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Hot Nights in Savannah (Hot Summer Series)

Page 3

by Sarah Jane Hartgrove

  Brian began rubbing his hand up and down her arm. Stephanie moaned in her sleep and rolled over onto her back. Seeing an opportunity, Brian pulled down the top of her low cut chemise and her breast fell out, beckoning him to taste. He gently placed his hand up under her breast and flexed his thumb up so that it reached her rosy nipple. He moved the pad of his thumb over the tip until it began to harden.

  Stephanie moaned again but it was different. The first was a sleepy moan. The latter moan came from deep in her throat and was sexy as hell. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked at Brian with a sultry smile.

  “Good morning. I hated to wake you but I think they stop serving breakfast at 9:30 and I want to make sure you eat something.” Brian continued to play with her nipple by rubbing the peak between two fingers.

  “Good morning yourself and I’m not thinking of food right now with you doing that.” Stephanie thought that two could play at this game so she reached up to touch his nipple and began rubbing her finger across it.

  Brian sucked in a breath through clenched teeth. “We both need a shower. How about we get cleaned up and be dirty at the same time.” He gave her that sexy smile and got up out of bed. She followed him into the bathroom just as he turned on the water to the shower. He quickly took off his boxers and his dick was gloriously hard. Brian made the short distance to her and leaned down to give her a deep kiss. He grabbed the bottom of her chemise and pulled it up against her skin. Stopping at her rounded ass, he caressed her bottom then moved the fabric up her lower back.

  “Turn around,” Brian said in a husky voice.

  Stephanie did as she was told. As she slowly turned, he finished pulling the silken chemise up over her head.

  “You are full of surprises aren’t you?” He said into her ear.

  She knew what he was referring to since his fingers were tracing the black lines. Her tattoo on her lower back. She decided to get it about 2 months after her final breakup with Jeffery. It was something for herself. She even designed it. A tribal with feminine lines and in the center was a yellow and orange star.

  She sent him a shy smile over her shoulder. Brian stripped off his boxers and they both stepped into the steamy hot shower.

  Chapter 11

  Brian and Stephanie made their way downstairs to the dining area. She could smell waffles, bacon, eggs, and coffee. She desperately needed a cup of coffee. Her stomach growled loudly.

  “Are you hungry?” Brian asked with a chuckle.

  “I didn’t realize I was until I smelled the food.” Stephanie inhaled the wonderful aroma.

  “Well, we did work up an appetite” he said as he gave her that crooked smile.

  Walking into the dining area, they were greeted by a pair of eyes from an older couple and another man that was reading the local paper alone. Mary Alice came around the corner carrying a coffee pot and stopped to look and the two of them. Stephanie continued her gait until she got to the far end of the long table to have a seat. She was a grown woman but felt like she was doing the walk of shame.

  “There is nothing I need to be ashamed of” Stephanie repeated to herself over and over.

  “Well isn’t this a nice surprise!” Mary Alice said to Brian.

  Brian walked over and gave the older woman a gentle hug. “It has been a long time.”

  When he made his way to a seat beside Stephanie, Mary Alice came over to offer some coffee. Stephanie immediately turned up her coffee cup for her to fill. “Everything smells wonderful.”

  “Thank you. I’ll bring you two a plate in a little bit.” Mary Alice looked at both of them and a knowing smile brightened her face.

  “Would either of you like some fresh orange juice?”

  “I’ll take a glass please,” Brian said as he watched Stephanie add 3 spoons of sugar and a generous portion of creamer.

  “No thanks, I’m just drinking coffee.” Stephanie said as she stirred her hot java with a spoon.

  “Are you one of those coffee addicts?” Brian chuckled.

  “I wouldn’t call myself an addict. I just love drinking coffee.” She sipped carefully and it was just right.

  When their food came a short time later, Stephanie didn’t want to pig out in front of him but she was starving. She ate everything on her plate and had 2 cups of coffee with it.

  “Were you hungry?” Brian asked as he finished off the last of his French toast.

  “I guess I was,” she said, wiping her mouth with a napkin.

  “We worked up quiet an appetite last night and this morning, didn’t we?” Brian said into her ear so the few people in the room wouldn’t hear.

  Her cheeks flushed pink as she thought about the shower they had this morning. He had gotten down on his knees and did amazing things to her pussy with his long tongue while water cascaded down over her.

  She had to stop thinking about them in front of people; sure they could see her thoughts by her body language and facial expressions.

  “Do you have any plans today” Stephanie asked hesitantly.

  “Well,” Brian began as he took out his phone.

  “Damn” he said under his breath. He looked up at her. “I was supposed to meet my buddy and help him with rebuilding his deck. I’m already an hour late. Brian had 3 missed texts from Aaron.

  As he texted Aaron back and finished his breakfast, Stephanie sat and wondered what she should be feeling right now. If she was honest with herself, she would say she felt disappointment that she might not see him today or tomorrow. She was leaving tomorrow so this weekend was it for them.

  Brian leaned over and kissed her softly on her cheek. “Can I get your number? If you don’t have any plans this afternoon I’d like to spend the day with you at the beach?”

  That changed Stephanie’s mood quickly. “Are you sure? I don’t expect you to change any plans you already had because of me.” Surely this gorgeous man can’t be free on a Saturday night.

  “I’ll be finished at Aaron’s in a few hours and after that I’m wide open,” he said with that sexy smile crossing his face.

  “Ok. I was planning on doing a little shopping and sightseeing,” Stephanie said with her insides doing double flips. She softly gave him her number as he added it in his phone.

  “Do me a favor? Don’t go sightseeing without me. I can show you more things and tell you all the history you want to know about Savannah.” Brian had a look of excitement in his eyes. “If you like, we can do that this evening and eat dinner somewhere.”

  “I like the sound of that,” Stephanie said with a smile on her lips.

  Chapter 12

  Brian left and hopped on a shuttle that would take him within 4 blocks of Aaron’s house. He rode the short ride in a car full of tourists and got off at his stop. From there he walked to Aaron’s historical home that was passed down to him by a great aunt. It wasn’t as big as the houses on Bay Street but it was a nice size for his growing family. The only problem was that it needed a lot of work. Aaron and Brian had done most of the renovations themselves. Now that most of the inside was complete, they were working on the outside.

  “You are a sorry sack of shit!” Aaron yelled as Brian came up into the backyard from a side door in the gate that surrounded the lot. “Where in the hell have you been?”

  “I told you on the phone I was sorry. I’m here now. What else do you want me to say?” Brian picked up a hammer and squatted down beside Aaron to start hammering nails into the new decking boards.

  “I know man. I’ve just been busy here and at the station so I feel stretched thin.” Aaron got up to get another board to place down on the deck.

  They worked in silence for about 30 minutes and got the flooring down. Kara brought out some iced tea for both of them.

  “Congrats Kara. Aaron told me you were having another boy.” Brian said as he looked up at her from where he was sitting.

  “I’m seriously outnumbered now,” Kara said as she rubbed her rounded belly.

  “Yeah and Aaron now has a small
baseball team,” Brian laughed.

  Kara turned and went back inside when she heard two little voices fighting over something.

  “I tried to call you at home this morning and didn’t get an answer.” Aaron said in between drinks of tea.

  “I stayed with someone else last night,” Brian explained as he wiped the condensation off his glass.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever known you to spend the night with another woman. I’m assuming it was with a woman?”

  “You assume correctly and it was a first for me.” Brian leaned his head back against the house. He began thinking about Stephanie and her beautiful face.

  “So is she someone I know?” Aaron asked.

  “No, you don’t know her but you’ve seen her. Do you remember the woman you were giving me a hard time about yesterday? The one you said I let get away from the beach?” Brian quizzed.

  “No way!” Aaron had a look of disbelief on his face.

  “Her shoe got stuck in that stupid grate in front of the station. I went out to help her and then we went out for drinks.” Brian smiled a little when he thought about her tattoo on her back.

  “When is she leaving?” Aaron began to rise and make his way down the steps to the lawn.

  Brian followed. “She’s leaving tomorrow. We’re going out again later today.”

  “I’ve never known you to go out with the same woman two nights in a row. Maybe two weekends in a row but this is a first.” Aaron took a long level and placed it on the floor of the new deck to make sure it was even.

  “She’s just different from anyone I’ve ever met. She’s got a great personality, she’s smart, and I’ll leave the other wonderful things about her to your imagination.” Brian laughed.

  After they had finished, Brian went back to his 2 bedroom apartment and took a shower. He would call Stephanie after he grabbed a bite to eat.

  Chapter 13

  Stephanie made her way into her third store along a beautiful Oak lined street. All the Oak Trees were draped in southern moss that hung down like dreary arms. She had bought a brightly colored dress in the first store she visited. Now she was looking for some shoes to match the bold print colors.

  She couldn’t help but think of Brian as she browsed the clothes on the racks and the lingerie on display shelves. She found the shoes she was looking for and also picked up a teddy that was black lace with hot pink ribbon threaded along the bottom. It came with a thong that was black with a thin hot pink ribbon along the top waistband.

  Never had a man made her feel the way she felt last night and this morning. Even her ‘new relationship’ phase with Jeffery was never this passionate, this amazing. Brian was so attentive to her every needs. And most importantly, he seemed to accept her for who she was, not someone he wanted her to be.

  Making her way to a nearby deli, Stephanie ordered a chicken salad on pita bread with water and took her lunch outside to the outdoor seating. She began eating her lunch and watching the people pass by. She loved watching people. It was fun to try and guess what someone was doing just based off their body language.

  Just as she was finishing her lunch, her iPhone rang. It was Brian. She couldn’t remember the last time she was this excited about a phone call.

  “Hello” she answered.

  “Hi. This is Brian. How was your day of shopping?”

  “Fine. I picked up a few things. I’m finishing lunch now.” She rose and threw her trash away.

  “I just ate too. What do think about dressing for the beach and I pick you up in an hour?”

  “Ok. I’ll see you then,” Stephanie hung up the phone and strolled down the street. She was really looking forward to spending the day at the beach with Brian but she was even more excited about having him take her on her own personal tour of the city. It was very romantic.

  Chapter 14

  Brian pulled up at the West Bay Bed and Breakfast and walked up the steps. He opened the main front door and walked through the lobby area. Sitting in a corner nook reading a book was Stephanie. He was sure that she didn’t know he was standing there so he took the opportunity to watch her in her comfort zone. She obviously loved the little library nook that Mary Alice had him build. Brian installed the shelves and new lighting. Never would he have guess back then that this woman of his most recent constant thoughts would be sitting there.

  She seemed to have sensed someone watching her because she slightly lowered her book and looked up. When their eyes met, she smiled and her face brightened like the sun. She placed the book back on the shelf and stood up. Brain approached her and leaned in to kiss her softly on her cheek.

  “Do you like this little nook?” Brian asked as he smelled the fresh Jasmine fragrance of her hair.

  “I do. It’s one of my favorite places here,” she said as she wrapped her arms around his waist.

  “Really? Your favorite place? And I thought last night and this morning was amazing,” he appeared to look wounded.

  Stephanie laughed and blushed at the same time. “I said one of my favorites. This is number three in my top five.”

  “We’ll talk about your top five favorite places at the beach. Let’s go before I take you upstairs and we don’t leave at all,” Brain said as he winked at her.

  He led her out the door onto the veranda and down the steps. Brain placed his hand on the small of her back and she immediately leaned into his touch. He couldn’t help but think of that little sexy tattoo that was under the palm of his hand, beneath her thin tunic that was covering her bikini. He knew from the way she moaned in the shower that morning when he was tracing his tongue over her tattoo lines that she was turned on. Her lower back was a hot spot.

  Opening her door on the passenger side of his Dodge Challenger, Brain stepped aside to let her by. Stephanie stooped down to sit in the passenger bucket seat and swung her legs into the car. She placed her beach bag between her feet and waited while Brian sat down beside her behind the wheel.

  “You ready to go?” Brian asked as he put his key in the ignition and started the engine.

  “I’ve been ready since you suggested going this morning.” Stephanie was so anxious to be with him on the beach. There was something sexy about it that had her wet already.

  They arrived at Tybee Island and parked in a public parking lot. Brian carried her beach bag and had two lounge chairs over his shoulders.

  “I can help carry something you know” Stephanie said as they made their way to a spot that was vacant and not a lot of people were close by.

  “It’s fine. I lift and carry things much heavier. Besides, I guess I’m kind of old fashion in that the man should carry everything, open doors, and dote on women.

  “Well with your good looks and wonderful gentleman charm, how are you still single? Stephanie stopped at the spot they had silently agreed on and grabbed her towel.

  “I guess I haven’t met the right girl,” Brian quickly set down the lounge chairs and folded them out.

  Stephanie was pulling her long brunette hair into a ponytail and attaching it with a hair tie. She could tell that this was a touchy subject with him so she dropped it, although it had her interested as to why it bothered him.

  “Do you want to take a swim first or sit in the sun?” Brian was trying to appear relaxed. He felt a little put on the spot with her question, even though he knew it would eventually come up if they spent any length of time together. He didn’t blame her for asking, he just didn’t like explaining something he didn’t understand himself.

  “I’d like to swim a little but I need to put some sunblock on.” Stephanie bent over and got her lotion bottle out from her bag. She uncapped the lid and squirted some on her left arm. Placing the bottle on her chair, she began rubbing the creamy white lotion into her already tanned skin. She didn’t need getting burnt.

  “I can help if you like,” Brian said with a mischievous look in his eyes and bent down to get the lotion bottle.

  Stephanie finished her arm and turned slightly so h
e could put lotion on her right arm.

  With his hands slick with white cream, he began massaging it into her right arm. Brian began at her bare shoulders and slowly worked his way down to her elbow. He bent her arm slightly and massaged in circular motion around her elbow then moving down her lower arm. When he reached her hand, his magical fingers worked the wonderful pressure points of her palm. He took each finger and extended out, working his fingers all the way to the tips. The entire time he was doing this, his smoldering eyes were taking her in. She was almost withering under his touch and sexy gaze. If doing this to just her arm almost had her undone, she was probably going to embarrass herself if he moved to more sensitive areas of her body.

  “If you turn around I’ll do your back but I’ll have to stop there. I don’t think I could rub this stuff on your stomach or legs and not completely shame us both.” Brian said with a bit of sexual undercurrent in his voice.

  Stephanie felt that she would come undone if he gave her back, especially her lower back, the same attention as he did her arm.

  Stephanie laughed nervously and looked around. “I love this beach but it’s really not a place to show off what we did earlier.” She spied a few kids running and chasing seagulls.

  “Too bad” Brian whispered into her ear. He put more lotion on his hands and rubbed them together to get the lotion warm. He began at her shoulders, massaging them much the same way he did her upper arms. His thumbs rubbed along her shoulder blades as his fingers gently and firmly applied pressure to the top of her shoulders. Stephanie felt like her knees would give out from under her as he worked his way down.

  “I would love to lie down as you’re doing this. It feels so nice.” Stephanie’s eyes were beginning to become a little heavy, even while she was standing.

  “Baby,” Brian said as he pressed his body up behind her. “If you lie down and I rub your back, you and I both know that I’ll fuck you right here on this beach.” He made that point known with his hard shaft rubbing up between her ass cheeks.


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