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Demon Stone

Page 39

by D E Boske

  “Did you get in a fight or something? Where did all the bruises come from?” asked the elf.

  “Your sister,” said the Mage.

  “She did that to you? Why?”

  “She didn’t like the truths I expounded on.”

  “What did you do?” asked the elf warily.

  “I didn’t hurt her if that’s what you’re implying, Kyler. You should know me better than that. She commanded me to take her home so I did.”

  “Since when have you and Renlyss been friends? Why have you not mentioned this to me before?”

  “Elf prince, I do not need your permission to have friends besides you. We have been friends since my arrival here.”

  “Darian, we both know that you cannot be just friends with a woman,” he emphasized just friends with finger quotes. “You can’t seem to help yourself. Did you sleep with Renlyss last night?” asked the elf.

  “That is none of your concern, Kyler. I told you, we are just friends. Besides, Renlyss does not strike me as the type to sleep around.”

  “I’m sorry. I just worry for Tynuviel. You know that.”

  “Stop worrying about her. She’ll be fine.”

  “So what are you going to do, Darian? You have to start putting your plans into motion.”

  “Yes, you are correct. I need to see Kryndale and Kelindril,” responded the Mage.

  “What do you need them for?” asked Kyler.

  “They will be the only ones to accompany me, should they agree to do so.”

  “Why allow them to join you, but not me?” asked the elf, more than a bit hurt.

  “Because they are Gor Li’ Khan, Kyler. They will be safer than you could ever be. I don’t think Galavad would appreciate it if I got his successor killed. No. Not this time, friend. It is far too dangerous for you and I will not risk it.”

  “I can take care of myself, Mage,” the elf said shortly.

  “I know you can. You’re still not coming.” Without another word, the Mage pulled on a soft shirt and left them both standing there as he walked out.

  He knew Kyler didn’t believe that he and Renlyss were just friends. His perceptions were accurate. Darian had never been “just friends” with a woman. He didn’t think it was even possible. Darian’s main objective in talking to a woman was to get her into his bed. That hadn’t changed, and now that Tynuviel no longer wanted him, he was free to do as he wished once more. The pain that those thoughts caused him was indescribable. The only thing that made any of this bearable was Renlyss. She would never walk away from him, he was sure. He did not lie to her when he told her if given time, he could fall in love with her. She was a much better match for him than Tynuviel. She always had been. The heart however, cares not for such things. The heart wants what the heart wants and everything else be damned.

  Of course, this was all well and good, but that left him with no consort and being forced to go to the Breeders. He was sure Delvishan would not allow him his freedom for long. Delvishan would expect Darian to either find another suitable consort or go to the Breeders.

  The Breeders were out of the question. The Mage’s opinion of them had not changed. A consort was easier to come by. After all, he was in Kiri A’ Nouell, where the most beautiful creatures lived. It shouldn’t be too hard to find…

  Renlyss! Of course. Her words floated back to him. ‘If Tynuviel does not want you, I would gladly take her place.’ She was the obvious choice. She understood him like no other, being a mage herself. An understanding that Tynuviel would never have no matter how much time they spent together.

  Renlyss was beautiful, sexy, and he wanted her… always. Their conversations were stimulating and he craved them. It kept his mind occupied and that was a good thing. The sex was incredible. He’d be an idiot not to ask her. Yes, he would talk to her when he returned to his chamber. She would wait for him, he knew.

  Of all the women he’d known, and there had been too many to count, he felt he could give himself to her fully. She was the only one that he felt he could fall for, besides Tynuviel. They were so much alike. Because she was a mage, she was in a position to be much closer than any woman ever had. He did not push her away like he did all the others. Including Tynuviel. He let her in, if only a little, and it was more than any had ever gotten from Darian Brade.

  He was able to talk to Renlyss about things he never could with Tynuviel, simply because she knew what he was talking about. He would have to explain too much to Tynuviel for her to begin to understand what he was saying. He did not tell her much of anything, but with Renlyss, he talked to her. Really talked to her. And this mattered to him, more than he previously thought possible. He craved that understanding in conversation. With a mage who was not hell-bent on killing him no less. A mage who was beautiful, sexy and full of life. He was not sure what to do; let Tynuviel go or fight for her? Hadn’t he caused her enough pain? Hadn’t he thought these same thoughts too many times recently?

  Before he realized it, he was standing in front of Kryndale’s door. He went to Kryndale first because he knew him better than Kelindril. When the elf opened the door, he stood there shocked.

  “Darian? What are you doing here?” asked the assassin.

  “I thought we could talk about it inside,” the Mage said softly.

  “Of course, come in,” the Tara Ku’ Mai stood aside, allowing the Mage to enter.

  “I wondered if you would accompany me on a mission. I will not lie to you, it is extremely dangerous. Very likely I will not return.”

  The Gor Li’ Khan kept his eyes on the Mage, studying him as if he would be able to perceive what was in Darian’s mind. When no more was forthcoming, he gave his answer.

  “What is it exactly that you want of me, Darian? What is it that you plan to do?” asked the Tara Ku’ Mai. Which roughly translated, meant the water people. He noticed the Mage said he was unlikely to return. The Mage knew the Gor Li’ Khan could disappear when they wanted to. What did he have planned?

  “First, I want you to know that I plan on asking Kelindril to come along as well. I need to surround myself with the very best.”

  “Why Kelindril? He is a bloodthirsty killer. Reckless at best,” Kryndale warned.

  “Because he is the best at what he does. Can you work together? Or will there be problems?” asked Darian seriously.

  “I can work with him, I just prefer not to. He is no stranger to me. He was under my command once. Now, what is it you plan to do?”

  When the Mage told him his plans, the Gor Li’ Khan objected fiercely. He tried to make Darian see the dire consequences should he guess wrong. The Mage was firm in his plans and would not reconsider.

  “Will you go with me or not?” demanded the Mage.

  The assassin blew an irritated breath. “Fine. I will go with you. Someone has to keep an eye on you. Tynuviel will never forgive me if something were to happen to you.”

  “I am no longer any concern to her,” he said too quietly.

  “Why not? What happened, Darian? You look terrible,” Kryndale had not noticed until that very moment how bad the Mage looked. He obviously hadn’t been resting well. The dark circles around his eyes were a testament to that. He looked haunted, as if his memories would not forgive him. The dark deeds that he no doubt had committed as a part of The Order resurfacing to confront him head on.

  “It is not important anymore. It has no bearing on our journey. I need to speak to Kelindril now.”

  “I will go with you,” said Kryndale immediately.

  “No. That is not necessary. Besides, I think it would be better if I go alone.”

  “You’re probably right,” admitted Kryndale.

  “What do you want?” asked Kelindril in elvish.

  “I need to speak to you, Kelindril,” responded the Mage in kind. “May I come in?” Kelindril seemed to size him up before standing aside.

  “What is it that you want?” asked the assassin, in a none too friendly tone.

  “I need your services
Kelindril, will you avail them to me?”

  “What is the job?” asked the Gor Li’ Khan. He did not let on that he was impressed with the Mage’s ability to speak elvish.

  “First, you need to know that I want Kryndale to accompany us,” Darian said, as he watched the elf’s reaction

  carefully. Kelindril was good, he let nothing slip.

  “I would prefer not to work with him, but if I must, I will.”

  “Good. You both feel the same. What I am planning is very dangerous.”

  “That is the way we work best, Mage, the more perilous the better. You’ve come to the right place. Now, what can I do for you?” asked Kelindril, in a more conciliatory tone.

  “I need to return to Morphindinaetlus’s lair,” said the Mage, pausing to give Kelindril time to digest what he’d said and to respond.

  “Interesting. For what?” asked the elf. That the Mage had the balls to go back so soon was a testament to his courage. Or his madness. Or both.

  “I need information that I believe only he can give me.”

  “What is this information?” asked the elf, thoroughly intrigued.

  “The location of the Morgonnate.”

  “What is that?” asked the assassin.

  “A book on Dark Magic.”

  “Why would you want such a book?” asked the Gor Li’ Khan leader, keeping his emotions reigned tightly in.

  “I thought it would be an easy read,” responded the Mage sarcastically.

  “Isn’t The Order against its use?” asked the elf, ignoring the Mage’s caustic response.


  “And you would risk their ire?”

  “One of their own is practicing its use,” said Darian tiredly.

  “What proof do you have?” challenged the Gor Li’ Khan.

  “I was his prisoner for weeks and he tortured me with it,” the response came through gritted teeth.

  Kelindril rocked back on his heels as though punched by the Mage. The Shivvendar’s answer took the elf by surprise.

  “I need this book in order to live.” Kelindril kept any emotion off his face. He wanted the Mage to continue. He had to know why Darian would risk everything for this book that may or may not exist.

  “When I was held captive by the Dark Mage, my body must have absorbed the Dark Magic that he tortured me with. Now, I’m dying because of it. If I do not find this book and learn to control the Dark Magic, I will die.” Darian hated being honest about it, but he didn’t know what else to do. He did not like exposing his weakness.

  “I will come with you Mage. The dragon will not get near you.”

  Darian stayed for a few more minutes, mapping out their plans. He thought he could crack Kelindril’s tough exterior if they spent enough time together. Darian was curious as to why the elf was so wicked.

  “Who guards you, Darian Brade?” asked Kelindril.

  “What makes you think I need guarding?” Darian returned in an even tone.

  “I would like to offer my services. I would like to take over your guard duty and dismiss the others. Gor Li’ Khan are better suited to protect you.” Obviously, Kelindril had been watching him for a while if he knew what time Jarlin left.

  “Why would you do this? You despise Ni’ Kulana, Kelindril. Why would you want to protect one?” asked the Mage slyly. He liked to rattle Kelindril, the elf made it so easy.

  “Because I respect you, Mage. You speak our tongue as one of us. No easy feat that. I have never met anyone like you before. You intrigue me, Mage and I would get to know you better.”

  “I accept your generous offer Kelindril, thank you. I feel I must warn you though, while you are my Gor Li’ Khan protector, nothing you hear or see may be repeated. If you do, the consequences are dire,” Darian warned, in an ominous tone.

  “The Gor Li’ Khan take their work very seriously. We are professionals in every way. I assure you, your privacy will not be violated, nor your secrets known,” promised the Lira Tu’ Malay. In common, it meant people who change. Chameleons.

  “See that it’s not,” Darian said, leaving.

  He returned to his room to find Renlyss still there, as he knew she would be. He went to her, brushing his lips on hers. She kissed him back feverishly as her hands roamed his body, coming to rest below the belt. It was easy to be with her, she didn’t fight his advances. She wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  As they made love, he pictured her as his consort. He imagined himself being committed to her and the idea did not repulse him. He could see her as the mother of his children, Mage children and the admission astounded him.

  Afterwards, they bathed and dressed quickly because he said he had a surprise for her. He took her small hand in his and teleported them both to Al-Dan-Tir. She was not quite prepared for it though. It was a new experience for her and she knew not what to expect.

  When she took his hand, she heard his whispered incantation just before a dark speck widened in mid-air. They stepped through and it was like being sucked into a tornado, her limbs were pressed against her body so tightly she didn’t think she’d be able to move if she had to. The speed with which they arrived threw her off balance. If not for his steadying hand, she was sure she would have fallen.

  They were in an alley of some sort. She looked around, but did not recognize her surroundings. The mouth of the alley was more than thirty feet away and it was dark already. Where had he taken her? He pulled her into a tender kiss and all her cares drifted away. She no longer wondered where they were. It didn’t matter to her in the least as long as she was with him.

  “Come on,” he said huskily as he took her hand. He led her down paved street after paved street until she felt hopelessly lost. He led her to his favorite inn in Al-Dan-Tir. It was for the wealthy only. No one else would be able to afford such luxury, for it cost fifty gold for a bed for the night. Not many could pay such an exorbitant amount.

  The sign on the inn read The Golden Mistress. When they went in, she could understand why. The furniture was posh and well made. The clientele were dressed in their finest. And Renlyss was no different. She was in a class all her own.

  When they walked in the door, all eyes went to her. The women were staring at her with something bordering on jealousy. A woman in a finely cut gown approached them.

  “Good evening Lord Breven, it is a pleasure to see you once again. What may I do for you?” she asked, as she looked Darian over with hungry eyes.

  Renlyss couldn’t blame her, not really. The Mage was wearing a grey silk shirt that matched his eyes, black pants that fit him well, and black leather boots with silver buckles.

  “A table for two in a quiet corner please,” he responded with a tiny smirk.

  The woman showed them to the perfect table where they could be alone and unbothered. Renlyss could tell the wench wanted him for herself. She knew him by a fake name, that was wise with the Mages looking everywhere for Darian. Darian was ever careful and he took no unnecessary chances with his safety. She admired him as much as she was attracted to him. The nearness of him made her wet with want and his touch was electrifying. It made

  her blood heat on contact.

  “Darian, this place is nice. Do you take all your lovers here? You know that woman wants you for herself?” she asked a bit humorously.

  “Yes. She tries to seduce me every time I come here.”

  “Why haven’t you taken her up on her offer then?”

  “She’s not my type,” he responded.

  “She was breathing, wasn’t she?” she was joking with him and he pretended to look offended.

  “You think I’m that easy?” he asked her with that gorgeous smile of his.

  “Yes, I do,” she said, laughing at his attempt to look injured. It was at that time the serving girl showed up.

  “What can I get for you this evening?” she asked sweetly as her eyes rested on Darian.

  “We’d like Nykessa and tonight’s special, please,” the Mage took the liberty of ord
ering for them both. Normally, this would have bothered the petite elf, but somehow she didn’t mind because it was Darian who’d done it. She couldn’t be mad at him, at least not for very long. He was too damn good-looking.

  “Do they know you’re a Mage?” Renlyss asked seriously.

  “I doubt it. I do not advertise. It’s why I use a fake name, babe.” Mmm, the way he said the word babe…

  “Why use Lord Breven? Don’t you think that’s a bit risky? What land do you say you’re from?” she asked him, taking a sip of her wine.

  “I do not tell them anymore than what I need to for them to service me,” Darian responded softly, amused.

  “It is an unusual name, don’t you think?”

  “All the time,” he said, smiling that smile. “Reny,” his tone changed dramatically. He looked into her eyes and she began to melt where she sat. He took her hands in his, “I want you to be my consort.”

  “What?” she asked, completely shocked. That was not what she’d been expecting him to say at all.

  “You’re a perfect match for me, Reny. We already have a lot in common. You understand me like no one else can. And I know that you love me.”

  “But you do not love me, Darian. You’re missing the most important part. I cannot be with you like that. Not while you still love Tynuviel.”

  “I believe I can fall in love with you, Reny. We’ve shared so much already. We’re so much alike. Are you denying your feelings for me?”

  “No. I love you, Darian Brade, but I also know you love Tynuviel, not me. How can you ask me to be your consort when you have no feelings for me? Do you think that’s fair to me?”

  “I want to be with you, Reny. I am willing to commit myself to you. We can have the formal ceremony when I return from this quest, but for now please accept this.” He pulled a ring box from his pocket and opened it, holding it out to her.

  “Oh Darian!” she exclaimed. The ring was beautiful, it easily cost him over ten thousand gold. The center diamond was a marquis cut with two rows of princess cut diamonds on either side of the center stone. The center stone must have been three carats at least.


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