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Page 11

by Honey Palomino

  “What did you two do tonight?” Vick asked.

  “We went to dinner and then Bullet took me to see that new Parisian exhibit at the art museum.”

  “You, dear sir,” Julia slurred loudly, pointing at him. “Are getting laid tonight! The art museum leads right to this girl’s panties!”

  “Julia, shut up!” I said, heat rising to my cheeks.

  “What?” she shouted. “I’m just preaching the truth. There’s nothing you love more than art! Did you tell him the good news, by the way?”

  “Tell me what?” Bullet asked.

  “Julia, shut up!” I repeated. God, she was embarrassing.

  “Tell me.”

  “It’s not a big deal,” I murmured, with a dismissive wave.

  “Bullshit!” Julia replied, standing up and spilling a drink in the process. “Attention, everyone! Attention.” She grabbed a fork and began banging on a champagne glass.

  “Julia!” I hissed.

  “I’d like to announce the next star of the Breeze Block Gallery! My beautiful best friend will have her very own show there in a few months!”

  Bullet looked over at me in shock.

  “Libby, that’s amazing,” he said. I slid down in my chair, dying of embarrassment. I grabbed the hem of Julia’s very short skirt, and pulled her back down in her seat.

  “You suck!” I said.

  “I sure do!” She fell into a fit of giggles.

  I turned to Bullet, shaking my head. “It’s not a big deal.”

  “Yes it is!” he insisted, squeezing my thigh and planting a huge kiss on my cheek. “I’m so proud of you.”

  “Thanks,” I muttered. Julia was the only person I’d told so far. I hadn’t even told my parents yet. The fact is, I could hardly believe it myself. I’d worked at the Breeze Block Gallery for two years now, and just by chance, I was doing some work on my website last week when the owner, Paige, came in. She looked over my shoulder when I didn’t realize she was looking, and offered me a show right there on the spot, which surprised the hell out of me.

  Now that everyone knows, I guess it’s real.

  Once the clapping and attention suddenly thrown my way dissipated, I leaned over to Bullet and whispered in his ear.

  He nodded with a secret smile and stood up, pulling out my chair.

  Turns out, he truly is the perfect gentlemen.

  “We’re turning in for the night,” he said, nodding at the Gods. “Gentleman, enjoy the rest of your evening.”

  “But you just got here!” Julia protested.

  “I think you’ll be fine,” I laughed, hugging her goodbye and whispering in her ear. “Make sure you practice safe sex.”

  She giggled and patted her purse. “Always.”

  “See you tomorrow,” I said, waving at Slade and Riot and following Bullet back into the luxurious lobby.

  As we waited for the elevator, Bullet leaned over and whispered in my ear, his breath brushing over my skin and sending shivers down my spine.

  “J'ai hâte de te retrouver seul!”

  “What’s that mean?”

  “I can’t wait to get you alone!”

  “Hmm,” I mused. “Now you’re speaking my language!”



  Sitting at the end of the bar, watching them all enjoy themselves, the camaraderie they shared…

  It was hard to watch.

  It only reminded me of everything I didn’t have. Everything I never had. Honestly, the closest I came to any kind of community like that was on the streets, so very long ago.

  It wasn’t like that in jail.

  It wasn’t like that in the art community.

  Everyone locked themselves away, doing their own thing, occasionally crawling out of the walls with a pretty picture to show everyone. But for the most part, I was alone.

  That’s why I was so smitten with the idea of converting that old ghost town into my own little neighborhood.

  That’s why I’m so damned determined to get Libby to talk to me.

  I watch her from afar and I see the way she looks at her friend, and the way she looks at Bullet. She wants that, too, I can tell.

  I can only hope we can be that for each other, as well.

  As she strolls past me, completely oblivious that the man at the end of the bar is the woman who gave birth to her, I can’t take my eyes off of her. She’s stunning in her dress, her hair swept up elegantly.

  She disappears into the elevator, and just like that, she’s gone.

  And I’m left with a bar full of bikers, pondering what to do with the rest of my night. First things first.

  “Excuse me, I’ll be right back,” I say to the bartender, a hot blonde with a great rack that looks like she just moved here from Santa Clarita.

  I stroll out of the bar and into the hotel lobby, stopping at the front desk.

  “I’d like a room for the night, please.”

  “Of course, sir,” the young guy behind the counter nodded. He stares at his screen, then looks back at me. “I have a regular room for $159 or I can get you in the penthouse suite for $875.”

  I glanced back at the bar.

  “Does the penthouse suite have a king-sized bed?”

  “Yes, sir, it does,” he said. “In fact, there’s two. There’s a second bedroom.”

  “Perfect, I’ll take it,” I smiled, handing him my credit card.

  He slid a room key my way and asked if I had any luggage. I laughed waving him away. “Nothing you can carry.”

  I strolled back into the Driftwood Room, ready to choose my prey.



  The door clicked into place and my inner caveman kicked in. It took all my strength to resist it. We’d both had a few drinks. It would have been so easy to fall right into bed and get lost in her body, but she deserved more than that.

  She looked at me expectantly and I smiled patiently at her.

  “Come check out this room,” I said.

  Ryder and Grace had spared no expense, but as I’d checked in, I asked about upgrading and found out they had their premiere suite available. “They call this the Marlene Dietrich suite, apparently.”

  “That bed!” Libby cried, her eyes lighting up. “It’s round!”

  “It sure is,” I laughed. The round bed in the corner was blanketed in what looked like a puffy white cloud, with a white tufted headboard and gleaming gold plated nightstands beside it, with overflowing vases of white roses perched on top. A white, velvet chaise lounge was placed next to a roaring fireplace with a white marble mantle that matched the floors.

  I had a sudden image of making love to Libby on it, but I pushed it away before I blew through all my restraint.

  “This is so beautiful,” she said, slowly wandering around, and stopping to look out the window, gazing out at the downtown Portland skyline. My breath caught in my throat as I gazed at her.

  She looked genuinely happy.

  She’d never been more beautiful.

  “What would you have done if I hadn’t come up here?” she asked, turning to me with a teasing sparkle in her eyes.

  I walked over to her slowly, my eyes raking over every inch of her body, trailing over her curves, mapping out each path I would take along her skin later with my tongue. I swallowed hard, wanting her so badly it was painful.

  “If you’d not come up here?” I repeated, my voice gruff with desire. “I guess I’d have respected your wishes and drowned my sorrows in a tub of ice cream and old Marlene Dietrich movies, I suppose. It only seems right, don’t you think?”

  Her laughter bubbled up in the air and I leaned my head down, catching her laughing lips in a gentle kiss. She reached up, putting her hand on my cheek and I groaned at her touch. I pulled away slowly, knowing if I let the kiss deepen, I’d never be able to stop.

  I smiled, peering deeply into her eyes, my heart swelling as we smiled at each other.

  “There’s champagne,” I said
. “And strawberries. And who knows what else. I ordered the deluxe package.”

  “You went to all this trouble for me, Bullet?” she asked. “You didn’t have to.”

  “I know,” I replied. “I wanted to.”

  “Why, Bullet?”

  “Libby,” I said, shaking my head, growing serious. “I know we’ve talked about this before. And I don’t mean to keep bringing it up, but tonight was important to me. I wanted to show you that I can fit into your world. And you can fit into mine.”

  She searched my eyes, her soft, hazel eyes so bright.

  “We spent way too much time apart,” I continued. “I shouldn’t have let so much time pass. But I wanted to give you space. Time to heal. I guess I’m just trying to say that I hope enough time has passed, because I don’t just want a casual fling with you, Libby. I want you. I want you to be mine. I want us to be together. I’m not saying you have to give up anything. We can have our separate lives, but can’t we be together, too?”

  “Bullet,” she said, “you’re the sweetest man I’ve ever met.”

  I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her closer.

  “You don’t have to take me to Le Pigeon and spring for the fancy hotel suite to show me that we’re right for each other,” she said. “I already knew that. I’m sorry I took so long —.”

  I reached up, putting a finger over her lips.

  “No, no apologies. You did what you needed to do in your own time. Never apologize for that.”

  She nodded, smiling, tears springing to her eyes.

  “Thank you,” she whispered. “I should have been a better communicator, though.”

  “It’s okay,” I shook my head, trailing my finger down to her chin, lifting it gently, and brushing my lips against hers, and pulling away, gazing into her eyes again. “We’re here now.”

  I pulled away and headed back towards the bed, where the staff had placed a bottle of champagne, shoved into a rhinestone encrusted bucket of ice. Chocolate-covered strawberries lay on a gold-trimmed plate on the nightstand. I grabbed the bottle and turned back to a smiling Libby.

  “Let’s have a toast,” I said.

  Her smile widened and she nodded. “Yes!”

  The bottle opened with a loud pop, bubbles pouring out of the top as Libby rushed for the glasses with a giggle.



  “To our future!” Bullet said, clinking his glass against mine.

  “To our future,” I said, blinking away tears. He was so kind-hearted and sweet, my heart was almost breaking from the tenderness. He’d gone to so much trouble to impress me and I couldn’t help but be charmed by it.

  I knew my wonderful, but straight-edged, parents would be skeptical about him at first, but I also knew they’d warm up to him once they saw how happy I was. I’d never wanted to introduce a man to my parents before, but the intense respect Bullet kept showing me was quickly changing my mind.

  He was the kind of man you took home to your parents.

  Maybe he didn’t look the part all the time. His tattoos, his long hair, his leather cut that he wore like a second skin, proudly displaying his allegiance to the Gods. Not to mention his dangerous job.

  On the surface, he went against all the rules.

  But inside?

  This was the kind of man a woman should marry.

  This was the kind of man a woman should have children with.

  And here I am, sipping champagne in a fancy hotel, watching him loosen his tie for the first time all night, and I’m way ahead of myself.

  We just agreed to date.

  Not partner up for life and make a bunch of babies.

  Either way, the future looked amazing.

  And the night ahead? As I brought the glass to my smiling lips again, my fingers were trembling with anticipation of the delights in store for me. My eyes raked over his body and I swallowed hard.

  One more sip of champagne and I put the glass down next to the bed and closed the distance between us, my hands running up his torso, the smooth silk of his shirt sliding under my fingers. I tugged on his tie, pulling it off and draping it over my neck with a smile.

  He raised an eyebrow, silently grinning, watching.

  Slowly, I unbuttoned his shirt, the tiny buttons releasing, exposing his chest and then his abdomen, slathered in ink, rippling with muscles. I pushed the shirt away and over his arms, my fingers sliding over his thick biceps and down to his muscular forearms. A low groan escaped from his chest, and I locked eyes with him.

  Dark and smoldering, his lust shone through like an inferno.

  “Libby.” His voice was a deep, low warning that I had no intention of heeding. Shooting him a daring glance, I slid my fingers down his belly, trailing the thin line of hair that disappeared into the waist of his pants.

  His hand grabbed mine and pulled it away before I could release the top button of his pants, his growl loud and passionate, as his lips crashed into mine. He released my hand, his palms gripping my cheeks as he kissed me deeply, his tongue sliding between my lips, his mouth searching mine.

  My arms wrapped around him, his body hard against mine as he kissed me harder, his desire hard and throbbing against my belly. Gently, he pushed me back against the wall, grasped my hands and raised them high over my head, grinding his cock against my center.

  I threw my head back, moaning loudly, arching my back.

  He reached down with one hand, lifted the hem of my dress, his hand sliding between my thighs and pressing into me, as his lips found mine again. His fingers slid under my panties, sliding down and smoothly entering me. I gasped against his lips, my body shuddering under his touch.

  I opened my thighs, struggling to keep my legs from buckling under me.

  He sank to his knees in front of me, dipping under my skirt and grasping the sides of my panties, sliding them over my quivering thighs and pulling them over my heels. He smiled up at me, a devilish grin that sent waves of heat rolling over my body.

  His head dipped down, the heat of his mouth searing the skin of my inner thigh, his kisses trailing up slowly toward my center. I reached down, my hand sinking into his hair, pulling him into me.

  “Bullet,” I hissed his name, unable to breathe, my body seized by waves of pleasure washing over me. My head fell back, my body panting, my breasts rising and falling as I held onto his shoulders to steady myself.

  “Don’t stop, baby,” I cried. “Please don’t ever stop.”



  Standing in the middle of the master bedroom, I took in the scene from last night. Splayed out in front of me like a scene from a film, I couldn’t help but smirk.

  I’d wanted to have a good time, and I certainly had accomplished that.

  Storm, Vick and Colt were all passed out in various states of intoxication. I’d waited till only a few Gods were left in the bar before making my move. After changing into a slinky black dress in my room, I returned to the bar before it closed and found the three of them trying to drink each other under the table.

  Julia had disappeared with Striker, leaving the three of them for me.

  I easily joined their game and convincing them to come back to my room was like offering candy to a bunch of babies. There’s something that happens to men when you proposition them bluntly. They turned into bumbling idiots for a moment, and then, once they realized I was serious, they were all about it.

  Five minutes after locking the door to my room, we’d discarded our clothes and the party had started.

  It was exactly what I needed. A night of unbridled passion and lust with a bunch of masculine guys that had no idea who I was.

  The fact that I could kick them out at will, and never have to see them again, was the cherry on my orgy sundae.

  “Time to go, fellas!” I said, loud enough to stir them. It took a minute. I had to repeat myself a few times, but finally they roused, looking around and trying to shake the cobwebs from t
heir memories.

  “Hey,” I said, nodding. “Remember me?”

  Vick cocked his head, a glimmer of recognition shining in his eyes.

  “Oh, yeah,” he nodded.

  “Right!” I agreed. “We had a great time last night. Really. Unforgettable, I’d say. But it’s time to go. I have shit to do.”

  Storm stood up, his rippling muscles almost as hard as his morning wood. He grinned, walking towards me.

  “As tempted as I am to take another ride on that again, I have to refuse,” I said. His shoulders slumped, and he reached for his clothes instead.

  The other two followed suit and in a few moments, they were kissing me on the cheek as I waved them out the door.

  I watched them walk away, their tight asses indeed something I would never forget. I locked these little memories away for my old age and closed the door with a smile.

  “Okay,” I said out loud, “back to business.”

  I jumped in the shower, my wheels turning.

  Instead of waking up hungover, I’d woken up clear as a bell about what I needed to do. It was like the sex had somehow gotten rid of the clouded, emotional thoughts I’d been having. I’d been blinded by my grief over losing Libby, drowning myself in misery and alcohol and sex.

  But now, in the light of day, I saw that this was just another obstacle in the path I’d chosen in life. And I was really great at slaying obstacles.

  There was nothing I couldn’t handle.

  By the time I was dressed and leaving the hotel, once again dressed as a man in case there were any lingering Gods in the lobby, I had a foolproof plan that would give me everything I wanted.



  Wrapped in Bullet’s arms, I slept like a baby.

  I untangled myself after waking, taking care not to wake him. He slept deeply, his naked body bathed in the morning light streaming through the windows.


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