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To Protect and Love (Omegaverse shifter Romance) (Shifter Fever Book 1)

Page 4

by Cashmire Hart

  Nodding, Kole took a seat on a boulder. “What exactly do you do for work? Do you… serve the Magistrate?”

  “We all work for the Magistrate, most just don’t know it.” The jest didn’t have the effect he’d intended, and he blew out a big breath. “My human work consists of the insurance of goods, mainly jewelry, art and the like. With the network, I have a high success rate of recovering stolen property. With the revenue generated, I’m able to fund other ventures that benefit the magical world.”

  Kole looked totally interested, his gaze wide.

  “The Magistrate tasked me with recovering magical artifacts so that they don’t fall into the wrong hands. When I was restoring the Stone Building, I had a vault built in, to house said relics. I can’t say much more than that right now. My efforts keep me fairly busy but are fruitful.”

  Kole looked toward the bonfire. “Is working for the Magistrate why you stopped talking to my father?”

  The question caught Braun off-guard and he moved his mouth like a fish, unsure of how to answer. He could lie and say yes, but he knew the truth. His distance had nothing to do with his work.

  “When are we leaving?” Kole inquired.

  “You want to leave?”

  “Well, no… I mean, it’s a nice enough place. I’m just not sure why you brought me here. Because you think I’m wrecked by my father’s plight and I need constant consolation?”

  The bitterness in the omega’s tone hurt Braun’s ears and his heart but he knew it was borne of fear. Kole’s jaw ticked as he clawed at the rock, his nails leaving little marks. It was confirmation of what he’d suspected. Kole needed a release as much as he did. If the omega wouldn’t willingly join in the activities, a little coaxing was in order. “No, Kole. That isn’t why I brought you here.”

  The howl of a wolf cut through the air, stilling them and everyone else. Laughter broke out and shifters—both omega and alpha—raced into the darkness of night. Clothes were quickly shed as they disappeared into the shadows. Moments later, they emerged as wolves, bears, cats and even a hawk. The cacophony of their cries was music, the purest form of song in their world.

  Braun looked to Kole as he tugged his T-shirt over his head and let it flutter to the ground. “This is why I brought you here.”

  His eyes wide, Kole watched with interest as Braun stripped before him. A lovely flush entered his cheeks and his natural scent grew thick with arousal.

  “No, omega. Not that,” Braun said teasingly, feeling suddenly playful. It pleased his beast to no end that the omega found him attractive and as much as he wanted to take advantage of that desire, it wasn’t what Kole needed right now.

  Kole quickly looked away and pouted. Knowing it was only a matter of time, Braun removed his socks and stepped into the cool grasses. The blades tickled his skin and he bent down to press his palm into the soil. Closing his eyes, he felt the lifeforce of the microorganisms in the dirt. The energy, drawn from life and the Earth itself crawled up his arm as if welcoming him home after such a long time away.

  He knew Kole was watching as he set his animal free. His bones cracked, his skin stretched, and the beast burst forth, the instinct taking him over. A moment of confusion swirled as his new body reoriented itself. He dug his paws into the dirt, leaving gashes of claw marks. Shaking side to side, he shed the last of his humanity. Braun looked to Kole who was feigning disinterest and failing.

  He padded over to the omega and bumped the male’s elbow with his snout.

  “Cut it out,” Kole grumbled.

  Braun moved to flank him. Kole ignored him, his attention off in the distance. If he wanted to play it that way, fine… Braun pushed his big wolf-body against Kole, effectively shoving him off the boulder and into the grass.

  “Hey!” he growled.

  Amused, Braun took off for the darkness. There was more than one way to coax a wolf out to play. His legs carried him easily as he ran through the night. The sounds and scents of shifters filled Sanctuary, eyes flashing in the blackness. It was nice to run again and stretch his lungs with clean air. Living in Chicago, he didn’t get the opportunity often.

  Braun circled back to the boulder only to find that Kole was gone. Sniffing at the air, he filtered through the scents until he located Kole. The male was not far, his musk too thick. He found Kole standing in darkness, his naked back moving with every breath. Braun perked his ears as he took in every inch of bare skin. Caught between human arousal and animalistic play, he growled low in his throat.

  Chapter 7

  Kole had fought against his animal and lost. His wolf wanted to run and feel like part of a pack again. He needed the wind in his fur, the scent of life in his nose and the thrill of chase. A wolfish whine bounced in his mind. He wanted more than a simple run, he wanted to share in the intimacy of shifting with Braun. He could remember what it was like to see his fathers playing and running, their growls joining into music, their eyes flashing with joy.

  Braun had invited him, and he wasn’t sure why he’d fought the desire. He was bummed about the situation with his pack and supposed he felt guilty about running with these shifters when he couldn’t share the moment with Dad and the others.

  As he stood naked in the grass, he felt pulled in two different directions.

  Something large and powerful came up behind him. Kole inhaled, scenting spicy male. Braun. The guy was an interloper in this moment. The ground crunched as Braun approached, his strong breath warm. Braun licked at his arm, pulling Kole from his troubled thoughts. Turning to regard the big black wolf, Kole wanted to join him. He really did. But if he did this with the alpha, things would progress to where they both didn’t want them to go. Braun took long strides toward the darkness. He stopped and looked at him with glowing green eyes. Braun would not ask him to join again. He didn’t have to say it. Kole’s animal knew it instinctively.

  Conflicting emotions catapulted him from every direction. The one thing that he was certain of was that he didn’t want to be alone.

  He crouched down and attempted to still himself. It took a moment for is animal to break loose, the turmoil of negative emotion disrupting the flow of energy. Everything swirled for a moment and the ache of his body transforming consumed him. The pain will lessen every time until it vanishes completely. He could still hear his parents’ voices after all these years as they taught him how to be shifter. The discomfort eased until it was nothing but a distant memory.

  What if I never hear alpha-father’s voice again? What if we never got to run besides each other under the dark sky?

  Sensing he needed comfort, Braun brushed his big body against Kole, his coarse fur stroking him. His potent heart thumped vigorously and Kole couldn’t help flattening his ears and tucking his tail between his legs. The urge to submit to this powerful alpha was strong and he crouched before Braun, licking at his snout.

  Braun stood tall and proud, accepting his submission. More than that, he was a brick wall, supporting Kole in exactly the way he needed. Kole’s sadness washed away as his wolf took over, the instinct ruling supreme. Braun kicked his paws off the ground and took off. Kole followed without hesitation, his limbs stretching pleasurably. The alpha led him around the clearing, never straying very far and glancing back to make sure Kole was with him.

  Letting Braun guide him, Kole embraced his animal nature. He’d come to trust this male, trust him like he did the members of his pack. He wasn’t sure how it had happened so quickly, but it had.

  They flanked the edge of the forest, Kole stopping every ten feet to take in a new scent. There were so many different plants and flowers here, all with their own aromatic identities. His wolf had to inspect. Braun was patient and kind, his tail held high as he waited.

  Having grown comfortable in his animal body, Kole dared to charge the big black wolf then dart away. Braun perked his ears, his emerald eyes brightening. Play! Chase! The simple thoughts ruled supreme and when Braun charged him, Kole took off into the woods. He dodged trees, leaped over
strewn logs and sprinted as fast as his paws could take him. Braun chased, though it seemed he wasn’t intent on catching him.

  Pleasure flooded Kole and he ran circles around Braun, jumping and play nipping. It was only a matter of time before the alpha reasserted his position and tackled Kole to the ground, his teeth sinking into Kole’s thick fur. He snapped into submission, seeking the male’s approval. Braun released him and licked his ear.

  This feels right. His mind was a whirlwind of simple animalistic thoughts and deeper human emotion.

  A howl cut through the forest, filling the world with song. Jumping to his paws, Kole perked his ears. The call was both familiar and foreign. Was it his father calling him? He could almost see the Redspire pack standing beside its leader, awaiting Kole’s return.

  Braun brushed up against him, his big body solid. A whimper left Kole’s throat as he focused on the songs. It wasn’t Nykus, leader of the pack.

  The alpha started walking and Kole followed, sombered by the reminder that Dad was still in danger. They found the other shifters in the meadow, running and playing.

  Braun turned to regard Kole for a moment, his emerald eyes shining with something more, something Kole couldn’t comprehend in this moment. The wolf took off suddenly, and Kole followed. The shifters of Sanctuary noticed them and surrounded Kole, sniffing and licking. All the excitement startled him but having Braun close by soothed his heart.

  A large mountain-lion approached and Kole wagged his tail in uneasy welcoming. He recognized the cat’s scent, entwined with copious amounts of expensive hair products. It was Cullan, his fur matching all that wheat colored hair he’d sported. Kole planted his feet where he was as shifters of all kinds surrounded him, welcoming him into their mishmash pack.

  Memories swirled in his mind of his omega-father telling him how shifters had come into creation. About how celestial beings had taken the purest of human souls and merged them with animals. They’d been made to hunt creatures of darkness—vampires, zombies and demons. The wolf is the hunter, omega-father had said. He leads the pack, his legs carrying him far, showing the others the way to its prey. Kole couldn’t help thinking that this was how it was supposed to be, that all shifters were meant to run as one pack.

  Something happened and the shifters broke out into a run. Overhead, a hawk darted down and landed on Cullan’s back. The bird flapped its wings and screeched at Kole, intelligence shining in its yellow eyes. Kole trotted to Braun’s side, needing his support and protection. This was all too much too soon for him. The sights, the sounds, the scents… They were a tornado of confusion.

  Braun was right by his side, looming tall and stoic over him. The alpha led him back toward the forest where it was peaceful. They laid down together, Braun comforting him while the song of life continued.

  Kole drifted in and out of consciousness but he knew Braun stayed with him. His legs hurt from running hard and his lungs were sore from taking in the cool night air. He wanted nothing more than to take a nap. He was aware his body had returned to its human form, and the lack of fur made him shiver.

  Something—someone—warm and strong scooped him up and covered him in silky, hot skin, chasing away the chill. Strength encased him and bulky arms held him close. Safe. Protected.

  “Braun?” Kole murmured, his voice gravelly.

  The alpha grunted in acknowledgement and said nothing more. He didn’t have to. Knowing Braun was with him set the world right.

  Chapter 8

  Braun was in trouble. Big trouble.

  As the morning sun streamed its rays through the trees, stark realization hit him. He’d made a major miscalculation last night. When he’d invited Kole to run with him, it had been of the purest intentions. But something had changed between them, as if they saw each other as something more than protector and ward.

  Kole moved against him, the warmth and smoothness of his skin inviting. Daring to stroke his thumb across the man’s pec, Braun held him tight in an effort to keep the chill away. He’d been awake for a while now, the chatter of the morning birds lulling him. More than that, he’d had trouble sleeping because he couldn’t stop thinking about the omega in his arms. They hardly knew each other and Kole trusted him enough to let him lay at his back. It did wonders for his alpha ego.

  I’m fucked. He was falling for the guy. In their world, it was an easy thing to do, especially for alphas. The desire to protect and care for wouldn’t be overruled by a silly thing like common sense. He’s my best friend’s son, he told himself over and over. His wolf didn’t care about any of that. Take. Claim.

  Kole made a soft sound and rolled around in Braun’s arms, his head coming to rest in the crook of his neck. Pulling in a deep breath, Braun got a big dose of omega and foliage. Carefully, he plucked a leaf from Kole’s messy hair. He had to admit that this was really nice. Having an omega in his arms made all the cold and lonely nights return with a vengeance. He didn’t want to go back to his empty bed.

  “Awake?” Kole mumbled.

  Braun grunted, not wanting to confirm or deny anything.

  Kole dug his fingers into Braun’s side as if he didn’t want him to get up. His breath brushed across his neck, sending a shiver down his spine. The omega wiggled and Braun bit his lip hard. He was conflicted. He wanted to stay right here with Kole in his arms, but he was getting aroused.

  “Hungry?” Braun asked, looking for an excuse to get up. “I am.”

  Kole nodded. “It’s a bit nippy.”

  Braun managed to pry himself away from the male and got to his feet. His muscles were nice and loose from the shift. He offered his hand to Kole who accepted, and he pulled him up effortlessly. The omega smiled at him, his eyes like a twilight sky, hazy from sleep.

  They walked back toward the mansion, gathering their strewn clothes as they did. A lofty mist floated over the trees like a halo as the sun warmed the cool night air. Except for the birds, it was utterly quiet. Shifters laid on the front porch, sleeping soundly. Inside the mansion, more males dozed peacefully, filling the couches and chairs.

  Kole yawned and crawled onto the couch next to Loren. He cuddled under the blanket and went right to sleep, leaving Braun watching with envy. He wanted Kole to come to him for warmth and comfort. His wolf demanded he push Loren off and settle in next to Kole.

  Figuring the inhabitants of Sanctuary would be asleep for a while, he walked into the kitchen to whip up a snack. He’d blown a ton of energy last night and could do with a refuel. Cullan was at the fridge, guzzling a glass of orange juice. He’d put on a pair of jogging pants, but he was still covered in dirt from the run.

  The warrior noticed him and nodded. “You’re up early.”

  “And you haven’t slept yet. Looks like it’s just me and you,” Braun said, running his hand thru his tangled hair. He was probably as dirty as Cullan was.

  “Typical nights lead to typical days. The omegas like to get the warriors involved. After much pestering they find it hard to say no.” He finished off his juice and set the glass in the sink. “Fucking party animals.”

  “That’s a good thing,” Braun said, glancing back toward the living room. He couldn’t see Kole, but he could feel him. It was as if they were connected, bonded. The thought was terrifying. “When we cooked up Sanctuary that night, we never imagined it might become a place where fun and laughter ruled supreme.”

  “I’m not complaining. I like it here. Beats hunting down wildbloods or vampires,” he said and leaned against the counter. “You hear back from the others yet?”

  “No, it’s still dark. The last I heard, they were making the first move and hunting Raze down.” Braun padded his pockets for his phone, but figured it was upstairs in a guest bedroom or somewhere in the meadow. “I told Kole he has nothing to worry about. The team I requested is above professional.”

  “So, when did you two become an item?”

  The question smacked Braun in the forehead. “Uh… we’re not.” You don’t sound so sure of yourself, budd

  The warrior frowned. “You sure about that?”

  “Yes.” Not really?

  “Huh. Well, could have fooled me and I’m not easily fooled.”

  “Except by Loren,” Braun said in an effort to change the subject.

  The alpha chuckled and shook his head. “You’re right. And before you ask, no we are not a thing, either.”

  “Could have fooled me,” Braun echoed.

  Cullan’s expression turned thoughtful for a long moment and something private passed between them. Finally, he said, “I get it. It’s easy to want things we can’t have.”

  He shouldn’t have pointed out the obvious between the two, but he was feeling touchy about his relationship with Kole.

  “Well, I better start my rounds.” The warrior saluted him and left.

  Alone and with nothing to do, Braun reluctantly returned to the living room. He wanted so very badly to nudge Loren off the couch and settle beside Kole, but that would be rude. Sighing, he climbed the stairs to the guest bedroom, figuring it was best he stayed away from Nyk’s son.

  He took a much-needed shower, letting the heat of the water soak into him. He dallied in the tub, unable to stop thinking about Kole and how much he wanted to hold him again. The water plastered his hair to his body, and he bumped his head against the tiles. Thoughts of Kole stirred his cock, and he gripped his shaft. Thumbing his deflated knot, he recalled all the human prostitutes he’d hired to pleasure him. He’d payed well and passed his knot off as a deformity, but most didn’t ask or care. The sex had always been empty. Now, he could imagine what it would be like to mate an omega. Mind-blowing. Life altering. Being connected to his omega in such a way… it was an intimacy few achieved.

  Tracing a vein, he weighed the idea of jacking off, but found he had little desire to do so.

  He cut the water off and padded dripping wet to the bed. He found his phone on the bedstand and checked for missed messages. He was disappointed to find that there was nothing. Nyk, you better not fucking die.


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