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Demon Stone

Page 26

by D E Boske

  He looked for the forest elves and saw Kyler on the ground surrounded by the Gor Li’ Khan and Asa.

  “Kyler! What happened?” he ran to his friend, grimacing when he saw the large arrow protruding from his thigh. “Hold him down, this will hurt. Kyler, stay with me. I’m gonna heal you, elf,” he gritted out. He knew it was not a killing blow, but it was painful. He could see the tight lines on his friend’s face as he tried to make light of it.

  “You’re not gonna’ get rid of me that easy, Mage,” Kyler responded with a grimace.

  “Funny, that’s what your mother told me before I left her bed,” Darian said with a wicked grin and quickly received the desired result.

  Kyler snarled a reply that died in his throat as Darian snapped the arrow and pulled it out the back of his leg. He then pulled out the Orb of Healing and began to sing to it. It warmed in his hands, as soft white light lit up the chamber. He passed it over Kyler’s leg, healing him completely in seconds.

  “Over here!” called Lorin.

  At the sound of Lorin’s voice, the Mage turned and his heart fell. Killini lay sprawled at an odd angle, an arrow jutting from his chest. His breathing was shallow, but he was alive! If he was alive, then the Mage could heal him.

  Darian laid his hands gently on Killini’s chest. The elf raised his hand weakly to touch the Mage’s arm.

  “Leave me Mage… I go to… Shenna’s side… It’s alright… It was good… to fight… by your side… You are… a good man… Take care of… Tynu…viel…” Killini wheezed, choking the words out as blood gushed down

  his chin.

  “Damn you, Killini! Don’t you die on me. I will heal you, stay with me now.”

  Urgently, Darian sang to the Orb and it glowed a deep red. Killini was near death and he would need much of his strength if he was to save him. He threw himself deep into the Orb, feeling it warm in his hands. He passed it over the elf’s chest as he sang, strong and sure.

  Killini coughed up more blood and Lorin looked on worriedly. Darian could not go on for much longer. He must be exhausted, though he knew the Mage would never admit to it. How he was even still standing was a mystery to the elven mage.

  Slowly, before their eyes, the arrow began to withdraw from Killini’s chest, moving of its own accord. Darian drew it out carefully so as not to harm the elf and throw him into shock. When the arrow was completely free, Darian concentrated on healing the flesh.

  It took more than thirty minutes, but when Darian was done, the flesh was whole and new. No blemishes or scars could be seen. Darian stayed on his knees for several more minutes before standing. Lorin was there for him, supporting his weight.

  The Mage went from body to body, checking them all thoroughly. He found Thane in a crumpled mess, his armor dented and his breastplate caved in. Lorin helped to remove it so Darian could work unencumbered. He worked over the Knight’s body for several long minutes. When he was done, Thane slept peacefully, slipping into unconsciousness where his body would recover.

  Darian stayed down on the floor letting his body recoup. It would not do to lookweak now. Not with the Gor Li’ Khan here from Kaleika Bay. Kelindril and his boys were here somewhere.

  Kelindril saw how the Mage wielded the magic so easily; felt the strength radiating from him as he pulled it from the Weave. It seemed effortless. This Mage was strong! Once more, he cursed Galavad for not telling him that a Mage of The Order accompanied Kyler and Nephraete.

  The Gor Li’ Khan had been witness to much in their time with Thelarki. But the Mage’s power scared them. Nothing scared the Gor Li’ Khan, but this terrified them. A Mage of The Order here with Kyler. Why hadn’t Galavad mentioned that? It was on purpose, Kelindril knew. The rapport between the elf and the Mage told Kelindril they’d known each other for some time. It also appeared that they were friends. However unlikely, it was right before his eyes. Especially that bold remark about the queen that made Kyler angry so he wouldn’t concentrate on the pain as the arrow was removed.

  He healed one Ni’ Kulana and two elves, one of which was near death. Pulling him back into the world of the living and giving much of himself in the process. He must be exhausted now. He appeared to be resting on his knees. Perhaps afraid to stand and show his weakness. Another elf stood by his side helping him when needed. The respect the elf had for the Mage was evident on his face. He did not try to hide his reverence.

  This struck Kelindril as odd. The Mages rarely left Mogan Dar anymore. Usually only in times of war now. To find one that traveled was a rarity. Could this then, be Darian Brade? The one The Order avidly searched for? The Order had asked Thelarki to send out the Gor Li’ Khan to find him, but he’d refused, not wanting to get involved in the affairs of Mages. A wise decision.

  Kelindril wondered why Darian left and why The Order wanted him back so badly. Bad enough to request the services of the Gor Li’ Khan. Which should be considered a last resort.

  Most of Corillia was happy to pretend the Gor Li’ Khan did not exist. If they ignored it, maybe it would go away. Once the Gor Li’ Khan were called in, there was no going back. The elven assassins were a death sentence to

  be carried out quickly and efficiently. And the cost was high. Few could afford such a price.

  A thick mist floated in the air, becoming more solid, turning into… Nephraete and her Crebellan! Takasha! She rushed to Kyler’s side, hugging him close, much to Kryndale’s dismay Kelindril saw.

  When Darian felt stronger, he stood and went straight for the Mage he’d encased in a protective shield. He banished the spell, yanked him up by the front of his robes and began punching him in the face. He called on the Staff of Power, bringing its magic to bear on the twisted, bent creature.

  Nephraete jumped up at once, running to Darian’s side. “No! Darian, you cannot! I know how much you want to make him pay, but you mustn’t. You must save him as only you can. Only you can release him from his hellish prison,” she said softly as she touched his arm.

  “Nephraete, you ask much of me! How can I not condemn him to death like he did Destiny? Seeing him before me now, I know it was he. I can feel the evil in him and I long to put an end to him. Please, do not ask this of me. I have not the strength to let him live. Not after everything he’s responsible for. Destiny… Tynuviel… and gods only know who else. No, I cannot.”

  He dismissed her, raising his staff, but she leapt in front of him. Darian barely stopped himself in time.

  “Are you An Gla’ Mah? I could have killed you!”

  “Better me than him, Darian. Though you will not admit it now, nor even acknowledge it, you need him alive. Trust me,” she said, gripping his hand in hers. “You must save him from his past. This tortured creature before you is not all he seems. Nor is he aware of the years that have passed him by or what he has become. He needs you and you need him.”

  The seer seemed so sure, but he struggled with his emotions. The seer’s touch seeped into the Mage, calming him so that he could concentrate on her words. She would never have stepped in unless she was absolutely sure. Finally, Darian nodded his acquiescence, letting go of his hatred and anger.

  So it was he! Nephraete confirmed Kelindril’s beliefs. The Mage bound the creature once more so he could not get away.

  “Stryker, are you okay?” asked Darian, walking over to see if they needed his attention.

  “Aye me boy. We’re fine. We only lost Corag. There’s no helpin’ that one.”

  “I’m sorry, Stryker,” Darian said honestly as he touched the dwarf’s arm.

  The demons came rushing back into the chamber, blood and dragon scales dripping from their claws.

  “Demons of Oblivion! I thank you for your service to me this day. I release you now. Go home to the pits of fire and blackness,” he commanded them.

  He approached Sigorna and Tynuviel who lay unconscious. He checked on her to make sure she lived. She was a bloodied, broken mess and he clenched his fists in fury, but kept himself tightly in check. She was unre
cognizable as the beauty she had once been. He promised himself quietly that she would be so again. He needed rest, but there was no time…

  He removed his Shryvven and wrapped it gently around her. He gripped the demon’s arm in sincere thanks.

  “Thank you Falahari, for all you did for me today. Thank you for protecting her. I owe you much, demon.” Darian canceled the enchantment on the chains that bound the elf and Sigorna lifted her gently.

  To Kelindril’s surprise, the Mage walked up to him and looked him right in the eye. “Kelindril, I presume? Show yourself. We all know you’re here anyway.”

  The Gor Li’ Khan materialized amidst the companions. There was not a scratch on any of them.

  “Darian Brade. You are the one they seek. I would know why.”

  “That is none of your concern. I do not owe you any answers. However, your timing was impeccable. I

  thank you, though I know you did not do it for me.”

  “You’re damn right we didn’t do it for you, Ni’ Kulana!” Kelindril spat on the floor.

  Darian rolled his eyes at the newcomers and walked away from them. He went into the next chamber, searching carefully through the heaps of treasure on the floor, using his magic to put everything back in its proper place when he was done. He didn’t want Morphindinaetlus to know he’d done it again. Though he suspected he would. The wyrm probably knew every last item he possessed.

  He saw countless swords, goblets, gems and jewelry. But these meant nothing to the Mage. He was looking for something of value. He’d hoped the dragon would have something about Dark Magic. Maybe even the Morgonnate. He took out his haversack, scooping gold coins inside. When he was certain he had what he thought to be proper recompense for what had been done to Tynuviel, he doubled the amount, then closed his pack.

  He searched the other mounds just as carefully for anything out of the ordinary. There were magical items aplenty, but not what Darian needed or wanted at this time. He felt an odd tug on his sensibilities and followed it to a most curious item. He pocketed it quickly before anyone saw him.

  “What are you looking for Darian?” asked Kyler, walking up to his friend, prepared to help.

  “For anything about Dark Magic or the Morgonnate itself,” he responded.

  “I’ll help you. And thank you, Darian,” Kyler said as he touched the Mage’s arm.

  “Ah, it was nothing,” he said with a smile. The two of them searched thoroughly, but found nothing of use.

  Kelindril approached Nephraete, seemingly unafraid of Calisha who stood guard over her.

  “Nephraete, your father sends word. He wants to know if you are happy where you are and if you wish to return home.”

  “No, Kelindril. I will never return to Kaleika Bay.”

  “In that case, we are to remain with you for your protection. Thelarki wants to hear from you. He misses you, Nephraete.”

  “I do not need your protection. I have Calisha. And he is more than enough.”

  “I was given a direct order and you know I will not disobey it.”

  “I didn’t ask you to, Kelindril,” she replied, coolly dismissive.

  “Everything alright?” asked Kyler, as he wrapped an arm around the seer’s waist.

  “Everything’s fine,” she answered, kissing him tenderly.

  Kelindril hid his shock well. So she was involved with the elf prince? Well that was something he’d not considered. He wondered how Thelarki would feel about that.

  He noticed how Calisha did not interfere. That’s odd, he thought. He’d been sure, as every other elf had been, that the Crebellan would kill any who tried to get close to her.

  “Tireniel, are you alright?” asked Darian.

  “I’m fine, Darian. Just a cut is all.”

  “That’s more than a cut, Tireniel,” said the Mage, removing the Orb of Healing from a pouch tied to his waist.

  “Save your energy, Darian, I’m fine.”

  “C’mon Tireniel, can’t have that forming into a scar and marring your pretty face.” Darian healed him quickly as the elf chuckled.

  “What’s with the demon, Mage?” asked Kelindril in elvish. Kelindril knew Darian could use the ancient tongue to heal, but could he hold a conversation?

  “Does he upset you? I thought it wouldn’t be a problem since you’re so much alike, being bloodthirsty

  killers and all,” the Mage responded in perfect elvish and this time Kelindril could not hide his surprise.

  This Mage spoke the tongue of the elves! He sounded as if he were an elf himself. Now that was an accomplishment. He was still Ni’ Kulana and Kelindril would not forget that.

  “You may be here because Thelarki sent you, but if you choose to remain, you will be under my command, loyal to Kiri A’ Nouell. Is that clear?” Challenged Kyler.

  “I bow to no one,” sneered Kelindril. “Not you, not even to Thelarki.”

  “I didn’t ask you to bow down to me, Kelindril. However, I demand your loyalty and cooperation or you will remain behind. Darian will not take you with us.”

  Kelindril nodded stiffly. He did not want to give in, but neither did he wish to remain on the road any longer.

  “I didn’t hear you, Kelindril,” commanded Kyler.

  “If I came here to harm you or your companions, you’d already be dead, prince.” His voice dripped with scorn. He reverted to the elven tongue. Most present were elves, he didn’t care about the Ni’ Kulana. If they wanted to know what was said then they could learn his language as the Mage had.

  Kyler looked to Darian who merely shrugged. The choice was up to Kyler, it seemed. Darian had enough to deal with right now. He’d drained his energy on the battle and then the healing; which Kyler was beginning to think was worse than battle from the looks of the Mage after healing Killini and the others.

  He’d never seen his friend so tired before. The Mage tried to hide it and from most present, he was successful, Kyler knew. But Darian could not hide it from him. Kyler recognized the strain in his eyes for what it was, exhaustion. Not anger or containment of his temper as he liked to make people believe.

  Darian needed rest and soon before he collapsed. Kyler knew before he would give in, he would attempt to heal Tynuviel. They needed to get going. Kyler nodded to the Mage, letting him know it was okay.

  Darian began to chant and the bodies of the fallen began to disperse. The elves went to Kiri A’ Nouell, the dwarf to Thunder Peak, the Knights of Shorlan to Al-Dan-Tir.

  No matter how much time they spent together, Darian never ceased to amaze the elf prince. He did not know he could do such a thing. Kyler was beginning to believe Darian was capable of anything and everything.

  Effortlessly, the Mage opened a gate to Kiri A’ Nouell, inside the council room. He made sure everyone, except Sigorna, Kyler, Tynuviel and himself went through. Then he closed the gate behind them. Kyler stared at his friend like he’d lost his mind. What was he doing?

  “Darian…” Kyler began, but the Mage cut him off.

  “It’s alright Kyler. Trust me,” he said as he opened another gate.

  This one was in Tynuviel’s room. The demon laid her gently on her bed and stepped back out of Darian’s way. Instead, he took up guard at the door so no one could interfere.

  Before Darian began, he warded the room for silence and protection. He looked at her, aching inside at what had been done to her. He hated that Kyler was even here, but he knew he shouldn’t keep him out. Though a big part of him wanted to bear this weight alone. He went to her, touching her face so tenderly, pushing stray strands of hair out of her face. He removed the Shryvven so he could get a better look at her.

  “Kyler, could you please get me some warm water and a soft cloth?” He pleaded, hoping the elf wouldn’t argue. He could see a part of him wanted to. The elf did as asked, which gave the Mage time to really examine her.

  Her face was battered, bruised and swollen. She had broken ribs, her breasts, neck, legs and arms were bruised. The inner parts of her
thighs were battered, bruised and cut up badly. But what worried him more was the damage done on the inside.

  Darian was speechless at the sight before him. He couldn’t accept the extent of her injuries. Tears welled up in his eyes, spilling down his cheeks. He had to pull himself together, he had too much work to do. He didn’t have time to act like a baby.

  He withdrew the Orb of Healing and held it in his hands, letting its warmth seep into his suddenly cold hands. What if he couldn’t heal her? Delvishan Please! Give me the strength to heal her. I cannot lose her now. I need her. Please. He prayed fervently, holding the Orb tightly.

  The Orb glowed brightly in his hands as he sang to it so softly. He began to pass it over her body, concentrating on her lower half first. There was so much damage! They had not been gentle with her, the bastards.

  He threw himself deep into the Orb’s depths, concentrating his efforts on her solar plexus. From here he could heal her totally and completely. She would be brand new. He had no choice, the extent of her injuries left him no alternatives. He hoped she would not be angry with him for it.

  He just wished he could mend her mind. If only he could… he would make certain she forgot those horrible memories. He would banish them. He was not sure how long he worked on her, but he knew it was a long time. He was thorough, not wanting to miss anything, no matter how minor it might seem.

  Kyler had returned soon after with the water and cloth. When he saw his sister and her injuries, he felt sick to his stomach. He knew what it was doing to the Mage. He wanted to go to him, but knew he should not interrupt him while he was busy. Tynuviel needed his attention.

  Oh Shenna! What did they do to her? He thought.

  Darian wasn’t sure exactly how it happened, but as he was healing Tynuviel, her hair color began to shift from the color of warm honey to a soft, golden brown. That had never happened before. He did not know what to make of it. He didn’t care what color her hair was, he loved her.


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