Trust in Us (Forbidden Love Book 1)

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Trust in Us (Forbidden Love Book 1) Page 22

by S. M. Harshell

  Asher outfitted us with bulletproof vests and wireless radio communication. He wasn’t happy, but knew there was no way Darren and I weren’t going to be involved. We stop about fifty yards from the property as Asher uses his binoculars to see what we are dealing with.

  “There is one car parked in the driveway. One male on the front steps appears to be looking at his phone. I don’t see anyone else.”

  “What’s the plan?” Darren asks from my left.

  “Cole, take the back. I’ll silence the threat in the front. Darren, do you really think you can do this with two casts?”

  “You really need an answer to that? It’s my kid in there.”

  “All right. Check that first garage on the left. On my count.” Asher makes eye contact with me and Darren. “Don’t be stupid. Just find J.”

  On Asher’s count, we separate, moving quietly. I follow the tree line until the back of the house comes into view. I stop to watch for a few minutes to see if the guy in the front really is the only person here. Not seeing anyone else, I slowly creep into the high grass. I keep my right arm at my side, holding the 9mm in my grasp. My pounding heart is the only sound I hear.

  I climb the back steps of the house, keeping my eyes on the door.

  “Hey, Cisco, I’m… What the fuck?!”

  I turn to see Justin standing in front of the closed shed door. I raise the gun, pointing it at his head. “Where the fuck is she?” The fuck has the nerve to laugh.

  “I knew Darren would come. Where is dear old daddy? Does he have my money?”

  I slowly make my way down the steps. Justin doesn’t appear armed and hasn’t pulled a weapon yet, but he’s a desperate man. Desperate men are unpredictable. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Darren move around the sheds to come up behind him.

  Darren stops, putting the gun against the back of his head “Where is my daughter?” he growls.

  “Darren, I knew you’d come for your precious daughter. I only wish I had more time with her. I didn’t get to taste that sweet pussy like I wanted.”

  His words cause a growl to come from my chest. Darren swings the gun into the back of Justin’s head. Justin drops to his knees, laughing. “Do you really think I don’t know I am a dead man? I knew there was no way I was getting out of this alive. I thought it would be DiMarco. I’m impressed you and J’s toy manned up enough.”

  I stomp across the grass to stand in front of the kneeling piece of shit. I smash the gun into his smiling face, enjoying the blood spraying from his broken nose. His head flops to the side. I grasp his hair and bring his head back so he’s looking up at me. “If you hurt her, don’t think I won’t kill you, motherfucker. The difference between you and me? I’ve been to prison. I have no fucking fear of going back. It would be a pleasure to tie you up in that tree over there and gut you like a deer. Watching you bleed out would be a highlight.” He has the nerve to smile at me. I pull back my left arm and let loose a quick punch to his already broken nose. He moans, which brings more joy to my cold heart than I thought possible. I go down to one knee in front of him, pulling his head back again. “Where the fuck is J? I will not ask again.”

  “Her pussy is as tight as I remember.” He licks the blood dripping from his nose onto his lip.

  The anger that has fueled my body for years is unleashed. I toss my gun to the side and start swinging, not caring what part of his body I come into contact with. His grunts of pain push me on. I’ve hit him so many times, my arms feel like Jell-O, but I won’t quit. If he’s hurt her, I will kill him.

  Ash comes running up. “Cole, I called for backup. You have about fifteen minutes to find her. I’ll cuff him and put him with the other piece of shit. Go search for her. She’s more important than killing him right now.”

  Justin smiles through his bloody and battered face. Darren has stood by while I beat Justin. Without a word, he takes his turn. I stand and watch, knowing it’s less than he deserves, but there isn’t enough time. I pull a heaving Darren off a now unconscious Justin.

  “Let’s find J.”

  I give Justin one final kick to his check with my steel-toe boot before stepping over his limp body. Asher pulls his arms back to click the handcuffs on him, leaving him where he is.

  I head to one shed, Darren running to the other.

  I hope she can come back from this.

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  I lie on the dirty mattress, bloody and broken. Justin beat me until I blacked out, then I came to and he beat me until I blacked out again. I heard Cole’s voice in the darkness telling me to fight. I don’t know that I have any more fight left in me, though. My right eye is so swollen, I can’t even open it. Each breath feels like knives stabbing into my side. I was able to roll to my side and pull my knees up. The fetal position makes it hurt less. I don’t know how much more I can take. If he comes back again, I have no doubt he’ll kill me.

  The tears won’t stop. I cry because everything hurts. I cry because I’m in this situation. I cry because I gave up something that could have been amazing. Cole didn’t deserve the words I said. I was scared. He was the best thing for me and I let him go. I cry because Pop will be alone. He can’t handle someone else being ripped from his life.

  The fight I thought I had in me is non-existent. I fooled myself into thinking I was this tough, bad ass chick. I’m not. I know that now. I’m scared, I’m lonely, and I don’t want to die this way.

  The door to the shed opens, banging against the wall. I scoot back as far as I can, putting my arms over my head. I can’t take another blow there. I need to stay conscious.

  “I got her, Darren! J, baby, it’s me. You’re okay. I got you.” Cole’s voice sounds just like it did in my dreams. I don’t know if I’ve blacked out again or if he’s really here. He can’t be here, can he?

  “Cole?” My voice is hoarse and sounds nothing like it normally does. My throat burns at the effort to get his name out.

  “Baby, I’m here. I got you.” I feel his weight move the mattress. I can barely make out his face as he looks me over.


  “Shh, we know. We got him and his buddy. Just relax. Help is on the way.” He moves a piece of hair off my forehead. I wince at his touch. “I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry, baby.”


  I hear Pop break down in the doorway of the shed. I feel Cole move my arm, releasing the cuff from my wrist. I don’t know if it’s because of my injuries or the knowledge I don’t have to fight for my life anymore, but I relax into the darkness, letting it take over.


  I wake with a start, excruciating pain shooting through my side. I gasp and look around the room. Cole jumps from the chair at the side of the bed. “You’re okay. This will help,” he says, pushing the button on a cord attached to one of the many machines at my bedside. “It’s pain meds. Give them a second to work. Breathe through the pain.” He demonstrates slow, even breaths. I watch him and follow his lead. Slowly, the pain starts to go from sharp and unbearable to dull. “You okay?”

  I barely move my head, giving him a slight nod. There is so much I want to say, so much I need to say, but I don’t have the energy to open my mouth. I’m exhausted. I have never been this tired in my life. I just want to float back into the darkness. It’s safe there, painless. I try to fight my eyelids from closing, but they win the battle, carrying me away.


  I don’t know how long I’ve been in the hospital, but every time I wake up, Cole and Pop have been here to tell me it is okay and to hit the button, bringing the blissful darkness. In the darkness, I don’t have to think about what Justin did to me.

  After what feels like only minutes, I open my eyes to an empty room. The quiet scares me. The only sound is the beeping of the machine behind me. I stare at the ceiling as memories flood my thoughts. Justin on top of me, Justin hitting me, Justin squeezing my breasts so hard, I thought they would burst.

  The door opens, a cheerf
ul nurse carrying an iPad walking in. “Well, hello. It’s about time you wake up.”

  Fuck you and your cheerful self. Instead of saying the words I want, I clear my throat that still hurts like hell. “Where’s my dad?” I rasp out.

  “I sent them down to eat. Neither one of those men have left your bedside in days. They need to keep their energy up.”

  “Days?” I’m confused. It seems like I’ve only been here for hours.

  “Jocelyn, do you know what day it is?” she asks, her voice serious as she types into her iPad.

  “Um… I have no idea.”

  “It’s Wednesday, the eighteenth. You were brought in on Sunday, honey. It’s been four days of you fading in and out of consciousness. I’m sure the meds played a big part, but your body needs rest in order to heal.”

  “J-bird. God, it’s so good to see those fucking eyes open,” Pop says as he and Cole come through the door.

  “I’ll leave you to visit. The doctor will be around soon.” She nods, then heads out of the room.

  “Hey, Pop.” I clear my throat again, swallowing slowly, wincing.

  “It’s so good to see you awake. No need to talk. The doctor said your throat will be sore for a while,” Pop says, sitting in the chair beside me.

  “Why?” I have no idea why it hurts so damn bad.

  “Justin choked you, baby. The pressure injured your vocal cords and caused some swelling. The doctor doesn’t think there will be lasting effects, but he’s taking every precaution right now.” Cole rubs his hand on my forearm that isn’t covered with a white bandage. Without meaning to, I flinch at his touch. I see the flash of pain cross his face, but he covers it quickly. “Would you be more comfortable if I left?” he asks, almost timidly.

  “I’m sorry, Cole.”

  “I’ll go. I’m sorry, J. Have Darren call me if you need anything.”

  He moves toward the door. The thought of him leaving has me panicking. I don’t want to be without him, but my mind can’t seem to understand that he is the one touching me, not Justin.

  “Please, don’t go. I need…”

  “Are you sure, J? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. You need to heal.”

  “Please,” I rasp out. The pain in that one word has me grabbing for my throat.

  “I’ll stay, but no more talking.”

  I nod, but I’m not done getting information from them.

  Justin? I mouth.

  Cole looks to Pop. Something in that look has goose bumps rising on my skin.

  Tell me.

  Cole pulls over another chair and sits. “Justin was taken into custody. He was interviewed briefly before being taken to get medical care. Asher’s CI told him he was there when Justin was killed. His death was messy and he suffered until the end. DiMarco knew he had too much information, which he would have traded for a lighter sentence. There was no way they could let that happen.”

  Justin’s dead?

  I don’t know how I feel about that information. It almost feels like a boulder sitting on my chest has been lifted.

  I’m afraid to hope this nightmare is over.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  After four days unconscious and three awake, I am finally released. Pop decides that having me close is in everyone’s best interest. The only option I have is staying at his house. I could have stayed in my childhood bedroom, but the thought of being alone scares the hell out of me. I don’t voice that, but I think Pop knows. He makes up the couch for me, like he used to when I was little and sick.

  My entire body is bruised and sore. The good news is I won’t have any lasting damage to my throat. The doctor is confident the hoarseness to my voice will subside as soon as the swelling goes down. I don’t have a big appetite right now, but I’m limited to soft foods or liquids anyway, which sucks. But at least I’m home.

  Neither Pop nor Cole ever ask what Justin did to me. Pop doesn’t want the details so he can’t picture it. He is content to know I’m okay and Justin’s dead.

  Justin’s dead. That thought still stops me in my tracks. Did I love him once? I thought I did, but the man who had me chained to wall and beat me almost to death wasn’t the same man I once knew.

  “J-bird, do you need anything?”

  “Maybe some tea, please.”

  “Sure thing.” I see Pop fussing around the kitchen. I don’t even want the tea, but he needs to do something so he stops hovering.

  The door bangs open, making me jump. Pop reaches for the gun now permanently attached to his hip.

  “Jesus, J. You scared the shit out of me,” Jules says, hurrying across the room and almost throwing herself on top of me. I put my hands out to stop her before she hurts me. Her eyes go wide when she sees my bruised face. She stops herself and plops on the coffee table.

  “Julie Henderson, do not enter this house like that again. That is one sure way to get your ass shot.”

  She looks up, startled at Pop’s harsh voice. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think. I just needed to get to J.” Her eyes tear up.

  “Giving me a damn heart attack. What the hell is a matter with you?” He continues fixing my tea.

  “Wait a minute.” She stands, putting her hands on her hips. “You are yelling at me? How is that fair? You’ve had days to come to grips with this. I just fucking learned this morning she was missing, beat, and rescued. You kept that from me.”

  He raises an eyebrow, listening to her. It wasn’t Pop’s decision not to tell her. It was mine. He walks over, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into a hug and kissing the top of her head. “You have every right to be upset, but don’t you barge into this house like that again. I’m sorry, we should have told you, but J thought—”

  She looks down at me, anger and hurt in her eyes. “Wait. It was you who didn’t want to tell me? I’m your best fucking friend. I’m family.”

  “I’m sorry, but I couldn’t deal with anything more while I was in the hospital. Jules, honey, I love you, but you can be exhausting on a good day. If it makes you feel better, we didn’t tell anyone.”

  “This is twice, J, and I’m exhausting? Really? I’m the one constantly worrying about your ass. You’ve been beaten up twice, but I’m the last to find out? This is bullshit. How could you do that to me?” She walks over and sits in the recliner, crossing her arms over her chest. I know that look. She’s pouting.

  “I’m sorry, but pissing you off wasn’t first on my list of things to worry about. I love you and you are family, but this wasn’t about you. I almost died. Justin did fucking die. I’m dealing with a lot here, Jules.” I fall back onto the pillows, exhausted. This is exactly why I did what I did.

  “What? Justin’s dead? You killed him?” she asks, looking at Pop.

  “I wish I had killed that little fuck, but no, I didn’t. Seems DiMarco made sure none of his trade secrets got out.” Pop sets the tea on the coffee table and kisses the top of my head. “You good?”

  “Just tired.”

  “Julie, you know I don’t care if you stay, but J really needs to sleep,” Pop says, crossing his arms over his chest, waiting for her to give him attitude. I don’t want to kick Jules out, but I think Pop completely gets the fact she’s exhausting me.

  “Can I just sit here a while? I won’t talk. I promise,” she begs.

  I close my eyes as she and Pop continue to have a quiet conversation about me and what happened with Justin. I really do feel bad I hurt Jules. I’ll have to think of something to make it up to her.


  It feels like I’ve only slept for minutes, but when I open my eyes, I see it’s already dark. I hear Pop moving around the kitchen, a metal spoon scraping the bottom of a pan. I can smell he’s made something. My stomach flips when I even think about eating. I pull the blanket up to cover my nose. I am trying to block out the smell of food while simultaneously trying to go back to sleep. I slowly turn onto my side and face the recliner, opening my eyes again, seeing boots. I don’t think
they belong to Jules. I stare at the chair, watching it rock slowly. A clang in the kitchen makes me jump a bit, the chair swiveling toward the noise. I look up, Cole’s eyes meeting mine.

  “Hi,” he almost whispers.

  “Hi,” I reply as I watch him watching me. Nothing else is said. We stay like that until Pop says he’s taking his dinner to the garage because he’s got “shit” to do.


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