but Tansher never batted an eye. He guessed the Mage was right.

  Darian put his finger on the black and amber colored stone around his neck. A thick, grey mist boiled over the floor and when it dissipated, a huge winged demon stood at the Mage’s side.

  The elves whispered fervently, “Shenna protect us!” The Falahari grinned at the attention.

  “Are you mad? How can this be of any help?” asked Thane with a wild look in his eyes.

  “I am sick and tired of morons like you asking me if I’m insane!” Darian said, slamming his hand down on the table. “Do you have any better ideas?” he asked with open hostility. Something about this one set his teeth on edge. It was like having another Shaz around. “Would you like to leave then?” asked the Mage, grinning wickedly. Hoping he would.

  “Of course not! I am not afraid. Can you control it?”

  “Of course,” said Darian, in a tone that was like saying, you dummy. “But I warn you, the demon will only attack those whom I command. So I suggest you stay on my good side,” commanded Darian.

  “Ha!” said Thane derisively, slapping the Knight next to him. The other Knight took two steps away from Thane.

  The Falahari walked up to Thane slowly, sniffing the air. His wings were spread wide and his tail curved up to the middle of his back.

  “What did you say?” whispered the demon, in a cold, menacing tone.

  “The demon will be a strong and powerful ally. I respect your power, Mage. The Falahari are hard to control.

  That you have bound him… That is truly impressive,” said Firehawk.

  “Only you would think so, Firehawk,” said Thane, with a sneer.

  “Firehawk speaks the truth, Thane,” Tansher remarked. “You truly are someone to admire and fear, Darian. I have not seen a Falahari bound so in a very long time.” Darian did not comment, but looked to the demon and nodded. Sigorna returned to the Mage’s side.

  “Do you think this plan will work?” asked Rohn, his arm still around Nephraete.

  “It must. I know not what else to do. The dragon is a powerful foe and will not be dispatched easily, as you saw in the square.”

  “Aye,” replied Rohn and Koryn simultaneously.

  “How many will fight beside us, Darian?” asked Tansher.

  “I fear too few, Tansher. We have the legendary Gor Li’ Khan…”

  “What!” exclaimed Rohn.

  “Be at ease Rohn, son of Thelarki,” soothed Kryndale as they materialized. “We are here to help. You are among friends and our allegiance is to Kiri A’ Nouell now. Not to Kaleika Bay and Thelarki.”

  “Kryndale? You left too?” asked Rohn, shocked.

  “Aye. And I took my best with me. We are only six, but we fight like thrice our number,” Kryndale replied fiercely.

  “Surely there are more?” asked Tansher.

  “We have some dwarves, a thief, a bard, a bounty hunter and of course, elves.”

  “How many all told?” asked Tansher.

  “Just under fifty, including the Knights,” replied the Mage.

  “I did not think there would be so many,” responded Tansher.

  “Nor I, but remember, the larger our party, the more likely it is we’ll be seen in advance. The Gor Li’ Khan can blend in and disappear. The elves and I have cloaks that can make us invisible,” said Darian.

  “I will have the rest of you fitted for cloaks as well. That should help you get near the dragon without alerting him to your presence,” offered Galavad.

  “A most gracious offer. Thank you,” said the Mage sincerely. The gift the Monarch had bestowed upon
their group was not lost on the elves or Darian.

  “She is my daughter, I can do no less. I want her returned safely, as I know you do Darian,” said the Monarch.

  That last comment by the Monarch had Tansher wondering what exactly he meant. Tansher knew a Mage of The Order could not get involved… His mind was hurtled into a state of confusion. Nereina! Why else would the Mage have done what he did if he had not… He looked into Darian’s eyes, but the Mage only shrugged indifference.

  “Have dinner with us Rohn, please?” begged the seer.

  “You cannot keep me away,” he replied.

  She led him over to Kyler. “Kyler, this is my brother, Rohn. Rohn, this is Kyler,” she introduced as they shook hands.

  “Father would be so upset if he knew,” stated Rohn.

  “I know, but I don’t care. I’m through letting him manipulate my life.”

  “I don’t blame you. That’s why I left. I couldn’t stand to live under his roof one more second. How did the Gor Li’ Khan get to be here?” asked Rohn.

  “They came after me. Father promised my hand against my will to Kryndale. So I fled. I began to have visions

  about Kyler and Darian and knew I must help. Our lives are intertwined. What we must accomplish must be done together,” she explained.

  “So, you and the prince of Kiri A’ Nouell. Is he good to you?” asked her brother.

  “Yes, he is,” she said dreamily.

  “I’m glad. I know the life that awaited you in Kaleika Bay and it was not encouraging,” said Rohn. “What about Darian?”

  “What about him?” asked Nephraete.

  “Can he be trusted? What kind of man is he?” asked her brother.

  “Yes he can. He is loyal to his friends. You can count on him no matter what.”

  “This is good news. He is stable, then?”

  “Of course,” she said, confused at his choice of words.

  The Monarch had a feast prepared for all the guests. The forest floor was cleared to make room for tables and chairs. There were tables with different kinds of meat, cheese and fruit. Another table held elven desserts. Food was plentiful, luckily for the elves, because the dwarves were a hungry lot. They could out perform any present.

  “Let us welcome the Knights of Shorlan into our home. They have graciously offered their help in the upcoming journey to Ancient Mountain,” announced the Monarch, and a cheer went up from the elves. “Please, enjoy our hospitality. Find rest and peace here within our walls.”

  The music began and everyone was talking and laughing. Nayna sat by Firehawk and the rest of the Knights did their best to engage him in conversation. He was actually civil. He talked and joked with the Knights, easing the tension that had grown between them.

  It seems getting laid makes him loosen up, thought Thane.

  Tansher was proud of his Knights. He was happy to see them trying to get along. Rohn had a sister! He couldn’t believe it. Rohn was a private elf and did not speak much about his past. Seeing them side by side, the resemblance was obvious. He did not understand why Rohn let her think him dead for so long. He was afraid he would lose him now. He could not afford to lose any Knights, but one of Rohn’s skill…

  Tryndil asked Tryllia to dance. Kyler and Nephraete were fully absorbed in each other. Darian did not speak to anyone. Rohn decided to engage the Mage to see if he would talk. What had he been thinking?

  “Your name is Darian, right?” asked Rohn. At first, it looked as if he would not even acknowledge the elf. He turned to him with a steely look in his eyes.

  “Yes Rohn, that is my name. What is it that you would like to know? For surely that is why you came here, yes?” asked the Mage in a tone bordering on animosity.

  Rohn did not let his discomfort show. “Who is the one the dragon took?”

  “Her name is Tynuviel.” The elf grated on Darian’s nerves, he knew not why.

  “That is Kyler’s sister,” it was more a statement than a question. Darian did not respond, taking a long drink of Nykessa instead.

  A shudder ran up Rohn’s spine. This Mage seemed so cold and calculating. He is dangerous, Rohn thought. He did not want to get on his bad side. He had not made up his mind yet on whether or not he liked him.

  “Darian, I am not the enemy, we are on the same side. Just trying to be friendly,” the elf said, sounding a bit exasperated.

  “I don’t know you nor do you know me.”

  “I was trying to get to know you,” said the Knight.

  “Why did you let Nephraete think you were dead?” Darian asked, switching topics.

  “At the time, I thought it best. When I left… I could not stand the way Thelarki abused us and our abilities. He should not be allowed to rule anymore. Once my mother died I had no reason to stay anymore.

  “Nephraete, well I thought she would take Calisha and live out her life there. I knew she was not happy. I know I should have done something to help her, but at the time, I was not able to help anyone.”

  “Except yourself, it would seem,” the Mage said, unrelenting. At least he was talking, so Rohn put up with his nastiness. He did not understand why he was so volatile.

  “I had to get away to overcome what I’d been through. Only then could I be in any shape to give of myself for another’s sake. I wandered for a while before coming to Al-Dan-Tir. I stayed there and decided I would make it my permanent home. I joined the Knights soon after. I’ve often thought about her. Shenna moves in our lives every day and she brought us back together,” Rohn said with a smile.

  “I envy you and your petty troubles! Would you like to switch places with me for a day? I wonder how you would hold up in my shoes, Rohn?”

  “I say again, I am not the enemy.”

  “Nor are you friend,” stated the Mage, turning away.

  “Darian, I would really like to get to know you. Nephraete says you are to be trusted and that says a lot,” tried Rohn.

  “Why Rohn. Why do you want to know me? I am dangerous to be around. My life, such as it is at the moment, is not my own. I cannot be at peace, cannot rest until the day Tynuviel is returned home.”

  “You… love her? But I thought…” he trailed off, unable to finish. Unable to find the words.

  “Yes, I love her. I asked Galavad for her hand and he granted it,” replied the Mage, softening his tone.

  “But isn’t that going against Order law?” asked Rohn. Darian’s face hardened.

  “You have no idea of what you speak. Spare yourself further embarrassment,” the Mage finished his Nykessa and poured himself more. Rohn was wary of him and his temper. How could his sister put up with him? He was stable? Right. The Mage was about as stable as a huge boulder balanced on top of a needle.

  Firehawk saw the display between Rohn and Darian and quickly came over to see if he could diffuse the situation.

  “Darian, I’m Firehawk and I’m looking forward to traveling with you. I respect your boundaries and your power. You are a great ally.”

  “More flattery? You’re gonna’ make me blush,” quipped the Mage. The two Knights laughed and Rohn felt a newfound respect for the loner. He came in and quickly put out the fires of the Mage’s ire.

  “We’re going to be traveling together and I just wanted to let you know that I respect you and your privacy,” said Firehawk.

  “Thank you,” replied Darian, seemingly at ease with Firehawk.

  “Rohn here is a good guy. Sometimes he tries too hard, but he means well. There’s no one I’d rather have at my back than him,” said Firehawk.

  “That’s good to know. Listen Rohn, maybe we got off on the wrong foot. I’m not the friendly sort. And I do not take friendship lightly. As you know already, we Mages do not have friends. Not within our own ranks. How sad, to only make friends outside your race. But that is my existence. Kyler, he is like a brother to me. He befriended me without caring about the consequences. And I do not doubt that he understands them. He does not take me for granted.”

actly how much did the Mage have to drink already? Thought Rohn.

  “Neither do we. I know you will not trust us right away, and that we’ll have to earn it. I wouldn’t have it

  any other way,” said Firehawk.

  “Drink with me,” offered the Mage to both Knights. And this was something they could do.


  Kelindril led them to a small, human settlement. There must be water here, else they would not be able to survive. They had gold to pay, but not much to barter with.

  They approached warily, unsure of how they would be received. As they drew near, the people stopped what they were doing to watch the strangers.

  “We do not want trouble. We were hoping to fill our water skins. We can pay for the water,” Kelindril said in perfect common, as the Gor Li’ Khan got to the small fence surrounding the village.

  An elderly man walked to the gate. He looked them up and down. Finally, he decided to let them pass. He waved them in, telling a small boy to show the strangers to the water.

  The boy waved them over, taking them to a deep well. He pulled the bucket up, letting the strangers fill their water skins. Kelindril put several gold coins in the boy’s hands.

  “Our thanks,” he said, raising his water skin to his lips and taking a deep drink. He filled it again and they took their leave. Once they were outside, the Gor Li’ Khan relaxed. They had not been sure if there would be trouble so they remained alert.

  Gavil and Whelan brought up the rear and it became increasingly apparent that they were being followed. Most likely from the small settlement where they refilled their water.

  Whoever their pursuers were, they were crafty and kept out of sight. No reason to let them know they were on to them. The Gor Li’ Khan pretended not to notice. They spoke in elvish so no one would understand them.

  “Kel, someone is on our trail. I think it’s someone from the settlement,” advised Whelan.

  “I thought that was too easy. Good, they think us an easy kill. Let them come and try to steal our gold,” he said with a gleam in his eyes.


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