Demon Stone

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Demon Stone Page 45

by D E Boske

  “He told me it lies within the Haunted Lands, past the lair of the Banshee.”

  “He gave up this information without a fight?” Kyler tried to hide his surprise, but wasn’t sure he was successful.

  “Why do you find that so hard to believe?” asked the Mage.

  “Because after the last time you saw him, he wanted to kill you. What changed?”

  “Well, you’re going to find out sooner or later. I made a bargain with him.”

  “WHAT!” Exclaimed the elf. “Darian seriously, I do not understand you anymore,” the elf said, heatedly. “How could you? After what happened to my sister, how dare you!”

  “Oh calm down and stop acting like an elfling!” Darian retorted, just as heatedly. “The wyrm would not give up the information unless I had something suitable to offer him.”

  “Which was what, exactly?” asked the elf.


  “Did you just say what I think you said?” asked the elf, absolutely stunned.

  “Did I stutter? I don’t need to remind you that it’s my life at stake, not yours. If I do not find that book in time, I will die. That is a fact. So unless you want that to happen, you must accept what I had to do. I set him free from the Dark Mage and we gained a powerful ally.”

  “You cannot tell me that you trust him? Now who’s acting like a novice?” the elf said in a cutting tone.

  “I bound him and he let me do it without a fight. He knows I was his only choice. The Dark Mage would never have set him free. He would have hunted us all down, not just me. I did us a favor. Do you think it was easy for me? Do not think that I have forgotten anything he has done. I did the only thing I could do. He will fight on our side and as you know, he is a great ally. He wants the Dark Mage as much as we do.”

  “I still don’t understand how you could do it. There must have been another way Darian. Anything would

  be preferable to this,” the elf said. He was angry with Darian. “How could you make such a decision by yourself? It doesn’t just concern you, it concerns us all.”

  “It was the only choice I had left!” the Mage shouted. “I do not expect you to understand. The only one that has any knowledge that can save me is the Dark Mage. Do you think he will be willing to help me? No! He will not. So don’t sit there and judge me. You are not a Mage of The Order, I am! I made the decision and I will live with its consequences whatever they are!” he slammed his hand down on the table, upsetting their glasses and spilling their contents.

  “Yes, you will,” Kyler said quietly, as he rose and left.

  “That went well,” Kelindril said in elvish.

  “Do you think I was wrong to do what I did?” asked the Mage.

  “To be honest, at first I was pissed off, Darian. But after what I witnessed, I have to say that I trust your judgment. It is your life on the line, no one else’s. On the other hand, you have to see Kyler’s side of it too. His sister was raped and tortured at their hands and then you free the enemy. I can understand why he’s so upset.”

  “Kyler used to trust me, but not anymore. He questions all my decisions like I’m an incapable idiot. I did not need him to become a Mage of The Order and I don’t need him now.”

  “You don’t mean that, Darian.”

  “Sorry, but I do. If he cannot trust me, then why are we friends? Friends trust each other. I never question him when he is tracking something. Why? Because I don’t know shit about tracking anything. I cannot read the ground the way he can. I track by magic. I give him the respect that he deserves, why can’t he do the same for me?”

  “He’s just angry, give him time. He’ll come around.”

  “I can’t wait for that anymore. Either you’re with me or you’re against me. Obviously, Kyler has chosen his path and I have mine. Apparently, they no longer intersect.”

  Kelindril felt the ground drop beneath him. Kyler and Darian had been friends for

  several years now. How could they not see their way through this? It was just another challenge, another battle. One they were apparently losing. He didn’t understand why, but their argument bothered him more than a little. There must be a way to make them both see reason.

  Darian was no longer hungry. The loss of Kyler had affected him more deeply than anyone would ever know. But he was a Mage of The Order, he could not show weakness. Not now, not ever. He was angry too. Kyler should know him by now. He did what he had to do and no more. The thought of Morphindinaetlus free was not a comforting one. That’s the last thing he wanted to do, but he had no choice. He needed the information the wyrm had and he paid the ultimate price for it. A knock on his door brought him out of his contemplation.

  Kelindril came trotting up to him, his face flushed. This cannot be good, thought the Mage. “Darian, the council has assembled. They want to see you now.” Kyler must have told them already. Great, what else can happen? He thought viciously.

  Before he left his chamber, he made sure he looked the part of a powerful Mage. He needed to intimidate the elves. He needed their support now more than ever. He wrapped himself in his Shryvven, pulling the cowl up to hide his face. He donned the big, silver amulet with the strange arcane symbol on it and wore his Mage ring on his left index finger. Now he was ready.

  The Gor Li’ Khan accompanied him to the council chambers. What better witness than their own people? Would Kyler still discount what the Mage had to say when he heard the Gor Li’ Khan’s account of the situation? He was angry and more than a bit hurt by Kyler’s behavior. They had been friends for a long time and Darian had never given him a reason not to trust him. Maybe the Mage wasn’t always up front about what he knew, but that did not

  mean that he would do anything to endanger the elves.

  The council room was full and the many faces did not look happy. “Darian, I believe you know why you have been called before this council,” said Galavad, none too pleased.

  “I came out of courtesy to you and your people. For I cannot be summoned like a dog, Galavad,” the Mage responded acidly.

  “Very well,” the Ac Quay’ A replied. “The elves demand an account of your actions since you left Kiri A’ Nouell. We have heard troubling news, Darian.”

  “You have no right to demand anything of me. Again, out of courtesy, I will tell you what you wish to know,” he responded darkly. “As you know already, Morphindinaetlus is a powerful enemy, even when injured. When we returned to his lair, he still had not recovered from his injuries inflicted upon him from the demons. He was irritable and for a dragon, this is dangerous. He had no desire to see me, but I needed the information that I knew he possessed. I had to take my chances because I have nothing left to lose.” At this, he looked to Kyler who would not look at Darian. There was not an elf in the room who did not see the rift between the two who had been so close.

  “The wyrm tried to make me believe that he was unaware of the book’s location. I knew that if anyone besides the Dark Mage knew about it, the dragon would know. He wanted to kill me where I stood and I doubt we would have been able to stop him if that’s what he truly wished to do. However, I knew that I would have to bargain with him. He told me what I wished to know was very valuable and that I had better have something of equal value or he would not part with it.

  “Morphindinaetlus has treasure aplenty, what would he want with more gold? No, the thing that he would desire was the one thing I did not want to give him, but was the only thing of any value. The bargain that I made with him was the hardest decision I have ever made. The choice was taken from me before I ever stepped into his lair.”

  “Darian, what did you offer him?” Galavad asked, fearing the answer.

  “His freedom,” the Mage admitted.

  The council room erupted in uncontrolled chaos. The elves shouted in their tongue and nothing could be understood over the din. Nephraete sat in shock, unable to say a word. She knew for Darian to do this, he would have had no choice. He hated the dragon as much as the elves, maybe more bec
ause of their history. Calisha squeezed her hand lightly under the table. He could feel her dismay at the Mage’s words.

  The Mage let them battle it out because he had no desire to stop the tirade. Grey smoke began to circle the Mage and it only fueled the fire in the elves. Seconds later, the demon stood beside Darian; actually towering over the tall Mage.

  “What’s the matter with all of you!” the demon shouted to be heard. “How dare you question Darian’s motives and reasoning. He has ever been there for you, saving your sorry asses time and again. He put aside everything to rescue your daughter, elf king. The dragon would see him dead, have you all forgotten this? Have you even given thought to how hard this was for Darian? His love for Tynuviel drives him to stupid heights sometimes, but one thing is for certain, Galavad; he loves your people and he calls this his home. A Mage of The Order has no friends in Mogan Dar. And yet I have seen many of you stand toe to toe with him in battle, never worrying for your safety. You trust him with your life in battle, why can you not trust him now? Do you really think he will mislead you? Kyler, you should be ashamed of yourself for the way you are acting. You are like a brother to him. You have said so many times. How can you believe that he had any other option?”

  “I am inclined to trust Darian’s word. I believe he had no other choice. For if he had, he would have done anything but set the wyrm free,” said Killini. Many of the elves looked abashed. Killini was right.

  “What do we do now Darian?” asked Galavad.

  “Morphindinaetlus has told me the location of the Morgonnate. I must gather together supplies and go after it.”

  “Where is it, Darian? I would accompany you,” said Nephraete. At this, Kyler got up and stormed out.

  “In the Haunted Lands, beyond the lair of the Banshee.” Gasps and exclamations from the elves filled the air.

  “You cannot go there, Darian, it is not safe,” said Galavad.

  “I must, there is no other choice for me. If I do not get that book, I will die a horrible, painful, maddening death. I know there are many who would not feel any sense of loss at my demise. However, I still have much to accomplish. Delvishan has chosen me to lead The Order and I cannot ignore his calling, though there is much that I would rather do.”

  “What of Morphindinaetlus? What is his part in this?” asked the Monarch.

  “He will help us in any way that he can. I broke the bonds of Dark Magic that held him. He hates the Dark Mage as much as we do. Dragons are proud and the Dark Mage made a grave error in binding the dragon to do his bidding. I bound him instead and commanded him not to harm anything but the Dark Mage’s hordes.”

  “We should have trusted you, Darian. You have never led us astray. Kyler came to me very upset and when he told me what you had done, I called a meeting. For that, I am sorry.”

  “You have the safety of your people to consider, Galavad. You did the right thing. I harbor no ill will toward you for that. A good leader thinks of his people first.”

  “Thank you for your understanding. Now, what’s the matter with Kyler?”

  “I was hoping you could tell me. I know he’s upset about what I did, but he should know by now that I wouldn’t have done it if I had any other option.”

  “I know, Darian. He will too, he just needs some time. What happened to Tynuviel has deeply affected him. They are very close as you know.”

  “I do, but this has been going on for a while now, Galavad. He is troubled and must work it out on his own. I cannot wait around for him to figure out where he stands where I am concerned.”

  “You will have the support of the elves on your journey. Take what supplies you need and go with Shenna.”

  “I wish to accompany you, Darian,” said Calisha. “I think I can be of service to you. The Haunted Lands is not to be taken lightly.”

  “Your company is most welcome, Calisha,” said Darian sincerely.

  “You will also have the Gor Li’ Khan at your back, Mage,” ensured Kelindril.

  “Thank you Kel,” the Mage smiled warmly at the elf. Kelindril’s journey has just begun, but he still has a long way to go yet. Darian would continue to work on him.

  After the council broke up, Nephraete went to see Kyler. She was worried about him. She could not understand why he was so upset with Darian. The Mage would never endanger them. He would leave first and Kyler knew this. When she returned to their room, he was there.

  “Kyler, what’s troubling you? This is so unlike you,” she asked.

  “How can you ask me that? After everything we have been through together, don’t you know me at all?”

  “Kyler I know you are upset, but I don’t understand why you are directing your anger at Darian. You must know he would not have allied himself with the dragon unless he had no other choice.”

  “Keep telling yourself that, Nephraete. That’s what he wants you to believe. He’s good at manipulation. He’s so good at it that I doubt you’d even be aware that he was doing it.”

  “You’re being unfair, Kyler and you know it. Darian is your best friend.”

  “Not anymore he isn’t. And if you’re going to continue to defend him, then I don’t think we should be together anymore.”

  “Kyler, you can’t mean that! I love you, you know I do. Something is going on with you, can you not see this?”

  “What I see is that my best friend betrayed me and my lover is following in his footsteps. Just go Nephraete and take your things with you. It’s obvious you’ve made your choice already.”

  He turned his back on her and waited for her to go. He could hear her crying as she packed up her things and he almost reached out to her, but his heart turned hard. She betrayed him by siding with the Mage and he could not abide that. He heard the door close softly and he hung his head. What’s wrong with me? What have I done? He thought sadly.

  Darian opened the door to find a most unlikely visitor. “Nephraete, what’s wrong?” he asked, guiding her inside and bolting the door behind her.

  “Kyler just broke up with me,” she sobbed.

  “What? What the hell is the matter with him?” asked the Mage irately. “I accept that he’s pissed at me, but that does not give him the right to treat you this way. I’m going to go talk to him.”

  “No! Please don’t. I don’t want to be alone right now, Darian. I know something is troubling him, but I do not know what. He is different somehow, darker. I don’t like it, Darian.”

  “It’s gonna be alright. Let me get you some wine.” He poured them both a healthy amount and they sat on the divan talking. “At what point did he tell you to get out?” asked Darian, as gently as he could.

  “When I told him he was being unreasonable where you are concerned. He told me that you had betrayed him and now I had. He said that we couldn’t be together anymore and to take my things and go.”

  She began to cry again. Darian hated to see a woman cry. Especially one as beautiful as Nephraete. He was angry all over again with Kyler. How could he do this? What was really going on with him?

  Darian held her as she cried. He whispered soothingly in elvish to her as he stroked her hair. She remained in his arms long after she stopped crying. It felt good here on his chest. She felt safe and warm. He smelled incredible and he was so damn sexy. She could feel his sleek, hard body beneath her hand, which she placed on his chest. Darian would not hurt her the way Kyler had. Before she could stop herself, she brought her lips to his, kissing him the way she’d daydreamed of since their last kiss.

  He broke it off much to her dismay. “Nephraete, what are you doing? You do not want me, you love Kyler and we both know that. You are upset and hurting right now and this is not the solution.”

  “But he doesn’t want me anymore, Darian! Are you saying that you do not want me either?” She saw something flash briefly in his eyes, but could not comprehend what it was. His silvery grey eyes softened as he looked at her.

  “Nephraete, I’ve wanted you from the minute I laid eyes on you in Mishkalan.
But I have not the heart to corrupt you. I am no good for you and you’re in love with my best friend. Regardless of how he’s been acting, I cannot take this step with you.”

  His voice was soft, sexy and how did he manage to turn her on without even touching her? Was that even possible? He was so damn gorgeous! She wanted his lips on hers… She would have to play his game to get what she wanted. It was obvious he was playing hard to get.

  She put her head back down on his chest and he visibly relaxed. Before long, she felt his fingers in her hair, stroking softly. It was meant to put her at ease, she knew. But instead, his touch set her nerve endings on fire and

  sent jolts of hot pleasure through her straight to her core.

  She let her right hand slide down his chest slowly so he wouldn’t suspect what she was up to. How was it that he could make her feel these things so strongly? She loved Kyler, but he her hurt her. Here she was, with his best friend. No, that wasn’t quite right. Here she was with his hot, gorgeous, sexy, delicious best friend and all she could think about was Darian’s lips on hers. He’d stolen a few kisses from her and she even slapped him for one of them. But if she was being honest with herself, she couldn’t stop thinking about them. His lips on hers… How she wanted to feel them again. And more, so much more. She knew Darian could take her to places she didn’t even know existed.

  His sharp intake of breath when her hand closed around him aroused her more than she believed possible. His gaze turned hungry, predatory and it made the blood pump violently through her veins. Her touch was soft, gentle and she felt him grow beneath her tiny hand.

  She brought her lips to his again and this time Darian folded her in his arms, deepening the kiss. She moaned softly at his touch as he stroked her thigh. When he found no resistance, he brought his hand to her breast, stroking lightly, softly. She responded to him, moving into his lap.

  “Nephraete, I don’t want you to regret this night. Please, I’m begging you, stop this now before it’s too late.”

  “Shhh,” she placed a finger on his lips as she undid his shirt. “Don’t try to tell me that you haven’t wanted this for a long time, Darian. I can feel your desire when you look at me and I know what you want.” She felt his body responding to her nearness and she smiled.


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