The Alpha's Promise

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The Alpha's Promise Page 9

by Raven Darkwing

  The hand that had been stroking his arm moved slowly downward before stopping to tease at the hidden bulge beneath the fabric of his jeans. Ricky groaned as he leaned up into the touch, rubbing himself against the firm hand as he opened his mouth even wider. He allowed his tongue to explore the inner recesses of the Alpha’s mouth with a fierceness he’d never used before. He should feel repulsed, but his body seemed to understand something his mind was just now starting to accept.

  He now understood what this attraction meant. Even though Maria and Alpha Grant had both explained Semme’ mates to him; he figured it was something close to what most humans called a ‘soul’ mate. It had felt surreal until this moment. The feelings of belonging and safety that being around the huge wolf gave him were now making more sense. The fact that his body also reacted this way was also a big clue. It had been years since he’d felt aroused.

  Just as he thought he’d pass out from lack of oxygen, Alpha Grant sat back and gazed at him with lust filled eyes. “You should be resting, Ricky. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have started this. We will have plenty of time to go further when you are feeling better.”

  Ricky looked down at the tanned hand still rubbing gently against his throbbing erection. Of course, Maria had also explained that unlike in the romance novels, true mates still had a choice. After what he had just told the Alpha and his brothers, it was a wonder that the wolf could even touch him.

  “It’s okay, I understand.” The human tried to pull himself from the Alpha’s arms but was stopped as the hand that had been cupping his head, traced a line down his cheek.

  “No, you don’t. If we keep this up, then I won’t be able to stop myself from claiming you as mine. I refuse to be like the others who used you and hurt you.” Alpha Grant smiled ruefully. “And I don’t want to be the one to tell Doc Houston why your stitches broke open.” Ricky jumped as he felt the zipper on his pants lower. “But I can help you out with this before you get some sleep.”

  Ricky watched as the dark head lowered and wet heat enveloped him. “You don’t have to…oh, ah…” the young human groaned as the Alpha continued to suck his throbbing cock. He’d never felt anything like it before. He’d been forced for so many years to service others this way and yet the favor had never been returned. He felt a moment of guilt as his cock slid further down the Alpha’s throat, the constriction of the muscles made him push further even as his mind argued this wasn’t right. He knew he hated doing this for others and didn’t want the Alpha to demean himself this way.

  Ricky sucked in a breath as the man pulled off briefly only to suck on his sack. “You don’t…oh…you don’t have to…” he tried to protest as he felt first one ball and then another sucked into the Alpha’s talented mouth. The silky tongue traveled up the vein on his cock, only to have soft lips nibble at the sensitive nerves just under the head. Just when he thought it couldn’t get any better, the Alpha’s tongue pushed gently into his slit, tasting the pre-come that dripped slowly from his engorged member.

  “Relax, little warrior. Have you never experienced this before?” Alpha Grant asked in a husky voice as he gazed up from between Ricky’s legs.

  “No, ah, this is the first time,” Ricky admitted and then moaned with a soft smile, the Alpha reclaimed his cock and began to suck harder while gently rolling his balls between his large fingers. There was no way he was going to be able to stop as the human felt the tingle in his spine build until with a shout of warning he felt himself erupt. For a brief moment, Ricky felt a sense of euphoria as his cock continued to empty his seed into the welcoming mouth of the Alpha. Then reality over what had happened kicked in.

  Ricky shoved away from the Alpha and rolled to the other side of the large bed. The pain in his back a reminder of what happened when he came without permission. He landed on the floor and moved as quickly as he could towards the bathroom door. Before the Alpha could stop him, Ricky managed to duck inside and close the door. He locked it but knew it would only be a matter of time before the Alpha broke down the door. Ricky glanced around the room for any exit he could find. The only window was too small to be of use. He was trapped.

  With a sob, Ricky entered the shower stall and closed the door. He lowered himself into the corner and pulled his legs up to his chest as he tried to make himself as small a target as he could. While he waited for his punishment, he found himself reliving the first time he’d been caught jacking off in the shower while a member of the Willow Creek Pack.

  Even now, Ricky couldn’t help the shudder that went through him as he thought about Biff, one of the Beta’s and also one of the meanest wolf shifters he’d ever met. The large shifter was built like the hulk and he used every bit of his imposing presence to scare Ricky into submission. The vivid tattoos that covered the shifter’s body were the things of nightmares. Alpha Clifton had given him to Biff for six months to help him learn his new position within the pack. After more than three months of being used to do any demeaning task Biff could think of during the day and then being taught to be totally sexually submissive to the huge shifter at night, his body had screamed for some kind of release.

  Beta Biff had told him to get clean and be in position before he returned from a meeting with Alpha Clifton. The human knew he didn’t have much time to make sure he was ready for the evening’s session just like he knew there would be no pleasure for him when the Beta returned. He glanced nervously around Biff’s bedroom before entering the attached bathroom to prepare. As the warm water cascaded down his body, his thoughts once more went back to his friend Robert. His cock filled as he pictured Robert kneeling before him, his full lips smiling up at him as he leaned forward and began to lick the vein that ran on the underside of Ricky’s cock. With a soft sigh, the captive human continued the fantasy, stroking himself until with a soft cry he came against the shower wall.

  Before he could make sure the water washed away all trace of his activity, the shower door was yanked open as the panicked man was yanked from the stall. “How dare you!” Biff roared, as Ricky tried to pry his arm from the stranglehold the Beta had on it. “Obviously you have learned nothing about control or your place human.”

  “I’m sorry…it’s just been so long and I…” Ricky stuttered as he was thrown down on the floor of the bedroom. A heavy foot kicked his side with enough force to send him rolling across the floor. Before he could get his knees under him, he was yanked up by his hair until he stood at the end of the large bed. His arms were shoved into the shackles that hung from the top of the heavy wooden posts while his ankles were restrained to the lower end. Helpless to prevent what would happen next, Ricky closed his eyes and tried to find the place he went to when the pain became too much.

  Unfortunately, this time he was forced to open his eyes as his cock was pulled up until he stood on his toes. “This no longer belongs to you, human. Maybe I should just permanently relieve you of your needs.” The Beta allowed his claws to form on his other hand. “Perhaps I should hang these around your neck as a reminder of your place.” The clawed hand held Ricky’s balls in a crushing grip that caused him to cry out. He could feel a trickle of blood as it flowed down the inside of his thigh.

  “Please…” Ricky managed to groan as he tried to keep himself from throwing up.

  Biff laughed as he stepped back, a thoughtful look on his face. “Perhaps you’re right. I might be a little too hasty since some of the female wolves are sure to enjoy what your puny human cock can do for them. But I guarantee before we are done tonight, you’ll learn to get hard when ordered and you’ll learn to curb your desire for release until you are given permission or female wolves or not, I’ll remove the temptation permanently. After all, I’m only interested in filling your holes, boy; I don’t need the rest of the equipment to enjoy myself.”

  Ricky pulled his knees tighter to his body. He no longer heard the pounding at the door or the demand for entry from the Alpha of Windy River Pack. Instead he did the only thing that had allowed him to survive all the year
s of punishment, first by his father and later by the Willow Creek Pack members. He slowly rose to his knees and placed his hands behind his head in the perfect slave position. Ricky allowed himself to drift into the one place where no one could ever hurt him and for the first time he thought about not coming back.

   

  Sandy looked on in awe as his newfound friend showed him around his garage, The Spark Plug.

  “So you are the only one who knows how to fix all these cars?” The young wolf asked, as Sparky pointed to one of the tools on the tray beside Sandy. He was helping out by passing over tools, just like he had done in the past for his brother. They were going to finish their shopping trip with a new hairstyle until the mechanic’s phone had rung with an emergency. It seemed the town’s main fire truck had broken down and the only one who could fix it was Sparky.

  “Hard to believe, huh?” Sparky grinned as he twirled the screwdriver in his hand. Sandy found his gaze following the glittered purple handle. The young wolf thought the brightly colored tools were cool even though he doubted many people would be caught dead using them. But he’d learned quickly that Sparky didn’t care what people thought about him or his strange tastes.

  “No, I believe you,” Sandy quickly assured the wolf. “Maybe once my brother is feeling better he could help you.”

  “You’re brother likes to work on cars?” Sparky asked as his head disappeared into the engine. Sandy grinned at the tight blue jeans with the glittering rainbow on each of the back pockets. His own new jeans didn’t have any decorations, even though the older wolf had tried hard to get the young wolf to expand his wardrobe past blue jeans and plain t-shirts. The fact that Sandy now owned a bright yellow t-shirt that stated “Don’t worry, Zombies only eat people with brains” was as far as he had gone from what he always wore.

  “He used to work on the cars in our old pack. Of course, they never paid him.” Sandy scowled for a moment before he looked up to see Sparky looking at him with sympathetic eyes.

  “That must have really sucked. Don’t worry, if Ricky wants a job here, he’ll be paid just like everyone else.” Sparky wiped his hands on the bright orange rag that hung out of his pocket. “But first, young Jedi, we must introduce you to the dark side. What do you think about blue highlights?”

  “Ah, well…” Sandy tried to think of a nice way to say no when the other wolf chuckled.

  “You know it’s okay if you want to just get it trimmed up a bit. After all, not everyone can be as stylish as me—there’d be too much competition for best dressed in this town.” Sparky winked as he slammed the hood down on the fire engine. He stepped back and cocked his head to the side as he looked at the young wolf. “Although, fire engine red might really look good on you kiddo…”

  Just as Sandy was getting ready to decline the offer, he felt a familiar ache. It was one he’d become too familiar with while they had lived in the Willow Creek Pack but he knew what it meant. “Ricky’s in trouble,” Sandy said in a monotone voice.

  “Wait, what?” Sparky said as he moved closer to the youngster. Sandy felt an arm go around his shoulders, but he was too busy trying to figure out why his ‘spidey senses’ were going off. He hadn’t understood when it first started happening. The unsettled feelings and phantom pain that sometimes happened to him had scared him. When he told Ricky about it, his brother had looked at him strangely for a moment before he’d just told him it was normal. But as the feelings continued to get more intense, his big brother had finally admitted that they were bound together so that each of them could look out for the other.

  Sandy shrugged off the wolf’s arm and stepped back. “My brother’s in trouble and I need to go to him!”

  Before Sparky could comment, the young wolf shifted and took off toward the Alpha’s house. He heard the shifter’s yells behind him, but he didn’t care. Ricky needed him and that was all that mattered.


  GRANT PRESSED HIS EAR AGAINST THE DOOR THAT SEPARATED him from his mate. It took all of his will to keep his wolf from emerging and barging through the door to get to the man he’d come to admire in such a short time. As he thought back over what had happened, he still couldn’t figure out what he’d done to cause this kind of reaction. The man had been enjoying what he did to him, he could tell. The scent of arousal was strong and Ricky’s body had come alive under his touch.

  “Ricky?” Grant said softly as he tried the knob once more. “Open the door and we can talk.” The slight growl in his voice couldn’t be helped. The longer the door remained closed, the closer to the surface his wolf surged.

  Just as he was about to break the lock, he heard movement followed by the sound of the lock being disengaged. The Alpha took a deep breath and tried to get his own emotions under control as he slowly opened the door. Nothing could have prepared him for what he found on the other side. “What the…” Grant started but stopped as he took a step into the room.

  Ricky knelt on the floor completely naked with his knees spread to reveal himself. His arms were locked behind his head and his back was ram rod straight. He recognized it as the position a sex slave would take, but he didn’t understand why Ricky was greeting him this way now.

  “What the hell did you do to him, Grant?”

  The Alpha turned to face David and growled. “I believe this is my bedroom, what are you doing here?”

  David crossed his arms and glared at his brother. “Oh, nothing much, just saving your jeans from another shredding from a certain Omega. He showed up a few minutes ago looking like he was ready to kill anyone who got in his way. Jason is trying to calm the pup down but it won’t be long before…”

  A loud growl sounded from the bedroom doorway before a white blur raced into the small space and placed himself between Ricky and the other wolves. Grant had to give the pup credit, he had no fear. But this was getting ridiculous. He was the Alpha here.

  “Stand down!” Grant ordered, pushing his power towards the young wolf. He watched in fascination as Sandy stepped back for a moment, cocked his head to the side before shaking himself and baring his teeth again. “I said stand down, pup.” Grant allowed his wolf to surface briefly. He could feel his eyes shift and his teeth lengthen as his claws pushed through his hands. Like other true Alphas, he was able to control his shift and could even fight in this form. If Sandy was going to be part of this pack, he would have to learn who was in charge. Especially if what they suspected about the young pup was true. If the Omega would not accept him as his Alpha and obey his commands, they would be in trouble once he gained his powers.

  “Well if everyone is done showing his dick, I think we should all back out and give the boy some space.” Sparky’s voice echoed in the small space. “Or we could braid each others hair. David, we might need to give you some extensions…but I can work with the others.”

  There was a shimmer as Sandy shifted back to his human form. The look on the pup’s face was priceless as he stared at the outrageous wolf. David chuckled and even Grant managed a slight twist of the lip.

  “Why would we braid our hair?” Sandy asked as he glanced to the other two wolves for help.

  “Don’t look at me, I need extensions remember?” David shrugged as he glanced back at the mechanic.

  Grant sighed as he rubbed his hand down his face. “Silence!” He growled. The irate leader glared at the other two wolves before he motioned for everyone to leave the small room. During the whole exchange Ricky hadn’t reacted at all. He sat calmly, his head lowered. If he hadn’t seen the man’s chest move, he would have thought he was looking at a statue. He saw Sandy once again ignore his order as he knelt next to his brother, his eyes filled with tears.

  “Not again, please, Ricky—I need you!” He said softly as he stroked his brother’s hair. Grant shook his head as he followed his brother and friend into his bedroom. The two men glared at him, but for once kept silent. The Alpha paced for a few minutes, trying to regain contro
l of his wolf. It was bad enough that his mate wasn’t well and obviously in no shape to be claimed, but his wolf was also reacting to what it saw as the failure of the others to submit.

  David and Sparky must have realized how close his wolf was to losing control. He glanced at his two pack members and saw them tilt their heads, their eyes now looked down at the floor. Grant sighed. Just once he wished he could let loose and say or do what he wanted like the others. The need to just shift and run through the forest was strong. But he couldn’t. He had to keep a tight reign on his wolf.

  “David, get the Doc in here and Sparky, you can explain how Sandy arrived here without his escort!” He saw a flash of guilt cross the mechanic’s face as he continued to remain silent. His brother left without a word, but not before patting their friend on the shoulder. Grant glanced back into the bathroom and sighed. Sandy was whispering to his brother, but Ricky still hadn’t changed position. He couldn’t help his mate but he could find out how Sandy was able to escape. “I’m waiting for an explanation. How could a young pup manage to get away from one of my best Sentries?”

  Sparky shuffled his feet before he sighed and glanced at the young pup that had shifted again and was lying beside his silent older brother. “It was the darnest thing I’ve ever seen—” The mechanic looked back at the Alpha. “Are you sure he hasn’t, you know, come into his powers already?”


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