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Page 9

by Lisa Moore

  As I drove home to get ready for this evening, I glance to see the silver box is safely nestled in the seat beside me. Some people may view purchasing a gift like this, for a woman, before even having a first official date as brazen. However, since I am unlike most people, and all evidence points towards Lily being extraordinary, it feels right. It is as if that necklace or the old man’s Lilly herself, called me into that shop to obtain that treasure. I would not be giving it to Lily tonight. When the moment is right, I will know. Until then, I place the box inside a satin pouch and put it safely in my dresser.

  I arrive at Lily’s home promptly at 6:00pm, dressed in black denim jeans, a pale blue shirt, black leather boots and coat. Armed with flowers and wine I ring the bell. Lily answers, looking slightly flustered. “Come in she beckons as she steps back from the entrance way. As she moves aside to let me in a familiar male figure appears in the hall way. “Max, this is Paul and he was just leaving.” Lily says as she practically glares at Paul. “Nice to meet you Max.” he says as he reaches out to shake my hand. I think he was trying to come off as imposing, his grip attempting to be vice like in mine. He registered a momentary look of surprise when it was met with equal vigor from me. Paul is a big dude. Probably in another life he could have been a lineman. He is probably not used to too many people being a physical threat to him. “By Jellybean, you know where I am if you need me.” He says over his shoulder as he walks past me, chest puffed out like a cock strutting its stuff. His cock of the walk act is all to save face. The reality, Paul knows from one hand shake, is that I will not be intimidated.

  “Sorry about that. Paul is a good friend of mine since we were kids. He thinks it’s his duty to “protect me from predatory males” as he puts it. He means well, he is like a big brother to me.” Lily says, as she draws me into her home and closes the door on the chilly evening and Paul. “It’s good to have friends to watch out for you. I can respect Paul for wanting to protect you, but are you sure Paul doesn’t want to keep you for himself? I could understand his motivation.” I try to say this without sounding jealous. “A long time ago we gave it a shot, but it was weird, like kissing your brother. It was short lived and Paul knows there is no chance for anything more than him being my friend.” She says this all matter of fact, as she places the flowers I brought her, in a vase on the table.

  “The flowers are beautiful Max, thank you. Shall I open the wine?” “Let me.” I reply. “You should be resting your ankle.” Lily brushes off my comment with a wave of her hand and an “I’m a lot tougher than you think.” She opens the wine to breathe and proceeds to put out a small tray of crackers, olives and cheese. After pouring two glasses we take the wine and cheese plate to the living room where Lily has started a fire. It is a cozy setting and we settle in on opposite ends of the couch with our wine and silently watch the fire. The silence between us is comfortable; there is no need to fill every moment with words. After a few minutes of alternating between watching the fire and watching the way the fire made interesting shadows across Lily’s profile, she broke the silence.

  “I find the hypnotic power a fire has, very primal. No matter how long you sit and look, it is always changing. The colors, shape, and intensity are all in a constant stat of flux, powerful, yet beautiful, destructive, yet necessary for survival.” “I agree completely. The way you describe it as “primal”, I have always felt that. When I sit before a fire I imagine our early ancestors and the fear and awe they must have had to overcome for fire to become a tool for man and a huge step forward in his evolution.” My comment made Lily turn and look directly into my eyes. “Max, I am finding we share many common views. The way you think and talk, I sometimes think you are setting me up, as a joke, to poke fun at me, but then I realize you’re sincere in your responses. I guess I have never found someone near my age, interested in so much of the same things as me. I feel remarkably comfortable around you Max.” As she finished she stared into the flickering flames, their reflection dancing off of her magnificent eyes that today were a dark brown.

  “Lily” I started. “Wait.” She interrupted. “Before you say anything I just want to say that I like you Max. I see this friendship growing and that makes me very happy. But right now I am your professor and I wouldn’t want to put either of us in a bad position with the Dean. I just feel we should keep our friendship somewhat low profile for now. While it’s not unheard of teachers dating students, after all we are adults; I just feel it may not be perceived well by everyone.” With the last word she drew her eyes away from the fire and looked at me. “Lily, I won’t deny that I have developing feelings for you. I understand your concerns and I also believe in discretion. However, I would gladly take the grade of an F, if it meant showing you have no favoritism towards me in class. I trust that you can maintain your professionalism in regards to my grades and you can trust I would never do anything to put you in a compromising position.” She smiled at my response and sipped her wine.

  After a few minutes we moved to the table for our meal. I ate with false gusto and remarked at her cooking prowess. The discomfort of food in my gut was worth it if it gave me the opportunity to be with Lily. So much of human interaction revolves around food that I have had to develop fine acting skills to blend in as a consumer of food. After we ate, we both cleared the table. The kitchen was small and it was difficult to avoid brushing past each other as we set to our task. When Lily asked me to hand her a glass, our hands touched as she retrieved it. The hum of energy that passed to my cheek when she kissed me repeated in my hand where our skin touched. In a shocked reaction Lily dropped the glass. Just inches away from shattering on the kitchen floor, I caught the glass, my hand a blur as I reacted.

  “Wow, great catch” she said a little breathlessly, her fingers absently stroking her other hand. Like the kiss the night before, she felt more than just the brush of lip to cheek or hand to hand. This response was a palpable hum inside your cells and she felt it too. She gazed up at me, and as if seeing me clearly for the first time, she leaned in and kissed me. Tentative at first, her lips exploring mine, and than like a fire being stoked with gasoline she pulled me toward her and we were consumed in a deep passionate embrace. The gentleman in me should have pulled away. After all we just agreed to take things slowly, but a greater force seemed at work. I slipped my arms around her body and gingerly lifted her in my arms, our mouths urgently exploring each others. When I settled Lily down on the couch we both came up for air. It was enough to break the temporary urgency with which we coupled. I looked in her eyes and at that moment could see the love she had for me in their deep chocolate depth. “I love you Lily” The words out of my mouth before I could stop them, a pure and vulnerable response to the moment. Lily answered me by pulling me down on top of her. Our passion was fervent. Clothes hastily removed a tangle of fabric on the floor. When I finally entered her Lily let out a cry of pleasure in my ear, followed by a whispered “I love you”, as she pulled me deeper inside her. We climaxed together in a breathless tangle of limbs.

  As I lifted my torso to look into the eyes of the woman who has forever changed me I saw tears stream down her cheeks. I must have registered a look of fear as I started to pull away from Lily afraid I hurt her. She shook her head as she pulled me back into her warm embrace. “Why are you upset? Did I hurt you?” I asked against her cheek. “No” she said as she held me tighter. “I’m not upset; it’s just that that was the most intense experience I have ever had. I don’t know what just happened, but when our skin touched, it was like being charged up. I can’t explain it, except to say it felt like an electric hum was passing between our skin. It was strange, wonderful, and very powerful. I am full of emotion. Max, when we’re together I feel…” her voice trailed off unable to put words to the emotions she was experiencing. I could understand her inability to put into words what we just shared. I don’t fully comprehend it myself. She is right, though; it was strange, wonderful and very, very powerful.
r />   We lay together in front of the fire, Lily’s warm body cradled in mine. As I sat stroking her hair and gently kissing her neck she looked up at me. “Well so much for taking things slowly.” She said. I leaned in and tenderly kissed her lips. “I’m sorry Lily, but the forces of nature that have brought us together are more powerful than both of us.” With that Lily nudged her body closer to mine and closed her eyes and slept. I watched her sleep cradled against me, memorizing every inch of her glorious body. As she lay dreaming next to me a peaceful smile on her lips I reflected on how my life has been irrevocably changed by this remarkable woman.

  Chapter 14

  A Dream Realized

  During the night as the fire died, I picked up Lily’s slumbering form and moved us into her bed. Once I settled us, she nudged her body closer to mine and slept peacefully. I spent the evening watching Lily, dreaming of the life we could share together. I would allow myself this blissful moment to dream. For in reality, if Lily and I were to share a life together, I would have to tell her the truth about me. I resolve to enjoy some time with Lily, before I think about burdening her with the truth of my biology.

  Lily wakes to find me dressed in just my jeans at the stove in the kitchen. I hope the smell of the breakfast I prepared for her was pleasing. It has been so many years since I needed food for survival; I have lost touch with my ability to discern pleasure in the smell of prepared food. It is not that the smells of prepared foods are necessarily unpleasant to me; it is just that the scent that would stir my hunger is very different than the scent to stir a humans hunger.

  “Umm, something smells delicious” She says as she comes up behind me at the stove. I plate the last blueberry pancake on top of the stack I have prepared for her. I place the pancakes on the table alongside a steaming pot of coffee, cut fruit, and some fried bacon. Lily has a well stocked fridge and as I have seen in the past she likes to eat. “I hope you don’t mind, I took the liberty of making you breakfast.” I said as she slowly moved her body up against mine. As her arms circled my neck she pulled my face towards hers and gently kissed my lips. “Do I mind? No! I love blueberry pancakes. It was sweet of you to make breakfast. Do you have to leave now?” She asked, her eyes surveying the table set for one, looked up at me with disappointment.

  “No. I don’t have classes today. My schedule is wide open.” I offer. “Oh, it’s just that the table is only set for one, so I thought you might have wanted to leave.” Lily’s reply, delivered with such uncharacteristic insecurity had me quickly reassure her with a tightening of my arms around her. “The table is only set for one because I do not usually have much of an appetite in the morning, not because I was looking to run off. Actually I was hoping we could spend some time together today. I know you have office hours from 1:00 to 4:00 today, but I don’t know about the rest of your day.” I said.

  Lily responded by hugging me tighter, her cheek pressed up against my bare chest, inhaling my scent as she took a deep breath. She spoke into my chest, eyes averted, afraid to show the feelings she tried to explain. “Max, that rational voice in my head is screaming to me, to take a breath, slow down, don’t show my emotions so quickly, but I can’t seem to stop myself. I want you to know, it has been a long time since I have had a relationship. I am not one to be easily swept away by my emotions, not that there has been anyone to sweep me away, until now. I know I probably shouldn’t say this to you, I will probably scare you away, but as you said yesterday, there are greater forces at work.” She looked up at me then and continued, “The truth is Max, I love you. Together we fit. I don’t want to play games, and be coy. I don’t want to waste another minute pretending to like you only enough to keep you interested, and not scared off. I am willing to open up my heart to vulnerability because I know that if you will have me, I will be yours always.”

  I leaned down and kissed her cheek, brushing away a salty tear with my lips. I stared into Lily’s eyes and observed the depth to which she opened her soul to me. Her look, coupled with her declaration that she would be mine always if I would have her, let loose a flood of emotion in me. My love for this woman, a feeling long dormant, as a vampire and only barely experienced as a young man, swelled to the surface. “Lily, you can’t imagine what it means to me, to have found you. I certainly had not set out looking for a relationship. Other then a son’s love for his mother and my affection for my friend Han, I have little experience with the bonds of love, yet when I first laid eyes on you I was drawn to you. To hear you profess your love for me, it’s beyond what I ever dared to dream. Lily, for as long as you will have me; I will devote my every moment to ensuring your happiness.” I swept my love into my arms and caressed her face with butterfly soft kisses all along her nose, her chin, forehead and eyelids. Lily lovingly took my face in her hands and wiped away one tear that had slid down my cheek. The last time I cried was when Genevieve died. This time the tear I shed was for joy. For in this one moment my world is perfect.

  I carry Lily back to her bedroom. This time our passion is less urgent. We take time exploring one another’s body. Gentle caresses and lingering kisses; stoke the flames of our passion until Lily takes me deep inside her. We rock in unison, our bodies moving together in perfect harmony. Our hunger for each other, like a primal need, grows, until as one, rhythmic waves of pleasure wash over us. Deeply content we lay together on the bed. Lily’s rapid breaths slowly give way to a deeper, more restful rhythm. We lay like that for several minutes, in the comfortable stillness, our steady breathing the only sound in the room. Suddenly a new sound causes Lily to turn sheepishly towards me.

  With a smile she declared, “I don’t know about you, but I certainly worked up an appetite, as my stomach just loudly attested to. How about we go devour those pancakes?” I returned her smile, and after she threw on my shirt and I returned to my previous attire of jeans, we made our way back to the kitchen. After a quick shot in the microwave, Lily had the breakfast back on the table. She piled up a stack of the blueberry pancakes, loaded on a hefty portion of bacon and filled the remaining plate with fruit. After applying the perfect amount of butter and syrup, the monstrosity Lily was about to dive into was complete. She ate with gusto. After several large mouthfuls, Lily paused to say, “Don’t tell me you haven’t worked up an appetite yet. You will give me a complex.” That remark caused me to laugh out loud. “Lily, after the experience we just shared, I am left completely satiated. There is not a thing I desire; I am full with your love.” I said, not entirely joking. “More for me then, I don’t know what it is lately, but for months I have been on an eating frenzy. I am always hungry. Maybe I picked up a tapeworm on one of my trips. I don’t know but I love food. You sir, are an excellent cook.” She said as she finished off her pancakes.

  After Lily finished off the rest of the food, followed by a tepid cup of coffee, we cleaned up and got ready to leave. I drove her up to campus and before she got out she leaned in and kissed my cheek. After agreeing to meet here at 4:30pm to take her home, Lily climbed out of my car. “Don’t forget your proposal is due tomorrow” She called as she lowered her head to see me. “Already finished teach.” I replied. She shut the door with an approving nod and a kiss blown my way. I watched her retreating form until she disappeared from view around the side of the science building.

  I drove home and took care of two important urges. First the necessity to purge the food I had consumed at Lily’s. I didn’t want to chance getting up in the middle of the night and waking her, the bedroom is attached to the bathroom. I could have gone off into the woods and taken care of things there, but if Lily woke to find me gone she would have wanted to know where I had been. So instead, I fought down the urge of my body to rid itself of the useless waste inside me. Once that business was attended to I could address my second requirement, which was the intense need for blood. I drained about 5 liters worth of blood from my storage of AB+, enough blood to fill a grown man. “Now I am truly satiated” I said, as I
drained the last of my AB+ supply. The rest of my storage that I obtained from Delhi, a few bags each of A+ and B- along with 6 bags of O- is all I have left.

  Having completed my assignment for Lily’s class, I have no other pressing concerns except those related to general upkeep of a farm and home. The workers come every weekend to maintain the grounds and the farm. I try to be gone when they come. The less people who get to know me the fewer questions when I must inevitably leave. Since I do not seem to age, I can only stay in one area for a short time; I usually stay less than 10 years. The kind of life I am used to living is one of solitude. Making friends is dangerous. The lies, the deceit, and the fear of being found out along with the ever gnawing pang of fear that I might inadvertently hurt someone, has kept me isolated. I can pretend to fit in for a while, but moving on is always just around the corner.

  I don’t let myself dwell on those thoughts; instead I focus on the house. I decide the most pressing concern is to prepare it for winter. I take down all the screens from the windows and close up the panes. The gutters need to be oiled and the wood trim needs to be painted. My strength and agility turn several days’ worth of work for a typical farmer into several hours work for me. All the time I worked, the incredible high I felt after being with Lily and my morning feed, sustained me. When I stepped back to admire my handy work, I saw that it was now 3:30. After a quick shower and a change of clothes I drive back up to campus to pick up Lily.


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