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A Love So Hard (Aces High MC - Charleston Book 2)

Page 10

by Christine Michelle

  Laughing, she called out her reply. “That’s okay, I like the view over here.” Then the minx that had been hiding in the woman I thought was a little angel slapped my ass. She got both cheeks at the same time too. Oh yeah, she was going to be in trouble later. For now, I just had to get her sweet ass on the back of my bike. It had been far too long since she’d been there.

  I took my woman to dinner and then before I could get her to a movie, like we were supposed to do on our previous date, she stopped me.

  “I don’t want to see a movie, CJ.”

  Nerves started knocking inside of me making my stomach queasy. Not that I would ever admit that out loud to anyone. “Did you have something else in mind?”

  She nodded her head and smiled at me. “I want to get to know you better,” she admitted.

  “Okay, we can do that. You want to walk or go sit down by the beach or something?”

  She shook her head. “I want you to take me to your place,” she admitted.

  “I live at the clubhouse,” I explained.

  “Yeah, and I’ve only ever been there the one time. I want to see where you live, how you live. I need to be able to wrap my head around your lifestyle completely. Better to get that out of the way now, don’t you think?”

  She wasn’t wrong, but that didn’t stop the nerves from eating away at my insides. “What if you don’t like what you see?”

  She shrugged her delicate shoulders. Admittedly, I only noticed the movement because it made her tits bounce just so. “Then I guess we learn to deal with that.”

  “Come on, beautiful, let’s get you to the clubhouse then.”

  She hopped on the back of my bike behind me and wasted no time wrapping her arms around my middle once more. She tucked her chin up on my shoulder, momentarily knocking our helmets together, and I caught her grin in the side mirror before she spoke again. “Aside from the giant head feeling these things give me, I love riding with you,” she spoke softly into my ear before I managed to start my bike. It was a good thing, because I loved the feel of her on the back of my bike too. I reached back and squeezed her thigh, letting her know I felt the same right before I took off.

  “What do we have here?” Merc’s question had just a hint of a drunken lisp to it. He also had his arm slung around one of the club whores which wasn’t going to help my case when Lucy realized my best friend and club brother was married and had a kid with his wife already.

  I glared at my best friend. “Merc,” I started hesitantly. He just gave me a sloppy, loose grin and turned his attention back to Lucy.

  “Hi, I think we met before,” Lucy told him. She was fidgeting a little, clearly not sure how to properly greet someone in the clubhouse. I could see her hand twitching, and knew she was wondering if she should offer a handshake or not since one of his hands was wrapped around a beer while the other was tracing the lace portion of the whore’s bra that was hanging outside of her tank top.

  “That we did, sweetheart. Lucy, right?”

  She nodded her head and smiled at him. I was still scowling, because this asshole was about to bring down a bunch of questions that were going to get really uncomfortable. Lucy smiled even bigger and then turned to the whore. “You must be his wife, it’s nice to meet you.” She did offer her hand this time since the whore wasn’t holding on to anything with the hand that wasn’t clutched around Merc’s waist. The whore giggled. Shit. I hadn’t realized Lucy already knew Merc was married.

  Merc must have realized the position he’d just put us both in as he pushed the woman away from him. “She’s not my woman,” he spat out.

  “I was good enough to blow you in the bathroom just a few minutes ago though,” the bitch cooed. I felt Lucy stiffen up beside me and there was no missing the worry in her eyes as she gave me a quick, sidelong glance. I just shook my head ever so slightly, hoping she’d catch the hint not to ask questions here in public. She let out a sigh and looked away from me, but I caught the nod of her head. I also didn’t miss the disappointment I saw in her eyes before she turned them away.

  “I’m showing Lucy around the clubhouse,” I informed my brother.

  “Probably for the best so she can see what she’s signing up for,” he muttered, knowing he’d been busted doing shit he shouldn’t be doing. It didn’t matter though. He turned back to the whore who had called him out on the blowjob. “You can get the fuck out!” He growled at her.

  “What? Why?” She huffed.

  “Because you know better than to run your mouth like that about what you’re doing around here. You want to open your mouth – it better be to blow a brother. Otherwise, you keep your shit zipped up tight.”

  I tugged Lucy away from that scene before she could hear any more. Fuck! How did it always go so wrong when I took her places that were supposed to show her how my life was lived?

  “That was a little intense,” Lucy commented as we moved to where the kitchen was set up.

  “Yeah, well, that’s part of the life here.” Again, she stiffened. “Not that every brother partakes in them, Lucy. It’s just the way things work.”

  “He’s your friend though, right? Your best friend?” Yeah, I knew that was why it was going to hit hard.

  “He is, and he’s also his own person who will have to face the repercussions of his own decisions, but they aren’t for us to judge or comment on. I don’t know what he and his wife have agreed to or not, and it isn’t my place or yours to get involved there.”

  Lucy shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know his wife, obviously. I just feel bad that I made that assumption and caused all that,” she waved her hand at the scene that was still going on behind us. The whore had been new enough that I didn’t even know her name, but it seemed she wouldn’t be sticking around after that show since she was still running her mouth to Merc. Unlucky for him, they were no longer alone. I was pretty sure that was Lily who had just come in carrying their son, Declan, on her hip.

  “Come on, babe.” I directed Lucy back behind the kitchen to the spare room I had taken up in order to get away from all the noise and bullshit. “This is me back here,” I explained.

  “You have the room behind the kitchen?” She laughed then. “Who did you upset to get this room?”

  “What do you mean? I moved to this room on purpose.”

  “You did? Why?”

  “To get away from that particular type of drama.” I looked down into her eyes as we stood outside my room. “Listen, I don’t use the whores, but they’re always around. They always will be, and since almost all of the other brothers have rooms upstairs or over on the other side of the building that means the whores gravitate that way. Not a damn one of them will use the kitchen if they can help it, so this is a quiet space away from all that.” Lucy grinned up at me then. Ah, thankfully, she was getting it.

  “Well, what are you waiting for? Show me to your room.”

  Suddenly, I was nervous. I very rarely had anyone in my room and never had a woman been allowed to cross over the threshold. I took the spot when one of the recent prospects patched in and no longer needed it. It had been the room given to those people who didn’t deserve what the club deemed as better. Then again, most of the men of the club preferred easy access to the club pussy. What made the room unworthy to them made it a prize to me. Oddly enough, now I was seeing that I hadn’t even realized what a prize it would be. First there was Lucy’s reaction to why I’d taken it. Then there was the fact that I was just now understanding that if Lucy and I had sex and she ended up being loud, everyone would hear her if I had one of the other rooms. I knew this because it was part of what drove me down here behind the kitchen to begin with. It’s hard to listen to the ongoing porn sound track of all the other rooms upstairs when you’re celibate for so long.

  I turned the handle of my door after unlocking it and stepped aside. I wished I could be inside the room first so I could get a look at Lucy’s reaction, but I’d have to settle for staring at her ass while she took in my meager
belongings, and judged the room that had been mine for the past two years. “Do you play or is that just a way to pick up women?” She tipped her head toward the bass guitar in the corner.

  I laughed. “Lucy, there’s only one woman for me, so tell me if it will help get you on my good side and I might play you a little something. Though, in case you weren’t aware it’s a bass, so it’s not exactly the stringed instrument the women go wild for.”

  She laughed right along with me. “Do you play guitar too, or something else?”

  “Nah, I thought about it, but then I found myself running out of time to even practice with that so I never bothered.”

  “I get that. I gave up reading as many books while I was in college.” She rolled her eyes at her own phrasing. “Not that I wasn’t reading,” she hastily added. “I just read what I had to for class and not what I really wanted to.”

  “What did you like to read, Lucy? Those juicy books where the men on the covers can’t seem to find their shirts?”

  “Nope,” she offered with a pop of the p. Then she turned to glance around my room once more. “I enjoy Dean Koontz, Stephen King, and once in a while I’ll dip my toes into an Anne Rice novel.”

  “So you like it scary?”

  “They’re intriguing stories. I always wonder how in the world the authors come up with the things they do. What kind of person dreams up family pets coming back from the dead to attack everyone?”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “I’m guessing a rich person considering who you’re talking about,” I teased.

  “That’s probably very true,” she agreed as she moved to the utilitarian wood dresser and ran her fingers over the books I had there. Most of them were about Harleys but there were a few that weren’t. She took note of the real estate brochures I had sitting there, but didn’t mention them.

  “Why is it that you don’t have a bunch of posters up on your walls of naked women on motorcycles?”

  I laughed so hard I couldn’t respond. She just kept watching me and honestly waited for an answer. “Seriously? Is that what you thought you’d find in here?”

  “Don’t laugh. Whenever I pictured your room that’s what would come to mind. I guess I played into the stereotype, huh?”

  “Yeah, it sounds like you did. Though, if you had come into my room back when you first met me you wouldn’t have been disappointed. I had all that then.”

  “What happened?”

  I smiled as I shut the bedroom door behind me and moved in closer to Lucy. I reached out and gently tugged on her hip to bring her closer to me. “I grew up a bit and realized those women didn’t represent a fantasy for me anymore. There’s just one woman who captivated me, and I didn’t have a poster of her to hang on the wall. Wouldn’t if I did in case one of my brothers came in and saw it.”

  She leaned in further so her side connected with my front. “I like that,” her voice came out in a wispy breath that was hard to hear, but I managed. “That you grew up. I’d like to think we both did a little of that while I was away.”

  “Oh you definitely did some growing while you were away,” I teased just after she pushed herself further into my body and her tits were pushing against my arm and into my lower ribs. I tipped my chin down as she tipped hers up and that just wasn’t going to do. Instead I grabbed her and picked her up so that she had no choice but to bring her legs around my waist to anchor herself to me as I moved in to devour her mouth. I couldn’t even tell you how it happened after that except that one second I was standing there with her in my arms kissing her like it might be my last moment on earth and then we were lying on my bed, no clothes, and I couldn’t for the life of me remember how we’d gotten there because I’d been so fucking caught up in her.

  “CJ!” My name was a breath of air puffed against my shoulder as I lined us up together.

  “Lucy?” I asked as I glanced down at her big gray-blue eyes that held a whole lot of need and a little bit of uncertainty. It was the latter that made me pause, waiting for her to either want to move forward or back out.

  “I’ve never…” she started to say then hesitated while biting into her lower lip. “I want to,” Lucy started again. “I guess I’m just a little scared about how it will feel.”

  That’s when I released the breath I’d been holding. Fuck. I knew she claimed to have not dated while she was away, but I never, in my wildest dreams, thought she had been serious about being a virgin still. I didn’t know shit about being with a virgin. I grew up around the club. My first experience had been with one of the club women. I did know that I wasn’t about to make this bad for her. I pushed up on my hands, extending my arms out so that my body was hovering well above hers allowing for the circulating air from the nearby vent to pool between us cooling our skin.

  “Do you want this?” I asked even though she’d just said she did.

  “I do want you,” she admitted.

  “Then trust me,” I told her before I leaned in and placed a soft kiss upon her lips before dragging my mouth down her jawline to the column of her throat. I left hot, wet kisses trailing down all the way to her plump breasts before I stopped to pay special attention to her pert nipples. I tucked into the one closest to me first, then the other, before I moved down and nipped and sucked my way across her abdomen. I loved that Lucy was soft here. She’d never even bordered on the edge of chubby, but she also didn’t tip over the line to toned muscle either. She was just the perfect blend of feminine softness for me. Not that it mattered, because I’d had plenty of fantasies involving her with a belly rounded with our child, and not that I’d admit this to any breathing mother fucker on this planet, but I imagined her with stretch marks afterward too, and how they would be a permanent reminder on her body of all they we are and what we created together. One day, I would see all that for myself.

  I continued to trace my lips down over her heated skin until I came to the soft little tuft of blond hair that sat neatly trimmed above her sex. I ran my nose through it, inhaling the scent of her arousal, making me hungrier to explore the rest of her. I wasted no more time and dove in ready to sate that hunger, and hers along the way.

  “CJ?” My name was a question on her lips, but one I couldn’t answer with words. Instead, I dipped in and used my fingers to pull her lips apart as I swiped my tongue from her already saturated entrance all the way up to her clit where I stopped to give it a good suck. “Oh God!” Her fingers were no longer gently trying to push me away. Instead her nails were digging into my shoulders and pulling me closer. I had just settled in and draped her legs over my shoulders, her legs spread wide, with ankles locked behind my back when one more innocent little suck had her clamping those thighs down hard on me as the muscles tensed in reaction to the orgasm that swept through her. My eyes roved over her body and up until they met her awed expression. It was like she had no clue what would happen when I went down on her.

  “What was that?” she asked the air on a whisper.

  “I know you’ve had orgasms before,” I informed her even though it was just a guess on my part.

  “Well, yeah, but what you did… I’ve never. It doesn’t. Um, that’s not how it usually goes when I…” her entire faced flamed red in embarrassment as she tried to avoid telling me her self-induced orgasms sucked in comparison to having me eat her out. I chuckled and gave her a little kiss, then another on each of her thighs before I moved to unlock her legs that were still wrapped around my upper body.

  “Babe, that was nothing.”

  “That was nothing?” She questioned softly, mimicking my words. I grinned at her as I slid my body along hers until I was perched over top of her, looking down at the luscious mouth I wanted to claim again.

  Then I remembered that nothing was stopping me from doing just that and I leaned in to take possession of her mouth with my own. I thought she might shy away as some younger, inexperienced women tended to do after a man had been between their legs, but she didn’t. The fact that she trusted me like that, trusted us
enough not to question it, was an instant turn on. Not that what we’d been doing already hadn’t been, but it was a boost in a big way. When I removed my mouth from hers she just smiled up at me and then gently reached down and cupped my cock in her slender fingers. She wrapped them around my shaft as far as they would go and began working it slowly up and down, getting the feel for it.

  “Should I return the favor?”

  I shook my head at her. “Not right now, babe. You get that precious mouth of yours anywhere near my cock, I’m gonna blow faster than you just did.” Her face reddened again as she attempted to duck into the pillow. “Nuh-uh. No hiding. That was sexy as fuck.”

  “But,” she started before I cut her off.

  “It’s sexy as fuck when you do it. It’s amateurish at best if it happens to me,” I admitted while chuckling when she set her jaw stubbornly.

  “That’s stupid. If someone gets you worked up to the point you can’t control yourself, that should be a compliment.”

  “You go around telling men that, and you’ll never get off again. They’ll take the lazy road.”

  “Men?” She questioned with the quirk of her brow.

  “Lucky for you, that won’t be a problem you have to face because there will only be me.”

  She grinned widely then and applied more pressure to what she was doing to my dick just as her thumb slid up and over the tip of it and rubbed the pre-cum that had pooled there around and around.

  “Fuck,” I groaned, and then she guided me to her entrance and smiled so sweetly I wish I could have captured her image just like that. The moment was so surreal. She tipped her head to me, and I was gone as I sunk deep inside her. I felt when I ripped through her innocence. It couldn’t be helped though. She jerked and sucked in a harsh breath forcing me to use every damn bit of restraint I had to still and allow her to get used to me. Once I felt her hips start to move and test the feel of my body moving against hers I pulled back and then slid back in just as gently as I had done the first time.


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