Demon Stone

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Demon Stone Page 22

by D E Boske

“His scent will likely get stronger the nearer we get to him. Takasha! I do not relish this part of the mission,” Kelindril admitted. “We must remember our training. We will need all the lessons we learned to pass this test. Morphindinaetlus is a wily beast; he’s been around a long time. There is nothing he likes more than the sound of his own voice.”

  Soon after, they retired to find what rest they could.


  Kyler remained close to Darian who was still weak from his ordeal. To look at the Mage, you would never know how sick he’d been just a few hours ago. Of course, that’s how Darian wanted it. He despised weakness. He had The Order to thank for that.

  He had The Order to thank for a lot of things. The Order taught him how to hate. The Masters and Mages taught him how to kill. His teachers taught him how to survive when the odds were against him. They taught him how to control his power. They made him the most powerful Mage The Order had ever seen. But the most important lesson in life The Order discarded.

  Love. The Order despised it. The Mages were forbidden to have it. If found out, the offending girl would be put to death in a most horrible fashion. The offending Mage’s punishment would be dependent on The Order’s mood that particular day.

  Beaten. Scalded. Stabbed. Whipped. Female companionship denied. You name it, Darian had suffered it at one time or another. Though not for falling in love. At the time, he knew no such thing. If The Order was one thing, it was a ruthless master.

  Darian was surprised he could love at all. When he first came to Kiri A’ Nouell, he’d done it for purely selfish reasons. The Order had tried to penetrate the elves’ magical barrier. So far, they’d been unable to. Because he knew they searched for him, it was the only logical place to go; the one place they would never find him.

  The first time he saw Tynuviel, his heart was hers for the taking. He knew he was forbidden to get involved with her. Though it had not stopped him in the past, she was different. He knew it, felt it, and tried to deny it. He cared nothing for the other women he’d taken to his bed, of which there were many. But this girl… She was captivating, beautiful and sensuous. He wanted her in a way he’d never wanted anything in his life before. He did not understand it because The Order had not prepared him for this. At first, he didn’t comprehend what he was feeling. When he realized what it was, he immediately tried to deny it. He became frightened by the idea. He fought with himself for so long it had become commonplace.

  Looking back now, he thought himself the biggest fool that ever lived. He should have taken her to his bed. At least they both would have known happiness for a short while.

  Now, there would be happiness for no one. He was dying, the Dark Magic was slowly consuming him and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

  Calisha and Nephraete only delayed the outcome. They could not change it. He had not the heart to tell them. And Kyler… His passing would affect the elf more than any one of them, Tynuviel included.

  He and Kyler had been traveling together for over three years. They were like brothers. He and Tynuviel’s relationship had only just begun. In time, she would heal and forget. Kyler never would, he knew.

  He felt helpless and hopeless. He tried to maintain a positive outlook for the elf, but he understood Kyler knew better. He could see the pain in his friend’s eyes. At least he’d been honest this time. He had not kept anything from him. Like it matters anymore. He thought.

  He slid deep into a dejected state of mind that was most unlike him. Normally, he had supreme control over his thoughts and feelings. Since his heart had chosen Tynuviel, he was a changed man in many ways.

  He remembered their stolen kisses. How she sat in his lap where she fit so perfectly. The feel of her breasts on his chest as he held her close. The smell of her hair like lilacs and sunshine. He ached inside. He ached for her in a way that made him wild.

  He felt something he’d never felt in his life. Loss. A hot, stinging pain began behind his eyes. Mystified, he realized it was tears that stung his eyes. He felt the hot liquid slide down his cheeks and did not try to stop it.

  He kept his cowl pulled close. He needed privacy right now. Kyler seemed to understand for he left him alone though he walked right beside him.

  Darian had never cried before. It was foreign to him. He hated it because it made him weak. He deserved to die. To his way of thinking, a man should not cry. That was showing weakness. If he was weak now, how would he be able to do what needed to be done in the near future?

  How would Tynuviel be able to look him in the eye, knowing he let himself be vulnerable? She needed him to be strong. She deserved a better man than he was. The pain that he felt at her loss was far worse than any pain The Order had ever inflicted on him. Physical pain healed. The pain he felt knowing he most likely would die and never know her love was far more than he could handle. It spread through his body, squeezing his heart ‘til he was short of breath.

  He felt hollow and dead inside like someone had taken all his organs, leaving only his skin and bones.

  He must snap out of this. This was just a stupid waste of time and energy! She needed him to be strong and he would be. He clenched his fists at his sides, angry with himself.

  Taking control over his emotions once more, he banished the sadness and replaced it with anger and vengeance. He would make the Dark Mage pay for what had been done to Tynuviel. He had to live for her. He could not succumb to the Dark Magic. That was the best revenge. To live and fulfill everything Delvishan demanded of him.

  Yes. That’s what he would do. He would live and destroy the Dark Mage. Then he would take Tynuviel and make love to her for days. He did not let himself think on any negatives. He must remain faithful and strong.

  Kyler sensed the change in his friend and a slow smile spread across his face. Darian’s mood had been dark since that morning. The Mage’s talk of death made Kyler deeply troubled. He’d never seen the Mage so sad. He honestly didn’t think Darian was capable of feeling it. He’d been wrong.

  He remained by his side through it all, refusing to leave him when he needed him most. Nephraete understood and stayed with Calisha.

  “Darian? Are you alright?” asked Kyler, almost afraid of the answer. Though he felt his friend’s mood shift,

  he was not altogether sure how he would respond.


  At this admission, Kyler felt a chasm open inside him. Everything began to slide into it. He’d been with Darian for a long time now. If anything happened to the Mage, Kyler would be devastated.

  He felt lost and frustrated because there was nothing he could do to help. Darian needed to be trained in the Dark Arts. There was only one that they felt was equal to the task. Only one problem, he wanted Darian dead. The Dark Mage would never help Darian. He hated him; only wanted him for the Staff of Power. Once he had it, he would turn Darian over to Morphindinaetlus.

  The wyrm would stop at nothing to devour Darian and his magic. He wanted the Mage to suffer. And he was.

  “But I will be,” the Mage finished and Kyler felt a surge of hope. “With your help of course.”

  “I will do whatever you need me to. I was worried about you, you know.”

  “Yeah, me too,” the Mage said softly.

  Of a sudden, grey smoke boiled across the snow, signaling the demon’s manifestation. Though Darian did not show it, he was relieved. He began to wonder what had become of Sigorna. At once, Darian cast a spell of protection around the demon, shielding him from the cold.

  Once more, Sigorna was surprised the Mage would defend him. He’d stayed away for a while because he was struggling with what he was thinking and feeling. He needed time to think and process all that was happening. And to do that, he needed distance from Darian.

  Darian had shown him kindness. He didn’t have to shield the demon from the cold, even though Sigorna knew Darian was aware the harm it would cause him. He was having trouble reconciling his conflicting emotions.

  The more he got to know Darian,
the more he liked him. He was honest. Sometimes brutally so. But Sigorna liked that. He preferred brutal honesty over a liar any day of the week.

  Then Darian began opening up to him for some unbeknownst reason. Why the Mage chose not to open up to Kyler was a whole other conversation. The Falahari gained some insight into the powerful Mage and why he was the way he was. He truly felt sorry for Darian and everything he’d been made to go through.

  The longer Sigorna remained bound to Darian, the more he came to really know Darian. Something the Falahari was sure no one else did. It still puzzled him. Why does Darian confide in me? He thought. The Mage made it perfectly clear that he did not trust the demon, and yet…

  They had a tenuous friendship that went against everything the demon was used to. He wasn’t sure how he felt about it still. So he took some time away from the Mage to clear his head. Darian mustn’t have needed him, because he hadn’t called for him.

  The moment he stepped onto the tundra, he felt it. Something was not right. He glanced around at the others, saw the hooded fear in their eyes. Something must have happened recently. He was angry with himself for keeping his distance. Now he may never know what occurred.

  “I thought you abandoned me,” said Darian.

  “I did. But I missed your ready smile,” the demon retorted.

  The Mage laughed and the demon joined in. “Where have you been?” asked Darian.

  “Oh you know, girls, girls, girls,” the demon grinned. “I was gonna invite you, but I didn’t.”

  “Thank Delvishan for small favors,” Darian commented.

  “You still going with that whole abstinence thing?” asked Sigorna.

  “Do you see anyone doable here? I see two girls. Sexy as hell yes, but they are both with someone. And

  although I’m not close to Tryndil, Kyler’s my friend and I will not betray him.”

  “Blah, blah, blah,” retorted the demon in mock annoyance. “Stop it or you’ll make me puke.”

  “You seem to be in a fine mood,” remarked the Mage. “What’s the occasion?”

  “I missed you… And I’m just so happy to be back,” said the demon, pretending to be overwhelmed with emotion.

  “R-i-g-h-t,” the Mage drawled.

  “No, really.” They both laughed.

  “I thought you were angry with me for shielding you,” Darian admitted.

  “Why would I be angry? You protected me, Darian.”

  “When you didn’t show up, I thought you were upset. I thought maybe I offended you.”

  “Offended me? I’m a demon Mage. I cannot be offended. And thanks, for… you know.” He really wasn’t good at this sort of thing. He’d better learn because he would be bound to Darian for a while yet. It wouldn’t be easy to kill the Dark Mage.

  “Can I ask you something Falahari?” asked Darian quietly. His tone led Sigorna to believe he did not want anyone else to overhear them.

  “What?” asked Sigorna in a guarded tone.

  “Do you know where I can learn Dark Magic? Besides, of course, the Dark Mage.”

  “Why would you want to learn that? Didn’t The Order banish its use? Isn’t it extremely dangerous and unstable?”

  “Yes, but so am I,” replied Darian.

  “I’m serious, Darian.”

  “So am I.” The Mage’s admission rocked Sigorna to his core.

  “Darian, there’s something you haven’t told me. Isn’t there? What’s happened since my last departure?”

  Darian told the demon everything. He didn’t know why exactly, but he felt he could trust Sigorna. The demon was silent for a long time.

  “Why is this happening? Why is Dark Magic trying to consume you?”

  “When I was held captive, the Dark Mage tortured me with it,” the Mage admitted.

  “What?! Darian, why have you not told me this before?”

  “Well, let’s be honest Falahari, we have a tenuous relationship. I didn’t want to give you any ammunition.”

  “Ouch,” remarked the demon. “How did it get inside of you?” he asked, unable to look disinterested.

  “He rammed it down my throat trying to choke me with it. I guess my body absorbed it. I don’t know to be honest.”

  “And why do you think you need to learn the Dark arts?”

  “Because, it’s the only way to learn to control it and stop its advance on me. And I need it to defeat the Dark Mage.” He said the last as if he were embarrassed to admit it.

  “I know of a book… I’m not sure I should tell you Darian. I don’t like this idea. Have you talked it over with Kyler?”

  “No. I do not discuss all my affairs with him.”

  “Who do you discuss them with?” asked the demon, eyebrows bouncing up and down.

  “Not those affairs,” said Darian in mock exasperation.

  “Oh damn! How I love a good story.”

  “Are you going to help me or not?”

  “Alright, alright. Don’t get your breeches in a bunch. I know of a book. It has been lost for thousands of years. I do not know how the Dark Mage learned, but I dare say this book might be just what you need.”

  A surge of hope ripped through Darian. He gripped the demon’s arm in thanks. “Please Falahari. I wouldn’t ask if I had any other options.”

  “The book is called Morgonnate. You taught yourself elvish right? Of course you did. You’re a smart one aren’t you? However, I do not know the location of the Morgonnate. It has been lost. Maybe never to be found again.”

  “This is important to me! I need this thing,” Darian said softly.

  “I’m telling you the truth. That is all I know.”

  “Do you have any idea where it might be? Any thoughts you have on the matter would be appreciated. I’m running out of time.”

  “What are you saying, Darian?” asked Sigorna, more than slightly alarmed.

  “I’m dying. Slowly, painfully. Every day I lose a little more of myself.”

  “How much time do you have Darian? Does the elf know?” Sigorna hid how shocked he was at the Mage’s confession.

  “Kyler knows of course, but I don’t know how long I have because there is no one who can help me with this. None of the Mages who used Dark Magic are still alive. They were destroyed during the Niv Dol’ Meh. And let’s face it, the Dark Mage would see me dead. He will never help me. He wants my staff.”

  “What for? I thought a Mage’s staff was his own to command.”

  “It is, but that won’t stop another Mage from using it. If he took possession of my staff, he’d be able to use it. Only if he had the command word of course.”

  “Command word?” Prompted Sigorna.

  “My staff has a command word. Without it, the staff is useless.”

  “Are all Mages’ staffs like this?” asked the demon.

  “Of course not. I’m more clever than they.”

  “Does the Dark Mage know this? Does he know yours is not like the others?”

  “I don’t think so. Why, you gonna’ tell him?” queried the Mage, not quite kidding.

  The demon had the nerve to actually look injured. “No, why would I? Sometimes Darian. Sometimes…” he let it hang in the air between them.

  “I know, I’m an ass. That’s getting old. You need to find a new line.”

  “I wanted to tell you, I appreciate your discretion in not voicing my name aloud,” said the demon, ignoring the Mage’s comment.

  “I can’t have someone trying to steal you from me, now can I? Our job is not complete.” Though he sounded sincere, Sigorna could see the laughter in his eyes.

  “You know Mage, all demons are not bad. That is a label put on us by the Shivvendar and the elves. Not all of us are bloodthirsty killers.”

  “Really? Why banish you then?” Countered the Mage.

  “The Shivvendar fear what they cannot control. The elves… they despise anything that is not a thing of Faerie.”

  “That’s not true. Not all elves are like that. And the Shivvendar
do not fear anything.”

  “Really? Why are they trying to contain you then?” responded the demon slyly.

  “Um right. I see your point.”

  “Gasp! The mighty Mage admitted he does not really know everything.”

  “Vazaalhen Drykel vindenot,” Darian responded in Shivvendar.

  “Potty mouth,” said Sigorna.

  “Yeah, like I haven’t heard that before,” said Darian glibly.

  “What was your favorite thing about Mogan Dar, Darian?” asked the demon.

  “My favorite thing? Hmmm there’s just so much to choose from. Give me a moment.” His words dripped with heavy sarcasm. “Oh wait, I got it! When I was a novice, we learned how to create healing potions. I knocked the beaker off the table and it crashed to the floor. The Master backhanded me across the face then sent me to be beaten.

  “The Masters pummeled me until I think I forgot my name. When they threw me back in my room, I wasn’t even conscious. I don’t even remember how I got there.

  “Of course, there was the time when I was a journeyman and we were learning how to call lightening and control it. I mispronounced a word and my gesture was a little off. The lightning struck the Master in the ass blowing him across the room. His clothes were smoking, and his hair was standing straight up.” Darian actually smiled at the memory.

  “What happened?” asked Sigorna, sincerely interested.

  “That time, they stripped me naked and whipped me fifty times.”

  “Fifty times? What the hell is wrong with them? Isn’t that a little harsh?”

  “Yes, but they didn’t like me. I wouldn’t cry out. I never made a sound and it pissed them off so they whipped me more. The only thing that stopped them from killing me was the head of my order coming to get me. When he saw what they had done, he was furious. You see, I was always his favorite.”

  “Shit, Darian. I’m sorry. I had no idea.”

  “C’mon, you know what they are like.”

  “Not really. We cannot see inside Piri-Tuma. Not really. The magic is too powerful in that place. It is protected.”

  “Maybe not, but you endured them as I did. You’ve told me many times that you were thankful that I did not do what they did to you. You told me the things they did to you should not be allowed. You know what they are capable of.”


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