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Trust in Us (Forbidden Love Book 1)

Page 18

by S. M. Harshell

  “You having regrets?”

  I push myself up to my elbow and look at his face. “What? No. Are you?”

  He plays with my hair. “No, J. I’ve wanted this for a long time. You know once will never be enough, right?”

  After everything, I definitely know once will never be enough. There is no getting Cole Masters out from under my skin. If anything, I’ve only made that need stronger. I lay my head back on his chest. “Yeah, I know.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  Walking out of Cole’s house last night was one of the hardest things I’ve had to do in my life. He’d asked me to stay. I wanted to, but I didn’t want to be that girl. You know, the one who suddenly becomes needy and wears out her welcome. I am not that girl. No, I was the girl who was in my lonely, cold bed last night, kicking my own ass for not staying in Cole’s arms.

  I turn into my father’s driveway, a dreadful feeling in my stomach. I feel like a teenager who got caught stealing the car, wrecked it, and now her dad’s waiting at home to punish her. I was never that kid growing up. I did what was expected. I never knew this feeling before and I hate it. I hate that Pop is this mad at me. I know what I did was wrong, I should have said something sooner, but I was trying to protect him the only way I knew how.

  I park and stare at the front door, not knowing what to expect. Time to pull up the big girl panties. Taking a deep breath, I walk up to the front door and open it, seeing Pop and Todd sitting at the dining room table, papers spread in front of them. They both look over at me. It is clear Pop isn’t any less mad than he was yesterday.

  “Morning,” I say, walking into the dining room. I set my purse and keys on the table, looking between them. I can see the papers are invoices as Todd starts gathering them into a pile.

  “Morning, J,” my father says tensely. “Coffee is in the pot.” He nods his head at the full pot on the counter. I head to get myself a cup when there is a knock on the door. “Come in!”

  I watch Cole walk into the house, shutting the door behind him. Even with everything going on, I can’t help admiring the view and thinking about last night. “Morning, Darren, Todd.”

  “Get some coffee and let’s get this shit over with,” Pop says. “Todd, we will finish this conversation later.” He nods to the stack of invoices.

  When Cole joins me in the kitchen, I don’t know how to act, what to say. “Morning.” It’s all I come up with.

  Smooth, J.

  “Morning, J,” he says. “Can you get me the milk, please?” he asks, even though he’s not that far from the fridge. I open the door, only to be assaulted by his lips once the door blocks us from my dad’s view. “My bed was cold without you. I wish you would have stayed.”

  “Mine was cold, too,” I say, winking at him. I turn and shut the door, stopping any further conversation.

  When we finish getting our coffees, we sit across from Pop and Todd. Pop wastes no time, looking at Cole and me, an angry scowl on his face. “Let’s lay it all on the line. Tell me what the fuck you two have been keeping from me.”

  Hours go by as Cole and I take turns explaining what happened. The attack at the shop, the involvement of the DiMarcos and Justin, why we don’t think Pop’s accident was an accident, the evidence Cole found of tampering on the bike and the tracking device on my Jeep. Cole let him know about Asher and how he is looking into things.

  Pop listened without asking many questions. Once done, we sit looking at Pop while he stares into his empty coffee cup. I expect the worst, expect him to ask me to leave his house yet again.

  “Cole, you say this friend, Asher, is a detective, right? He can look into all this shit without raising suspicion?”

  “Yeah. He has an informant on the inside of DiMarco’s organization. From what he’s told me, they are looking into them for drug trafficking. He’s keeping anything the CI says to himself for the time being. He assured me J is safe right now and said we should proceed with business, as usual.”

  “I want a sit down with him. You can make that happen, right?” he says, looking at Cole.

  “Just tell me when. Darren, you need to know my intent wasn’t to keep any of this from you. Whether or not I helped, J was going to deal with this shit on her own. I couldn’t let that happen. Did it go bad? Absolutely, but I am man enough to know I fucked up. I… We should have come to you right away. For that, I apologize, but keeping J safe is my first priority.”

  When he finishes and sits back, he looks at me, rubbing my leg under the table. I can’t believe what he just said. I look at Pop, who’s looking back and forth between us. I can’t tell what he’s thinking. I glance and Todd and see him smiling behind his coffee cup as he takes a drink. I have to say something. I can’t stand this awkward silence.

  “Pop, you need to know how sorry I am. I never meant for any of this to happen.” Looking down, I know what I need to say, but it’s hard to admit. “I’m sorry for bringing this to our doorstep. I did that. If I would have listened to you, to anyone, we wouldn’t be in this position.”

  “J, as pissed as I am, it’s not your fault. Justin is a fucking scumbag. I knew that from the beginning, but to find out he was using you… One way or another, he will pay. I promise you that.” He gets up and hobbles to the sink, dumping out the cold coffee in his cup. “Todd, keep your eyes open at the shop. I’m sorry you’re in the middle of this shit now. Anything looks shady, call me. Understand?”

  “Yeah, Darren. I got it. Now that I know what we are up against, I’ll do what needs to be done to keep the family safe. My eyes and ears will be open.”

  Pop’s eyes meet mine. “J-bird, I love you more than anything, but I am so pissed at you for keeping all this from me. I’ll get over it, but it’s going to take some time. For years, people have said you are the female version of me, that you get all your stubbornness from me. I always said I never saw it, but goddamn. This sounds exactly like something I would have done. Family first and all that. I get it. I treat those boys at the shop like they are my own, but you are all I have. You come before all the rest.”

  I wipe the tears from my eyes and walk over to Pop in the kitchen. He wraps me in a tight hug. “I love you,” I whisper.

  “Me, too, J-bird. We’ll be fine.”

  The door opens, startling me. Nan walks in juggling a paper box, her purse, and her travel mug. Cole jumps up and helps her get in without spilling anything.

  “Oh… Thanks, Cole. Darren, am I too early?” she asks when she sees us.

  “Not at all. We’re done, Nan. Cole, get me that meeting with your friend as soon as possible. You two can get out of here. I got some shit to go over with Todd and Nancy. I’ll be at the shop this week—”

  “But, Pop, the doctor said at least another ten to fourteen days. You aren’t ready to—”

  “Fuck the doctors. I will be there this week. How healed do I need to be to sit at a fucking desk? There is too much shit going on for me to sit on the fucking couch.”

  Cole brings his cup to the sink and pats Pop’s shoulder. “I’ll call you later today with the information.”

  When we walk to the driveway, I lean against my Jeep. It may only be after one thirty, but I am exhausted, mentally and emotionally. Cole walks up to me. “That wasn’t as bad as it could have been,” he says, rubbing my shoulders.

  “It was horrible, Cole. I hate this.”

  He wraps his arms around me, pulling me to his chest, kissing the top of my head. My arms find their way around his waist.

  “We did what you thought was best at the time. Everything is out there now. All we can do is hope Asher will have some information. I’ll call and get that meeting set up.”

  Chapter Thirty


  J decides to go to the shop and get some work done. She says she wants to be alone, so I head home to make calls. I hate the idea of her being there alone, but she assures me she’ll be fine and will lock the doors. I need to call Asher to set up Darren’s meeting, the
n call Belle to make sure her hangover is in full effect.

  Before I am able to make either call, my phone starts vibrating in my hand. Asher. I answer. “Hey, man.”

  “I got something for you. My CI seems to think he knows who the thief is. I am meeting him in twenty to get the information.”

  “What? I was just going to call to let you know Darren wants a meeting.”

  “I can meet you and Darren in an hour. Where?”

  “With him still recovering, just meet us at his house. I’ll text you his address.”

  “Will do.” I hear the click as Asher hangs up. For weeks, I’ve tried to figure out who is taking money from Darren, but I just can’t see any of these guys ripping him off. Whoever it is, Darren is going to flip.


  Pulling into Darren’s driveway, I check my phone again. I had texted J after I got off the phone with Darren, letting her know I was headed back to his house to meet with Asher. I’m surprised she hasn’t texted back or shown up. I know this isn’t something she wants to miss.

  When Darren opens the door, he looks around me. “Where’s, J?”

  “Probably still at the shop. I texted her, but didn’t get a response.”

  He leads me back into the dining room and we sit. “We have a few minutes before Asher gets here. So… What is the deal with you and J?” Darren’s always so quick to the point.

  My heart starts to pound in my chest. I don’t know why, but I never expected this conversation. I know J was supposed to be off limits. I broke that rule. Damn, I hope I can find another job I love as much as this one. As soon as I fess up to whatever is between us, I know I’m out.

  “I honestly don’t know. It’s still very new.”

  “New? Really? You think I’m fucking blind? I know whatever is going on between you has been going on for some time. Are you in love with my daughter?”

  “Am I in love with her?” Darren doesn’t mess around. I start breathing heavier, wiping my hands on my jeans. “I have feelings for her, if that’s what you are asking. Am I in love with her? I could see myself loving her, but after everything we’ve both been through, I don’t want to scare her—”

  Something hits the floor and I turn, seeing J standing in the doorway.

  “You could love me?” she whispers.

  I jump up and walk over to stand in front of her. “J… Darren wanted to know what was going on between us. I told him the truth. I could see a future with you.”

  Unmoving, she says again, “You could love me? Cole, I don’t know if I’m ready for you to love me. You don’t even fucking know me.”

  “Unfortunately, you don’t get to decide when I love you.” I pull her chin up until our eyes meet. “I didn’t say I loved you. I said I could see myself loving you. Even though you’re a pain in the ass, you grow on people. For now, we’ll just enjoy the hell out of each other. And don’t tell me I don’t fucking know you. I know exactly who you are. I see you, J. I know you care more about your family than anything in this world. I know you play with your hair when you get nervous. I know you drive me crazy on a daily basis. Are you good with us just seeing where this goes?”

  She smiles, her eyes twinkling. “Yeah, I’m good with that.” She slides her hand up my chest. I bend so my lips can meet hers.

  I hear a growl behind us. “The fuck? Just because I know there’s something between you doesn’t mean I want to see it.”

  “Pop, we were content to keep it from you, but you can’t ask someone if he’s in love with your daughter? Who does that?”

  “I do. I have every right to find out what Cole’s intentions are with you.” Laughing, Darren walks over and puts his hand around the back of my neck, giving it a squeeze. “I’m telling you right now. You hurt her in any way, you’re a dead man. I didn’t step in with Justin and look where it got us. Cole, I know you’re a good guy, but I’m her father. You get me?”


  “I’ve never seen Cole cower in front of somebody.”

  I turn and see Asher standing behind J, smiling.


  “I could still kick your ass. Darren, this is Asher Thompson. Asher, Darren Zona.”

  “Pleasure,” Darren says, shaking his hand. “Let’s sit. Cole says you have some information for me.

  “I do. I met with my CI about forty-five minutes ago. He gave me some information we are looking into. What I can tell you is there’s someone on the inside of your shop that has ties to the DiMarcos.”


  “I’m not giving you that information just yet. I need to check a few things first. I want to know how deep this goes and see if there are others involved. What I can tell you is that it started as a simple loan. When the payments became too much, the person went looking for an easy way to make money. That led him to the DiMarcos. I don’t think he knew he’d get in this deep. We’re looking into his financials now.”

  “I want to know who’s stealing from me and putting my family in danger.”

  “I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you that just yet. I’ll not be responsible for you going off half-cocked. However, I will let you know when we are ready to act.”

  “This is bullshit. I call this meeting to find out what is going on in my shop and you have the nerve to come into my home and give me the runaround.”

  Standing, Asher looks at Darren. “Sir, I apologize if you think I’m giving you the runaround. I’m giving you the only information I can that won’t jeopardize my operation. I will give you the heads-up when we are ready to take him down. I hope we have enough to include the DiMarcos and Justin. That’s the main goal. We’re not just after some small-time thief here. I know you don’t want to hear this, but getting this guy isn’t my top priority. DiMarco is the big fish. I need the smaller fish first before I have enough on the DiMarco brothers. Like I said, I’m here out of friendship for Cole. I don’t want to see anyone else get hurt. Just know that all your employees aren’t on the up and up. Be careful. Go on as normal right now. Don’t change anything. I don’t want them to suspect we are on to them. Also, don’t share any of this information outside of these walls. You never know who else is involved.”

  Asher puts out his hand for me to shake. “Cole, we’ll talk later. I really am sorry I can’t say more right now.” He leans down and kisses J’s cheek. “Keep this guy in line.” He walks to the door, opening it before turning around. “Darren, it was nice meeting you. I will be in touch.” He closes the door behind him.

  Darren slams his fist on the top of the table. “Fuck. That didn’t help me at all. My suspicions are confirmed, but I still have no idea who the hell is stealing from me.”

  “Pop, we’ll know soon. You heard Asher. He’s getting everything together. We just need to be patient.”

  “Yeah, the one thing I am not.” He rubs his hands up his face, fingers pushing through his hair. “Go on as normal, he says. Sounds easy, right? What a joke.” He blows out a breath. “J, set up dinner for tomorrow. Let’s have a special Sunday dinner. Maybe this motherfucker will give himself away.”

  “What am I supposed to say is the reason for the dinner? We never do Sundays.” She thinks for a minute. “I guess we use it as a celebratory dinner for you coming back to work or something.”

  “Whatever you need to do.”

  “I’ll send out a mass text.” She runs her hand over my shoulders as she passes.

  “I should know never to interfere with a relationship. A long time ago, my mother-in-law thought I wasn’t good enough for her daughter. After all, I was just a mechanic. She did everything in her power to make our relationship fail. I thought J’s mom would pick her family over me. I am happy as hell she didn’t and I had the time I did with her. After she died, my mother-in-law blamed me. Said I was the reason she got cancer. Who says that to a grieving husband? That was the last time J ever saw her grandparents. If I wasn’t good enough for them, neither was my daughter. Just know, Cole, I won’t interfere again.” />
  “Darren, I’m sorry Asher didn’t give you the information you wanted. I know he’s walking a fine line with this. He shouldn’t even be telling us what he did. I hate to see him putting his job on the line like that, but I know you want that information.”

  “Don’t worry. I have faith he’ll get what he needs. I just hope it’s soon.”

  J walks back in. “We’re all set up. I got a response from everyone. They will all be here at three thirty tomorrow. I’d better get to the store because your fridge is pretty bare, Pop. I’ll be here early to clean. I’ll just bring all the groceries with me then.”


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