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His Forbidden Baby: An Accidental Pregnancy Romance Collection (His Secret Baby Romance Collection Book 2)

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by Jamie Knight

  I could see a frown developing on my manager’s face. I tried explaining myself but he was not having any of it.

  “You must respect your customers,” said my manager, looking at me squarely in the eyes.

  “He hit me in the ass,” I countered, surprised that my manager was apparently not going to take my side.

  “You’re fired, Molly,” he said, pointing towards the exit. “Here at Sammy’s, we show respect to our customers. The customer is always right.”

  I felt my heartbeat increasing. I could scarcely believe what I was hearing. I tried in vain to explain myself but my manager’s mind was already made up. The man who had hit me was still seated comfortably with a big smile on his face.

  The commotion had now drawn everybody’s attention and I felt as though the ground would open up and swallow me whole. How could my manager take the word of some degenerate asshole stranger over me? Besides, I was the victim here.

  Despite the difficulty of my job, my manager was simply not going to support me. Did he not have any respect for me? I would never turn on a customer unless there was actually a serious problem to address, and he should know that, based on my solid history of both good work performance and customer service.

  I stormed off into the bathroom to take off my uniform. I was a little glad that I didn’t have to work at the restaurant anymore, but I couldn’t help feeling concerned about the rent money that I so desperately needed.

  The week that was coming up was truly going to be hectic. I could only imagine the multiple problems that would be headed my way now that I didn’t have a job to support myself. Things were about to become desperately bad for me and I had no idea what I could do about it.

  It wasn’t as if I had liked this stupid waitressing job, anyway, but at least it was a means to an end. I would just have to aggressively look for my next job because I had to survive and take care of Kelly.

  Chapter 3


  I got out of the restaurant through the front door. I contemplated making my exit round the back, but I wasn’t scared of facing my manager or the culprit that had cost me my job.

  If either of them said another word to me, I planned to tell them to fuck off, together, because they deserved each other and I never wanted to see or hear from either one of them again.

  All eyes were on me as I stormed out, but I immediately felt relieved that it was going to be my last day working there.

  There were tears welling in my eyes and the hot sun overhead did nothing to relieve me of my troubles. It had been raining all morning but by the time we’d left brunch, the sun had come out and it had gotten hot and humid.

  I wanted to head straight home and bury myself in my pillows. I needed to think hard about the course that my life was now taking.

  There was a fancy sports car parked right at the front entrance, as if it owned the place, and for a minute, I thought it might belong to the idiot who had just cost me my job. I started approaching the car slowly, thinking about confronting the idiot a little more aggressively now that I was no longer employed at the restaurant.

  What did I have to lose? I’d already lost the rest of my tip money, and my sense of dignity.

  However, the driver’s side window rolled down slowly and there was an attractive-looking man seated there. I thought I must be hallucinating due to anger and lack of sleep - he was dark -complected, extremely handsome, and broad-shouldered.

  He looked like the Imaginary Perfect Man from my dream, but clearly he couldn’t be him, because there was no such thing.

  He was staring at me and he waved at me as if to tell me to keep approaching the car. I waved back, relieved that it was not the same man from the restaurant, and once I realized this, I immediately wanted to turn around to leave, hoping that I was not in any kind of trouble.

  “I saw what happened there,” the man said, once I was close enough to hear him, as he gestured towards the restaurant. “I can’t believe that your own manager would treat you like that. He should look out for your best interests.”

  I whole-heartedly agreed. But I stood there silently, wondering who the stranger was. It was like he read my mind, though.

  “I’m Steve, by the way,” he said, extending his hand towards me.

  I felt half inclined to shake it and half inclined to shove it away and be on my way. I didn’t need any more weird things happening today.

  I could get back to Kelly and Kate and spend a relaxing Mother’s Day evening with them, even though I knew I would be worried about where to get the rest of the rent money.

  I never should have splurged on that Mother’s Day brunch. I heard my mother’s voice in my head, telling me that it had been irresponsible.

  “I was planning to have my friends over here to Sammy’s for a party,” said the man - Steve, I thought he said his name was, but I was feeling foggy-headed as the sun wore down on me. “But after what I’ve seen here, I’d rather host them at my place.”

  “You saw what happened?” I asked.

  I was still stuck on that part, glad that a spectator had been on my side, after all. I had felt so alone and outnumbered.

  But here he was agreeing with me that the gross guy had done the wrong thing and I had done the right thing. Anyone with common sense or a normal sense of decency would have to agree, but it was like I had been working in Upside Down Land today.

  Steve nodded.

  “That man simply has no manners,” he said, again gesturing towards the restaurant. “I can’t believe you’ve fucking lost your job because somebody has no manners.”

  “Thanks,” I said.

  It was definitely very nice to have somebody supporting me over what I considered to be a flagrant violation of my rights.

  “I was ready to spend two hundred dollars here,” Steve said, “but I’ve completely changed my mind now.”

  I remained quiet, looking at the man a little more closely and accepting that he was quite attractive. He really was exactly my type: black hair just as mine, a handsome face and a friendly demeanor.

  “Look,” he said, “I realize that job was important for you and that you need the money.”

  I nodded and shrugged, confused as to how he thought this was his problem.

  “Why don’t you take this two hundred dollars?” he asked. “I’m sure you could use it. And I was just going to spend it in there at Sammy’s anyway. But I'd rather give it to you than support such an awful establishment, now that I've seen their true colors.”

  I was completely flabbergasted.

  Who was this stranger and why was he offering me that kind of money?

  It was going to be a big relief for me, as it would cover the remaining rent and then some. But I did not want to accept money from somebody I didn’t know.

  “Look,” I said, “thanks, that’s very kind of you. But I couldn’t possibly take your money.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” he said, reaching into his pocket and removing a wad of bills, “I think that what has just happened to you is very unjust. I sincerely want you to have it. And it's no skin off my back. There’s plenty more where that came from. Go ahead, take it.”

  I knew he sounded haughty and arrogant, flashing his wealth around, as well as the fact that to him, two hundred dollars - the difference between a place for my daughter and I to live or to be tossed out onto the street by my unforgiving landlord - was nothing at all.

  I told myself to hate the arrogant prick who was clearly trying to get into my pants by paying me off. Did he think I was some prostitute?

  But I couldn’t. My panties were too wet; they betrayed me, and my raw lust and insatiable desire for this stranger. And I really did need that damn money.

  Finally, I reached for the money, speechless.

  “Like I said, I’ll be hosting my friends at my house now instead,” he said. “Why don’t I invite you over? We’ll get a ton of food and drinks.”

  “That’s way too generous of you,” I said, knowing
very well that my rent troubles were now behind me. “You’ve already done enough for me.”

  “Please come,” he said, as he turned to the side panel in the car and took a pen and a piece of paper. He scribbled down an address for me. “I’ll be expecting you. See you soon.”

  I stood there for a couple of minutes, letting the feeling of surprise wash over me.

  He drove off after waving to me and I looked at the piece of paper he had just given me. His house, based on its address, was in an affluent part of the most ritzy neighborhood in the city.

  It would be such a crazy idea to go, I told myself.

  But then again, I liked crazy ideas.

  Precisely because they were exciting, and one never knew what would come of them.

  Chapter 4


  The party was rocking.

  The music was just right, and there were plenty of food and drinks going round. All my friends had smiles on their faces and it was nice to interact with them outside the office, for once.

  I never had visitors coming over to my place very frequently, and so on this occasion, I was feeling like a fucking super host. Everybody was happy and everybody was enjoying themselves in an environment that was strictly a bachelor’s.

  As the CEO of Big Electronics, I was an important person but also very busy. I rarely had time to myself and I was constantly in board room meetings that seemed endless. Most of the people attending my small party were fellow board members and as much as they had invited me to their homes in the past, this was the first time that they were visiting me at mine.

  I was hoping to keep business talk to a minimum, but my friends simply could not help themselves from discussing work. At least the party was fun and I was enjoying myself, as well.

  One of my close friends and fellow board members was addressing my other friends and I joined in on the conversation.

  “It’s much better here,” he was saying, as everybody had a glass to their faces. “This is a much better idea than going to that Sammy’s joint.”

  “I’m glad to hear it,” I said, joining in on the drinks.

  “You know, Steve,” said Herbert, another one of the board members, “you haven’t listed an address since you joined the company. It’s a real pleasure to finally see your beautiful home.”

  “The pleasure is all mine,” I said.

  “I found it hilarious that you wanted to celebrate the company’s recent success at that Sammy’s place,” said James.

  It sent everybody else into a fit of laughter.

  “You know,” said May, “you’re a high profile person. You are important wherever you go, Steve. Why do you like Sammy’s so much?”

  I shrugged.

  “They make good wings.”

  There was some more snickering going round. But I didn't care. I really did like the fucking wings.

  “This is much better, Steve,” said Herbert. “This evening is already going quite well.”

  Maybe for them. But my lovely waitress still wasn't here.

  Everybody was in my house to celebrate the recent purchase of a rival company. We were the biggest manufacturers of electronic products in the state, and by buying out the competition, we were putting ourselves in an excellent chance to increase our profits.

  I thought that the company was making a lot of money. Everybody, particularly the board members, were well paid and I found it unfathomable that things could get better. I was proud of the work I had done thus far.

  “If we were at Sammy’s, we couldn’t have a normal conversation,” said Frank, a senior gentleman and the most revered of the board members. “I don’t like talking about the company in public.”

  “I agree,” said James, nodding and taking a sip from his wine glass.

  “And the drinks, too,” said Herbert, staring closely at his wine glass, “I don’t think they serve this exotic brand of merlot at Sammy’s.”

  I nodded.

  As much as I was in a good mood, I still couldn't help but think about that waitress I had given two hundred dollars to earlier. I had invited her over and I was wondering whether she would even make it in the first place.

  It was one of those chance meetings that I knew couldn't happen every day, and I didn't even know her name. I was hoping that my kind gesture would prompt her to make a visit. It would liven everything up for me.

  “Anyway,” said Frank, “it’s a good thing we're here. If we were at Sammy’s, you can bet Steve would be chasing after some girl.”

  Everybody laughed, including me. Frank had a point, because I was usually constantly on the prowl for pussy. Despite the wealth I had managed to acquire in my short life, I had never found the perfect woman to settle down with.

  I was constantly going on multiple dates, getting to know new people and causing trouble for everybody else. However, I thought of myself as a ‘humble player’ because I considered married women to be off limits and always tried to be kind to the women I turned down for future dates.

  That was probably just a line of bullshit I told myself, though.

  “You know,” said James, “everybody in the office talks about you, Steve. Everybody knows you are a player and it has been causing some trouble, particularly with the female staff.”

  I shrugged. “My love for other people should not be criticized.”

  That sent everybody into a fit of more laughter. However, James was right. I knew that there had been some complaints about my behavior, particularly when I met new women. I was constantly trying to bring back women to my house.

  However, I failed to comprehend what was so wrong about it. I didn’t have any steady partners and I always treated every woman I was with like a queen. I doubt there were any women who complained about being in my company.

  “With some scrutiny on you,” said Frank, “don’t you think you should tone down?”

  I shrugged as the rest of my colleagues roared in laughter. Most of them lived a very different life from mine and I understood why this was a topic of conversation.

  James, for instance, was married with three children, and that life plan was something that was the complete opposite of my intentions.

  Both Frank and May had spouses and children, too, while Tim had a steady girlfriend he had been going out with for five years. I just could not find the right person who could tie me down like that, and I didn't really try to. I enjoyed my free-spirited lifestyle.

  “Well,” said May, “if you like Sammy’s for the wings, then you should avoid the actual breastraunts.”

  There was more laughter as I rolled my eyes.

  Recently, May had actually come into my office to discuss my player activities. She told me that the rest of the company was worried that with me at the helm, their reputation might be ruined. However, I didn’t see it that way and I had no intention of changing my current lifestyle just because they were upset.

  And after meeting the sexy waitress who was shamelessly fired from her job, my mind was already going into overdrive. There was something particularly attractive about her: her long, black hair, her thick, sumptuous thighs.

  I even almost understood how the guy who smacked her ass in the restaurant felt tempted to do it, because even I would have had some trouble resisting her if she were my waitress. But not enough temptation to act on it and disrespect her like that.

  I could only imagine what it would be like to have her in bed. She would surely drain all my energy because I would work on her for an entire night. She was exactly my type and I was really hoping that she would show up later on.

  It had been a while since I had seen a woman as beautiful as that waitress. I could not resist giving her my address and now I wanted to make sure that I played my cards right. And I also wanted to avoid too much scrutiny, particularly from my brash friends.

  We continued laughing some more and I soon lost track of time. However, I was constantly staring at the front door, hoping that at any moment that she would show up.

>   I wasn't used to thinking this much about one woman. Usually it was onto the next in my mind and in my activities. But she really fascinated me.

  I told myself it was just because of the way I had met her and the crazy circumstances earlier today.

  It surprised me that everybody else in the restaurant had treated that episode with quiet casualness. She was just doing her job, and when that man smacked her ass, I assumed that even the ladies in the restaurant would have stood up for her.

  But everybody had been minding their own business, much to her dismay. Her dismissal from Sammy’s was perhaps the best thing that could happen for me, though. It gave me an opportunity to actually get into her life and know her a little better.

  I knew very well that none of my friends would approve. In fact, for them, the waitress would just be another woman just like all the others that they were already used to seeing me with.

  I knew they would laugh at me for having another one. But to me, she felt like something special in my mind - different than the string of women I was usually involved with.

  Just as we were settling in to eat in the dining room, there was a loud knock on the door. I surprised everybody by immediately bolting to my feet and hastily making for the door. Everyone else continued eating.

  Sure enough, to my happy surprise, the sexy waitress was standing there in a short, black dress and high heels. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail, and for once, I appreciated just how beautiful her eyes were.

  My heart was beating faster and faster, no doubt pumping more blood to my cock which was getting hard as a rock, as I thought of just how lucky I had become.

  “Hi there! Thank you for coming,” I said, pausing at the front door momentarily.

  The sun had already gone down and there was a slight breeze, and it ruffled her sexy dress and made me hope that it would give me more views of her sexy thighs.

  “Thank you for inviting me,” she said, “I really didn’t want to come. I just had to say thank you for what you did for me. You literally saved my living situation.”


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