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Bratva Dark Allegiance: The Complete Collection

Page 79

by Raven Scott

  David didn’t say anything as a peaceful quiet, a calm, descended on the kitchen.

  As adults, our actions have consequences and I was glad Sarah’s had finally caught up with her. It was sad that David and his mom had to lose their home for it to happen, though.



  “You talk about Sam a lot, but not your family, even though what they did was arguably worse.”

  The question just hung heavy in the air between us.

  Vanessa arched a brow with a little hum around her spoon.

  Six months ago, if someone told me I would be casually— even happily, I dare say— discussing throwing my sister in a mental institution and throwing away the key, I’d scoff at the pipe dream. But it was really happening. If there was one thing I knew Vanessa and Carlyle, probably especially Landry as well, were good at, it was making people disappear.

  “With my parents, I grew up like that. It was my normal for seventeen years. It’s different when someone outside your normal does something outside your normal to hurt you. It’s even worse when someone does it just because they can specifically because they can. Relative to my experiences prior, what he did to me was something I had no coping mechanisms against. If you told me that most of all women experience unwanted sexual advances and almost half sexual assault or rape, I wouldn’t have known what that meant. Being told I didn’t need to read or that I had no future other than being someone’s wife, or that what I wanted or aspired to didn’t matter... I had ways of wading through that bog. Being raped when I didn’t know what a vagina is called... there was no way to twist that into something I understood.” Vanessa’s little tangent came to an end.

  I nodded glumly as a heaviness dragged my heart into my stomach. Being reminded of her childhood was depressing and I had no idea how hard it actually was! No wonder she didn’t want to dwell on it.

  “My dad mentioned on the way out of the hospital that he knew I’d be a better father than him. It was really strange. He just blurted it out and got quiet when I asked why he’d say that.”

  Bemusement tinged Vanessa’s baby blues as they landed on me.

  I dug deep into my half-eaten container of ice cream. “I think, with everything going on, maybe it popped into his head that he might be a crappy husband and he blames himself for Sarah, despite the fact that that’s just how she is, but he could get redemption or something if I have kids. My dad, in spite of everything, was still a good dad and he’s absolutely positive that his wife is going to divorce him. I think that my parents may not be in love, but they might get back together just because it’s easier. They’re old and tired and one of their children is gone, so...”

  “It’s nice that he acknowledges where he was wrong and wants to make amends. Both your parents seem like they’d be good grandparents. You know...” She leaned forward.

  I shoved a spoonful of brownie into my mouth and rose my brows quizzically.

  “Considering your sister’s behavior, I’m shocked she didn’t have kids of her own to use as pawns against your mom.”

  “She tried a few times. I’m thinkin’ either Sam beat her up when she told him, or she had one sensible thought that a kid was worth less in leverage than the effort it took. I really don’t know. I really don’t care. I’m just grateful she never did.” Honestly, both scenarios were just as likely as the other and I shrugged lightly. It sucked, thinking about Sarah being a parent, but... she was no longer part of this equation. “I think the emotion of the night just hit him, and he realized— really realized— that his family had shrunk by one.”

  “You give him a lot of leeway, considering you haven’t contacted each other in ten years. Do you ever wish he tried to contact you more, or that you’d tried to contact him more?”

  That question surprised me and I inhaled deeply as I thought on it. Did I blame my dad for losing contact, or did I blame myself for not keeping it? “... I was preoccupied building on what he instilled in me, so I think that despite not talking, I always knew he’d be proud of me in his own way. I was in college on scholarships as I worked up from a part-time job to a full time manager... I was ladder-climbing and I knew somewhere in the back of my head that as long as I was doing me and doing it well, our relationship would be good even without the talking part. You know, the only reason I got fired from my last job was because they eliminated the whole department. It was rather abrupt, but it wasn’t my fault, and I came out of it with a great reference for over six years.” Exhaling slowly, I glanced up at Vanessa as she nodded in understanding. “I mean, I’m not bitter about him and my mom. I know I’m lucky my dad stuck it out in a way with the least... negative impact, I guess. Things don’t happen the way people want or think sometimes. It doesn’t mean they’re bad, just that they’re wrong.”

  “You delve into all these super deep, philosophical things sometimes and... it’s just amazing.” Awe lilted her tone.

  heat climbed up my neck to spill into my cheeks at the admiration glistening in Vanessa’s blue eyes.

  “Do... do you think we should have more sex?” she asked out of the blue.

  My head snapped up at her sudden hesitancy while my jaw almost fell into my ice cream carton.

  She turned bright red, refusing to look in my general direction.

  I cleared my throat roughly. “Um... I mean... Not particularly. To be honest, I don’t really think about it. I’m much more concerned with securing this job, and... when it does happen, the sex is great, but I don’t want it to become the reason we’re together.” I stammered heatedly, not knowing exactly what to say. I rubbed the back of my neck uncomfortably. “I thought it was just a given we were taking things slow. I thought that meant the sex part, too.”

  “Yeah…no, that’s what it means.” She huffed a little, leaning even farther over the island, until she was almost sprawled on top of it. The way she did it was the same way she brushed her fingers on her cheek when she was thinking... except she wanted confirmation. “I was just making sure.”

  “Good. I’m okay with the pace.” The atmosphere was quiet but not awkward.

  Vanessa slid back with satisfaction tilting her lips. “You wanna watch a movie?”

  “What kind? B-rated horror again?” something just seemed so normal about this moment when tonight had been everything but. This was how we ended the night every weekend, only this time... I couldn’t exactly go home to prepare for work in the morning. At this thought, a little scoff escaped me.

  Vanessa hummed questioningly as we headed to the living room.

  “All my clothes... I’m gonna have to go shopping tomorrow.”

  Vanessa giggled at the abstract horror in my tone.

  I shook my head viciously. “Not looking forward to that... it’s gonna kill my wallet.”

  “It’s okay. You can submit an expense report for your work suits, even though the rest will be on you.”

  I wasn’t exactly comfortable with that, but I didn’t say anything as I plopped down on the sofa and snatched the controller off the coffee table.

  “I’m not just doing that for you, either,” she added.

  “Yeah, I know. I read the employee relief fund booklet. As long as it doesn’t exceed $500, I can submit a request. It’s not something I’m particularly keen on doing, but I also can’t drop a bunch of money on personal items before figuring out what my mom’s plan is. If she wants to cruise her way around the world or whatever, I gotta plan for that.” A headache already sprung up behind my eyes just contemplating the immediate future. And for all this shit to happen right before Christmas... In three weeks, it’d be the New Year.

  “You can trust Landry to handle the insurance and stuff, at least. For now, it’ll be a bit upsetting, but they’re at a hotel, right? It’ll be like a vacation. She’s old enough that drinking away her problems is acceptable, remember?”

  Chuckling at this, I twirled my spoon absently.

  Vanessa sat next to me to pull up her knees and sidle up agai
nst me. “I’m jealous you can sleep in. Every time I try, I usually fail.”

  “You can sleep when you’re retired. That’s what my dad always said.” This is gonna be most nights for a long while. Vanessa and I enjoying each other and accepting each other even during the worst of times. And I could see myself, scarily easily, accepting those darker notes about her, but that’s what it was— the good and the bad.

  My mom’s right. I should marry her... eventually.

  The Traitor



  “Ophelia? You wanted to see me?” I poked my head in her office.

  Ophelia crooked her finger at me. She kept her attention on the phone between her ear and shoulder, as her expression pinched tighter.

  I gnawed on my inner cheek furiously. Worry bored a hole in my abdomen at her expression.

  Slowly, elegantly, she finally set the phone down.

  I held my clammy hands behind my back.

  “You and Igra have been together a while, right, Yelene?”

  My mouth dried, flames were licking up my cheeks as I started to shake my head.

  Cogs seem to work behind Ophelia’s dark, intelligent eyes, as she arched a brow quizzically. “Really? You’ve been married to him for over half a decade, haven’t you?”

  My heart skipped a beat as I replied, “Um—yes, but—it’s only on paper. Why would I like him? I barely even know him.” Bitterness stained my tongue as I sat down across from her.

  Ophelia cast me a questioning look.

  I went on, “It seemed like a good idea at the time. My parents are—stubborn. I’ve only met him a few times.”

  “That’s a polite way to put it. I’m only asking because Igra is coming back, and you’re going to have to play your part.”

  My breath hitched, as I slouched back in the chair.

  Ophelia’s expression turned sympathetic as she stood and rounded the desk to put a hand on my shoulder. “You can handle that, right? I’m not saying you have to sleep with him or anything, but you’ve managed to stay out of the internal politics for so long because you had no use to the organization really. As harsh as that is, it’s unfortunately coming to an end.”

  “I— I’m—I can handle it, I think. What’s going on?”

  Leaning against the forward side of her desk, Ophelia ran her hand through her long, mahogany hair.

  I resisted the urge to do the same. Clasping my hands tightly in my lap, I held my breath as expectation simmered in my veins. “Aleksander doesn’t know, does he?”

  “No. Igra is being smuggled back into Russia. I brought you here to Moscow because I want your help with his plan.”

  Anxiety gripped my gut in a vice now.

  Ophelia met my eyes firmly. “We’re going to kill Aleksander.”

  While blood drummed in my ears, my jaw almost fell into my lap, and I leaned back as my eyebrows rose high.

  Ophelia’s expression only hardened, her eyes narrowing on me, as the silence grew dense and uncomfortable.

  Somewhere, deep down, I knew I shouldn’t be surprised, but hearing that out loud jarred my nerves. “W-why are you telling me?” I sputtered stupidly.

  Ophelia’s beautiful face twisted into an ugly scowl as her gaze seemed to slip past me.

  Crossing my arms tightly over my chest, I trained my eyes on my knees as my heart began to race. “You think it’ll work?” If Ophelia was telling me, she’d already formulated a plan, no matter how loosely. And the fact that Igra was being smuggled home means things are already well beyond the point of stopping. It was terrifying to think of killing Aleksander—did a man like him even die?

  “I’m telling you because I hoped you’d help us, but if you’re not as close to Igra as everyone seems to think. . .” She trailed off thoughtfully, and

  I held my breath in anticipation at her pause.

  “You’re not essential, Yelene, so it’s not a huge deal—”

  “I’ll do it—whatever it is, I’ll do it.” Cutting her off gently. “I will. My parents forced me to get married to him, but I owe the Makovich’s nothing.”

  Ophelia arched a brow quizzically. “That’s an interesting thing to say. You want to help liberate your parents?”

  Pursing my lips thinly, my teeth clicked lightly as I reverted my eyes again.

  Ophelia sighed softly, then after a moment, she spoke up again, “It doesn’t matter, I suppose. I just hope your conviction is strong. This won’t be easy, but I hope it’ll be quick.”

  “Yes.” My stomach roiled and I blinked as I pictured that monster, Aleksander. I hated him. I feared him. But there had never been a concerted effort to remove him from the top of the pyramid. Aleksander Makovich acted like he was the only person who mattered, and my marriage to his little brother was proof of that.

  My parents were both doctors, had studied in America, but Aleksander held me hostage here before we could escape. True, my parents were stubborn, but not about my marriage. The reason I’d only met Igra twice was because my parents always managed to avoid it.

  Lying to Ophelia after everything, she’d done, left a sour taste in my mouth, but for over a decade, this had been how things were presented. I couldn’t just stop the charade. I was far too deep into my lies to even remember most of the truth anymore. My parents wouldn’t die because Aleksander discovered something I’d accidentally let slip. “What do I need to do?” Posing my question, a cold sweat broke out under my clothes. Just the notion of killing a man like Aleksander Makovich made me shiver.

  Ophelia smiled sympathetically as she walked the short distance between us. Her palm on my shoulder was warm, and stable. “You just need to do exactly as you’re told, exactly when you’re told to do it. I’m not naïve enough to think you’re capable of more. You’re a pure soul, Yelene. It’d be a shame if you lost that innocence.” “Responsibility is hard. It’s not wrong to trust someone to take it off your shoulders. You’re a follower. Embrace it.” She squeezed my shoulder encouragingly.

  Relief almost sucked the air from my lungs. “Yeah. That’s what my parents say all the time. It makes working for people like you really—nice. You’re a good person.” Peeking up to catch Ophelia smiling, I smiled too and warmth battled the unease in my chest. “Thank you. For everything you’ve done for me.”

  “You’re a delight, Yelene. Reliable. You don’t know much about Igra, but I think you’d like him. He’s a good man. If he wasn’t, we wouldn’t be trying to get rid of Aleksander.”

  I paused as I thought of how strange it had to be to say ‘good man’ and ‘murder’ in the same sentence. I nodded.

  Ophelia’s hand left my shoulder. “He should get here tonight. I just got off the phone with my contact in America. Everything is on time. Aleksander is sending his sister to look for Igra—but he won’t be there.”

  “Why are the Americans help you? They want something, and Aleksander is in their way?”

  Wandering back to her desk, Ophelia smiled a little wider, a devious glint in her eye. “I think Carlyle Santino just doesn’t like Aleksander, and why would he? When we went to America, Aleksander did not make a good impression.” She rolled her eyes. “Regardless, something needs to be done. We can’t sustain his attempt to revive the communist agenda. Russia is failing— has been failing for a long time…”

  My curiosity peaked; everyone knew Aleksander had pissed off the Americans. Even he seemed unsure of what to do when he got back, which was why he made the decision to run for Prime Minister so early. “Yes. Why hasn’t the Patriarch intervened?” Ophelia’s husband had met the Patriarch, face to face.

  She frowned under tightly knit brows. “Why would he? He’s old. He’s going to die soon. He doesn’t care about the world he’s going to leave.”

  Oh, that makes sense. To be the head of the Russian Bratva, the Patriarch wouldn’t care about much to begin with. He would die on his gold-encrusted hill, and then, none of these problems would be his anymore. “We’re on our own. It’s more than
enough. As long as Aleksander keeps ignoring everyone around him, we will succeed.”


  She spoke so confidently that I couldn’t help but believe Ophelia, and I nodded firmly before a knock sounded on the door.

  I twisted and her husband poked his head into the office before slipping inside. “Sorry to interrupt. It’s time to eat.”

  My mouth opened in an ‘O’ and I stood up to walk out of the office. Ducking my head as I passed Sascha, I held my breath until I was in the hallway. Leaning against the wall, I closed my eyes and exhaled a shaky breath, reaching to clutch my chest with trembling fingers. “—this is bad…” My bare mumble tightened my throat and I licked the roof of my mouth heavily. “This is really bad.”

  How could a three-minute meeting make me feel so intensely sick? Igra was coming back today, and she and Ophelia were conspiring to kill Aleksander.

  I honestly didn’t know which was worse for me.



  “Ugh…” Pulling my head out of the toilet, I gagged at the smell of my own spew before sitting back against the side of the sink. Covering my mouth with the back of my hand, I blinked back the tears that clung to my eyelashes. My whole body shook and my stomach churned dangerously, even though there was nothing in it anymore. “Oh—I don’t feel good. At all.”

  I wanted to crawl into a hole and be buried.

  “Are you all right?” a voice came from somewhere.

  The hairs on the back of my neck stood up, and goosebumps blanketed my bare body. Around me, the world twirled and I blinked dazedly as I covered my mouth firmly. My hair clung to my neck and cheek, pulling sharply against my skin.

  “Do you need help?”


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