Demon Stone

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Demon Stone Page 44

by D E Boske

  “Why should I trust you, Darian? Once you have the book you will renege your offer. Why should you let me go free? I am a threat to Corillia and you know it.”

  “A bargain is a bargain. I am a man of my word. The book for your freedom, that is the deal. Do we have an accord?” asked Darian.

  Morphindinaetlus remained quiet for a long time before answering. He weighed his options. He wanted Darian dead and that was no secret. Yet, here the Mage was, offering him his freedom for the Morgonnate. That was a huge price to pay, but his freedom was worth so much more.

  “Morphindinaetlus, you vile beast! When are you going to track down Darian Brade?” he heard the Dark Mage’s voice inside his head. How he hated that voice. He hated being bound to do his filthy bidding! If he was such a powerful Mage, why didn’t he go after Darian himself?

  “Morphindinaetlus! Answer me! What are you doing? I need Darian brought to me alive.”

  That had never been a part of the agreement. Darian was to be his; the staff was to go to the Dark Mage.

  “The Morgonnate is far from here, Mage. You must go through the Haunted Lands, past the lair of the Banshee. The phantoms of the Haunted Lands guard this book and they will not give it up easily. You will need courage, which I know you possess aplenty. But those that you bring with you? Will they? Is this book worth what you know will happen?”

  “Ally yourself with me and my cause and we will make the Dark Mage pay for what he has done.” Now the dragon was too shocked to laugh.

  “What? You cannot be serious! You are, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, I am. Think of all the killing, Morphindinaetlus. You can kill and eat as many goblins, orcs and fire dwarves as you wish. And Mages.”

  “Mages?” Now he had the wyrm’s interest.

  “Yes, Mages who have turned against The Order; Mages who belong to the Dark Mage are yours. You may touch no others. Agreed?”

  “Morphindinaetlus! When I get my hands on you, I’ll kill you myself!”

  “Agreed,” said the powerful dragon. “But you must free me now so that I may help you. Because if you do not, the Dark Mage will kill me.”

  “Agreed,” replied the Mage. He immediately began working on the Dark bindings. He pulled power from the Weave, letting it build as he withdrew The Staff of Power, commanding it to obey. The wyrm felt the powerful tug on the Weave and licked his lips, the hunger plain on his wicked face. The smell of Darian and his magic aroused the hungry dragon’s appetite.

  The Gor Li’ Khan stood in stunned silence, disbelief at the Mage’s actions readily apparent in their eyes. For some unknown reason, Kelindril trusted that Darian knew what he was doing. He knew the Mage would not get them killed. Instead, they had a new ally, Morphindinaetlus. Takasha! Could they trust him? Kelindril wasn’t so sure. What was to stop him from immediately turning on them and immolating them all? His injuries were not so bad that he could not kill at least half their number. It would take a lot more than that to hold the dragon back. However, he was in a great deal of pain, from the claws of demons, Kelindril knew from the look of them. They were not healing as they should be. The demons had gotten the dragon good. Morphindinaetlus had to have been near death when he flew off that day. It seemed so long ago now.

  When Darian began to work on the bindings, the Dark Mage sensed what he was going to do. Screaming in frustration, he opened a portal to the dragon’s lair and forced two Dark Mages through.

  Darian Brade had always been a favored target among many Mages. None had bested him yet because he was just too powerful. But distracted as he was? They had a chance. They began their Dark spells, but they were at a serious disadvantage. They had no knowledge of the Gor Li’ Khan. Kelindril and Kryndale took point, the rest falling in behind them. They circled the two oblivious Dark Mages, not striking until they were certain of success. Just as the Dark Mages reached the climax of their chant, the Gor Li’ Khan attacked, breaking the Mages’ concentration.

  Darian lost himself in the task set before him and put his faith in the Gor Li’ Khan. He knew the Mages would not make it past them. At least, he hoped not. He could not worry about that now; he had a bigger miracle to accomplish. He felt the darkness swell inside of him, and this time he let it come. He called it closer, inviting it to wrap around him. Using Dark Magic without knowing how, was incredibly risky. However, Darian did not see a way around it. Besides, magic was magic, right?

  He reached out with his magical senses, feeling for the threads of Dark Magic that he knew were there. He could feel them. Somehow alive. The Mage began to pick at them, loosening their hold.

  Morphindinaetlus sat very still, letting the Mage work. His golden eyes were intent on the young Mage. He suppressed an overpowering urge to eat Darian. The great wyrm knew if he did this, he would be a slave to the Dark Mage forever. He needed the arrogant ass and this ground on his nerves. He could feel the Dark threads begin to loosen and he was shocked that Darian was actually releasing him. When had he learned Dark Magic? Thought the dragon. Hmm interesting.

  Kelindril struck from behind, but the Mage was quick and caught only a glancing blow. The Mage snarled and quickly cast another spell. Kelindril used his innate ability and blended in with his surroundings. The Mage gave a surprised grunt and lost the spell he’d been about to cast. Apparently, the Dark Mage was not too picky about the Mages he chose. These two lacked finesse and the usual flair of The Order’s Mages. The Dark Mage must be desperate indeed to employ their kind.

  Kelindril and Kryndale worked in tandem to bring down the first Mage. They kept the Mage off balance and unable to concentrate as they chipped away at his protective shield.

  Finally, Kryndale nodded to Kelindril that the shield was down. Kelindril moved in for the fatal strike. He disappeared so that the Mage would not be able to defend himself and struck with his sword. The blade’s keen edge sliced through the Mages midsection, disemboweling him easily. The two Gor Li’ Khan leaders worked well together, just like old times.

  Nymdal and Stilhan worked on the other Dark Mage, wearing him down until they could strike. Nymdal

  struck from the front, the Mage laughing at him because he could not break through his protective shield. But the laughter died abruptly as Stilhan’s sword knifed through his heart, killing him instantly.

  Darian worked furiously on the Dark threads before him. He knew it wouldn’t be long before the Dark Mage sent more reinforcements.

  “You must find another lair, Morphindinaetlus. The Dark Mage knows where you are and he will come for you when you least expect it,” said Darian.

  “Ha! Even at my worst, I am more than a match for him, Mage. He cannot kill me by himself. He has not the power,” the dragon rumbled.

  “He will not come alone. You know this,” Darian talked as he worked. This always amazed the dragon, for this was not the first time they’d teamed up. Darian possessed much natural skill that the others worked hard to achieve. Magic came easily to Darian Brade. Morphindinaetlus respected him even though he’d come to despise the young upstart. Darian was damn good at everything he did and that was something the great beast could revere.

  The Mage plucked another thread free and saw it dissolve as his body absorbed it. He felt an electric charge as it surged through his system. It felt damn good too. He grinned rakishly as he continued with his work.

  “Mage, are you alright?” asked Morphindinaetlus. Darian had been acting strange since his contact with the Dark Magic. The great wyrm noted that the Mage’s eyes, always grey with silver flecks in them, had turned completely black. He deduced that it must be something about the Dark Magic. No wonder the Mages of Old had discontinued its use.

  Darian could see the intricate pattern created by the Dark Magic and he could make out each individual strand. As his body absorbed it, he became intensely aroused. It was such an incredible feeling, unlike anything he’d felt before. The Dark Magic whispered to him; it knew his deepest desires because it was now a part of him. It whispered to h
im of the Morgonnate, telling him the power that could be his if he could only find it.

  He unraveled the rest, and within minutes, Morphindinaetlus was free. Darian did not stop there. He removed the Orb of Healing and began to sing to it to bring it to life. He let the power build and then healed the dragon’s wounds. Darian needed the beast at his best, if they were to overcome the Dark Mage. Then, before the wyrm could object, he bound the beast so that they could communicate through long distances. Darian expected a fight to the death, but the dragon seemed to understand what he was doing and why. He received no resistance from the wyrm, not that it would have mattered. Darian was too powerful with the Staff of Power in his tight grip.

  When Darian was finished, the dragon gathered himself up, nodded his thanks to the Mage, and took to flight. His belly was empty and a great hunger gnawed at him. Darian looked around and placed powerful wards to protect the wyrm. If Morphindinaetlus would not abandon his lair, he would fortify it against the Dark Mage and any he sent. Darian only wished he could be there should any attempt to visit the wyrm. He smiled to himself, admiring his handiwork.

  Kelindril wasted no time, he began berating Darian in elvish. “Mage, have you lost your mind completely? What are you thinking setting Morphindinaetlus free? We cannot trust him; he has ever been our enemy. What is this madness?” asked Kelindril.

  “I had no choice. Do you honestly believe that I would partner with the wyrm if I had other options?”

  “I would hope not. What can be so important that you would free the beast?”

  “Knowledge, it is power. He has information that I need. Remember when I came to you and asked you to accompany me? I told you then what my plans were,” the Mage replied.

  “No, you told me that you needed to speak to the dragon. Not that you planned to ally with him,” Kelindril said angrily.

  “What difference does it make? This does not concern you, Kelindril. Just do as you are told!” Darian commanded.

  Kelindril looked on the verge of attacking the Mage, but he knew better. Darian was powerful, he could feel the pull on the Weave every time he cast a spell. The elf may have promised to keep the Mage’s secrets, but that was because he did not realize at the time how difficult a task that would prove to be.

  They needed to be on their way quickly, in case the Dark Mage sent more Mages through the portal. Since there was no risk of discovery from the dragon, Darian used his magic to open a portal that would take them directly to Thunder Peak’s door. As promised, Grymstone was there to open the portal.

  “Ye made it!” exclaimed the dwarf cheerily. “Are ye hurt?” he asked as his gaze washed over them all.

  “No, we’re fine, Grymstone. But we need to return to Kiri A’ Nouell at once. I need to talk to Galavad. The next phase of my journey is about to begin.”


  Darian was the first to step through the gate into the council room in Kiri A’ Nouell. Galavad, Kinistaya, Nephraete, and Kyler were all present. Darian noted that Tynuviel was absent. He sighed in disappointment. Although truthfully, he hadn’t expected her to be there.

  Kyler surged forward to meet Darian and clasped his hand warmly. The Mage’s eyes danced with delight; he was glad to be home among his closest friends once more.

  “Darian, what happened? Are you alright? Did Morphindinaetlus know the book’s location?” All the questions came tumbling out one after the other. The elf was obviously anxious.

  “All in good time Kyler,” the Mage reassured. “I do not want to discuss such matters right now. Right now, I want a good hot meal and several glasses of Nykessa,” he said seriously. They made their way back to the Mage’s chambers.

  “Mind if I join you?” asked the elf.

  “Of course not. How is Tynuviel?” asked the Mage, afraid of the response.

  “She’s fine, but she has not mentioned you at all. I’m sorry, Darian,” said Kyler, knowing how it would affect the Mage.

  “I did not think she would, my friend. I have something very important to talk to her about. If you come with me, do you think she’ll see me?” asked the Mage hopefully.

  “I do not know, Darian. She has been very withdrawn and quiet since you’ve been gone. We can go see her if you like.”

  “Yes, I’d like that. I just… I can’t believe this is happening.” The Mage drifted off, reflecting inward.

  Kyler knocked on his sister’s door. They only waited a few moments before she appeared. So beautiful, Darian thought, as his gaze started at her feet and worked its way up her body, pausing on her breasts, then finally making it to her face.

  “What the hell is he doing here?” she yelled.

  “Calm down, Ty, I just needed to see you. Can we please come in for a moment?” Darian asked, very nearly pleading.

  “Whatever you have to say can be said right here. I don’t want you in my room Darian Brade,” she said hotly.

  “Tynuviel, you’re being unreasonable. Please, let us come in for a minute. What he needs to tell you cannot be said out here,” Kyler said softly.

  “Then it doesn’t need to be said at all!” She shouted, slamming the door in their faces.

  “Sorry about that,” said Kyler.

  “I can’t really expect her to change overnight. It would be nice though. Let’s get some food, I’m starving,” the Mage said.

  They made it to Darian’s chambers and Kyler told Jarlin to have some food sent to them. Several minutes later, Jarlin knocked on the door and brought in a tray laden with food. Darian was pleased to see that Jarlin brought several bottles of Nykessa as well. That was why he was Darian’s favorite guard.

  “So, what exactly do you need to tell Tynuviel, Darian?” asked the elf curiously.

  “I would rather it be her to hear it first, since it concerns her,” the Mage responded.

  “As you wish,” Kyler said evenly. “Let’s eat, the food smells good.”

  Darian opened the first bottle of Nykessa and poured them each a full glass. He took a swallow, then started on the food. He really was hungry.

  “Are you going to tell me what happened?” asked Kyler.

  “I don’t want to talk about it right now,” the Mage said firmly.

  “Mother is almost ready to have the twins,” the elf continued, as if the Mage hadn’t even spoken.

  “Yes, she is,” the Mage responded, a bit distractedly. His thoughts seemed far from here.

  “Darian, you okay?” asked Kyler.

  “I’m fine. More wine?” It was going to be one of those nights. Darian was not in a talkative mood. He was pensive and preoccupied.

  Darian knew that Tynuviel was behaving exactly as he predicted, but that didn’t make him feel any better. He wished she would let him explain. She needed to know about the ward that was inside her. How was he supposed to tell her when she still refused to talk to him?

  After Kyler left, Darian went to find Kizziah. He knocked on her door and moments later, she opened it. When she saw who her visitor was, she smiled and pulled him inside. His lips were on hers before she could even close the door. He was in a rare state tonight. The Mage was definitely hungry, his hands ran over her slim form as they deftly undid her dress. His lips found her breasts as she sighed in deep contentment. His tongue toyed with her nipples, making them hard.

  So aroused was he that he had not even bothered to ward her chambers. He let her take control and she pushed him gently down. Her hips moved in a steady rhythm, but suddenly, he needed something else. He rolled her over, trailing kisses down her belly. Her excited moans told him she was enjoying his attentions. His tongue tasted and teased her until she could take no more. He did not relent until she was thoroughly satisfied. Only then did he rise up to make love to her. She did not fight him, nor did she stop him. She gave him everything he wanted and more. His breathing quickened and his thrusts became harder as he neared an explosive finish. He groaned in deep pleasure, but she quickly realized that he was not sated.

  They kissed for a
long time as he regained his composure. When he was ready, he lifted her into his lap and she took it from there. Her pleasure was so intense this time that she could not keep it to herself. Her screams

  of pleasure lasted long into the night because Darian could not get enough.

  Sometime during the night, he awoke. She was resting peacefully next to him, but that was about to change. He healed her as she rested, it had been a long night and was about to get longer. This was not the first time he’d demanded so much attention. Nor would it be the last. Darian had an incredible appetite. And he was starving. His tongue woke her, he’d found every pleasurable spot and exploited them all now. His tongue delved deep inside her and she moaned, gasping for breath. She moved her hips to his lips, sighing in pleasure. He withdrew from her long enough to give her what they both needed. She relaxed into him as he entered her and she cried out, clutching him. She could feel him moving inside her and it thrilled her. She wanted him, needed him and she begged him to give her more. Minutes later, his thrusts became harder, filled with need. She rolled him over and brought her hips down roughly. This excited him and he grabbed her hips, forcing her down until they both gave in to the pleasure.

  In the morning, the Mage sought out Kyler. As he left Kizziah’s room, Kelindril gave him a knowing grin.

  “I don’t know how you do it, Darian.”

  “What?” the Mage asked.

  “Nothing,” the Gor Li’ Khan replied, innocently.

  “Let’s get some breakfast, I’m starving,” Darian said.

  “Yeah, I bet you are,” Kelindril said, laughing.

  They found Kyler and they all retreated to Darian’s room. As they ate, Kyler again asked his friend questions.

  “So Darian, are you going to tell me what happened?”

  “Of course. What is it you wish to know?”

  “What did Morphindinaetlus say? Does he know the location of the book?”


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