Trust in Us (Forbidden Love Book 1)

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Trust in Us (Forbidden Love Book 1) Page 21

by S. M. Harshell

  I hear the distant sound of my phone ringing, but I have no idea where I left it. Assuming it’s Cole, I look through the living room. I find my phone sitting on the kitchen counter and see it’s Jules. She always knows when I need to talk. I swipe the screen to answer just as I hear a knock on the door.

  “Hey, Jules. Hang on. There is someone at the door.”


  I open the door. The sudden sharp pain to my head makes me drop the phone and I am suddenly picked up, causing me to kick my legs. I panic, screaming and kicking as I try wiggling out of the tight grasp.

  A hand covers my mouth. “If you know what is good for you, you’ll shut the fuck up.”

  I open my mouth to scream, knowing no one will hear me. I heard my phone shatter when it hit the floor, and I live in a corner apartment with no neighbor. I’m on my own. Instead of screaming, I bite down on the inside of his hand. He drops me to the floor. I hit with a thud. He bends and grabs my leg, pulling me back toward him, but I kick at him with my other leg.

  “You bitch.” He kicks me in the ribs. The pain is enough to make me gasp for air, holding my side. I still try to get away from him, but at a much slower pace. He stands over me. “Not so tough now, are you?”

  “What do you want from me?”

  “I need you to beg me. Beg me to let you go.”

  “Please, don’t hurt me. I’ll do whatever you want.” The tears I have been trying so hard to stop finally run down my cheeks. “Please.”

  “Oh, you’re going to be a fun one,” he says, reaching down for me. I scramble back, ignoring the pain in my side. I kick out one more time, hoping to connect with something vital. Instead, I’m met with air. “Kick me, bitch. I dare you. Let’s go.” He leans down and grabs my hair, pulling me up to a sitting position. I can’t let him take me somewhere else. If he gets me out that door, I’m on my own. No one will find me.

  I scream and kick, swinging my arms. One of my kicks must have hit his junk because he doubles over. I take the opportunity to scramble to my feet and try to make it to the door.

  I’m not fast enough to get completely out of his grasp. He pulls my hair, making me stop. “I don’t fucking think so.” He pulls his free hand back, landing a punch on the side of my head. I’m stunned, falling to the floor. My vision blurry, I watch his boot come toward me, landing on my side. The crack of at least one rib is the only sound I hear when my eyes close. The painless, blissful darkness engulfs me.


  The pain in my stomach wakes me. It’s a constant dull ache that won’t go away, regardless of what position I put myself in. The more awake I become, the more I realize everything hurts, especially my head. It feels like someone tried to split it in two. I try to raise my arm to touch my head, but I can’t move my arm. What the hell? I pull repeatedly with no success. I hear a scrapping against the floor with every moment. I can pull myself into a seated position, but that’s it. It feels like I’m on a mattress.

  My eyes fly open, but I can’t see much. I don’t remember being anywhere this dark before. There is absolutely no light. I keep struggling to move, but each tug or pull has my body screaming out in pain. Breathing is hard, and I’m exhausted. I need to figure out how I ended up here.

  Think, J.

  The last thing I remember is walking into my kitchen looking for my phone, then the guy in my apartment. I have no idea where I am or how the hell I will ever get out of this.

  It feels like hours pass. There is no sound. The quiet is almost overwhelming.

  A banging sound has me jumping. I must have dozed off. I scramble to sit up, shielding my eyes from the blinding light the open door lets in. With the light behind him, I can’t make out any features. All I see is a shadow of a man. A big man.

  “Help me,” I beg.

  He laughs. “Help you? Cunt, you’re just collateral damage. Darren wanted a fight. We brought an army.”


  “You have no idea how hard I get with you begging.” He adjusts himself.

  I gag, thinking about him touching me. He closes the door behind him, then pulls on a string hanging from the ceiling, turning on a single bulb in the middle of the room, making me squint. When my eyes finally adjust, I see I am in a small shed. There is nothing but a mattress on the floor, a metal eye hook to the right of it with the chain connected to my wrist by a metal band, and a bucket in the corner.

  “I have to pee,” I say, wiping the tears from my face.

  He turns and points to the bucket. “Piss in that.”

  “You want me to piss in a bucket?”

  “You either piss in the bucket or get your nose rubbed in it like the bitch you are.” Laughing at the joke he made, he crosses his arms and leans against the wall. “You going to go?”

  “With you standing there?”

  “Where do you want me to go? Yes, with me standing here. Let me see that pretty cunt Justin told me about. I’ve stroked off to his stories of it. He says you are a feisty one. I like my girls to put up a fight. That fight you put up in the kitchen… Shit, you had my dick so hard.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “Oh, cupcake. It’s funny how you think you hold the power here.”

  He walks over and grabs my arm, pulling me up to a standing position and dragging me over to the bucket. While holding my bicep with one hand, he uses the other to yank at my jeans to pull them down.

  I start to scream and kick. The hand on my bicep tightens, his fingers digging into my flesh. “Keep fighting,” he says in a husky voice.

  Oh god. He’s getting excited.

  I can feel him harden against my hip. I know I need to calm down, but I can’t. I’m shaking, my heart’s racing. When he has my jeans unbuttoned and pulled down past my knees, I stop kicking. It’s only making me lose my footing and lean on him anyway. Holding onto my hair, he pushes me toward the bucket. I fall into the wall, then hover over it. I hate that he wins, that he has the control.

  He throws a roll of toilet paper at me. “Clean up and get back on the mattress. We need to talk.”

  I do as he says.

  When I am back on the mattress, I pull my knees up and wrap my arms around them. I’m not sure if I’m trying to hide myself or stop the shakes that are flowing through my body.

  He leans against the wall, watching me, licking his lips. The way he looks me over has my stomach turning.

  “What do you want from me? Why are you doing this?”

  “What do I want with you? Oh, sweet J, there are so many ways to answer that question. I want to make you scream, beg, and bleed, but that’s beside the point. I am doing this because I was told to.” He crosses his arms. “Justin made some big promises to the wrong people. He’s not holding up his end of the deal.”

  “What does that have to do with me? I haven’t been with him for a while. Any deal he made should have nothing to do with me.”

  “See, that’s where you are wrong. This deal was made years ago when Justin trusted the wrong person. He got greedy. He started pocketing cash and product. When you work for the DiMarcos, whether directly or indirectly, you don’t steal from the boss…ever. Justin thinks taking you will—”

  The door flies open, sunlight pouring into the small space. I shield my eyes.

  “That’s enough. She doesn’t need to know anything more. I know Darren will pay for his precious daughter. She is the only thing that means a damn thing to that man.”


  “Why are you doing this, Justin? I’ve moved on.”

  “J, you think I was involved with you for you?” He laughs. “The pussy was good, but not that good. I only stuck around because I figured out not everyone was so loyal to your old man. Not everyone thought he walked on water.” He walks over to the man leaning on the wall. “Get out. J and I have some…unfinished business.”

  He nods, winks, and blows me a kiss before closing the door behind him, locking me in with Justin.

  He stands for a long time just
staring at me before he walks over and crouches down until we are eye to eye. “It’s a good thing you have such a tight relationship with dear old daddy. I know Darren will pay whatever is asked of him. I need the money back that Mark took. I would have gone after that piece of shit, but he skipped town. I tossed his house and looked for anything I could, but it looks like he knew I was coming. They packed some bags and left everything else. He left so fast, dinner was still sitting on the fucking stove.” His hand cups my chin to make sure I look into his eyes. “If this goes south, you’ll die before I will.” He tosses my head back into the wall with a thud.

  The pain is immediate and sharp. I see stars swimming in my vision and know, without a doubt, Justin will kill me before any of the DiMarcos kill him.

  I rub my head and wipe my eyes of the tears threatening to fall. “Why didn’t you just come to us? I could have asked Pop to help you.”

  He starts pacing the room. “Help me? You would have thrown that bitch attitude in my face and shut the door on me. Don’t worry. He’ll pay now.”

  “What about your kids? How can you do this to them?”

  He turns and is on me within seconds. He grips my chin, pulling my legs out so I am lying on my back with him straddled over me. “Don’t talk about things you know nothing about. I take care of what’s mine.”

  “You took such good care of them, I didn’t even know they existed the entire time we were together.”

  My head snaps to the left when his hand makes contact with my cheek. “You knew what I wanted you to know.” I try to fight back, but he’s kneeling on the chain, giving me limited mobility. “You want to show what a tough girl you are?” The punch has my brain spinning, darkness threatening to take over. “Fight me, bitch. Let me make this clear to you. You can fight all you want, but I will win. I will get the money from Darren to pay off DiMarco. If you die in the process, so fucking what.”

  “Fuck you, you piece of shit. They will find you and kill you.” In my head, I’m yelling, but it comes out as a whisper. I push my hip up to try and move him from on top of me.

  “Who is going to find me? Daddy and your new toy? I have them covered. Don’t you worry, princess. Until Daddy gets me my money, you and I are going to have a little fun.”

  I never saw the punch coming. I remember the pain radiating through my cheek, then nothing.

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  “What do you fucking mean Justin has her?” I pace in front of Darren’s dining room table, staring daggers at the man leaning on the kitchen island.

  “I got a message about twenty minutes ago. Justin took her and wants money to get her back,” Darren says from the kitchen.

  “Where is he keeping her? We need to get there. He will never let J go alive.”

  I pull my phone out and dial her number. I instantly get her voicemail.

  “Leave me a message.”

  “Goddammit. Her phone is turned off. What’s her iPhone login information?”

  “How the fuck do I know that?” He straightens and walks into the dining room, stopping in front of me.

  “Fuck. I could track her phone with it. I’m calling Asher. He can get more information than I can.”

  “I already called. He’s on his way now. I need answers, and someone is going to pay,” Darren growls.

  “How much does he want?” I pull the bandana off my forehead and rub my head.

  “150K. He said he knew I would pay it to get J back.”

  Without knocking, Asher opens the door, phone to his ear. “Get me everything you have. Drew is waiting for the fax at the office.” Hanging up, he stops in the kitchen, putting his hands on the island. “Here’s what I know. We are doing property searches for Justin and any of the thugs on DiMarco’s payroll. They have turned up about thirty-five properties. We are trying to weed them out, but it’s going to take some time. Justin owes them about a hundred large. He’s in panic mode right now. Angelo gave him a deadline for the money. He either pays in cash or with his life. DiMarco doesn’t care which.”

  So he thinks by taking J, he’ll get the money and nothing will happen to him? I’ll kill him with my bare hands.

  “There has to be another way to get more information. We don’t have enough to find him. What we do have is going to take forever to check.” I start pacing again.

  “Cole, we are doing our best—”

  Darren slams his hand down on the counter. “It’s not fucking good enough, Ash. I need to find my fucking daughter…now.”

  I know I’m putting my freedom on the line, but this is for J. I would die for this woman. What is a little more prison time? I made friends while I was there. They weren’t always on the up and up, but I had their backs. Now it’s time they have mine.

  “I have some favors to call in. I can see if we can get the information faster.”

  “Cole, you know what you are risking by doing that,” Asher says with a raised eyebrow.

  “Don’t you think I know what’s at fucking stake right now? But these guys have ways of getting information fast. That’s what J needs right now.”

  Walking into the living room, I pull up the one contact I never thought I’d use. When the call connects, I take a deep breath. “Stinger, I need your help.”

  “Cole Masters, as I live and breathe. I never thought you’d ever call this number. It must be pretty important to have you asking me for help.”

  “Someone on DiMarco’s payroll has my girl and I don’t have time to waste.”

  Stinger Morris is one scary guy. He has his hands in all the underground dealings. You need information, someone killed, or bail money, he is the one to call. With a favor of this magnitude, I know I am going to end up owing him. He will come calling someday.

  Stinger lets a whistle out before answering. “DiMarco is no fucking joke. Right now, he is one of the biggest players in the game. Who am I looking into?”

  “Justin Adkins. He wants a hundred and fifty thousand to get her back. I need to know where he’s taken her.”

  “I’ll make a few calls. Don’t worry, C-man. We’ll get your girl back. Stinger’s on it. Give me fifteen and I’ll holler back at ya.”

  “Thanks, man.”

  When I hang up, Darren looks at me. “Well? Don’t make me pull it out of you. What the fuck did the man say?”

  “He said give him fifteen minutes.”

  “There is no fucking way he can get more information than we can in fifteen minutes,” Asher says, his dislike of the situation showing.

  “Ash, I know you hate that I asked a criminal for help, but I am a fucking criminal. I won’t let anything happen to her, not when I just found her. I haven’t had nearly enough time with her.”

  “I get it, I do, but I am worried I won’t be able to keep you out of the backlash. You just found her and need her, but spending more time in prison won’t let you do that. But I get it. I’ll work with whoever has the intel to get J back.”

  My phone rings, Stinger’s number flashing across the screen. “Sting, what do you have for me?”

  “All right. Justin has two properties in his name. Both look to be where his children live. I highly doubt he would take her around his kids. The mother of his oldest has a house and a few acres on the other side of town. That one may be something to look into. There is one more possible location. His dad lives in an apartment, but it shows he owns a house that is going into foreclosure. If I had to put money on it, I would go with that one. It’s on a big lot without a ton of neighbors. If I were holding someone, that is where I would go. I’ll get all the information texted over.”

  “Stinger, I owe you.”

  “No worries, brother. I know you are good for it. I’ll collect at a later date. Good luck. If you think you need help from my boys, holler at me.”

  “Thanks,” I say, already knowing Stinger hung up.

  When I get a text, I give all the information to Asher and Darren. Before I even finish, Darren pulls out a Beretta 9mm
from the drawer and shoves it into his pants.

  Ash puts his hands on his hips and looks at Darren. “There is no way I can tell you to stay here, is there?”

  “Absolutely fucking not. Give us a head start. This fuck needs to pay.”

  “I’ll give you some slack, but don’t hang yourself with it. I’m coming to keep you two hotheads in check. Let’s go get your girl.”


  We stop the truck about a half-mile from the address Stinger gave me. Not knowing what we are walking into, it seems like the best idea. It’s on a secluded street with thick trees on three sides, no neighbors, no traffic. The perfect place to hide someone away. The two-story house is nothing that would draw your attention. The paint is peeling on the siding, the overgrown grass making it look like upkeep hasn’t been done in years. There is an attached garage, a free-standing garage to the left, and from what we can see, two shed-like structures in the back.


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