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Demon Stone

Page 31

by D E Boske

  “It is not his fault. He does not even know why he is here. He has no idea what he’s done. If you disbelieve me, look inside of him. He will not fight you. He was bound with Dark Magic. It is only because I am infected with it that I was able to save him.

  “My time here is short and we have much work to do yet. I ask that you show him mercy. He is a gentle soul and did not deserve to be perverted. Once he knows what he was made to do, it very well might destroy him. I could not protect him before, but I will fight to the death for him now.”

  “Darian, what do you mean that your time here is short?” asked the Monarch, a cold dread filling him.

  “I’m afraid I haven’t been completely honest with you,” he began.

  “Oh, there’s a big surprise!” remarked Shaz with disdain. Everyone just glared at the bounty hunter. Only an imbecile like him could make jokes at such a dire time.

  “Darian, what are you trying to say?” asked Galavad.

  “I am dying slowly from the Dark Magic. When he held me prisoner, it seems my body absorbed it and now it is killing me. If I don’t find out how to control it, I will perish.” Darian’s tone was grim.

  “How can we help you?” asked Galavad, sincerely worried.

  The news rocked the elves off balance. How could Darian be dying? It was unthinkable! He’d been among

  them for so long now, they could not imagine how changed their lives would be without him. And Tynuviel… how would she react once she recovered fully, only to find that Darian had perished. She would never forgive herself.

  “There is nothing to be done for me. Unless, of course, you know where I may find a book to teach me Dark Magic.” The Mage responded.

  “Darian, you know as well as I do that Dark Magic is forbidden. Hasn’t The Order destroyed everything?” asked the Monarch.

  “If they had, I seriously doubt the Dark Mage would have emerged. How did he learn? There must be something that survived. A book… something.” The Mage replied.

  “Kinistaya, do you know of such a book or anything else that might be of use to Darian?” asked the Monarch.

  “No, I’m afraid not. As you know Darian, the elves never practiced Dark Magic. We always knew that it was evil. The Order went against our advice and nearly destroyed our world. The only purpose it serves, is its own. I’m sorry.” He really did sound like he meant it.

  “I know Kinistaya. I would not even dabble in it were it not absolutely necessary. But the truth of the matter is, that if I don’t find what I’m searching for, the Dark Mage wins and Corillia will be no more. He wants control of The Order and he would kill to get it. I cannot stop him unless I subject myself to the Dark arts. I am fully aware of the dangers, but do not see another way.”

  “I would like to hear from you Raschel. What is the last thing you remember? Why do you think you are here today?” asked Galavad looking to the one standing beside Darian. A part of him wanted to reach across the table and throttle him.

  “I… I don’t understand how I got here. The last thing I remember is… is… The Test. Something went wrong… fire… I remember burning alive, the fire blackened my flesh… Then nothing until Darian woke me. I feel your hatred and the burning desire to do me harm, but I cannot fathom why. I have the feeling I’ve done something terrible… I’m sorry, I am not who you think I am. I cannot have done the things you think I did. I was never like the other Mages. I’m still not. I have a good heart, I do not hurt people. Please give me another chance. I promise to abide by your rules and I will do what Darian tells me to,” said Raschel meekly.

  “What do you suggest Darian?” asked the Monarch.

  “Release Raschel into my care. He will be under my supervision at all times. I will not let any harm come to Kiri A’ Nouell, you have my word, Galavad,” promised Darian.

  The Monarch did not look happy about it, but he nodded his agreement. After all, Darian had done much for the elves. He’d saved Tynuviel, it was the least the elves could do for him. Besides, he’d always had good judgment. They would just have to trust him.

  “Very well, Darian, but you will be held accountable should anything happen. I am trusting you with a great responsibility, do not let me down,” said the Monarch in as serious a tone as he’d ever used with the Mage before.

  Some of those present did not appear happy with the Monarch’s decision, but there was nothing to be done about it. Soon after, the council meeting broke up. Kyler remained by his friend’s side, though he was a bit quiet. He had to admit to himself that he was upset with his father’s decision. He did not want the one responsible for his sister’s pain to go free. He looked at the Mage walking beside Darian and knew instinctively that he could not be responsible for what he’d been made to do. He was an innocent who appeared soft compared to Darian.

  “Darian,” Raschel began, but the Mage stopped him.

  “Shh. Wait ‘til we get to my chambers. We will talk there, Raschel,” commanded Darian. Immediately, he bowed his head in consent. Kyler brought up the rear making sure nothing was out of place.

  Once inside, Kyler bolted the door as Darian set the wards in place with an ease that Raschel admired. He did not even remember how he came to be in Kiri A’ Nouell. What had been going on? Did he even want to know? He had the distinct feeling that’s why Darian had brought him here.

  “Darian,” he tried again, once he felt the magic slide into place. “What’s going on?” asked Raschel. “How did I get here?”

  “That is a long story. Raschel… where do I begin? I thought I’d lost you. I’ve blamed myself for your death for so long now…” Darian trailed off.

  “It wasn’t your fault, Darian. You helped me as best as you could. You tutored me though surely you had better things to do. You’re a good friend… you always were. But please, be honest with me. Don’t baby me. I know something’s happened, I can tell by the way you all look at me. What did I do?” asked Raschel, sounding afraid to hear the truth.

  “Let’s have a drink, shall we?” said Darian, going for his wardrobe. He retrieved three glasses and a bottle of Nykessa.

  After seating themselves, he poured the wine and they drank. They were silent for some time, no one knowing quite how to begin. After the first glass was finished, Darian poured more, then began the difficult conversation.

  “Raschel, this is my friend Kyler. He is more like a brother to me. We’ve been traveling together for a while now and he is the only one that I trust. Raschel, there is a Dark Mage in Piri-Tuma. He tries to take control and if he succeeds, there will be a bloodbath. I will never let him take control. I will die first. Now tell me, where do you stand?”

  “With you, Darian. The Order banned Dark Magic long ago, how did he learn it?”

  “You will forgive me, but after the crimes your body is responsible for, I must look inside of you before I will believe you.” Without waiting for his consent, Darian cast the spell quickly, before Raschel could stop him. Raschel did not even consider trying. Though he seriously doubted he’d be able to stop the powerful Mage standing before him. He could feel Darian’s strength and power. Unfortunately for Raschel, when Darian began, flashes of the twisted being thrusting himself into Tynuviel danced before his grey eyes.

  Darian touched his mind and he writhed, screaming in agony. The Mage was not altogether gentle with him, probing him thoroughly, making sure he missed nothing.

  When Darian was finished, Raschel drew in a ragged breath that scalded his throat which was raw from screaming.

  “Darian, was that really necessary?” asked the elf. He felt sorry for Raschel despite his earlier promise to himself. When he heard that he would be set free, he was angry and upset. He believed that the bastard should be punished. Then when Darian unraveled the spells surrounding him that left the young Raschel in their place, Kyler felt a surge of jealousy. This Shivvendar was the only one that Darian spoke of from his time in Mogan Dar. Now he was apparently back from the dead. Where would that leave Kyler? Once Darian b
egan to trust Raschel again, would him and Darian still be as close as they were right now? Only time will tell, he thought.

  “I’m satisfied for now, Raschel. I believe you have no idea what you’ve done.”

  They sat up late as the Mage told his old friend the horrifying truth. He didn’t relish it because he knew it would hurt the Master. For Darian had discovered the truth, Raschel had never passed the Test, he remained a Master. Was it another ploy by the Dark Mage? They used to be close once upon a time. Could they ever regain what was lost? Did he want to?

  When Darian finished speaking, Raschel buried his head in his hands as he wept. How could he have done such despicable things? He remembered none of it. Although he faintly recalled terrible nightmares. They were not

  nightmares at all, but an evil existence that he’d been living.

  He wept for a long time and neither the elf nor the Mage tried to comfort him. They coldly detached themselves from it.

  “I’m sorry Kyler, Darian. Can you ever forgive me? You must believe me when I tell you that I wish none of this had happened. I cannot accept what I have done. How can I rectify it? How can I hope to make things right with you both?” pleaded the Master.

  “Raschel, I know now that you have no idea what you’ve done. I’d never have let you walk away otherwise. I almost killed you. If not for Nephraete, I would have. When I saw you with Tynuviel, I lost my temper. I tried to kill you then, but she intervened. You owe her your life.”

  “I will thank her when I meet her. I am weary Darian. I am so tired… why is that?” he asked with a big yawn.

  “You’ve been through a lot, Raschel. More than you realize. I wasn’t as gentle with you as I should have been, I’m sorry.”

  “I deserve it, Darian. I really am sorry. Thank Delvishan you found me. I owe you for saving me and standing up for me earlier.”

  “Don’t make me sorry, Raschel,” said Darian sternly. “Rest well, we’ll talk more in the morning.”

  After the Master had fallen deep into Ru Nay’ Sha, Darian and Kyler went to check on Killini. He was awake and sitting up in bed. When he saw his two visitors, he broke into a wide grin.

  “Darian, thank you for all you’ve done. I should have died in there.”

  “Nah, it wasn’t your time. I couldn’t let you die Killini. Everyone would think I’d done it on purpose. I can’t have that tarnishing my reputation.” Killini laughed.

  “How’s Tynuviel?” asked Killini. At the quick change in their faces, he knew it could not be good.

  “She has yet to wake. Her injuries were extensive. It will be at least another week before she will come to,” explained Darian.

  “I’m sorry,” the elf said and meant it. “Darian, I don’t know what to say. Thank you. You pulled me back from the realm of death and Shenna’s grasp. I owe you much.”

  “You owe me nothing, elf. I’m just glad I was there to help you. Besides, we just called a truce, I couldn’t have you get sick of me so soon. Usually, it takes at least a full day,” the Mage joked.

  Once outside in the hall, Kyler spoke, “Darian, you really should rest in your bed tonight. You look like hell.”

  “I will not leave her side. I want to be there when she wakes.”

  “But you said yourself she will not wake for at least one more week. You do yourself no good, Darian. We all need you to be strong and well rested.”

  “I can rest in her room well enough.”

  Kyler grunted in frustration, there was no talking to the Mage when he was like this. He was so damn stubborn! He wouldn’t listen until it was too late. The elf returned to his sister’s room with the Mage. If he wasn’t going to look out for himself he needed someone to do it. Kyler volunteered himself. Actually, he wouldn’t have it any other way.

  The morning came too soon for the Mage’s taste. He was so tired, worn thin around the edges. Maybe Kyler had been right. He probably should have stayed in his own bed, but when he looked at her, he knew he would not be able to do it.

  He bathed and dressed her in clean clothes. Sitting next to her, he spoke elvish in low tones, telling her how much he loved her. He kissed her lips tenderly as he held her hand.

  The days dragged by in much the same manner, until one morning, as Darian sat holding her hand, her eyes fluttered open. It took a few moments for her to focus her vision. When she saw who sat beside her, holding her hand, she screamed.

  Darian tried to calm her down, but she jerked her hand away, slapping him hard across the face. She did not stop screaming.

  “Kyler! Get in here now. Your sister is awake and terribly upset. She will not stop screaming. Hurry!” Darian sent his thought to the elf. Thankfully, he did not wait long.

  Kyler burst through the door, running to his sister’s bedside. Darian thought it best if he left. He didn’t want to upset her any more than she already was. He closed the door quietly, leaving them alone to talk.

  Kyler held his sister as she screamed, talking soothingly to let her know she was safe. After what seemed a very long time, she finally quieted. But not before Kyler feared he might be deaf.

  “Kyler, are you really here with me or is this just another cruel joke?” she asked, clinging to him.

  “I’m really here with you, Tynuviel. You’re safe now. Darian and I came for you. He saved you; healed you and made you whole again.”

  “If it wasn’t for that bastard, I wouldn’t need healing in the first place,” she whispered as she began to cry.

  “Tynuviel, Darian is not who is responsible for your pain. He has been with me every day since your abduction. You know I would never lie to you. He loves you and has been at your side for two weeks waiting for you to wake.”

  “I don’t want to see him ever again! I cannot Kyler. Not after everything he’s done to me.”

  “Ty, I know you’re hurting right now, but you have to believe me. Darian did not hurt you. It was the Dark Mage’s right hand. He cast an illusion over himself to make him look like Darian. I saw it with my own eyes. Darian loves you and has been worried sick about you. He saved your life Tynuviel. He has not left your side since he brought you back here.”

  Kyler remained with his sister the rest of the day. He talked to her, explaining everything that happened since she’d been taken. He told her the truth. He did not tell her that the one responsible for her pain was right here at home. He did not tell her that Darian bargained for his release. She would not understand right now. Maybe she never would.

  Later in the afternoon, the seer came to visit. Tynuviel turned her back on her friend; the vision of her and Darian was too much for her to take.

  “Tynuviel, I’m so happy that you’re awake. I’ve missed you.”

  “You think I don’t know about you two? I saw the both of you together, Nephraete! I thought you were my friend.”

  “I am your friend, Tynuviel. I haven’t the slightest idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Why, because Kyler’s here? Not to worry, I’m going to tell him about you and Darian.”

  “What are you talking about?” asked Kyler.

  “I saw them together, Kyler. She’s going behind your back just like he went behind mine. The difference is I’m done with him.”

  “Tynuviel, what you’re saying makes no sense. It never happened. They tricked you into believing it, but it didn’t happen,” Kyler explained.

  “So what are you saying, I’m crazy or something?” she asked, getting angry.

  “No. I’m saying they used magic to trick you. Morphindinaetlus knows your weak spots exploited them. He wants to cause Darian pain and what better way than to make you hate him? This is what they want, don’t give it

  to them Tynuviel.

  “Darian knows it’s going to take some time for you to recover. Just… give him a chance to talk to you. There is no one else for him, Ty. He only wants you. Give it some thought, okay?”

  She did not respond to the request. She stared vacantly ahead having no idea what t
o do. She knew Kyler would not intentionally lie to her. Had everything been a lie then? She vaguely remembered something that supported Kyler’s wild claims. Something tickled her brain, but before she could focus, it was gone. Her brother wouldn’t lie to her, but she wasn’t sure she would ever be able to look at the man she once loved the same way. Besides, he was a Mage of The Order. He could come and go without her brother ever being the wiser. Kyler’s claim that Darian had never left held no weight with her.

  Right now, she didn’t want to think about it. Kyler and Nephraete left after supper when their parents came. They reaffirmed what Kyler had said about Darian. Tiriel told her what he’d done for her. It just didn’t make sense. If he were as evil as she’d been led to believe, he surely would not have gone to the trouble that he had for Tiriel.

  Killini came to see her after the Monarch departed. She looked beautiful, but deeply troubled.

  “Tynuviel, how are you?” he asked softly, sitting beside her.

  “Confused, Killini. I… I don’t know what is real anymore.”

  “What do you struggle with? I will help if I can, you know that.”

  “Everyone tells me how Darian loves me and how he has worried for me. But the images… I cannot rid myself of them. Everything he did to me… I know he was not faithful to me. He broke his promise. He… oh Killini I cannot even speak the words! He hurt me, broke me. I will never be the same again.” She began to weep softly. He took her in his arms, holding her until she quieted.

  “Tynuviel, I know you don’t need me to say this, but you are mistaken. The wyrm lied to you on purpose. Darian loves you and only you. He’s been a basket case without you. To be honest, we were all a little unsure of his stability.

  “Whatever visions you were shown, it was all lies. Darian was here the whole time plotting and planning your rescue. He never left Kiri A’ Nouell, Ty. Just give it time. He’s dying, Tynuviel. He doesn’t have much time left. I know you still love him, you’re just confused right now. But if he dies before you forgive him, it will kill you and I don’t want to see you in that kind of pain.


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