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Demon Stone

Page 29

by D E Boske

  “I have always possessed a deep love and affection for women. I do not believe in hurting them. I am known for spoiling my women. I cannot help myself, so it would seem. But your sister has always held a special place in my heart. I love her deeply and never wanted anything bad to happen to her. I never meant for any of this to happen.

  “I tell you these things because I need for you to understand who I am and where I come from. Because if you cannot trust me, how can you befriend me? I want you to know me, but it’s a long, slow process I’m afraid. I hope you know what I’ve told you already is killing me inside. I’m having trouble justifying it to myself. But if our friendship is to survive, I must begin letting you in.

  “However, no one will ever know everything there is to know about me. There are things I can never tell you nor anyone else. For my sake and for the sake of The Order. I am a Mage first and foremost and my duty is to protect The Order. I have no way of knowing how many of us will be left after the Dark Mage sweeps through Piri-Tuma’s halls.

  “I’m not even sure how many of them will follow me. They hated me before, now I’m to be their Shangmarrum. They will very likely be unhappy.”

  Darian trailed off into an uncomfortable silence. Kyler didn’t think he’d ever heard the Mage talk so much all at once. He had to say something to ease the tension growing between them. He did not want that to happen.

  “Darian, I don’t know what to say. I’m sorry sure doesn’t seem to be enough. But I am sorry. I never knew what you had to go through.”

  “That’s because I worked hard keeping it that way. I never wanted anyone to know what I had to live through. It is extremely personal to me and I always strived to keep it that way. Until now,” he admitted in an odd tone, not looking at the elf.

  “You gonna’ put those in water?” asked Kyler, pointing at the flowers the Mage had brought for his sister.

  “Yeah,” he sighed as he retrieved a vase and filled it with lukewarm water from a pitcher by her bedside.

  “So, when do you think she’ll wake up?” asked Kyler, trying to reconnect with the Mage.

  “Possibly two, three weeks. Maybe a little longer. Her injuries were extensive, internal and external. If only I could heal her mind and erase her memory, she would be whole and new.”

  “Darian, what’s next? What are your plans?” queried the elf.

  “Nothing right now. I want to remain by her side until she wakes.”

  “Are you sure that’s wise?” responded Kyler.

  “Probably not, but I know not what else to do. I cannot stand the thought of her waking and me not being here. Though she will likely not want me here.”

  “Darian, what did you find when you examined her?” asked the elf, fearing the answer.

  “That, I will tell no one before I tell her. She has the right to know first. Then if she wants, she may tell you.”

  “I’m her brother! I have a right to know,” Kyler exploded.

  “You have no such rights! It is her body, not yours. Do you think she wants everyone to know what happened to her? I seriously doubt it, Kyler. She will be filled with shame and anger. She has much to deal with when she wakes. She will need your love and support, not your grotesque, insensitive questions,” the Mage retorted.

  Soon after, Kyler left, closing the door softly behind him. He had much to think about. He knew Darian was right. He had no right demanding answers before she heard the words first.

  He blew an exasperated breath and went in search of Nephraete.


  Darian stayed with Tynuviel all night watching over her. She looked so peaceful, he wished it were so. What would she think when she woke? How would she react? He was sure he didn’t want to know.

  He sighed heavily, what he wouldn’t do to change what happened to her. Alas, it was not that simple, he knew. This was entirely his fault. He should never have allowed himself the distraction. Regardless, he wouldn’t change a thing.

  The one thing he’d never been allowed was the one thing he wanted. He cursed silently to himself. Now she lay damaged and broken because of him. It was almost too much to bear.

  More than ever, he wished things were different. For the first time in his life, he wondered how different his life would be were he not a Mage of The Order.

  Without those restrictions, he would have made love to her long ago. The thought of never knowing her and what they could experience together was maddeningly familiar.

  His life was one punishment after another and he was sick and tired of being sick and tired. What he’d told Kyler was no lie. The Order was a harsh taskmaster bred out of necessity. Without their strict rules and code of conduct, they would have failed long ago. And the free people along with them.

  Though the race of man mistrusted the Shivvendar, they relied on the Mages’ help when ‘ere their need arose. However, The Order had yet to live down their bad reputation.

  The Niv Dol’ Meh was a bloody battle with heavy casualties on all sides. The decision to banish Dark Magic was a difficult one. The Order had not come to a decision easily, but the Dark Mages were out of control. Something had to be done. Their evil experiments had to be stopped.

  Dark Magic had been deemed too unstable to handle. Anyone found to be practicing it faced dire consequences. Few could handle the power coursing through them and in the end, it broke their minds.

  Once good Mages, now became twisted caricatures of their former selves. Some were found experimenting on fellow Mages, carving them open trying in vain to reanimate their broken corpses. When they could no longer

  get access to others, they turned to testing on themselves, implanting Dark Magic inside their comrades.

  Darian had seen the reports The Order had secretly filed away. Some were said to suffer terrible headaches. Others were said to undergo drastic personality changes. On rare occasions, some suffered from extreme vomiting. A black tar-like substance would pour from every orifice of which there was no cure.

  Eventually, the suffering Mage would die, but not before committing terrible, heinous acts that went against everything they were taught. Darian knew he’d been infected and that he had little time. What he did with the time he had left was what mattered. His only regret was not being able to share his life with Tynuviel. At least she was safe now.

  Maybe it was better if she hated him. It would make it easier for him to let go of this life. For if he had nothing left to live for, why fight? Even as he thought it, he hated himself for it. Tynuviel would one day recover and when she did, what would his death do to her?

  He held very little hope that he would find a cure or anything else of help. He had not admitted any of this to Kyler, he had not the heart. Although the way the elf had been acting lately, he just might not care. He regretted the thought almost instantly.

  He drifted off some time during the night, his dreams full of black, dark thoughts.

  Asa and Gayla were alone for the first time since his return. When he came walking through the door, she threw herself in his arms. He held her for long moments before brushing her lips with his. She was vibrant and hungry. Urgent and demanding. Asa did his best not to be swallowed by her passion.

  Gayla was unlike any human lover he’d ever had. So filled with passion and lust it was undeniable. She demanded his full attention and he gave it whole heartedly.

  She liked to be in control most times and he let her, fully content to remain beneath her. She put her hands on his chest rocking back hard enough to make Asa grunt. She fell forward on his chest, biting him softly and he took the opportunity to roll her over, taking her to new heights of pleasure.

  Hours later, they lay spent for the moment in each other’s arms. Asa kissed her tenderly, his tongue teasing.

  “How long before you must leave me?” she asked sadly.

  “I don’t know, Gayla,” he responded, dreading his next words. “That depends on Darian. He has yet to reveal what he plans to do next.”

  “He is a very
careful planner Asa. He will do nothing until he is certain of success.”

  He was relieved to see no sign of pain on her fair face. Maybe he was doing her some good after all. He honestly hoped she cared for him. The last thing he wanted was for her to stay with him out of pity. He didn’t want pity sex. Even if it was intense. He wanted her heart not just her body. He believed he had her heart. Her smile held him captive and he allowed himself to get lost in her eyes.

  Kelindril was out on the walkway as the sun set. He was enjoying the breeze on his face. He had to admit to himself that the forest was beautiful, calm and serene. Since he was forced to stay here, he was glad for the beauty.

  He admired what his kin had built. Though he would never admit such a thing. He had trouble believing that they had once lived side by side. It was as if the Niri Ku’ Yamma had never happened.

  He wondered once more why they had split from each other. He knew what Darian had told him, but how much of that was the truth? Apparently, there had been a huge disagreement. He wasn’t even sure if any alive remembered what they fought over. It had happened so long ago… Even the oldest elves undoubtedly would not recollect.

  He wondered anew about Kyler and his strange companion. How had a Mage of The Order gotten involved in the affairs of Kiri A’ Nouell? Where had Kyler even met him? They were a strange pair. He wondered how much the elf prince knew about the Mage. Mages were a secretive lot that did not have allies. And yet… Pieces to a puzzle for which he had no clues.

  He saw an elf female walking toward him. He hoped she would not want to talk. He rarely had time for such nonsense. Kelindril believed that talking too much was showing weakness. A Gor Li’ Khan did not show weakness. They could not afford to do so.

  As she came closer, he saw that she was stunningly beautiful. He rarely paid any mind to girls, he did not allow himself the distraction very often. But for some reason, he was captivated by her.

  “Why do you stare, assassin?” she asked, a haughty tone in her voice. “Don’t you know that it is rude?”

  For a moment, he did not speak. He was unsure of what to say. Before he could say anything however, she added in a cutting tone, “Do they not teach you how to speak? Kin and kind indeed.”

  “You call me rude. Have you heard how you sound, tree hugger?” he retorted angrily. He decided he did not like her after all. She was not even all that pretty.

  “How I sound? What’s that supposed to mean, assassin?”

  “You think yourself so much better than me. But you’re not, are you?”

  “What’s your name, elf?” she asked disinterestedly.

  “Kelindril, and you are?” he prompted.

  “You may call me Renlyss,” she replied with a smile that held no warmth.

  “Renlyss,” he looked her up and down then turned his back on her, coolly dismissive.

  Instead of leaving like he hoped she would, she leaned on the rail next to him, staring out at the forest. She refused to be intimidated in her own home. She would not give him the satisfaction. She could tell he was used to getting his way, but she was unwilling to play his game.

  “How long do you plan on standing there?” he asked, annoyed.

  “As long as I want to, Kelindril. This is my home, not yours. I can come and go as I please without your permission.”

  He bit back his ready reply. It wouldn’t do to offend the locals if he was to reside here. Damn Nephraete! Why did she insist on staying here? He felt an overwhelming urge to kill something, her presence was grating on his nerves.

  Before too long, a male elf approached them. When he saw Renlyss, he smiled warmly at her. He did not even acknowledge Kelindril. He took her in his arms, kissing her on the cheek. After a few moments, they walked off, leaving Kelindril to his thoughts.

  For some reason, the male elf’s appearance jangled Kelindril’s nerves. He wanted nothing to do with her. As with most women, they ruined the fantasy the minute they opened their mouth. She’d been no different.

  He stayed to watch the sunset, then retired to his room. He lay down to rest, slipping quickly into Ru Nay’ Sha with thoughts of Renlyss tantalizing him.

  The dwarves were enjoying their visit. Elven hospitality was legendary and their long-time allies spared no expense. They were given rooms fit for a king. Large and spacious, yet with the comforts of home.

  Stryker and Kibblewolf were concerned for Darian. They knew his love for the elf was impairing his judgment. They should be planning their next moves. Instead, they sat around on their rumps doing nothing.

  Darian knew what was expected of him. He knew his duty. Why did he waste precious time? Surely the

  love of a woman did not mean more than putting a stop to the Dark Mage? In the morning, they would talk to Kyler and see what the young elf had to say about the Mage’s behavior.

  Shaz was irritable. He was back in the elven homeland with no brothel in sight. Why did they continue to sit around doing nothing? The bounty hunter knew what was coming. It was not pretty, but it needed to be done.

  Why did Kyler continue to let the Mage run amok? If he was the only one who could talk some sense into him, then why didn’t he?

  And what was up with them letting that prisoner live? Why didn’t anyone talk to him? The elves waited for Darian to talk to him; said it was his responsibility. What? Were they in Kiri A’ Nouell or not? Why should Darian be allowed to run anything here? Could they not see how unstable he’d become? They needed to know what that other Mage knew, for the prisoner could be nothing less.

  He stood outside his room on the walkway watching the sun set. It really was beautiful here. He just wished he had some female companionship.

  “Mind if I watch the sun set with you?” asked a female voice. Shaz was slow to respond because he was sure the elf wasn’t talking to him.

  Looking around, he saw there was no one else there but him and the stunning creature before him.

  “Of course not,” he said. “It would be nice to have some company for a change.”

  “You’re Shaz, right? You’re the bounty hunter,” she said matter of factly. He stared open mouthed at her for a few seconds and she laughed. He liked the sound of her voice, it sent shivers of delight through him.

  “How do you know me? And how can it be that I have yet to meet you? I would ne’er forget such a pretty face,” he said and meant it.

  “My name is Elia. You are really quite charming for a human, Shaz. And most pleasing to the eye.”

  “Well, you’re the first elf to think so.” He kept his thoughts to himself. That’s how he lost Khazzuri. Besides, she was an elf, she would never avail herself to him, but he remained charming and friendly nonetheless.

  “Oh, not so!” she laughed. She had a beautiful smile. “You have many admirers, Shaz. But your reputation precedes you and this holds them back.”

  “You are not afraid of me, are you?” he asked with a smile.

  “No,” she laughed. “I am not afraid of you. When do you have to leave?” she asked, moving closer.

  “I’m not sure. I guess we’ll be called to the council room before too long.”

  “Will you return after your quest?”

  “I would like to if I am still welcome.”

  “And why wouldn’t you be?” she asked, turning to face him.

  “Let’s be honest Elia, no one here is very fond of me. They will be happy to see me go and never return.”

  “Well not me,” she replied, taking his hand in hers, entwining their fingers.

  “You do not even know me, Elia.”

  “I would like to, Shaz.”

  “Are you serious?” he asked, beginning to feel they were playing some great joke at his expense.

  In answer, she leaned forward, kissing him. He was so shocked that at first, he didn’t respond. She slid her hands between his legs and he groaned. If this was a joke, they must really hate him.

  He kissed her hungrily, entwining his fingers in her hair, tugging gently
to expose her neck. He ran his tongue on her skin as she moaned softly. He kissed her neck putting his hands on her breasts. She let him! Maybe this wasn’t a joke. Holy shit!

  She broke off the kiss abruptly. He was sure the punch line was coming. Instead, she led him back to her chambers, bolting the door in place. She came to him kissing him softly, gently teasing. Her hands found their way inside his breeches and he groaned in pleasure.

  His fingers worked with practiced ease on her dress. The soft cloth felt good against his skin. But he liked it so much more when it fell to the floor. His lips caressed her breasts and she moaned softly at his touch.

  They left a trail of clothes leading to the bed as she pulled him atop her. He touched her tenderly, gauging her pleasure as he kissed her. She was ready and willing, stroking him urgently; begging him. He gave her what she wanted because he wanted it too. She felt so damn good inside he almost exploded. But for the first time, he wanted to please her first. He restrained himself, keeping himself in check.

  She rolled him over taking control, bringing her hips down to meet his and she shuddered in delight. Her breasts bounced as she rocked his body and mind into blissful ecstasy. She lowered herself across his chest as her motion became more urgent and forceful. Tossing her head back as she moaned, her hips slowed their erotic dance.

  He gently laid her down as she wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him deeper. He lost control soon after, utterly spent.

  “Mmmm Elia, what a treat you are. Thank you, I have been in need for some time.”

  “I can tell. What a shame.”

  “What is?” he asked dreamily.

  “Letting all that talent go to waste,” she said with a laugh.

  “Hey, it’s not for lack of trying on my part,” he said and she laughed.

  Later that night, he awoke in need of Elia’s charms again. She was curled up tightly with him, her bare breasts touching his back. He kissed her softly, touching her. She woke momentarily smiling at him. His heart beat faster as he filled their need. She raked his back with her nails as she growled in pleasure.


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