The Alpha's Promise

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The Alpha's Promise Page 10

by Raven Darkwing

  Grant glanced back at the young pup before he returned his attention to his Sentry. “According to the legends, an Omega doesn’t show his or her true self until their twenty-first year. At the time of the Wolf Moon the goddess appears and bestows her gifts to her chosen.”

  “Well something strange is going on, Alpha. I swear the pup knew his brother was in trouble. It was almost like they were connected.” Sparky continued as he shook his head, “Before I could figure out what was going on, Sandy had shifted and taken off.”

  “Did anyone see him?” The Alpha asked as he realized they might have another problem.

  The Sentry shook his head. “Only Markus and Bret. I have them standing guard outside though just in case.” Both wolves looked back at the bathroom. The silence from the room was deafening. The Alpha moved closer, his wolf howled within at his inability to soothe his mate. Yet it was clear the man needed more than he could give him. Grant turned as a hand clasped his shoulder.

  “He’s waiting for your command,” Sparky said softly.

  “And how do you know what my mate needs?” Grant asked as he turned his attention back towards the other wolf. He watched as his friend squirmed for a moment before looking up to meet his gaze. “Well?”

  Sparky shrugged. “I have been to a few clubs in my time, mostly before I came to stay here.” He glanced over towards the silent human. “I never really got too heavy into the whole Dom/Sub BDSM scene, too much sweat and blood for my taste, but some of the members did.” There was sympathy in the wolf’s gaze as he glanced back towards the Alpha. “He’s been trained to be a submissive Grant.”

  “He told us about the Beta at Willow Creek training him, but I’ve never given him any indication I expect the same from him,” Grant growled as he glared at the wolf standing in front of him. He knew about Doms and Subs of course, but he’d never actually experimented with it. Being an Alpha, he knew he was a natural Dom but he’d been too busy learning to take over as leader of their pack to delve into the practice. Besides, he had hoped that he could show his mate the side of him that no one else could ever see.

  There was a soft sigh as the other wolf shook his head sadly. “My guess is your mate isn’t really a submissive by nature. There’s too much fire in him from what Sandy has told me. But it is possible to force someone to submit.” There was a haunted look in the Sentry’s eyes that gave Grant pause. While he knew some of what had happened to his friend in the past, there was a part that the flamboyant wolf never spoke of to anyone.

  Grant glanced back at the still form of his mate. The man continued to ignore his brother as he gazed at the floor. “So what do you suggest? I will not force anyone in my care to submit against their will.”

  Sparky snorted. “Alpha, I hate to break the news to you but your nature demands those around you to submit.” The wolf stepped back as Grant turned and growled low in his throat. Not to be cowed, the shifter placed a hand on his hip and pointed his finger at the glowering Alpha. “You just proved my point. Look, no one here is challenging your authority and you know I don’t back down to anyone but you…” he paused and tapped his chin with his finger, “…and maybe that cute new waiter at the diner…”

  “Sparky!” Grant ground out.

  “Okay, look this is really easy. Just use your Alpha voice and command him to do what you want. If he’s been trained, it’s the only way to reach him right now. From the way Sandy is acting, this isn’t the first time he’s seen his brother do this either.” Sparky tapped his temple. “It’s some kind of coping mechanism that he probably uses to get away from what he can’t face.”

  Grant shook his head. “But all I did was show him pleasure. After hearing all he’s suffered, I wanted to help him…”

  The other wolf glanced at the bed for a moment before he looked back at the Alpha pacing the room. “If he’s reverting back to his training, he probably feels he broke some rule.”

  “Rules?” Grant asked.

  “Most Doms have rules for their subs. Things like never wearing clothes or even not coming without permission—” Sparky jumped back as Grant turned suddenly and moved towards the bed. The large shifter glanced down at the rumpled sheets for a moment before he glanced back at the bathroom.

  “He came after I…” Grant blushed slightly before he continued, “…after I helped him release some of the tension. But he enjoyed it. I know he did.”

  “Did you tell him to come, Alpha?” Sparky asked quietly.

  “Of course not! Why would I need to.” Grant stopped and rubbed a hand down his face. “He’s been trained not to come without permission?”

  Sparky nodded. “That would be my guess and from his reaction, I’d say not obeying meant more than just a couple of slaps to the ass.”

  Suddenly the whip marks on his mate’s body took on a more sinister meaning. A low growl rumbled in the Alpha’s throat. He could feel his eyes change as he thought about what had been done to his mate. It took everything in him not to shift and go after the Beta who had caused so much pain to Ricky. A low rumble from the floor brought his attention back to the problem at hand. He had to try to at least get his mate back to the bed and off the cold floor. He couldn’t imagine the pain the position was causing the man. He still hadn’t healed from the damage done to his back much less regained enough strength to maintain the pose for much longer.

  Grant took a step towards the doorway into the bathroom. He cleared his throat and looked directly at the kneeling human. “Ricky, you will rise and go to the bed.” He watched in fascination and horror as the man slowly rose to his feet and began to walk stiffly towards the end of the bed. Without a word he stood and turned, his arms raised over his head and legs spread wide as if he expected to be restrained. Grant could see the slight tremors that ran through the man’s body as he struggled to maintain the new position. Before the Alpha could order Ricky to drop his arms he heard a growl and was knocked to the ground. He rolled, instinctively shifting his hands into claws to defend himself. He shoved the white wolf away from him and heard a slight whimper as Sandy hit the wall.

  The Alpha stood quickly to face the still growling wolf. “Stand down now!” He ordered as he tried to keep his wolf from attacking the perceived threat. He noticed Sparky had also shifted and had moved to stand in front of him. The Sentry growled softly at the young wolf but didn’t advance. The Omega paced for a moment before he dropped his front end down in preparation to charge again. Before he could move, Sparky advanced and grabbed the young wolf by the scruff and shook him slightly.

  Grant took a deep breath but before he could intercede he heard a softly spoken word from behind him. “NO!”

  He glanced back and saw Ricky step from the bed towards the two fighting wolves. He raised his hand and waved it as if he was tossing something aside as he spoke again. “Leave him alone!” Grant whirled around as he saw Sparky fly across the room and crash into the opposite wall. The wolf whimpered softly as he lay on the floor shaking his head. His gaze was drawn back to his mate who now stood in front of the cowering Omega.

  “You will not hurt him,” Ricky said with a monotone voice.

  “No one will hurt either one of you, Ricky,” The Alpha stated as he retracted his claws and tried to appear non-threatening to the pair. “Sparky would never hurt Sandy and neither would I. However we will defend ourselves.” There was a shimmer as the white wolf transformed into the youngest Landon. The boy placed a hand on Ricky’s extended arm.

  “I’m okay, Ricky,” Sandy said softly. Grant noticed the slight look of awe in the young pup’s eyes. From his reaction, this must be something new. He glanced back up at his mate and noticed the tattoo on the man’s arm glowing. Interesting, it seems like the protector had made his appearance. For a moment he wondered why Ricky hadn’t used his ability to stop what had happened in the Willow Creek Pack, but he’d have to solve that puzzle another day as the young man began to sway and would have fallen if Grant hadn’t rushed to catch him.

�Ricky!” Sandy cried as his brother’s eyes rolled upwards and closed.

  “I see I arrived just in time,” Doc Houston grumbled as he walked into the room. “Place him on the bed so I can check him out. The rest of you leave.” The Doc glanced at the limping mechanic. “I’ll check on you when I’m finished.”

  “It’s nothing, Doc, I’ll shift once I get outside and it should take care of it,” Sparky remarked slightly subdued as he gave the man in the bed a wide berth. “I’ll just check on the other Sentries Alpha and make sure they understand about not talking about what they’ve seen. Let me know if you need me for anything else.” The wolf glanced briefly at Sandy before he left the room.

  Sandy glanced up at the Alpha with tears in his eyes. “I didn’t mean to cause trouble. It’s always my fault. Please don’t punish my brother. I’ll do whatever you want, just don’t hurt him no more.”

  Grant sighed as he placed a hand on the boy’s shoulder and followed him out of the bedroom. He kept his hand on the Omega’s shoulder while they walked down the hallway towards the kitchen. “I’m not going to punish anyone, Sandy. We’re part wolves and sometimes we act like them. However, you and I do have to talk about what happened in town today.”

  Sandy shuffled toward the kitchen table and sat down; his head was lowered as he placed his hands in his lap. For a moment, Grant just wanted to pick the young pup up and hold him, but he also had to make sure the Omega understood how dangerous it had been for him to shift in town. He walked over to the fridge and pulled out the carton of milk. He grabbed the plate of cookies that seemed to always be on the counter these days before he took a seat opposite the young wolf. He poured a glass for each of them and took a bite of one of the cookies before he nodded for Sandy to do the same. He watched as the young pup dunked his cookie in his milk before taking a bite. A soft moan could be heard as they both continued to eat in silence for a moment.

  Grant began to think back over what had just happened. It was clear that the goddess Gaia had already bestowed some gifts on these two. He’d need to call his father and see if there was anyone who could give him some more guidance on what to expect. Until then, he’d have to tread carefully with the two new members of his pack. Whether they knew it or not, they both needed his protection, maybe more now than ever.

  “Do you think Ricky will be okay?” Sandy’s voice broke the silence of the room.

  “The Doc will make sure he hasn’t done any damage to his wounds,” the Alpha answered before he asked a question of his own. “How did you know Ricky was in trouble, Sandy?”

  The young pup shrugged. “Ricky calls it my ‘spidey’ senses. I’m not ‘sposed to talk about it.” The Omega traced a pattern on the table. “I know I shouldn’t shift when others are around and I can’t trust anyone ‘cause I’m supposed to be special. But I don’t feel special.” Teary sky blue eyes looked up at Grant. “Alpha Clifton would always punish my brother, even if I did something wrong. If I wasn’t quick enough or able to hunt and fight the way the Alpha taught me, he’d whip my brother.” Sandy paused and looked back towards the bedroom. “I don’t understand…”

  Grant followed the boy’s gaze. “What don’t you understand, Sandy?”

  “Ricky’s never fought back before. I mean, he was like some super hero throwing Sparky like that. Do you think he might be like Superman?” Sandy looked back at the Alpha, his voice low as if they were sharing a secret. “Cause that would be so cool and it would mean no one could hurt my brother again, right?”

  Grant couldn’t help the slight grin that formed on his face. Sometimes he forgot how young the boy was in front of him. While in his wolf form, he’d shown his ability to handle himself better than most his age, but he still had a ways to go towards maturity. “Has your brother ever told you about the tattoo on his arm or how he got it?”

  Sandy shook his head. “No, I know that once Alpha Clifton tried to burn it off but the flame couldn’t touch it.” The young wolf shuddered as he rubbed his own arm. “Why would our old Alpha do that?”

  Grant took a deep breath and forced himself to remain calm. “Because he isn’t a good Alpha, Sandy. There is good and bad in all things. It is the way of our world. What Alpha Clifton did to you and your brother was wrong. A good Alpha takes care of all the members in his pack. It is his responsibility to make sure they are protected from those who would hurt them and to make sure they are cared for. It is a hard job and not all Alpha’s can handle the responsibility that comes with the power they are given.”

  Sandy nodded. “You’re not like Alpha Clifton.”

  “No I’m not,” Grant confirmed.

  “Can we stay with you?” Sandy asked quietly.

  “You and your brother became a member of my pack the moment I brought you to my house, Sandy. If you wish to stay, it will be up to you and your brother. But if you do stay, there will be rules,” Grant replied, as he sat back in his chair. He watched as Sandy chewed on his lower lip for a moment before he straightened his shoulders.

  “If I agree to follow your rules, will you promise to never hurt my brother, even if we do something wrong?” Sandy sighed. “I don’t want my brother hurting no more Alpha. I’ll do anything to keep that from happening to him.”

  Grant sighed. The boy had no idea what he was offering. He took a deep breath and hoped he could get the pup to understand. “Sandy, you can’t make a pledge like that lightly and I don’t demand it from you.” He held up his hand before the boy spoke. “To be a part of this pack, you simply have to agree to obey me. That means all the time, not just when you want to. If you can’t submit to me, then you place not only yourself at risk, but the whole pack. Do you understand what I’m trying to say?”

  “So I can’t protect my brother?”

  The Alpha shook his head. “No, you can protect your brother. But you have to also trust that I will also protect him. If you had attacked me with any other wolves of my pack present, they would have tried to protect me and you or Ricky could be hurt. Some day you will understand more about pack loyalty, but for now just try to trust me when I say I won’t intentionally hurt either you or your brother. I’m Alpha and I take care of my pack.” Grant stood and let his wolf eyes flash for a moment before he glanced down at the young wolf.

  “Okay, Alpha Grant.” The pup stood and held out his hand.

  Grant took the small hand into his much larger one and shook it. “We have a deal.”

  A soft chuckle sounded from the doorway. “New initiation ceremony, Grant?” David asked as he entered the room and glanced at the table. “A handshake over cookies and milk? Why couldn’t you have done that with me?”

  Sandy cocked his head to the side. “What do you mean, David?”

  The Beta looked at Grant before he answered, “Didn’t your former pack explain to you what is involved in pledging your loyalty to the Alpha and the pack?”

  “No, other than showing respect by tipping my head and doing what I’m told, there wasn’t anything else. Why?” Sandy asked as he reached for another cookie.

  “Well, young Jedi, let me explain it to you.” David took a seat and began to talk quietly to the young pup.

  Grant stood and left them alone as he walked toward his bedroom. As he passed his office he stopped and stepped inside. He walked towards the desk and picked up his cell phone. For a moment he gazed back towards the kitchen and then he made his call.

  “Hello, Dad? Can you and Mother make a trip home sometime soon?” He listened for a moment and smiled. “Next week is fine. I’ll see you then.” As he hung up the phone he relaxed. Hopefully his father would be able to provide him with some of the answers he sought. Besides, he might need more than advice.


  RICKY GROANED AS HE OPENED HIS EYES. HE GLANCED OVER at the window and noticed that another day had passed. The moonlight spilled across the windowsill, bathing the floor in its pale light. For a moment he allowed the peacefulness of the room to envelope him in its embrace. But before lo
ng memories of what happened came forward and made him shiver. He didn’t remember everything, but he did recall throwing the wolf that was attacking his brother across the room with nothing more than a thought.

  He raised his hand and flexed it for a moment before he lowered it slowly. Had he actually done it or was it just a strange dream? In all his years, he’d never done anything like it and yet, he could still feel a slight tingle coming from the tattoo on his arm. He remembered Maria telling him that the goddess would provide him with the strength to defend Sandy when the time came. But he’d never believed it. Especially after what he’d endured at the hands of his former pack. Surely if he’d had these powers before, he would have been able to use them.

  The thought of his brother had him sitting up in the bed and glancing around. Had Sandy been hurt by the other wolf? Were they now prisoners because of what he’d done? Too many questions swirled in his head as he slowly placed his feet on the cold floor. He had to find his brother and then he’d make plans for them to leave. There was no way the Alpha would let them stay now.

  At least someone had put clothes on him. His last memory before coming to and seeing Sandy being attacked was taking them off and preparing himself for the punishment he knew would be coming. Ricky frowned as he realized that there hadn’t been any punishment for his transgression. It confused him and worried him more than he realized. In the past, punishment had been swift and brutal, but so far in this new pack, nothing had happened. Of course, maybe the new Alpha was waiting until he was more aware so that he could accept his punishment. That had to be it. Once he was healed, the new punishment would be dealt.

  As he reached the door leading to the hall, he paused. There hadn’t been a lock on the door, but what if there was a guard on the other side? Ricky squared his shoulders and quickly opened the door. If there was a guard, then he’d at least have someone to ask about his brother. As the door opened, Ricky tensed, waiting for an attack that never came. Instead he was met with an empty hall. He quickly made his way to the room his brother had indicated would be his. As he quietly opened the door he stepped inside and sucked in a deep breath as he glanced around. The room was smaller than the master bedroom, but not by much. He saw what looked like a bed shaped like the Batmobile in the center of the room. Various action figures littered the floor while posters with his brother’s other favorite superheroes hung on the walls. As he moved closer to the bed he smiled softly as he saw his little brother sleeping peacefully in the center of the bed, the figure of Spiderman clutched in his hand.


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