Demon Stone

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Demon Stone Page 21

by D E Boske

  was a stupid question. Of course he was not okay.

  “Shit, shit, shit!” Darian said, as he wiped his mouth. He banished the mess with a simple cantrip before… Well, he did not want to think on it. He cleaned himself in the same manner, brushing his teeth vigorously.

  “Hey Darian, you should really lay off the Nykessa if you can’t handle your liquor like the big boys,” said Shaz, laughing.

  Darian did not feel like getting into a battle of wits right now. As shitty as he felt, Shaz was no match for him. He turned his back on the bounty hunter without saying a word.

  Somehow this was worse than actually besting him in words. Shaz felt dismissed. Not worth the effort. He became angry and walked toward the Mage, but Calisha stepped in his path.

  “Can I help you, Shaz?” asked Calisha ingratiatingly.

  Shaz wasn’t falling for it though. He knew what the Crebellan was capable of and did not want to cross paths with that one. He shook his head and walked away, deflated.

  “Darian, are you okay?” asked Kyler worriedly. “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t even want to talk about it. The memory might make me…” He clenched his jaw.

  “What about last night? What happened?” he asked instead.

  “I don’t know. I dreamed some weird shit. Like I took a hit of bad pipe weed. The Demon Stone was glowing brightly until it lit up the whole shelter like daylight.

  “Then, I felt a vibration deep in the ground. I stepped out to see what it was and saw a dark sky with no stars. The moon was huge, red, and swollen. It seemed to grow in size as I watched. Then to my utter astonishment, it exploded and dark blood rained down on the ground.

  “I felt pain destroy my body. I was paralyzed, unable to fend off the attacks or to defend myself. Then the black fingers began their torture. I was held immobile in an upright position; arms outstretched, legs apart, head held back.

  “They penetrated me, trying to get inside and I could not stop them. I could feel it down my throat and I began to choke. I couldn’t breathe…” He shuddered involuntarily at the memory.

  “It’s okay, Darian,” Kyler reassured. “I knew something was wrong. You were making weird noises, yet your eyes were open. But it was like you didn’t see anything.

  “Calisha was there immediately, trying to calm you down. He seemed to know what was going on, so I let him do what needed to be done. I don’t want to think about what would have happened if he weren’t there…” Kyler trailed off.

  “Ack, don’t worry about it. He was there and I’m fine now.”

  “Darian, I’m concerned about you. You shouldn’t have been sick like that. How are you feeling now? Do you know why it happened?” asked Calisha.

  “I don’t want to talk about it now,” said the Mage shortly.

  “Too bad. You need to tell me the truth,” replied Calisha.

  Darian glared at Calisha. He was not in the mood right now. He still did not feel well and just thinking about it made his stomach lurch.

  Without warning, he doubled over retching violently. “I don’t remember eating that.” He tried to make light of it, but Calisha was obviously worried.

  He was on his hands and knees, trembling. He tried to take deep breaths to settle himself, but it didn’t work. He retched again. Bright red blood spilling from his mouth, splashing the snow before him.

  “Takasha! Dri Han’ Ni Oba Den’ Nul!” Kyler shouted in his native tongue.

  The elves had never seen Kyler so rattled that he reverted to the elven tongue. The looks on their faces spoke volumes. They were utterly terrified the Mage would die.

  Without being asked, Lorin approached to see if he could be of assistance. The elven mage put a hand on Darian’s shoulder to let him know he was there. He felt his forehead.

  “He’s burning up! Kryndale, get his bedroll, we need to lay him down.” The Gor Li’ Khan hurried to do as asked.

  They laid him down gently, covering him with a blanket. Lorin took a cloth from his pack, putting a small piece of ice in it and laid it on the Mage’s forehead.

  “Darian, may I use the Orb of Healing? I need to have a look at you. I need to see what’s going on before I can help you. Do you have any ideas?” asked Lorin softly. The Mage lifted his hand weakly to grasp Lorin’s, dropping it on a pouch tied to his waist.

  “Thank you,” whispered the elf.

  He took the item, warming it in his hands and began to sing to it in an ancient, elven tongue. The company had gathered around them to watch the display.

  The Knights of Shorlan wore masks of worry as did the dwarves. Shaz remained indifferent. The elves hid their despair well. They knew it did not look good for the Mage. What had caused such a reaction?

  The Gor Li’ Khan let no one near, protecting the Mage as one of their own, eyes hard as steel.

  “Kiel, what could be wrong with him? Do you have any ideas?” asked Tireniel.

  “Nay. I have never witnessed such a thing before. Do you think it has something to do with Dark Magic?” responded Kiel.

  “I don’t know. It’s quite possible, I suppose. Do you think he’ll live?” asked Tireniel.

  “I don’t know. I hope so. For all our sakes. He is a friend, he is one of us. What will Tynuviel do if he dies?” asked Kiel.

  “I fear for her every day she is with that beast. Maybe all that keeps her alive is knowing Darian loves her and is waiting for her,” said Tireniel.

  “I’m sorry. I know you love her,” Kiel said.

  “It’s alright. It was a good thing while it lasted. I’ve known as we all have that it’s always been the Mage. As much as I love her, I cannot keep her from him nor come between them. I just want her to be happy, Kiel,” Tireniel said sadly.

  “You’re a good elf, Tireniel, and a good friend. I hope you find happiness,” replied Kiel. Tireniel nodded at the Elflord.

  The Orb of Healing burned with white light in Lorin’s capable hands. He threw himself into its depths, feeling the power coursing through him.

  The elf mage passed his hands over Darian’s body as he continued to sing, building the power within the Orb. As he passed it over Darian’s torso, the Orb glowed red. Lorin focused his attention there, delving deep inside the Mage.

  There, he found his stomach had ruptured causing the pain and blood loss. Lorin quickly fixed the problem but he was not sure why it had happened in the first place. He wondered if they nicked something last night when removing the vile substance from the Mage.

  The elf mage was thorough and he missed nothing. He healed Darian’s throat, which was sore from vomiting. He delved deep inside to see what else was going on inside the Mage. He felt, rather than saw, thick, black cords of Dark Magic tightening around Darian’s heart, worming their way in wherever they could. Perhaps Cali-

  sha’s removal of the Dark Magic had caused the tear? Alarmingly, he saw they were multiplying faster than he could register. All the work that Calisha had done was reversed.

  Lorin was alarmed at the sight. He immediately tried to rid the Mage of the Dark Magic, but it was no use. He simply wasn’t strong enough. Dark Magic was beyond his elven skill. They would need a Mage of The Order powerful and knowledgeable enough to help.

  There was only one problem with that course of action, Darian was in hiding. He did not trust any of them and to be honest, neither did Lorin. He knew Darian and trusted him completely. He was certain the things The Order said about Darian Brade were falsified and wholly untrue. There would be no help there. Where then? Something must be done or they would lose him for sure. Sooner or later, he would lose the battle to the Dark Magic. It would consume him, leaving nothing of the old Darian behind. They all had seen signs of it already. How much time was left to the Mage?

  “Lorin, how is he? What’s wrong with him?” asked Kyler worriedly.

  “He’ll be fine for now. Kyler, we need to talk, privately.” The seriousness of Lorin’s tone told him he wasn’t going to like this conversati

  The elf mage set a simple ward to keep their words between them. “Kyler, I found thick cords of Dark Magic inside him. They are wrapping around his heart and trying to worm their way through wherever they can find purchase. He doesn’t have long unless we can find a way to get it out of him. I tried, but I am not strong enough.

  “We need a Mage of The Order who is strong and knowledgeable. Even then they may not be able to help. Dark Magic has been mostly eliminated and not been in practice for several millennia. The odds are definitely against us here. I don’t know what else to do. I’m sorry.”

  Kyler did not take the news well. He sat down heavily, bereft of hope. “What was wrong with him? Were you able to help him at all?” The elf prince asked quietly.

  “Yes. He is resting peacefully now. His stomach was ruptured, but I do not know the cause. I’d be speculating if I said I thought it was the Dark Magic. He needs rest. We need to get him back inside and keep him warm.”

  As they turned their attention to Darian, he was already getting up and preparing to leave.

  “Whoa. Where do you think you’re going?” asked Kyler.

  “I’m going on. She doesn’t have much time Kyler. And neither do I,” he whispered.

  “Darian, what in Shenna’s name is going on? What’s wrong with you? We have to find a way to help you. I refuse to lose you, Mage,” Kyler said, desperation swallowing him.

  Darian had enacted a sound shield so they could talk freely. “The Dark Magic is slowly consuming me, my friend. I can feel it growing within me. It has already replaced what Nephraete and Calisha have stripped away. I don’t know what to do. The only one that could possibly be of any help would never help me. He awaits my death with bated breath.”

  “The Dark Mage,” Kyler said in disbelief. “Son of a bitch!” He exclaimed, then let loose a string of curses in his native tongue; a few of which made the Mage raise his eyebrows. “He did this to you. I will never give up! We must find a way around this. What about the demon? Do you think he may know something?”

  “You must truly be desperate to ask for his help, Kyler,” mused Darian.

  “Yeah, well… You’re my best friend and I do not plan on losing you. I would go to Oblivion and back for the cure if there was such a thing. For you… I would do anything, you know that.”

  “I know,” he said softly. “It means a lot to me Kyler. I’m just glad you’re here with me right now. At least I won’t have to die alone.”

  “Stop it! You’re not going to die. That, my friend, is unacceptable. We will find the answer together, like we

  always do. Besides, you need to live for Tynuviel. What will she do if you die?” He could see his words had the desired effect.

  “We need to get moving.”

  “Are you sure you’ll be alright to travel?”

  “No, but I have no choice. Without me, it would be next to impossible for you to find his lair.” Kyler nodded in defeat. He knew the Mage was right. As always. How frustrating.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  The morning was crisp and cold as the Gor Li’ Khan walked the streets of the market in search of supplies for the last leg of their journey.

  Kelindril would push them harder now that they were so close. They would endure many sleepless nights until they caught up with the others.

  Nymdal wondered how they would be received. Would they attack without giving them a chance to explain? What would Kelindril do? Nymdal wanted to know what Kyler was really like.

  Thelarki had spoken of the elf prince before; said he was blessed by the goddess. If that were true, why then, did he associate with Ni’ Kulana? Didn’t he think he was above that? In their travels, Nymdal had never met a Ni’ Kulana that he liked or that he would ever trust.

  Galavad was strong and capable; a good ruler. And one that Nymdal did not think would choose a weak successor. He had been unsure of his feelings on the matter for a while now. As they got closer, those feelings only deepened into anxiety.

  Kelindril would not hesitate to kill them if he sensed weakness. But would Kyler and company step in on their behalf or would they let Kelindril bathe in Gor Li’ Khan blood?

  Nymdal decided in that instant that he never wanted to return to Kaleika Bay. He no longer wanted to serve Thelarki. Vengeful bastard! Thought Nymdal. I hate him. He was glad Nephraete got away. He knew deep down that she did not want to return. Otherwise, she’d have done so already.

  They stopped at a food booth and Kelindril began piling up food stuffs and drinks for them. Most times, he treated them like subordinates. Nymdal was getting tired of it. He couldn’t wait to meet up with Kyler, to get to know him. He longed to work for someone who had a unique appreciation for the Gor Li’ Khan.

  Briefly, he wondered about Kryndale; if he made it to Kiri A’ Nouell and how he was received. Did he find Nephraete? Had she taken the Crebellan as her lover? Nymdal was quite sure that by now she would have. Why wait? She was finally free of her father.

  They left the safety of Al-Dan-Tir not long after. This time they used their innate abilities and passed by the Knights who remained unaware that they’d left.

  Kelindril pushed them relentlessly onward, driving them through the night and well into the next day before he called a halt. He allowed them no more than an hour’s rest before heading out once more.

  He drove them hard for the next three days before allowing them to rest the night. Because he was so harsh, they reached Thunder Peak in a week and a half. The snow here was deep and fresh. It had fallen recently, less than a week ago.

  Their hopes soared, thinking that perhaps Kyler got caught by the storm. They must now take precautions

  by slowing their pace; which none of them was happy about; each for different reasons.

  It took them four days to navigate over the pass. Once on the other side, the temperature dropped considerably. Kelindril dug in the packs passing out the warmer cloaks and gloves he’d picked up. They put them on over what they wore already. In this cold, they needed layers.

  They found a cave that had seen recent use. There was firewood stacked neatly against one wall and a fire pit made out of rocks. Kyler had obviously stayed here. They were not far behind them now.

  He did not even consider forcing them to go any further this night. They were all exhausted he knew, himself included. A good night’s rest would do them all some good.

  Once the fire was going, they concentrated on a hot meal for a change. After a meal of meat stew and hot tea, they retired early. Ru Nay’ Sha claimed them, dragging them down in her sweet embrace.

  A piercing cry woke them in the morning. A bird of prey circled high in the sky intent on something far below on the other side of the mountain. It dipped from sight and they dismissed it from their minds. They had much to do this day. After a hasty breakfast, they resumed their trek through this horrendous country.

  Kelindril did not like it here. He knew none of them did. It was bitter cold, a cold they were not used to. Kaleika Bay was warm and moist. Here, it was dry and the cold burned the exposed skin. He made sure they covered up to avoid frostbite.

  Kelindril had witnessed firsthand men whose limbs had succumbed to frostbite. It was not pretty. One man had three fingers on his right hand that were blackened and dead. When he was able to reach a town, they had to amputate them. Another had lost his left foot. He was not about to let that happen to his elves. He watched out for them. He was responsible for them and their safety. What kind of a leader would he be if he did not?

  A day and a half later, they came upon the snow shelters. It was an ideal place to stop. They would be stupid not to. Out here, you could ill afford to pass up a good resting spot. Kyler and company had done all the hard work for them. They may as well take advantage of it. The fire pits were still intact as well.

  Kelindril looked around, sensing something… evil. He took Whelan, Nymdal and Gibron with him for a thorough search of the area. After an hour they’d found nothing, but the unea
siness did not dissipate. It raised the hair on the backs of their necks.

  They came to understand something must have happened here. It was a dark, forbidding feeling. Ominous. All encompassing. A shudder threatened to consume Kelindril, but he denied it. He was not an insipid Ni’ Kulana after all. He was an elf. A Gor Li’ Khan leader. He could not show any weakness even if he had any. Which he did not.

  They returned to the fire and a hot meal. It occurred to Kelindril that Kyler must know they were following him. That must be why he left the shelters and fire pits intact. Why then, did they not wait for the Gor Li’ Khan? This territory was dangerous. It made sense to stay together.

  Kyler was not happy about them coming after him. That’s why he wouldn’t wait. He wondered how far behind Kyler they were. We must be close, he thought. No more than a couple of days. Here in this wasteland, he would not be able to push them as hard as he had before. They would need more rest and when they came upon a good place, they must stop. There would be no telling how far the next one was. They would follow in Kyler’s footsteps.

  “What’s on your mind Kel?” asked Whelan.

  “I believe they’re onto us. I think they’ve left us a trail to follow.”

  “Then why not wait? Wouldn’t we stand a better chance if we were all together?” asked Whelan.

  “Yes, but apparently they are not happy that we are here. We will need more rest now, Whelan. I cannot

  push as hard now I’m afraid. We’ll keep watch for the next rest stop. I’m confident they will leave it for us to find like they did the others.”

  “We made some hot tea. Come have some, Kel.” Kelindril sat beside his elves, warming his hands on the hot mug of tea Stilhan handed him.

  “How will we find the wyrm’s lair when we get inside? I gather it won’t be easy. I doubt he hung a sign to welcome visitors,” remarked Nymdal.


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