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Wrong Crowd (Kingsley Academy Book 1)

Page 21

by Lisa Helen Gray

  Why was Selina there in the first place?

  I have so many questions.

  I open my eyes, and they immediately land on Danielle. Gone is the sour expression. Now she looks faint and ashamed. Sophia heatedly says something to her before storming off.

  And it clicks.

  She did this.

  This was my tent. It’s not a coincidence, a stroke of bad luck. This was done with a purpose to hurt me.

  And it backfired because I wasn’t in it. No, Selina was, for reasons I may never know.

  Our gazes lock, and her eyes widen in surprise, fear flickering through them as her face pales.

  “You,” I growl, even though she can’t hear me. She can see me though, and she jumps, acting like I had shouted it in her ear.

  “What?” Lucca asks, stepping up beside me.

  I push past people, storming over to her. I see the moment when all the doubt and remorse disappear. She straightens herself, twisting her lips together. I don’t stop like she predicts. I keep going until we’re close enough for me to punch her. I let my fist swing through the air, rejoicing when I see blood pouring from her nose.

  “You psycho. Why did you do that?” she screams, stepping forward to attack.

  Lucca gets there first, stepping between us with a hand on our chests, pushing us apart. “Woah, ladies, save it for the mud.”

  “Fuck you, Kingsley.”

  Lucca frowns at her. “I’d rather fuck a fish.”

  “Get your psycho charity case away from me,” she orders him. “I’m going to have you arrested.”

  Lucca rolls his eyes. “Calm down, Susan.” He turns to me, confusion in his expression. “What’s going on?”

  I fold my arms across my chest; one, to hide the fact my hand is throbbing, and two, because I want to hit her again.

  “She started the fire,” I tell him, not looking away from her.

  “Are you serious?” she asks, forcing a laugh. “So not only will you be arrested for assault, but I’ll sue you for slander.”

  I throw my hands up in the air. “Carry on. You can have my ratty school bag with clothes older than you in. It’s the only fucking thing I own.”

  “Did you?” Lucca asks, his lips twisting into a snarl. He takes a menacing step towards her, and she fearfully takes one back.

  “Are you seriously going to believe that tramp over me? I was with Sophia, Krystal and Will Owens.”

  Kaiden startles me when he steps into the circle, bending down in front of Danielle so they’re eye level. “If I find out you’ve done this, Danielle, I’m going to fucking destroy you. I’ll make sure Daddy doesn’t have a penny left by the time I’m done. I’ll take everything you hold precious; your popularity, your friends, your money. Do you think Daddy will still love you when he finds out you’re the reason he’s lost everything?”

  “Kaiden,” she whispers brokenly, looking truly scared. “I didn’t do this. Ask Will. We were together.”

  She has the gall to pretend to look upset. Her eyes even begin to water. I’m not buying it, not at all.

  In fact, this cements my assumption.

  Kaiden looks up at Lucca, silently communicating something. Kaiden turns away from Danielle, and she begins to sob, letting her friends coddle her like she’s innocent.

  “She fucking did it,” I snap when we’re far enough away.

  “We need proof,” he tells me. “Right now, go to the hospital with Selina.”

  I glance over my shoulder, glowering when Danielle laughs at something her friend says.

  She did it. I know she did.


  I sit back on the sofa, ignoring the low hum of the news playing in the background, covering tonight’s fire. It’s still unknown how the fire started, and nothing has been declared on whether it was set intentionally or not. Something must prove it was started intentionally.

  The waiting room is nothing like the hospitals my mum often frequented over the years. There, they had those uncomfortable school chairs and a water dispenser.

  This one is more like a lounge. The seating is comfortable, and it has a television bracketed to the wall on the left. On the opposite side of the room is a long table, filled with a mixture of baked goods, tea and coffee and some juice. The only thing that seems out of place is the vending machine in the corner. Everything else looks like a shoot from a magazine, all perfectly clean and placed.

  There was no word about Selina. I told them I was family, but because I hadn’t known anything about her, they presumed I was lying.

  Lucca, who had arrived seconds after the ambulance, places his hand over my bouncing leg.

  “Nova will be here any second,” he assures me, and sure enough, I hear shoes clicking down the hallway.

  We turn to the door when it’s pushed open, Nova storming through. For half two in the morning, she looks pretty put together.

  “Ivy,” she gushes out.

  I stand to greet her, tensing when she pulls me in for a hug. Kaiden, Grant, and Ethan step in behind her, all with grim expressions.

  “They won’t tell me anything. I don’t know anything about her.”

  Ethan chuckles. “You pretty much own the hospital.”

  “What?” I ask, narrowing my gaze on him.

  He shrugs, looking to Nova. “This is your father’s hospital. He owns many like this.”

  I groan, sitting back down. Kaiden moves, sitting next to me.

  “Selina’s fine. She has a second-degree burn, which is being treated. She’s awake but out of it, due to the drugs. She inhaled a lot of smoke, so they’re conducting some tests to see how severe the damage is. All we can do is wait for the doctors to update us.”

  “You couldn’t have started with that?” I ask dryly, relief coursing through me.

  She’s okay. She’s awake. She’s breathing.

  “Sorry. I’m just glad you’re both okay,” she explains. “What happened?”

  I don’t like the look Kaiden shares with the others. I can feel the lie before he even speaks.

  “We aren’t sure. The firemen are still trying to figure it out. They’ll be in touch tomorrow.”

  He squeezes my thigh, silently ordering me to shut up. And for once in my life, I do as I’m told. I trust him. I might not have before, but I do now.

  Nova’s phone beeps in her pocket, and she pulls it out, reading a message. She looks nervously at me, indecision written over her face.

  “Spit it out,” I snark, not in the mood for any more games.

  “Selina’s father couldn’t catch the next flight out. Um, your father, Sam, is here.”

  “Great,” I mutter, closing my eyes.

  “I’ll be back in a few minutes—to give you time to prepare yourself.”


  Once she’s gone, I get up from the sofa and head over to grab a drink. Kaiden follows, standing close.

  “Are you okay?”

  I look up at him, holding the glass close to my chest. “No. She’s hurt because of me,” I tell him. I laugh and it sounds foreign. “How ironic. My mum hurt the people around her, and since I came to live with Nova, I’ve spent most of my time screaming about how I’m nothing like her. And now it seems I’m following in her footsteps. I won’t be surprised if I’m blamed for the fire.”

  Grant clears his throat. “Look, I can’t fucking stand you.”

  “Cheers,” I mutter, looking away.

  “Way to kick a dog—” Ethan begins to say.

  “I’m not a fucking dog,” I snap.

  “Sit!” Lucca barks, grinning at me.

  I roll my eyes, turning my attention to Grant, arching my eyebrow. “What were you going to say?”

  He rubs the back of his neck. “I don’t trust people. It doesn’t come easy—to any of us. We have things people want and would do anything for.”

  “This really isn’t helping,” I tell him.

  He shrugs. “I’m not trying to help. But we were wrong.
We’ve blamed you from the start for being like your mum. All of us are guilty for it,” he explains, eyeing Kaiden for a moment. “None of us are our parents. And who they are doesn’t define who we become. I can see that now. Tonight wasn’t your fault, and you shouldn’t feel responsible.”

  I smirk at his pained expression, enjoying how clearly uncomfortable he is with apologising to me, letting Kaiden pull me into his arms. I ignore the way Ethan’s mouth drops open and answer Grant.

  “But it was someone’s, and we know who that someone is.”

  “We’ll find out. She has a solid alibi though,” Lucca explains.

  “Is no one going to comment on the fact Kaiden is acting like a loved-up puppy? He’s practically humping her leg!” Ethan cries out.

  “Old news,” Lucca comments, patting his brother on his back.

  “She did it. I know she did.”

  “We need proof. Will was drunk as fuck when we spoke to him, but he was certain she was there, as are her friends.”

  “She could have gotten someone else to do it,” I mention.

  “Could be. We’ll find out who. We always do,” Kaiden explains.

  “Yep, there’s always someone willing to sell secrets for exam papers or answer sheets,” Lucca comments.

  “I feel disgusted with myself,” Ethan says, plopping down on the loveseat. We all turn to him, questioningly. “All this time I thought you were fucking with her, giving her shit still, and all along, you were fucking her.”

  “Get over it,” Lucca orders.

  “How you doing?” Kaiden asks, once they all start bickering over the channel.

  “Okay. I just wish I could see her. We aren’t close like you guys, but she means a lot to me. I guess I didn’t realise how much until tonight.”

  He leans down, giving me a peck on the lips. “She’ll be fine. We’ll see if you can see her after.”

  I sigh, staring at his chest. “Thank you for being here.”

  He tilts my chin up, his startling green eyes blinking down at me. He searches my face, trying to read me. “What’s changed?”

  I look away for a moment. “What do you mean?”

  “You know what. You don’t have that guarded look anymore. Why?”

  Fucking hell.

  Why does he always want to get inside of my head?

  I don’t want to make a big thing out of this. I liked what we had. But his actions tonight changed that. It changes the dynamic between us. And I’ll never forget him fighting those around him, thinking I was inside that tent.

  The least I can do is give him something.

  “I saw you.”

  “Saw me?” he asks, his eyebrows scrunching together.

  “You thought I was in that fire. You were willing to risk your life to save me. They aren’t the actions of someone who is playing mind games.”

  He shakes his head, his lips twitching. “I really was a dick to you when you arrived.”

  I nod in agreement. “Yes. Yes, you were.”

  He leans in, stealing my breath away when he captures my lips in a kiss. I let go of all the emotions pouring through me, losing control of all senses.

  “Kaiden, have you lost your goddamn mind!” a voice explodes.

  I jump away from Kaiden, feeling flushed, and turn to find Royce storming over to us.

  “Oh shit!” Lucca mutters.

  “Get away from my son!”

  “Don’t touch her,” Kaiden warns, pushing against his dad’s chest. My eyes widen at the rage in his expression when he looks at his son.

  “Go home, now!”

  Kaiden forces a laugh. “You want to start parenting now?”

  “I won’t have some washed-up whore get her claws into my family’s legacy.”

  “My family’s legacy. You mean mine. You only have control because of the state Mum is in, but once I turn twenty-five, Dad, the business automatically transfers over to me.” Kaiden steps closer to his dad until their facing off. “And if I hear you talk like that about Ivy again, I’ll get Mum to sign it over now.”

  “I will not have you doing this, Kaiden. Have you forgotten what her mum did, who she is? You’ll soil your reputation being with that—”

  “Careful,” Kaiden warns, his voice deadly.

  “Maybe I should go,” I mumble, moving to step around them.

  “Yes, you should. Keep away from my son. You’ll not get a penny from him.”

  I narrow my eyes at him. “I wouldn’t take it if he offered, sir. And do not order me around.”

  “Someone needs to,” he snaps sharply. “I’ve just had a phone call from Mal Holden, saying you assaulted his daughter.”

  “Danielle’s dad needs to put a leash on his own daughter,” Ethan pipes in from the sofa, crunching on some crisps.

  Royce throws him an annoyed look before his attention comes back to me. “You are easily discarded, just like your mother, so don’t get too comfy. I won’t have you do this to my family, our lives. You are a nobody. How much longer do you think Nova will let you ruin her family’s name?”

  Kaiden takes a step towards his dad, but I stop him, pulling him back. “No offence—”

  “That’s slang for ‘fuck you’,” Lucca calls out.

  I roll my eyes. “No offence, but I couldn’t care less what you think of me. If Nova ever wants me to leave, I will.”

  “Kaiden, boys, we’re going home. Now!” he orders them.

  “I’m staying here with Ivy,” Kaiden tells him shortly.

  Royce’s face turns red. “You will do as you’re told, Kaiden. I mean it. I won’t have you frolicking with this girl any longer. She will ruin your name, your future.”

  “Will she now?” a deep voice rumbles. I stagger backwards into Kaiden’s hard chest when my dad—Sam—enters the room, his expression tight and filled with anger.

  “Sam, old friend,” Royce greets, forcing a smile.

  “Don’t ‘old friend’ me, Royce. That’s my daughter you’re talking about.”

  “And my niece,” Nova bites out.

  Royce scoffs. “You can’t claim her as your daughter, not with who her mother was.”

  Something passes through Sam’s gaze, something painful. “Let’s not bring Cara into it,” he says tightly. “And damn right I claim her, test results or no test results.”

  Nova’s eyes focus on me, nerves filtering through them.

  What is going on?

  “She’s a menace to society. In her short time here, she’s been arrested, and tonight, she assaulted Mal Holden’s daughter. And I was informed by my house staff that she caused a commotion at the twins’ birthday party.”

  My gaze meets Grant’s, who has the nerve to look guilty, since he was the one who caused that commotion, not me.

  The adults keep arguing as Kaiden’s hands hold me tighter. He leans down, his lips grazing my ear. “Let’s get out of here.”

  “I’m not leaving Selina,” I whisper, worried the adults will turn their attention to me.

  His chuckle vibrates against my chest. “Let’s go see her, then.”

  “But the nurse said—”

  “You’re biologically a Farley. Tell them you own the hospital.”

  I feel him give a nod to the others. Ethan, who is paying attention, nudges a clueless Lucca. He looks away from the arguing adults, grinning like a mad fool. When it clicks, he jumps up, moving over to us.

  “Let’s go. I hacked the hospital’s records, and she’s in room 1105,” Ethan explains.

  Shocked, I can only stare. Lucca grins. “What, did you think we were brainless idiots?”

  I nod tightly. “Yes. Yes, I did.”

  Ethan chuckles, shaking his head in mock disappointment. “You have a lot to learn, little raven of ours.”

  “Let’s go see Selina,” I mutter.

  They’re too busy arguing and pissing on each other to even realise we’re leaving. I shouldn’t have worried they’d try to stop us.

  “Um, guys,” Grant begin
s when we’re out of the room.

  “Get over it, Grant. They’re fucking and you weren’t invited,” Lucca teases, making me giggle.

  Grant’s jaw hardens. “Fuck you, dickhead. I thought you’d want to know my dad is on his way. He’s pissed. It seems Katrina spread some lies and told him we were sleeping with Ivy.”

  I snort. “I barely survived Kaiden,” I blurt out.

  Kaiden chuckles. “Good to know.”

  I roll my eyes, ignoring the others congratulating him. I follow the signs to Selina’s room, taking a deep breath when I reach her door. I look through the window, seeing her awake, laying in the bed with an oxygen mask on her face.

  I push open the door, and her eyes immediately find mine. “Ivy?”

  Shit, she sounds awful.

  “Hey, girl. How are you feeling?” I ask softly, feeling the others pile into the room after me.

  She blinks up at me, her eyes watering. “I think I inhaled weed because I’m seriously high right now.”

  I laugh, sitting on the edge of her bed. “I think that’s the drugs they’ve given you.”

  She looks up at me with a sombre expression. “What happened?”

  “I don’t know. I… I’ve got no idea. Do you know what happened? How the fire started?”

  I feel Kaiden move closer as I watch pain flicker over Selina’s features. “I’m not sure.”

  “What were you doing in Ivy’s tent?” Kaiden asks, keeping his voice low, gentle, which is bizarre for him.

  She stares accusingly at me. “Why weren’t you in the tent?”

  “You will never fucking guess,” Ethan starts, his eyes gleaming with excitement, dying to tell people about me and Kaiden.

  “Focus, Selina. Tell us. Start from the beginning,” Kaiden orders.

  She closes her eyes, and then her narrowed gaze turns to the twins. “I left because these two were murdering some girl, and I couldn’t stand listening to the sound.”

  My lips twitch when the boys grin. “Trust me, the only thing being murdered was her vagina. She enjoyed every second.”

  “Her arse will be sore tomorrow too,” Lucca grins, and my lips twist in disgust. That’s just too much information.

  Selina coughs, holding the mask tighter to her face. Once she recovers, she turns to me. “I couldn’t listen to another minute, so I went to sleep with you, but you weren’t there. At first I thought I’d got the wrong tent.”


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