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Paper, Scissors, Rock

Page 2

by Nicole S. Goodin

  I hated myself for it.

  “I’m meeting my friend Hannah.” I told him, the words out of my mouth before I could figure out what had possessed me to specify that little detail.

  He visibly relaxed and smirked a cocky grin like he’d had some type of victory. “Is she as pretty as you?”

  I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

  Not gonna work on this girl, rock star.

  Something inside my brain told me to give him one last chance to have a real conversation.

  I reached my right hand out towards him. “I'm Charlotte.”

  He reached out and took my hand in his, an amused expression on his face as he shook it gently.

  His hand felt strange in mine – it was almost familiar.

  Jesus… how much vodka was in that drink?

  “Are you not going to introduce yourself?” I asked when he didn’t speak.

  “Oh please,” he scoffed, his arrogance coming off him in waves. “Like you don't already know who I am?”

  I raised an eyebrow at him and pulled my hand back.

  Cocky bastard.

  I would have loved to be able to say no, but I wasn’t into lying, and I wasn’t going to start purely for his benefit.

  “Oh, I know who you are,” I confirmed. “Parker Sloan – big-time rock star.” I rolled my eyes.

  He waved his hand in a gesture that said ‘exactly’.

  “Knowing your name doesn’t mean I know you,” I stated quickly, narrowing my eyes at him. “I thought that maybe you might have had the manners to introduce yourself properly, but I can see I was wrong.”

  Jasper punched Parker in the arm as he let out a loud chortle. “I like her," he choked out through his laughter.

  I smiled and winked at Jasper.

  I held out my hand to him instead, ignoring the perplexed expression of the other man. “I’m Charlotte.”

  He took my hand and shook it gently. “Jasper.” He nodded. His hazel eyes were warm and soft and I decided right there and then that Jasper Jones was okay in my book.

  Jasper was nearly the same height as Parker, but with longer blond hair on the top that he had tied up in one of those man buns, and a thick beard growing from his face. His tattoo collection also rivalled Parker’s, covering every patch of skin I could see outside of his t-shirt and jeans.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Jasper.” I screwed my nose up at Parker as I took my hand back.

  I picked up my drink and swivelled around on my stool to scan the crowd again.

  Relief flooded me as I spotted Hannah by the door. My feeling of relief was quickly replaced by shock.

  Christ. What the fuck is she wearing?

  I downed the rest of my drink as I slid off my stool. I sat the empty glass on the bar and stepped in her direction at the same moment that Parker’s hand landed gently on my upper arm.

  My skin tingled from the contact, and I hoped to god that he didn’t notice.

  “That's it?” he asked in disbelief. “You don't want to try for a night with a celebrity? You don't even want me to sign anything?” he asked with a well-practised cocky grin.

  I tugged my arm from his grasp. “Seriously?” I asked, in disbelief of my own.

  He just stared at me, wide eyed, apparently waiting for an answer.

  Oh god… he’s delusional.

  “No.” I shook my head, spelling it out to him. “Parker Sloan – big-time rock star, I don't want to sleep with you.” I patted down my little black dress dramatically. “And I seem to have forgotten my pen; so, you'll have to spot me a boob sign next time we meet.”

  Jasper erupted into laughter again, still watching our little encounter from behind a bewildered-looking Parker.

  I laughed and shook my head as I walked away.


  I weaved through the sea of people until I reached Hannah.

  Oh my god. It’s worse than I thought.

  She had the fuck-me heels and the fuck-me dress on.

  Don’t even get me started on that makeup.

  “Han, what the fuck are you wearing?” I demanded as I reached her, looking her up and down.

  She had on the scantiest dress I’d ever seen. If she were to bend over in that thing the whole club would see what she’d had for breakfast.

  Hannah was a beautiful girl; her blonde hair was cut into a long bob and her skin was a pretty, golden tone – not that you could see it from under the foundation she had caked on her face. She had a slim, athletic figure that didn’t need to be dressed in skin-tight outfits to look good.

  "Lotte, he's here. This is it. My shot… I had to wear the hooker dress.”

  "Friggin’ hooker dress alright," I mumbled. “And tonight, just might be your lucky night,” I added. “He’s at the bar, and he’s looking to score.”

  Her eyes darted to the bar like a wild cat laying eyes on its prey. “How do you know he’s on the pull?” she demanded.

  “Because…” I groaned. “He just tried it on with me,” I replied with an eye roll.

  Her mouth fell open and her eyes bulged. “What?”

  “Don’t even get me started, Han, I’m not equipped to deal with his particular brand of crazy right now,” I ground out.

  Truth was, Parker had rattled me... he’d gotten under my skin. It was only a little, but that was more than any man had been able to achieve in the past two years.

  I sent up a silent plea that the rock star wouldn’t give me anymore grief.

  “What the fuck just happened?” I asked no one in particular.

  Jasper let out a low whistle. “You just got schooled by a mega babe.” He took great pleasure in reminding me.

  “Fuck,” I muttered under my breath.

  I couldn’t figure out where I’d gone wrong. It always worked. I just looked at the girl I wanted and she was putty in my hands – I couldn't remember being turned down once in the past five years.

  And I’m not starting now.

  Not this girl.

  I’d been right on the money when I’d thought there was something special about her.


  She was smart, sassy, beautiful, and possibly the sexiest woman I’d ever laid eyes on.

  I wanted her.

  I wanted her so badly I could barely think straight.

  I gave my so-called best mate the middle finger and began to weave through the crowd, following after her. I ignored the groping hands and screams of my name as people began to recognise me.

  I could hear Jasper calling out for me to give it up.

  Like hell.

  I followed the path I’d watched her take and I didn't stop shoving until I laid eyes on her.

  She was standing with her back to me, those sexy damn legs on full display, talking animatedly to some blonde girl who was wearing a barely-there, pink dress, sky-high heels, and about two inches too much makeup on her face.

  Cake face’s jaw dropped with recognition as she saw me approaching, but I ignored her. She was just like all the other women in here that I could pull without saying a word.

  I slid my arm around Charlotte’s slender middle and turned her gently around to face me. Her hair brushed past my nose and she smelt so good it almost knocked me over.

  She gasped in surprise before her eyes landed on me and frustration set in. She picked up my wrist like it was dirty and dropped it from her waist as she took a step away from me.

  She sat her hands on her hips and smirked at me. “Rock star,” she acknowledged with attitude thick in her voice. "What can I do for you?" Her full lips were painted the most alluring shade of…


  Fuck if I knew, but it was sexy as hell.

  Get on with it, Parker, you’re being a pussy.

  I stared hard at her, trying to figure her out. She knew who I was; she'd said as much, she just didn't seem to give a shit, and that only made me want her more.

  “Riiighht,” she drawled when I didn’t answer.

  She pulled
her friend in towards her. “So, since you’re so big on introductions, this is Hannah, my friend and roommate. She’s a big fan.”

  I pulled my eyes off her long enough to nod once at the friend and mutter a ‘hey’. She looked like she’d all but pissed her pants with excitement.

  Why is Charlotte not like that?

  “Do you not like my music?” I demanded, all of my attention firmly on the red-haired beauty in front of me.

  She shook her head quickly and her eyes softened. “No, I love your music.”

  I got a major thrill from hearing those words from her.

  But then what the fuck is the problem?

  “I'm confused.” I stated.

  She reached out and stroked my cheek gently with her small hand, sending tingles down my spine. “Poor rock star, does that happen a lot?” A smart-ass grin spread across her face.

  She tugged on her friend’s arm and started to walk away from me again, her friend was still staring at me with her mouth open, whilst being dragged away. If I wasn’t in such a state of shock, I probably would have laughed.

  I was frozen to the spot; her touch had sent shockwaves through my body that I wasn’t used to and didn’t know how to deal with.

  "Come up to my booth?" I called lamely at the back of her head, even though I already knew the answer would be no – it was blaringly obvious that Charlotte wasn’t like any of the other women I’d met lately.

  Maybe ever…

  "Nah… I'm good," she called back over her shoulder, giving me a glimpse of the smirk she had on her pretty face.

  She continued to drag her friend over to the dance floor.

  Holly? Harper? Or was it Hannah?

  I looked over to the bar where Jasper was near doubled over laughing at my expense.


  Fuck this. No one says no to Parker Sloan.

  It struck me for a moment that perhaps my cocky asshole routine was what was hindering me most right now, but I pushed the thought aside. It was the only routine I had and I was sticking with it.

  Some dark-haired bimbo appeared in front of me with a 'fuck me' gleam in her eye. I shifted her sideways with barely a second glance as I strode towards the dance floor – chasing Charlotte again.

  There was only one woman I was interested in right now.

  I caught sight of her long, dark-red hair and creamy, pale skin swaying to the music.

  She had her back to me, so I did the first thing I thought of – I scooped her up into my arms and carried her off the dance floor, newlywed style, and stalked towards where Jasper was still waiting at the bar.

  Charlotte kicked and thrashed, yelling a string of curse words the whole way – and I had to give it to her, the girl knew how to make a scene. People were staring, but I wasn't worried. I was a celebrity, no one was gonna kick me out of this shit hole.

  “You kiss your momma with that mouth?” I whispered hoarsely into her ear as I slid her body down mine and sat her back on her feet. The feel of her body against mine… her in my arms was just about my undoing.

  I need her.

  Her face was flushed from all the struggling. “What the hell do you think you're doing?” she cried. “You complete and utter moron.” She shoved my shoulder angrily and it was almost comical given her size.


  I couldn't help but laugh at how adorable she was when she was pissed off.

  Adorable? Jesus…

  Since when is adorable in my vocabulary?

  “I wanna know why you turned me down,” I demanded, getting back to the issue at hand. “You know who I am, you like my music... I don't see what the problem is?" I dipped my head and crouched slightly so we were at level height. Even with her heels on she was tiny next to me.

  She turned around and looked at Jasper for help. “Is he on something?” she demanded dramatically.

  Jasper just grinned.

  She looked back at me. “I’m serious, did someone sell you a bad batch or something?” Her eyes raked over my face like she was looking for clues.

  “I don’t do drugs,” I growled.

  She frowned like I was a puzzle she couldn’t figure out.

  “Okay then, crazy.” She reached up and patted the top of my head like a dog. “This is my cue to leave.”

  Her bewildered friend had followed us over and Charlotte grabbed her hand and pulled her in close.

  “Let’s just back away slowly.” She stage-whispered, her eyes still locked on my face.

  She glanced at J. “It was really nice to meet you, Jasper.” She smiled genuinely at him and he smiled back. It took every ounce of self-control I had not to punch my best friend for getting that smile instead of me.

  She took a couple of steps back, her friend reluctantly following.

  “Rock star…” she acknowledged, her eyes on mine again. “It’s been… interesting.”

  I opened my mouth to reply but they turned and disappeared into the crowd before I got the chance.

  What the hell just happened?

  I glanced around and noticed that our security had appeared and were keeping the boisterous crowd back away from us, some of them were filming me and I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I looked like a complete idiot in those videos.

  How did I not see that before?

  “Well that was a blinding success,” Jasper drawled from next to me as we turned our back on the cameras and faced the bar.

  I smirked at him. “It wasn’t a complete failure actually.”

  “How’s that?” he asked, a grin still playing on his lips as he took a drink of his beer.

  Smug bastard…

  “The part where she walked away from you three times?” he asked with a laugh. “Or the part where she thought you were crazy? Which, might I add, you were doing a mighty fine job of acting.” He chuckled.

  “Nope.” I shook my head. “The part where I got this.” I held up the cell phone I’d pick pocketed out of her bag.

  Jasper raised his brows at me. “You know you’re meant to get her number right, not her whole phone,” he drawled.

  Most people would be losing it with me right about now, but not J, he was as cool as they came.

  “I had to get creative,” I mumbled. “She was making me work for it.”

  “Ever think that maybe she just wasn’t interested, man?” he asked in the most serious voice he could muster.

  I shot him a look.

  “Then she damn well better get interested.” I murmured to myself.

  “I don’t know what’s going on,” Hannah stated, pure confusion written all over her face. The poor girl had looked completely shell shocked from the moment Parker had grabbed hold of me – and that was saying something, Han was about as un-shockable as they came.

  “Me either,” I agreed, squeezing her hand. I glanced back over my shoulder as we reached the door of the club, I was half expecting to have been followed again, but I couldn’t see him, or Jasper either.

  Thank god.

  We stepped into the cool night air and I took a deep breath for the first time since I’d been propositioned by a total nutcase of a man.

  Crazy bastard.

  I looked up at the sky and inhaled another deep breath. There were people milling around and a bunch of photographers that were probably hoping to get a shot of said crazy bastard.

  What the hell happened in there?

  “Charlotte!” Hannah pulled hard on my hand, shaking me from my thoughts. “What the hell was all that?” she demanded. “Parker Sloan, the Parker Sloan was chasing after you like a puppy dog!”

  I shushed her and dragged her further down the street, away from nosey media. I rolled my eyes dramatically. “Why do you have to call him the Parker Sloan? He’s just a man for God’s sake.”

  Her eyes bulged as though I’d just said something totally outrageous.

  “You are such a groupie.” I laughed.

  “I’d be anything that man wanted me to be,” she said in a dreamy voice.<
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  I made a gagging noise. “That’s not only immoral, it’s totally degrading.”

  “Parker Sloan can degrade me anyt—”

  I clapped my hand over her mouth and dragged her further down the street. “Hannah! Have an ounce of self-respect for crying out loud.”

  I felt her laugh against my hand.

  “If I let you go, do you think you can keep your sexual innuendos to yourself for five minutes?”

  She nodded and I let her go.

  “You know I was just playing.” She laughed freely. “But my god, girl, how freaking hot is Jasper Jones?”

  “Christ woman, keep it in your pants…” I mumbled to myself.

  Hannah winked at me.

  “I’m calling a cab, my feet hurt,” I announced. That, and I wanted to get the hell away from there as fast as I could.

  “Good. I can’t wait to get all this shit off my face,” she whined.

  I rummaged around in my purse for my phone.

  “Yeah, seriously, I’m not leaving you alone with my makeup ever again. I mean this in the nicest way possible, but you look like a cheap hooker.”

  Hannah erupted into laughter.

  My search of my bag was coming up empty.

  Where the hell is my phone?

  I dumped the contents out on the top of a fence rail.

  Mascara, lipstick, credit card…

  Where the hell is my phone?

  “It’s gone,” I told her in a panicked voice.

  “What is?”

  “My phone,” I stated, my voice rising another octave.


  “Here.” She pulled her phone from her bra and offered it to me. “Call it from mine and we can go back to the club and find it.”

  I was so panicked about having misplaced my cell phone, that I couldn’t even find it in me to give her shit about her choice of phone holder.

  We headed back towards the front doors as I dialled my number.

  I listened as the phone rang in my ear.

  “Hello?” a deep male voice answered.

  Sammy and my other security ushered us out of the low-key back entrance and into my waiting car as quickly and effectively as they could, given the situation I’d created inside. I’d messaged Kelvin to pick us up right after I’d lost sight of Charlotte. I didn’t want her coming back, looking for her phone – I needed it as an excuse to see her again.


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