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Paper, Scissors, Rock

Page 11

by Nicole S. Goodin


  I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t thought about it.

  I stood up and sat my guitar in its stand with a little more force than was necessary. “I’m done with this conversation.” I announced.

  Jasper just chuckled.

  “Get me two side stage, V.I.P. passes, J,” I called over my shoulder, my plan spurring into life in my head again.

  If I couldn’t go to Charlotte, I was gonna bring her to me.

  “Too easy,” he drawled.

  “And call a fucking plumber,” I added with a growl.

  We’d been home all of thirty seconds when the buzzer sounded.

  Hannah was the closest to the intercom.

  “Hello?” she answered through the speaker on the wall.

  “Yes, hello, I have a delivery here for a Miss Watson?”

  “Come on up,” Hannah replied, holding down the release buzzer for the front door of the building.

  She looked expectantly at me.

  I shrugged. “I got that last shipment of makeup… I haven’t ordered anything else.”

  My phone dinged in my bag at the same time the knock came at the door.

  “Be me,” I told Hannah as I rummaged in my oversized bag for my phone.

  I heard Hannah making small talk with the delivery guy and then the door shut.

  I finally located my phone along with the kitchen sink and hurriedly checked it.

  The message was from Parker, and just the sight of his name made my heart flutter.

  “Going in for sound check… I’ve been thinking about you all day. Please come? I’m going crazy without you, legs.”

  I frowned at the screen. “Come to what?” I thought aloud.

  Hannah’s squeal stole my attention. “His fucking concert, baby!” she shrieked.

  I spun around to face her. She’d ripped open the box and was bouncing up and down holding some sort of pass on a long cord.

  “You’re shitting me.” I gaped as I made a beeline for her and what she was holding.

  “Nope!” she shrieked again, cuddling the piece of plastic to her chest like it was her most prized possession. “Side stage… V.I.P. passes.” She swooned.

  I reached for the pass that Hannah didn’t have in a death grip and stroked the silky plastic.

  Oh, he’s good.

  I grinned to myself. “Very slick, Mr. Sloan,” I muttered under my breath as I caught sight of a note that Hannah had obviously overlooked in her excitement.

  I unfolded it and the sight of the manly script did strange things to my belly. I could almost imagine Parker, leaning over, pad resting on his knee, his calloused hands scrawling away.


  I’m sorry I couldn’t get these to you myself, but you have them now.

  I want you to come and watch me perform, babe… hell; I’m dying to see you standing on the side of that stage.

  J will look out for you.

  There’s a car coming for you at six.

  – P”

  My mouth fell open and I thrust the note towards Han.

  I rushed across the room and swiped my phone off the hall table.

  I messaged him as fast as I could.

  “I can’t believe you did that… thank you, I can’t wait to see you sing.”

  His reply was almost instantaneous.

  “It’s nothing. But I do have a few surprises for you tonight...”

  I grinned like crazy reading his reply. The little dots appeared at the bottom of the screen and I waited to see what else he might say.

  “Fuck… I gotta go. See you at the show, legs x”

  I was elated. At the risk of sounding a bit like a fan girl, I was so pumped to see Parker perform live. He was an amazing singer, and I knew the magnetism he possessed would make for an electric performance.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever loved you as much as I love you right now.” Hannah’s voice pulled me from thoughts of Parker on stage.

  I laughed at her, she was practically radiating delight.

  “A Parker Sloan concert,” she squeaked.

  “Down girl,” I warned her. “We can’t have you humping anyone’s leg.”

  She threw a wadded-up bit of paper at me. “I make no promises.”

  I shook my head and laughed. Thanks to Parker, this was definitely going to be a night to remember.

  “You ladies can watch from right here.” Jasper gestured to the most prime location this place had. We were side of stage and the view of Parker would be completely unobstructed.

  “Thanks, Jasper, we really appreciate the tour,” I told him with a smile. Hannah had appreciated the tour a little more than me, but still, I’d loved every minute of seeing where the magic happened.

  The only place we didn’t go was into Parker or the band’s dressing rooms. Part of me was disappointed, but the other part of me was content with the slow burn of desire building within me. I had a feeling that seeing him up on that stage was going to send me into overdrive.

  “Pleasure,” Jasper drawled in a thick, fake southern accent and tipped an invisible hat in our direction. “And Park would kick my ass if I didn’t give you two the royal treatment,” he added with a cheeky smirk.

  He was dead on about the royal treatment.

  Parker hadn’t been kidding when he said a car would pick us up at six. Six on the dot, the buzzer had sounded and a dapper-looking gentleman had appeared at our door.

  A glossy black limo had been waiting for us outside and Hannah had nearly lost her shit, she was so excited.

  I’d assumed we were going straight to the venue, but I’d been mistaken. A note from Parker sat inside the car, a single red rose with it.

  “Hey baby,

  I’m impressed you got in this car willingly, wasn’t so easy the last time.

  Dinner’s on me.

  Eat, drink, relax…

  I’ll see you soon.

  – P”

  I’d snorted out a very unladylike laugh at the memory he was referring to.

  We were treated to a dinner at the most exclusive and expensive restaurant in town. We had wait staff at our beck and call, and nothing was off limits. Our waiter had even been instructed by Mr. Sloan himself that we were to have nothing but the very best.

  I felt like a princess.

  Two bodyguards had escorted us from the car, into the back entrance of the venue, and we’d been informed that they would be our shadows for the night.

  I’d let out a disbelieving laugh, but Jasper hadn’t thought it was too funny.

  “I swear to god, Charlotte, I can’t deal with him right now, I know damn well you don’t need a shadow to go take a piss, but try telling him that,” Jasper had told me, utter exasperation on his face.

  I’d held up my fingers in scouts honour and promised not to give hulk one and two the slip.

  Parker must have been one scary bastard when he wanted to be, because the look of relief on Jasper’s face was palpable.

  And then, here we were. In a position hundreds of thousands of women, and probably a hell of a lot of men, would kill to be in.

  The noise of the crowd drew me in and I couldn’t resist any longer. I peeked out of the alcove and gasped at the sight in front of me. There were more people out there than I’d ever seen in one place. My eyes bulged.

  How the hell does he deal with that?

  “What happens now?” Hannah asked Jasper excitedly.

  I pulled back away from the madness in front of me.

  Jasper flicked his wrist to check the time. “In about… two minutes, I’ll go out there and introduce your boy.” He winked at me as he said the last part and I felt myself blush slightly.

  Parker’s not mine… is he?

  My mind spun with the possibilities.

  Jasper carried on, oblivious to my brain explosion. “He’s got the band up there with him tonight, so he’ll work the crowd, introduce the guys, and then smash the shit out of those tunes we all love so much.”
  I giggled. Jasper was a funny guy. A bit quirky… incredibly chilled… I liked him. I could see us being friends, given the chance. I could also see him and Hannah being a problem. I didn’t miss the little looks he was shooting her every few minutes.

  I got it.

  Totally got it.

  Hannah was a knockout. She’d taken my advice and calmed the hell down with her outfit choices. Tonight, she’d gone with a pair of black skinny jeans that were so tight they looked like they were painted on, sky-high black heels and a white spaghetti-strap camisole. Her hair was styled into a sleek bob, and her makeup was smoky and seductive.

  She looked smoking hot. Jasper would have to be blind not to notice.

  I already had the two of them pinned as a one-night stand ending in disaster.

  But hell, what do I know…

  I glanced around the stage again. There were crew members, dressed all in black, darting around all over the place. They moved like a well-oiled machine.

  “Mikey!” Jasper called to one of them. “Sort that fuckin’ loose cable out man, you break Park’s neck and I’ll have to kill you.”

  The man quickly complied. I hadn’t even noticed the hazard. Jasper was obviously not as blasé and oblivious as he liked to make out. He barked out a few more orders about things I never would have even considered an issue.

  I was impressed.

  I was about to tell him as much, when I felt eyes on me.


  I turned to search for him, but came up empty. Parker was there somewhere though, I just knew it.

  Jasper clapped his hands together loudly, causing me to jump slightly. “Show time, ladies.”

  And just like that, he sauntered out onto the stage, the light following him as though it was some perfectly synchronized routine.

  I guess it is...

  The noise that followed was deafening. I couldn’t even imagine how loud it would be when the crowd caught sight of Parker.

  “Good evening, beautiful people,” Jasper drawled into the mic in the centre of the stage. “How we all doing tonight?”

  The crowd screamed and yelled until they all blended into one.

  “Holy hell,” Hannah muttered in my ear.

  I nodded in agreement.

  “I’m gonna get me a piece of that fine ass, if it’s the last thing I do,” she half yelled, so I could hear over the roar of the crowd – her eyes fixed firmly on Jasper.

  Called it…. totally called it.

  I shot her a look of indifference.

  If Han wanted to get it on with Jasper, chances are, she would. Hannah was a girl who got what she wanted ninety percent of the time.

  The crowd had begun chanting Parker’s name, at the request of Jasper.

  “Alright, alright.” Jasper chuckled. “Here he is… ladies and gents… Paaarrrrkeeeerr Slllloooooaaannn.” He drew out his name like a boxing announcer does and I couldn’t help the goosebumps that broke out over my skin.

  Parker stepped out onto the stage, black jeans, white singlet and his guitar slung over his back. His hair was dishevelled, like he’d been running his hand through it, and I’d never seen someone look so utterly appealing. It took everything I had in me not to run out onto that stage and lick him all over.

  “Parker!” a woman screamed so loud it made me cringe.

  “Parker Sloan.” Hannah shook her head with a look of disbelief.

  “Rock star,” I breathed.

  He turned as though he’d heard me, and shot me the most breath-taking smile I’d ever received.

  I nearly staggered backwards.

  He’s so beautiful.

  I don’t know how I hadn’t seen it before. This man was perfection. Pure sex and sin rolled into a delicious package.

  I must have been doing a terrible job of keeping my thoughts off my face, because he shot me a knowing smirk before turning his attention back to the crowd, bumping fists with Jasper and stepping up to the mic.

  The rest was a blur. I had no clue what song he sang first, or what the drummer’s name was. I couldn’t tell you if I sang along, or just stood with my mouth hanging open.

  Watching that man sing was like foreplay. I wanted him so badly I couldn’t even focus.

  But even I didn’t miss when he switched things up.

  I have this tradition… at all of my shows; I get a girl up on stage and sing her a song – ‘Blue Eyed Girl’. I’ve done it from day one, my very first show, and continued to do it, even when that little punk Justin Bieber started asking if anyone wanted to be his baby.


  Every show, this part was the same. Someone, usually J, would pluck a girl out of the crowd, bring her up on the stage, and I’d sing her the song about the blue-eyed girl. It didn’t matter what colour eyes she had, that girl always turned to mush.

  Tonight, was the first time in five years, and over four hundred shows, that I wouldn’t be pulling a random girl from the crowd. It was also the first time I wouldn’t sing ‘Blue Eyed Girl’, which was ironic really, because I knew the girl I’d be singing to had the most beautiful blue eyes.

  I gave Jasper the nod. He was side stage, keeping an eye on Charlotte and Hannah for me.

  He nodded back with a grin.

  I knew I could count on J.

  I’d given him strict instructions, and so far, he’d complied.

  Number one: They weren’t to go anywhere without protection – if Charlotte went anywhere then one of Sammy’s guys went with her. No exceptions. I don’t think I would have been able to concentrate on the music if I’d been worrying about her getting caught up in any of this madness.

  Number two: He was the only person to get them drinks. I didn’t trust anyone working those bars, and I’d brought in a selection of drinks, just for the girls.

  Number three: He had to help me get Charlotte on stage, even if it meant throwing her over his shoulder and carrying her out here to me.

  I was seriously hoping it wouldn’t come to that. I wasn’t sure I had it in me to watch his hands on her tight body without causing a scene.

  I sat down on the front of the stage, my legs dangling over the edge. “Now I know there’s something I usually do about now…” I trailed off as the crowd started screaming for me to pick them.

  The beast was in full force this evening.

  “But I’m not gonna do that tonight.” I broke it to them with a grimace.

  The crowd went eerily silent for a moment, before the groans of disappointment rang out.

  I chuckled. “You all want me to be happy, right?” I winked at the mass of bodies.

  A chorus of suggestions like ‘I’ll make you happy’ and ‘you’ll be happy with me, baby’, were thrown my way.

  “Thing is, ladies, I’ve got someone right here who makes me very happy.”

  I don’t know how, over the noise of the crowd, but somehow, I heard Charlotte gasp. Maybe it’s because I was hyper aware of her. I’d watched from the corner of my eye as her body swayed back and forth to the music through my whole set, I’d watched as she sang when she felt like it, and I certainly hadn’t missed the way she’d made eyes at me like I was some kind of god.

  Fuck… I’ve missed her.

  Every move I’d made, every chord I’d played had been on another level, the fact that she was here, watching, just heightened my awareness and put my senses on high alert.

  It was a tough freakin’ gig staying here in the middle of this stage when she was over there looking as appealing as she was. Those over-the-knee, high-heeled boots and loose-fit denim shirt dress she had on had given me a hard-on the minute I’d laid eyes on her. I was glad I didn’t wear a mic, because the strangled groan I’d let slip as I walked out left very little to the imagination.

  I turned to look at her and couldn’t help the deep chuckle that reverberated from deep in my chest.

  “She looks terrified,” I told the crowd.

  Some of them laughed, some let out a big ‘awwwww’… s
ome grumbled and moaned.

  Charlotte pointed at herself as if to say ‘me?’.

  I nodded in response.

  She shook her head furiously and took a couple of steps backwards.

  “I’ll do it if she won’t!” Hannah called out with a shit-eating grin.

  I chuckled again.

  “J, mind giving me a hand, man?” I spoke into the mic.

  Jasper appeared behind Charlotte and gave her a not so subtle push forward.

  “All yours, Park,” I heard Brock say behind me. I’d requested two chairs to be set up centre stage, facing one another, and that the lights were dropped on the band. I jumped to my feet and handed him my electric guitar, instead, taking the acoustic guitar he had ready for me.

  “Thanks, man.”

  I glanced back over to Charlotte who was being forced out onto the stage by Jasper.

  Shit… she’s nervous as hell.

  I sauntered over and stopped directly in front of her. “Hey, babe,” I murmured as I tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “You mind doing me a solid and sitting that sexy little ass down on that chair over there?” I gestured behind me.

  She was looking up at me, her eyes as wide as saucers. She gaped, but seemed unable to form any words.

  “Thanks, J, I got it from here,” I told Jasper with a smirk.

  He looked as though he didn’t quite share my opinion, but backed off to stand with Hannah.

  I took her hand and tugged her out further. The crowd went wild the moment they caught sight of her. As jealous as some of those fans might have been, this was unheard of for me… this crowd was getting to see something special, and they knew it.

  I led her to the chair and sat her down.

  Her body was rigid and tense.

  I stood behind her and leant down to whisper in her ear. “It’s just me and you, legs, forget about the beast.” I tipped my head in the direction of the screaming crowd.

  I heard her soft giggle and saw her shoulders relax slightly.

  I moved around and sat down opposite her, looking right at her gorgeous face.

  “Now I know I usually sing ‘Blue Eyed Girl’…” I told the crowd through the mic sitting on the stand in front of me, my eyes never leaving Charlotte’s. “But tonight, I’m gonna ask this pretty girl if I can do something different.”


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