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Demon Stone

Page 34

by D E Boske

  Then her vision began to fade, white spots dancing in her line of sight. She was no longer in the Mage’s room as the vision pulled her along for the ride. Darian seemed to come back to himself as the seer had pulled what she could from him before the vision took hold.

  “Darian, they come! Mogan Dar empties! The Dark Mage intensifies his search for you. Overwhelming darkness is coming to swallow the land. You must not allow this to happen.

  “The demon tries to break his bonds, you cannot trust him. He will try to kill you. The Demon Stone must be protected at all costs, for it holds the power to destroy what the Dark Mage has built. The One faces off against you and he whom you thought you could trust turns against you.

  “The black beast wakes! Fire and damnation. Purification can only be attained through black fire. Death courts you Darian Brade and you shall take her to bed to be your consort and all shall tremble with fear at your union.

  “In order to save them you must let someone close to you die and this shall torment you for all your days…” the seer slid into unconsciousness after the powerful vision. Darian laid her gently on his bed to rest while he pulled out his magical tome to reread the dire words she had spoken.

  He contemplated what it could mean. Some was self-explanatory. Who was the One? And who was the one he thought he could trust? There would be no sleep for him this night.

  The demon would try to kill him, eh? Well, Sigorna would find he was not an easy target even on his worst day. Let him try to break free. The more he tries, the stronger his bonds become. But he already knew this. Why would he try again?

  He went to find Kyler, but the elf was deep in Ru Nay’ Sha. He did not want to wake him so he let his friend rest and returned to his room. The tiny seer had not moved. He covered her with a blanket to keep her warm.

  Calisha, Nephraete has had a powerful vision and needs attending to. Darian sent the thought to the Crebellan and did not have long to wait.

  “What happened, Darian?” asked Calisha.

  “She came to discuss some matters of importance and… She drew out more Dark Magic, but before she could get rid of it, the vision overtook her and she collapsed. I brought her to my bed to rest.

  “Calisha, it’s taking me over faster. She was about to leave and I felt it overtake me in a matter of seconds.”

  “That should not be possible, Darian. It cannot be that strong yet. That means we have less time than we thought.” The Crebellan looked worried and who could blame him?

  He went to check on the seer to make sure she was alright. He trusted the Mage, but lately, he was not himself. And now… The Mage was dying. The Dark Magic was claiming him at an alarming rate. The time they thought they had was no longer certain. They needed to continue, push forward while he was still here. It sounded so callous, but the Creature of Mist knew they would need Darian before this was all through. If he died before accomplishing what he had to do, Corillia was doomed.

  He needed to know what the seer had seen. Would the Mage tell him? Nephraete may not remember any of it. That was the way of the visions. Sometimes, she remembered everything, sometimes she could recall nothing.

  Sometime just before dawn, Darian slid deep into blissful reverie as Ru Nay’ Sha claimed him as her own.


  In the morning, Kyler sought out Darian. After knocking for a few minutes, he was about to give up, thinking the Mage was up and out already, when the door opened and Darian appeared, bleary eyed.

  “Damn Darian, you look like shit,” said his friend, coming in and sitting down. “Have you seen Nephraete? She never came to bed last night.” He didn’t appear worried, just curious.

  “She’s fine Kyler. She’s in my bed, resting still.” He knew the reaction he would get and the elf prince did not disappoint.

  “What?! Darian if you…” But he never got to finish as the Mage cut him off.

  “Would you just listen to me?” Darian commanded, a touch of magic to his voice. Damn it, he was cranky from lack of rest. He’d made a promise hadn’t he? Did his word mean nothing? His tone had the desired effect, the elf prince shut his mouth with an audible click, but his eyes burned with the fires of his anger.

  “She came to me last night to advise me to tell Tynuviel the truth. We talked for a long time and as she was prepared to leave, a powerful vision overtook her.”

  He left out the more juicy details. How Nephraete wanted him. How she could not seem to keep her thoughts to herself. He knew she felt guilty as hell about it, but that did not stop her from feeling aroused near him. He couldn’t help that he was one damn fine looking man. He knew it. The ladies knew it. It’s common knowledge, he thought to himself, amused and more than a bit turned on. He did not tell Kyler about the sensual kisses they’d shared either. It had been close last night. Briefly, he remembered his hands on her breasts as she slid her hand between his…

  “Darian? You okay? You just kind of drifted off.” The elf wanted desperately to know what his friend was thinking. Realistically, he knew he’d never know. Sometimes the Mage was too secretive for his own good.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Just tired. I didn’t rest well last night. I came by your room, but you were deep in Ru Nay’ Sha. I did not want to wake you. Calisha was here and made sure she was alright.”

  “What did she say, Darian? What did she see?” asked Kyler, leaning forward in his seat.

  “She… saw… no happily ever after’s,” he said softly.

  Kyler waited for the Mage to say more, but he may as well have been waiting for winter to touch the elven homeland. It would never happen.

  “Darian, what did she say?” the elf asked again. A cold dread began to fill him at the look that touched the Mage’s eyes. His silence an admission. Darian blinked in surprise, but when he met Kyler’s gaze, it was gone. Had he imagined it? I doubt it, Kyler thought to himself.

  The Mage put his middle finger and thumb of his right hand to his eyes, as if he was tired of explaining himself. “Kyler, I do not want to talk about this now. In point of fact, I never want to talk about it.”

  “Darian, I don’t understand you. How can I, or any of us for that matter, be of help to you if you will not talk to us? You have to let someone in, Darian. If I don’t know what’s wrong, I cannot help you. Talk to me, Darian. Trust me as you once did. Why won’t you be honest with me?”

  “There are some things that will never see the light of day, you know this Kyler. I am a Mage of The Order and sworn to secrecy, for my safety as much as The Order’s. It will not help to discuss much of what she saw because it was personal to me. But I can tell you this, she said, ‘The black beast wakes! Fire and damnation. Purification can only be attained through black fire.’”

  “What does that mean?” asked the elf, more than a bit irritated with his friend.

  “I have an idea, though I am loathe to think on it. I am afraid what she is speaking of is Phentilphyremorg, the black dragon.”

  “Darian, are you sure? If that wicked beast joins the battle, we’re in serious trouble.”

  “I am no longer sure of anything, my friend. And Kyler, I do trust you. But I get the feeling you no longer trust me. Sometimes, the look in your eyes and the way you speak to me… Are you okay my friend? Lately, you question my every move. Now, if you tell me that it is because of the Dark Magic, that is something that I can respect. But I do not think this is the case. You are my only friend, elf, and if I lose you…” Darian trailed off, unable to finish the thought.

  For some time now, Kyler had been acting strangely. They disagreed more now than they ever had in all their years of traveling together. Darian wasn’t sure what to make of it. Kyler was always concerned that he would seduce Nephraete. It’s not like he didn’t really want to. Damn it if he didn’t. He pushed those thoughts far away though, they were not being any help.

  Kyler watched him intently, his green eyes looking for any signs of what lay hidden beneath the many layers of Darian Brade.

’re not going to lose me Darian. And you’re right, I’ve been acting like a Shila Ti’ Ho.”

  “I’ll say,” Darian replied without smiling, though he wanted to. He wouldn’t let Kyler off the hook so easily.

  “Takasha Darian! Clin Ta’ Na makhal Ob Den’ Lei?” The sincerity in his friend’s tone was unmistakable.

  “Of course I forgive you elf. We’ve got to make it through this together. I need you, Kyler.”

  “Your secrets make it hard for me sometimes. It’s like you don’t really trust me enough to confide in me.”

  “Kyler, I tell you everything I can. You must understand, I cannot endanger myself or The Order. There are things no one will ever know about me. Mostly because it is no one’s business, but also because I would kill to protect what is mine.”

  The coldness that leaked into his voice at those words, undeniably chilled the elf to the bone. He was sure he would be included in the slaughter if he pushed too hard. He must remember that Darian would talk in his own time, not before.

  “Is there anything else you can tell me of her vision?” asked the elf carefully.

  “She said that Mogan Dar empties and that the Dark Mage intensifies his search for me,” he replied softly, meeting Kyler’s eyes.

  “Mogan Dar empties? Where will they go? To join in the battle?”

  “I know not my friend, but my guess is it won’t be to help us. Kyler, I must tell you…” the elf could see Darian’s reluctance to reveal what he was about to. “I have not been feeling myself lately. More and more I feel the darkness surround me like a blanket of death and I cannot break free. Very soon I’m afraid, I will no longer be safe to be around. I feel it growing inside of me and it grows strong! I lose a bit of myself each time it takes me over. I do not want to hurt anyone, but most of all those that I have come to care deeply for. Tynuviel.. you, Nephraete… I’m scared Kyler. I’ve never been afraid in my life before, but this… This terrifies me.”

  He spoke so softly that Kyler had to concentrate on his words to make sure he heard him correctly. As long as Kyler had known the Mage, Darian had never shown fear before. He was usually the first one to act in a battle, even when they were badly outnumbered. He’d seen Darian time after time doing things most sane people would run screaming from. There wasn’t much that frightened the elf, but Darian’s admission did the trick.

  A knock on the Mage’s door interrupted their train of thought. Kyler answered it to find Kryndale with their morning meal. Kyler took it wordlessly, closing the door without speaking one word, which was a testament to how badly Darian’s words had affected him.

  “Darian, you know I will do whatever I can to help you. Please, do not shut me out, my friend. You are my brother, I cannot lose you. We will find a way because we must. The alternative… There isn’t one.”

  Darian was late this morning and Tynuviel fretted that he wasn’t coming. She loved him, but couldn’t stand to be near him. Every time she tried, she would either get sick or she would remember all the things that she’d been through because of him. What happened to her in the dragon’s lair haunted her dreams every night. Everyone was adamant in telling her it hadn’t been the Mage, but why was it then, that that’s who she saw? Darian hadn’t really said much to her about it, he tended to try to avoid it. But she wanted to know and she wanted him to tell her.

  He thought her so frail, and she guessed right now she was. Her mind was broken and it would be a while before she was herself once more. Even Darian had not known how long that would be. She wanted to kiss him, she’d almost done it last night but something had stopped her.

  He had not initiated contact with her, he kept his word, though it had to be killing him. He told her when she was ready, she could make the first move. She had to admit, she was enjoying their dates. He was sparing no expense, courting her as befit a princess. He’d bought her many gifts and each held a special place in her heart. She could hardly believe what he’d gone through for her. If ever she doubted his love, she no longer did. She had come far in these months since her return to the elven forest. A knock on her door brought her around.

  A lump formed in her throat when she opened the door to see Darian. The sight of him took her breath away. He was a stunning sight. He wore a white, long sleeved shirt that fit him well, showing off his sculpted chest. It clung to him, hiding nothing that lay beneath. The sleeves he had pulled up just below his elbows. His black breeches were like a second skin and he smelled so damn good. She breathed his scent in deeply, looking him over, slowly drinking in the sight of him. He had always aroused her. Since the first time she saw him, she knew she was in love with him.

  “Tynuviel? Are you okay?” he asked with a smile that melted her where she stood.

  “Hmm? Yes, I’m sorry, Darian. Please, come in. I thought for a minute you weren’t coming today,” she said, unable to keep her eyes off of him even for a second.

  “I was delayed. There is nothing that could keep me away Shan Ta’ Zi. You look radiant this morning,” he

  said, with a softness to his voice that did things to her.

  “Thank you. You look… good enough to eat, Darian.”

  “Don’t let me stop you, Shazzi, because I won’t.” The smile that played over his lips was enticing.

  As he walked further into her room to the table, she watched the way he walked. He had a perfect body, cat-like grace, and was incredibly sexy and damn handsome to boot. The way he walked with such confidence, she knew he would be a fantastic lover. He was so sure of himself, exuding confidence in everything he did. It was a telltale sign of how good a man would be in bed. And Darian… He would be Mmmmm, she thought.

  She was incredibly aroused this morning and seeing him now, she wanted to try something. But the minute she completed the thought, she felt sick to her stomach.

  “Are you alright, Ty?” asked the Mage, a bit worried at the sudden change in her. Something nagged at him, but he was a bit preoccupied with dying and all, so it eluded him.

  “Yes, I’m fine,” she replied through gritted teeth. “Just a bit sick to my stomach, I’m afraid.”

  “I’ll make you some tea. Rest, Shazzi, I’m here and I will care for you.”

  She smiled at him as he removed a packet of herbs from his Shryvven. He heated the water using his magic and soon it was boiling. He mixed it for her with some fresh honey and placed it before her.

  “It’s hot, so be careful.” She decided she liked him doting over her. “So what would you like to do today?” he asked, giving her a brilliant smile that sped up her heart rate.

  “I… What do you have in mind, Darian?” she asked flirtatiously and he did not let her down.

  “Mmmm, I know exactly what I want to do…” he purred, his voice as smooth as velvet.

  It had the desired effect on her. Her skin tingled and she felt a warm flush touch her.

  “Would you like to see my tower?” he asked her softly.

  “Really, Darian? I…” she trailed off, mounting fear choking off her air supply. Could she trust him? So far, he’d been true to his word. He hadn’t made one move to touch her and she was grateful for that. Though in her mind she yearned for it, she was nowhere near ready for full contact with him. Would she ever be?

  If she continued to give in to the resistance, she was letting them win. She did not want that. She’d suffered enough at the hands of her captors, and she continued to suffer. If he wanted to hurt me, he’d have done it already, she thought.

  “That would be wonderful, Darian,” she said, with a strength she did not feel. She was terrified, but she wanted to live again. Against all odds, the man she loved still loved her and wanted to be with her, even after everything that had happened to her.

  “Really?” he asked, as his grey eyes lit with joy.

  “Really. I thought you did not want anyone to see it though,” she admitted.

  “You my love, are not just anyone. I have chosen you to be my consort. I will share all my possessions wi
th you.”

  A tear slid down her cheek at his soft words. He moved to wipe it away, barely stopping himself in time before letting his hand drop to his side.

  “What’s wrong, Shan Ta’ Zi? Why do you cry?”

  “I… I cannot believe that you would want me still, after… After…” she began to cry and it was killing him because he wanted to hold her and protect her from her sorrow. But a promise was a promise. How stupid! Why had he promised such a thing?

  “Shazzi, why do you cry? Have I said something? Did I hurt you in some way?”

  “No, Darian, I’m just broken inside. I don’t know that I’ll ever be the same as I was before. What if I never

  heal completely? What if I… what if we can never share a bed, Darian? I know you will not wait forever, though you would say otherwise. I am no fool. Before too long, you will grow tired of waiting and you will find someone else. A man needs a woman’s touch.”

  Tears slid down her cheeks and he felt her pain engulfing him. All he wanted was to take her in his arms and hold her until she calmed down. He didn’t dare, she was being so responsive to him, in a positive manner as well. To his surprise, she laid her head on his shoulder and put her hand on his chest. He kept his heartbeat normal and his body under control.

  “Are you going to take me, Darian?”

  Ooh, careful now, he thought with a smile. You know that’s not what she means. “Of course, I know you’ll love it. But… you will have to hold my hand. Can you do that for me?” he asked, in that sensual voice of his.

  She looked into his eyes; she could get lost in them. She didn’t trust her voice to speak, so she merely nodded. He stood, holding out his hand for her to make contact first. She slid her small hand in his and he gently squeezed it reassuringly.

  “Now, everyone handles teleportation differently. You may get sick, you may not. Some people get dizzy, some just plain pass out. It will be quick, but it may not seem so to you. Are you ready Shazzi?”


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