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Special Delivery: Father's Day: An Mpreg Romance Collection

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by Aria Grace

  Calen warned me we would conceive quickly, so I had been expecting it, but I was still stunned as I stood there and put the pieces together. I never woke up to pee. I never felt this ravenous in the mornings, even with my increased shifter appetite. And I certainly was never so hungry that I scarfed down the first food I saw without even preparing it in some way.

  Was I pregnant?

  I chewed my next bite slowly, thinking. Abruptly, I was struck by the knowledge that if I swallowed it, I was going to puke. I couldn’t say why; I just knew. I lunged for the sink and spat it out as fast as I could, but the rolling in my stomach didn’t go away. I barely made it to the bathroom before dropping to my knees in front of the toilet. Sure enough, I got sick.

  When I was done, I got a glass of water, then settled in on the couch, feeling too keyed up to go back to sleep. The next thing I knew Calen was gently shaking my shoulder.

  “Are you okay? How long have you been down here?” He glanced behind him at the message displayed on the TV: are you still watching?

  “Since four,” I answered.

  “Are you okay?” he repeated.

  Suddenly feeling shy, I put my hands over my stomach. “Well… I had to pee. Then I ate a slice of toast, threw it up, and then fell asleep here.”

  “Oh, that’s…” Understanding came over his face. “Oh! Are you… do you think you…”

  I nodded slowly. Calen broke into a wide grin that I couldn’t resist returning.

  “We should get you a test,” he suggested.

  I offered to go with him, but he insisted. Soon, I was tucked into the couch with food, water, and the remote. He was back in record time with several tests and a huge bag of snacks.

  “In case you have any cravings,” he explained as I peered into the bag. He handed me a test. “Here.”

  I took it, kissed him, and headed for the bathroom. He followed me.

  “I’m not going to be able to pee with you here staring at me,” I laughed.

  “We’ve shared the bathroom before,” he protested.

  “Yes, but you were brushing your teeth, not watching!”

  Calen fixed me with a pair of puppy dog eyes. “I can’t be here when you find out?”

  “Fine. Just… turn around?”

  He chuckled, but conceded. For a moment, I honestly wasn’t sure if I would be able to go with company. The feeling quickly passed and I got the test ready.

  “Okay,” I said when I was done.

  He came up behind me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, peering around me at the test. It wasn’t until he cupped his hand around mine that I realized I was shaking with nervousness. I counted slowly, hearing Calen echoing each number.

  And then, slowly, a second faint line began to appear.

  “Is that…” he gasped.

  “It is!” My heart skipped a beat. “I’m pregnant!”

  I felt like I should have been more freaked out. Especially considering a week ago I hadn’t ever expected to be pregnant. I supposed, maybe, out of everything, it was the most familiar. I had guarded several pregnant celebrities and politicians over the years. Being able to turn into a wolf was insane, pregnancy was something familiar. Normal even. I couldn’t deny I always wanted children.

  Calen ushered me back to the couch and settled me in. It seemed like someone was freaking out.

  “Calen, calm down,” I said. “We have three months.”

  “I know,” he laughed. “I’m just so… nervous. And excited. I watched my dad’s pregnancy just a few months ago and never imagined…”

  “Have you told them yet?” I asked, knowing he’d take the subject change bait.

  While I knew all about his wonderful sounding family, things had moved so quickly he hadn’t gotten a chance to tell them the big news. He wanted to do it in person. He also wanted to make it a big thing. His fathers had kept their meeting a secret until the family gathered for Thanksgiving and Calen found himself suddenly surrounded by his new family.

  “Not yet… I need to make sure everyone will be there,” he said, frowning. “I wish a big holiday was coming up, I’d love to top the Thanksgiving announcement.”

  “Memorial Day is all I can think of,” I said. “We can do a bar-b-que announcement.”

  Calen laughed, but shook his head. “That’s quite a way off. I’d hate to keep you a secret for that long.”

  “Me too.” I frowned. “I’ll still be pregnant by then, right?”

  He ticked off the days on his fingers, eyebrows adorably creased. As he counted, I pulled out my phone and started counting the weeks on a calendar.

  “Here we go,” I said. “If we go by the first night we had sex, then I’m due on June… hey!” I accidentally clicked the date and a holiday pop-up appeared. “I might be due on Father’s Day!”

  “Oh!” Calen turned to me, wide-eyed. “I know I just said I don’t want to keep you a secret for that long but…”


  “My new siblings and I wanted to do something big for Father’s Day. Because there are so many firsts this year. Wouldn’t it be something to announce it’s their first Father’s Day with a mated son? And maybe even their first grandchild!”

  “Could you stay away that long?” As much as I wanted to meet his family, I enjoyed a good surprise. Judging from his tales of how his cousins met their true mates it seemed like waiting to surprise family was a common practice.

  “I can with you,” he said.

  He leaned forward and kissed me gently. I put a hand on the back of his head and pulled him closer. Calen moaned against my lips and wrapped his arm around me. One hand trailed down my chest, then came to rest on my stomach.

  “You’re pregnant,” he breathed.

  I kissed him again.

  We were interrupted by his phone ringing. He answered reluctantly. “Hey, Dad.” Calen pursed his lips sadly at me and I blew him a kiss. “No, everything is… actually…” A devious look crossed his face. “It seems like this house has more issues. I’ve got some people coming by to look at it. No, no, I don’t want to impose on you and Grant. I actually have some stuff I want to wrap up at work anyway before I’m officially done. I was going to do it remotely, but I bet I can get them to put me up in a hotel if I agree to go back in.”

  When he was done, his dad – and probably the entire family – were going to expect him to be in a hotel several hours away for an undetermined amount of time.

  “Back in time for Father’s Day?” I teased when he hung up.

  “You know it,” Calen said, planting another kiss on my lips. This time, he trailed down, kissing his way to my stomach. I felt a strange rush of affection and pride as he kissed above where our baby was growing. My eyes stung a bit with tears and I quickly rubbed them. How embarrassing! The little surge of emotion went unnoticed by Calen, who continued kissing, down below my stomach and onto my thighs. He nuzzled my crotch and my dick sprang up beneath my pajama pants.

  “You don’t have to, oh…” I trailed off as he slipped a hand in and wrapped it around me. “Yeah, do that.”

  Calen grinned and gently stroked me as he eased my pants down. I leaned back as he freed my dick and took it into his mouth. With one hand he pressed my hips down, preventing me from thrusting after his mouth, with the other he stroked my balls, tickled the delicate skin behind them, and then pressed a fingertip lightly into me. I arched my back, moaning, as he sucked and fingered me.

  He groaned as well, feeling the pleasure through our bond as if it were happening to him. I twined my fingers in his hair, still trying to raise my hips to his mouth. The pleasure built, intensified as my pleasure filled him, then circled back to me. Calen turned, somehow propping a leg on the couch without releasing my dick. I quickly undid his pants and grabbed his. He was as hard as a rock and actually whimpered at my touch. That was almost all it took. We came together with howls of ecstasy.

  I sighed contentedly as he sagged onto the couch next to me and took me in his arms. I leane
d against him and closed my eyes. I only intended to rest until the post-orgasm high wore off, but I fell asleep.



  Something woke me and I rolled over to see that Nathan was gone. The very faint sound of the TV reached my ears and I went downstairs. He was on the couch again, sound asleep with the TV on. My poor omega was having terrible insomnia. Rather than keep me awake all night, he had taken to going downstairs to watch some sort of British murder mystery series. He insisted he loved the show, but I had yet to see him actually finish an episode without falling asleep.

  I covered him gently with a blanket and sat down on the couch, watching his silly show and basking in his presence.

  “You didn’t have to get up,” he muttered sleepily a few minutes later.

  “Neither did you.”

  He laughed softly. “One of us has to get some sleep. In another month neither of us will.”

  I rubbed his legs and he propped them up on my lap.

  “Who did it?” he asked.

  I started kneading the bottom of one foot and he groaned in delight. “Mr. Perkins, the gardener,” I told him.

  Nathan frowned. “Really? I was sure the bus driver killed the old man.”

  “I think you slept through that episode,” I laughed.

  “Can you go back?”

  I stopped my foot massage long enough to go back, as it turned out, three episodes. Shortly after I moved on to his other foot, he gasped.

  “Wow, the baby is really kicking!” He smiled at me and tugged down the blanket. “Want to feel?”

  Eagerly, I pressed my hand against his stomach where he indicated. I didn’t think I’d ever get tired of this. Sure enough, our son kicked several times. He followed it with a big foot press that caused Nathan’s stomach to jut out strangely.

  “That looks so weird,” I chuckled.

  “It feels weirder, believe me.” He poked at the protrusion and it vanished. Then, he yawned.

  “Want to go back up to bed?”

  “Yeah,” said Nathan sleepily. “I’ll try.”

  I pulled him to his feet and helped him make his way up the stairs. He paused in the doorway of the nursery. I couldn’t resist joining him. The nursery was really starting to come together. It was hard to believe that when I bought the house I didn’t have any specific plans for this room. Now, as I looked around the house, it was full of possibilities for where to set up things for my true mate and our baby. And, of course, dangers too. I reminded myself that I would need to get some outlet covers and baby gates.

  Nathan went in and sat down in his new rocking chair. He propped his feet up on the matching stool and started rocking. My attention was drawn to his stomach as he put his hands over it; I couldn’t imagine it getting any bigger, but he still had a month to go!

  “Don’t sit for too long, you’ll fall asleep there,” I teased.

  In all honesty, he did look like he was ready to fall asleep. He smiled and slowly stood. “One more month to go.” Nathan looked around the room one last time, then followed me to our room.

  We snuggled into bed together and I put my arm around him, hand coming to rest over his stomach. Beneath my hand, the baby kicked.

  I wondered if the next month would fly as fast as the last two…

  Sure enough, before I knew it, the due date and Father’s Day were here. I claimed the repairs were finally done and suggested to Piper that we have the big celebration at my house. She accepted and nobody suspected a thing. I wasn’t even sure if my fathers realized what day it was when I invited them to come see the finished house.

  I was grinning from ear to ear as my family arrived. I took care to corral them in the kitchen, both to keep them away from the nursery, and to mask the scent of someone else in the house. If anyone did smell Nathan, they must have assumed it was the scent of the workmen I claimed had only just finished up.

  In spite of being “away” for three months, I managed to collaborate with Piper and Oden to cook up a big shindig for our fathers. My cousin Tessa hooked us up with beautiful cupcakes, and my cousin Cambry sent a fantastic smelling after-dinner coffee. We had balloons, streamers, and Tessa’s son Finch, a photographer, had been happy to provide some amazing canvas prints of family photographs as gifts.

  Our fathers arrived after everything was set up. Their jaws dropped and their eyes both filled with tears as they took in the large canvas of the six of us.

  “What is…” Grant began, looking around the kitchen.

  “Happy Father’s Day!” I yelled, along with Oden and Piper.

  “All of this is for us?” my dad asked.

  “It’s your first one together,” Piper said.

  “And your first with us,” I said, putting an arm around Grant.

  A tear escaped his eye as his own biological children hugged my dad. “And yours with us!” they chorused.

  I carefully took Adine from my omega father. “And your first one with a child together.”

  “What a wonderful surprise!” my dad cried. “It truly is a big day for us.”

  “I love holidays,” Grant said, wiping at his tears.

  “That’s not all,” I said.

  This time, everyone looked at me curiously.

  “It’s not?” Piper mouthed at me.

  I took a deep breath, raised my voice a bit, and announced, “It’s also your first Father’s Day with a son-in-law! And, your last one without being grandfathers.”

  Jaws dropped as my very pregnant omega entered the kitchen.


  “Calen, what…”

  I grinned and put my arm around him. “This is Nathan.” I moved a hand to his belly. “And, soon, our son.”

  I’m sure poor Nathan felt overwhelmed. It was my family, and I was still caught off guard by the shouts and hugs. Even Adine seemed to understand that something exciting was happening. At last, after everyone hugged everyone a few thousand times, things settled down.

  Dinner went by in a flurry of laughter and stories. They were mortified to find out Nathan had shot me. And while he turned beet red during the story, he took Oden’s good-natured teasing in stride.

  Partway through dessert, Nathan excused himself to go to the bathroom. I could feel his false contractions and knew he was uncomfortable. It was bad enough for me and I was only sensing them second-hand!

  He cleared his throat and we all turned to the doorway.

  “So…” he said. “I think this might be our first Father’s Day too, Calen…”

  I half-stood. “What are…” Then, I saw the darkness on his pantlegs.

  “My water just broke,” he announced, before wincing and pressing his hands to his abdomen. “And these contractions are the real thing. The baby is coming.”

  The End

  Also by Kallie Frost

  Pay a visit to Half Moon Island, a little coastal town with scenic beaches, quaint shops, and a secret population of shifters. You’ll find a world where full moons can be fatal for alphas, unless they are with their true mates. Once they meet, they experience intense attraction, shared pleasure, and increased fertility.

  There's just one problem: omegas are born as humans, with no knowledge of the shifter world. For an alpha, meeting their fated mate is only the first step, they must convince them to turn or lose their only shot at a true mate, forever...

  Start your journey with His Omega Roommate, the first book in the Full Moon Mates series:

  He never expected to find his true mate…

  When Rion moved in with a random human, he never dreamed he’d be sharing the apartment with his one true mate. In spite of his tendency to keep humans at arm’s-length, he finds himself growing closer to Elliott. Once he accepts that his handsome roommate is The One, all he has to do is tell Elliott. There’s just one problem: the Alpha Parliament. If Rion can’t convince Elliott to let him claim him, the Parliament will erase the man’s memory and remove him from Rion’s life forever…

  His r
oommate was up to something…

  The first time Rion came home after a full moon he claimed he had been attacked by a stray dog. Elliott made a joke about werewolves, but when it happened again, and again, on every full moon, Elliott couldn’t resist following his roommate. He didn’t think Rion would actually turn into a wolf before his eyes. Now, Rion is talking about true mates, immortality, and shifters. He says if Elliott agrees, he’ll turn him into a wolf too, one capable of bearing their children. Time is running out for Elliott to decide if he’ll agree to spend forever with a man he has only just met. Elliott isn't sure what is scarier: full moons or pregnancy, but when they discover a man has been stalking Rion, he has a new fear to add to his list: werewolf hunters.

  His Omega Roommate is a 33k word novella about taking chances, finding out what it means to be a family, and the fun of trysts in the forest. It contains some good, old-fashioned M/M loving in multiple positions, and wouldn't be complete without knotting!

  The Full Moon Mates Series

  His Omega Roommate

  Icing the Omega

  Espresso for his Omega

  The Last Alpha Dragon

  An Alpha a Day

  Beneath His Alpha’s Wings

  The Forgotten Omega

  Kallie Frost is the pseudonym of a USA Today Bestselling Author, who normally writes young adult fantasy and dabbles in paranormal romance. Her greatest struggle is finding the time to write those books while escaping into mpreg. Her favorite mpreg books are shifters and she loves a good series with recurring characters.

  She lives with her husband and two sons. If she isn’t writing, she’s reading, or making colorful to-do lists.

  Keep up with Kallie

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  A Gentle Sprint


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