Who Is He
Page 6
4.38 Summary
4.39 We have Several Historic-Cultural ‘Self’s’
4.40 Intellectual: Conscious Thinker Having an Ideology
4.41 Order of the Design of Schools of Thought
4.42 Materialism
4.43 Marx, Socialism and Materialism
4.44 World View Based on Logic, Consciousness and Orientation
4.45 The Story of the Creation of Adam and Adam’s Sons
4.46 Which Religion?
4.47 My World View is Based on a Spiritual Interpretation of the World
4.48 Fanon’s Last Will and Testament pp 403-407
Volume 5: Iqbal and Us 308 pp
Book One
Iqbal: The 20th Century Reformer pp 21-116
1970/1349 April-May (Ordibehesht)
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Iqbal: The 20th Century Reformer
5.3 Iqbal: Manifestation of Self-Reconstruction and Reformation
5.4 Iqbal is Not Deceived by the West
Book Two
Iqbal and Us pp 117-288
Text. Date unknown, sometime after being released from prison in the spring of 1975. First time printed in Persian.
5.5 Iqbal’s Ideology
5.6 Iqbal’s World View
All sections of Volume 5: Iqbal and Us dealing specifically with Iqbal Lahouri have been translated into English in addition to Author’s Preface printed in Volume 2 of the Collected Works, under the title: Iqbal: Manifestation of the Islamic Spirit. Publication date, spring, 1990. Distributed through KAZI Publications, Chicago.
Volume 6: Hajj: Reflections on its Rituals 266 pp
6.1 A Word to the Reader
Volume 1: 23 Years in 23 Days
Volume 2: The Place of the Covenant (miyad) with Abraham
Volume 3: Hajj: Reflections on its Rituals
Part One
6.2 Introduction to the Shorter Pilgrimage (umrah)
6.3 The Season (musum)
6.4 Ihram at the Place of the Appointed Time (miqat)
6.5 Making Your Intention Known (niyyah)
6.6 The Ritual Prayer in the Place of the Appointed Time
6.7 Prohibitions (muharramah)
6.8 The Kabah
6.9 Circumambulation (tawaf)
6.10 The Black Stone (hajar al-aswad) and the Oath of Allegiance (bayat)
6.11 The Station of Abraham (maqam)
6.12 The Search (sa’y)
6.13 The Cutting of Nails or Hair (taqsir) and the End of the Longer Pilgrimage (umrah)
Part Two
6.14 Introduction to the Longer Pilgrimage (tamatu)
6.15 Arafah
6.16 Mashar
6.17 Mina
6.18 Stoning the Satans (rami)
6.19 The Sacrifice (adha)
6.20 The Trinity of Idols
6.21 The Festival (id) of the Sacrifice
6.22 The Pause (wuquf) After the Festival
6.23 A General Look
6.24 After the Festival of Sacrifice: Stoning
6.25 The Last Message of Revelation
6.26 A Final Word
6.27 The Return
This volume was completed and published sometime in 1971. Translated into English in an abridged form and published by FILINC: Houston, 1978. Complete translation published 1994 (Joint Publication of ABJAD Book Designers and Builders, Chicago. Distributed by KAZI Publications, Chicago under the title Hajj: Reflections on its Rituals.
Volume 7: Shiism 363 pp
Book One
7.1 Shiism: A Complete Political Party pp 3-168
Lecture 1:
1972/1351 October 24
Lecture 2:
1972/1351 November 12
Speech. Husayniyah. Two lectures. Lecture 1 previously printed in Persian. Lecture 2, first time printed in Persian. Shariati edited the texts of both lectures. It was as a result of the second lecture that the Husayniyah Irshad was closed and ten months later Shariati put into solitary confinement for eighteen months.
Book Two
7.2 The Revolutionary Role of the Reminders and
Reminding in History pp 169-226
1972/1351 September 12
Speech. Husayniyah. Printed before in Persian. Text edited by Shariati.
Book Three
7.3 The Responsibility of Being a Shiite pp 227-267
1971/1350November 6
Speech. Husayniyah.
Footnotes to Book One and Book Two added by Shariati pp 269-319
Volume 8: Prayer 195 pp
Book One
8.1 Prayer pp 3-35
1959/1338 Summer
Translation of the book by Alexis Carrel (1873-1944). Translation printed in Paris.
Book Two
8.2 The School of Sajjad: Consciousness, Love, Need and Jihad in Prayer (The Philosophy of Prayer) pp 37-90
1970/1349 April 2
Speech. Husayniyah.
Book Three
8.3 Prayer: The “Text” pp 91-124
Two writings. Dates unknown. One given at the end of the above lecture and the other is an older text. Part of the latter was translated into English in Martyrdom (Tehran: Abu Dharr Foundation, 1985).
Book Four
8.4 The Most Beautiful Worshipped Spirit pp 125-179
1972/1351 September 13
Speech. Husayniyah.
Volume 9: Alid Shiism/Safavid Shiism 315 pp
9.1 Deceitful Shiism/Truthful Shiism pp 3-16
Date unknown. Introduction to a play on the Sarbedaran which was not allowed to be performed by the regime.
9.2 Alid Shiism/Safavid Shiism pp 17-265
1971/1350 October 31
Speech. Husayniyah.
Contains: Introduction; Setting the Stage; Movement and Institution; The Ottomans and the West; Suddenly an Attack from Behind; An Example of the Logic of Safavid Shiism; The Logic of a Shiite Alim; The Assembling of Religion and Nation Nationhood: The Shuubi Shiite Movement; Religion: The Shiite Shu’ubi Movement; Negating Shiism Through Shiism; Western Christianity and Safavid Shiism: Foreigners in Karbala; The Ideological Bases of the Two Sects
Volume 10: Class Orientation in Islam 176 pp
Book One
10.1 Economics or the Class Curve of the Quran pp 1-62
Text taken from a tape which relates to a private discussion which took place at the end of 1977/1355. Previously published in Persian.
Book Two
10.2 Economics pp 63-116
Text taken from his writings. Previously published in a disorganized fashion under the title of The Economics of Monotheistic Equity.
Book Three
10.3 Specialization pp 117-142
Text from tape. Private.
Volume 11: History of Civilizations (I) 296 pp
11.1 Introduction pp 1-3
1968/1347 Fall
11.2 What does ‘civilization’ mean? pp 4-44
11.3 General Discussion on Civilization and Culture pp 45-75
1968/1347 Spring
11.4 Description of History pp 76-78
1968/1347 Fall
11.5 Schools of History and Methods of Research pp 79-92
1968/1347 Fall
11.6 Why is mythology the spirit of all world civilizations? pp 93-153
1970/1349 Spring
11.7 History of Chinese Civilization pp 154-230
11.8 Attitudes of the Yellow Race pp 231-244
These and the next lectures were given at Firdausi University, Mashhad in general to first year students and to those whose major was history in the second, third and fourth year during 1966-67/1345-46; 1967-68/1346-47; 1968-69/1347-48; 1969-70/1348-49; and 1970-71/1349-50. Basically on “What is civilization?”
Volume 12: History of Civilizations (II) pp 345 pp
12.1 Impressive Events in History pp 1-3
1968/1347 Fall
12.2 Characteristics of the Recent Centuries pp 4-115
1968/134 Fall
12.3 General Discussion on World View and Culture pp 116-133
1970/1349 Fall
12.4 World View and Environment pp 134-217
1970/1349 Spring
12.5 Political Tendencies in the Contemporary World pp 218-233
1968/1347 Spring
12.6 The Problem of Finding Self pp 234-258
1968/1347 Spring
12.7 Characteristics of Today’s Civilization pp 259-267
1968/1347 Fall
Basically this volume deals with the corruption of bourgeoisism, general discussion on world view and culture, political tendencies in the present world and characteristics of the present world.
Volume 13: The Fall into the Desert 643 pp
13.1 The Fall (from Paradise) pp 3-204
13.2 The Desert pp 205-535
The Desert is considered to be autobiographical and among his best literary works.
Contains: Descriptions of the Desert of Mazinan; Subterranean Channel (qanat);
Letter to a Friend; Affection is Greater than Love; People I Love; Divine Tragedy;
The Observatory Garden in Paris; Love of One’s Children; People and Words
13.3 About Creation pp 565-568
Date unknown. Sometime after his release from solitary confinement.
13.4 Totemism pp 569-614
13.5 My Dear Friend pp 615-622
Date unknown.
Volume 14: History and Knowledge of Religions (I) 404 pp
14.1 Lesson 1 pp 1-40
1971/1350 April 9
Contains: It Was Bourgeoisism and Not Science; The Rebellion of Contemporary
Man in the Bourgeoisie Paradise; Proposed Subjects for Research. Translation
and Conferences.
14.2 Lesson 2 pp 41-99
1971/1350 April 22
Contains: Introduction; How can we recognize primitive societies?
14.3 Lesson 3 pp 100-142
1971/1350 May 7
Contains: Introduction; Definition of Religion; Human Being—a Divine-like Creature in Exile; Religion, Mysticism, Art; Explanation
14.4 Lesson 4 pp 144-179
1971/1350 May 7
Contains: Introduction; Eastern and Western Spirit and Attitudes; Characteristics of Western Spirit and Culture
14.5 Lesson 5 pp 180-233
1971/1350 June 4
Contains: Basis for Eastern and Western Thought; China; Islamic Thought and Science are Two Different Things; Religious Philosophy of History is Based on Contradiction; Where is the way of salvation?
14.6 Lesson 6 pp 234-279
1971/1350 pp June 17
Contains: Education Has Two Stages; Hinduism
14.7 Lesson 7 pp 280-328
1971/1350 July 2
Contains: Hinduism; Metamorphosis of Thought and Words; On the Verge of Hope
Volume 15: History and Knowledge of Religions (II) 337 pp
15.1 Lesson 8 pp 1-52
1971/1350 July 16
Contains: Introduction; Shiism; Why Iran Chose Islam; Justice and Leadership; Why the General of the Khorasan Army Was Sent to Fight the Arabs; Alid/Safavid Shiism; Equity and Justice; Imamate (Leadership); Difference Between Dictatorship and Revolutionary Leadership; Selection
15.2 Lesson 9 pp 53-84
1971/1350 October 29
Contains: Introduction; Intellect and Welfare; The Vedas; Way of Salvation; Me; Brahmanism
15.3 Lesson 10 pp 85-120
1971/1350 November 12
Contains: Introduction; Abraham; Tribal Evolution; Relation Between Welfare and Absurdity; Life of Buddha
15.4 Lesson 11 pp 121-156
1971/1350 November 26
Contains: Introduction; Buddha
15.5 Lesson 12 pp 157-190
1971/1350 December 10
Contains: Hinduism
15.6 Lesson 13 pp 191-218
1971/1350 December 24
Contains: Ancient Iranian Religions
15.7 Lesson 14 pp 219-252
1972/1350 January 7
Contains: Zoroastrianism
Questions and Answers pp 253-274
Volume 16: Islamology Irshad (I) 504 pp
16.1 Lesson 1: School of Thought and Action pp 2-81
1972/1350 February 4
Contains: Introduction: School of Thought and Action; Economic Supra and Infrastructure; World View; Philosophical Anthropology Sociology; Philosophy of History; Ideology; Ideal Society; Ideal Prototype
Translated into English and published in School of Thought and Action (Albuquerque: ABJAD Book Designers and Builders, 1988. Distributed through KAZI
Publications, Chicago.)
16.2 Lesson 2: School of Thought and Action of Islam
1972/1350 February 11
Contains: My World View is Based on Monotheism; Philosophical Anthropology: Creation of Adam; Sociology: God and the People; Philosophy of History: Cain and Abel; Ideology: Islam; Ideal Society: Ummah; Ideal Prototype: Vicegerent of God
Translated into English and published in On the Sociology of Islam (Berkeley: Mizan Press, 1979).
16.3 Lesson 3: Introduction to the Study of Monotheism pp 82-115
1972/1350 February 18
Contains: In General: Three Stages; What the Monotheistic View is Not; Customs and Signs in the Holy Quran
16.4 Lesson 4: Three Phases of Monotheism pp 116-137
1972/1350 February 25
Contains: The Three Phases of Monotheism and The Sociology of Multitheism
16.5 Lesson 5: Four Visages of Monotheism pp 38-174
1972/1350 March 3
Contains: The Four Visages of Monotheism as Infrastructure in Islam Social or Class Monotheism vs Social or Class Multitheism
16.6 Lesson 6: Let Us Arise and Take a Step Forward pp 176-204
1972/1350 March 10
16.7 Lesson 7: Monotheism: A Philosophy of History pp 206-232
1972/1351 April 7
16.8 Lesson 8: Philosophy of Ethics pp 234-303
1972/1351 April 14
16.9 Lesson 9: Hajj: Objective Embodiment of Monotheism and Islam pp 304-340
1972/1351 April 21
Volume 17: Islamology Irshad (II) pp 410 pp
17.1 Lesson 10: History in the View of the Quran and Schools of Thought pp 3-40
1972/1351 April 28
17.2 Lesson 11: Toynbee’s Thesis and the Dynamic Activator of History pp 41-72
1972/1351 May 5
17.3 Lesson 12: Marxism in the Three Cycles of History pp 73-103
1972/1351 May 12