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A Shared Wife Stolen

Page 6

by Shalamara Jax

  She wanted him to cum, and she enjoyed his moans almost as much as Howie’s. “Mmmmm that’s it, cum for me…ah…cum…cum in my mouth!”

  It was a race she wouldn’t lose; the man was holding the car door with white knucles, trying to stay upright. “Fucking hell, suck it you slut!” he called. She saw his face as he nearly crumpled, he was young, not much older than Carys and it shocked her. Then she felt him flex in her throat and he fired a huge load into her, gouts of sperm that exploded from her mouth onto the inside of the door and the seat.

  Howie slapped her tits and she cried out, “You’re going to clean this up with your tongue!” he roared and hammered into her, making her pussy ache and swell. She wanted to lick the young cock clean but its owner had already stepped away.

  Howie fucked her with a savage need, and all she could do was to hang on. She let her head rest against his and channelled all her focus into her pussy, it started fast, the tingle in her toes, it rapidly became a torrent that surged up through her legs and into her loins. He yelled his own release and she felt him fill her with his seed, unprotected, bareback.

  “AHHHHHHH!” she screamed and only through the thick fog of her scrambled senses was she aware of another prick being offered to her. She clung to Howie and they shuddered through their final throes together. He kissed her gently now, he held her until she stopped shaking, and by the time she could think clearly again, both the disembodied penis and the crowd were gone.


  It was late, later than he’d hoped, but earlier than he’d begun to fear, when he heard Sophie come in. He was lying on the bed, in his shorts having gone through his bedtime routine. He’d been reading the same page of his kindle for the last hour. It was nearly one in the morning.

  Sophie was trying to be quiet and failing. Was she drunk? He wouldn’t go and see, he’d wait. She had enough power over him already, he wouldn’t let her see how agitated he was. Not if he could help it.

  Eventually, she crept into their room and stopped at the door, a look of genuine surprise on her face, “you’re still awake? I’m sorry I’m so late, we went dancing.” She kicked off her shoes and went into the en suite.

  “Nice time?” he asked, neutrally.

  “Mmmmhmm,” she murmured, coming back with her toothbrush, “I might take a quick shower, I’m really hot. Do you mind?”

  “So, you fucked him?” Again, it was delivered evenly, and he was proud of his self-control. Sophie tucked her toothbrush into her mouth and rolled her eyes at him. “Well, did you?” There was a hint of anxiety in the follow-up that annoyed him, but he couldn’t help it.

  She met his stare and a small smile started in one corner of her mouth, she took the brush and said, through a mouthful of paste, “maybe.”

  She was teasing him. The glint in her eyes told him all he needed to know. They’d fucked, now he wanted to know the details. The chats he’d read earlier were at the forefront of his mind. Honesty and communication. He let her go and finish up in the bathroom and then he tried again.

  Sophie brushed aside the first few questions, but she seemed to realise that he needed to hear what had happened. This was the first time she’d been with Howie without him present since they’d formalised things. He was getting angry, was this the beginning of the end, the beginning of the lies and deceit Kyle1345 had suffered?

  “Okay, okay!” she said running her hands up and down his hairy, thickly muscled chest, “we had a quickie in the back of his car. He took me to the woods, we found a quiet spot and he screwed me like a teenage boy using his parent’s car,” she bit her lip, “it wasn’t that memorable really, the best part was coming home to you.”

  Kaelan kissed her softly, he took her face in his big hands and stared into her eyes, seeking any signs of dishonesty. Her steadfast gaze and wicked grin convinced him that she was telling the truth. With a sigh of relief, he kissed her harder, holding her breast and laying her back onto the bed.

  “Someone missed me!” Sophie giggled as he positioned himself between her legs. She whined as his massive cock slid into her, “Oh yes Kael, that’s what I needed, take me back, reclaim your wife’s used cunt.” His penis throbbed inside her, was she slicker than normal? Had he cum in her? No, she wouldn’t do that.

  He held her close and began to move in slow, short thrusts, loving the way her beautiful pussy gripped at him, loved the feel of her sheath, the place that felt most like home to him. But as he slipped in and out, in and out, his thrusts growing stronger and deeper, he didn’t see the expression on his wife’s face. If he had, things would have gone very differently.

  Chapter 6: out with old and in with the new

  It had been a tough week again; the rugby team were losing their second game of the tournament. It wasn’t the rugby season so Kael wasn’t too despondent, he’d just hoped for better. Kyle had come off with an injury and without him there really was no chance of beating St Stephen’s, not with their resources. Bloody private schools.

  “How’s it going coach?” Cilla sidled up to him and nudged him with her elbow.

  “Not so well, we lost Kyle and we’re about to lose the game. I think we’ll be lucky to make the knock-out stages. Christ look at that! The bloody ref is crap! Sorry,” he said, “it’s just so frustrating. I hate losing to these public schools. Bastards”

  She giggled, “I’m with you. Listen, any chance of a catch up soon? Dave is starting to think you don’t love him anymore….” He coughed and shuffled uncomfortably, “Ohhhh so it’s not him, it’s me you don’t want to see?”

  He tore his attention away from the game to look at her, her eyes were so sad that it cut him. “No, it’s nothing like that Cill, I’ve just had a lot on my plate the past few weeks.” This was getting out of the realms of appropriate for the context, if any of their colleagues heard, or God forbid, the parents, they could both find themselves unemployed.

  She flicked her hair, folded her arms, started to reply, then decided against it, and walked away without saying another word. Fucking hell, the last thing he needed was a rift with his boss. He would have to talk to her about things, explain that he wasn’t happy doing things behind Dave’s back. They were fortunate that he hadn’t minded about their first illicit coupling, he didn’t want to push his luck.


  “How’s it going with Liza mate?” Kaelan was curious, Elliot had played his cards close to his chest about his budding romance with the perky little blonde.

  His friend turned into the club carpark, “I hope you’re ready for an assing today? I’m feeling fiery!” It made Kaelan laugh, but he was concerned that Elliot ignored the question. That was probably not a good sign.

  They collected their stuff from the boot of Elliot’s car and strolled into the clubhouse. Liza and Paula were waiting at the reception desk. “Hi Sally,” they greeted the receptionist and then approached the two women.

  To Kaelan’s amazement, Liza slid into Elliot’s arms and kissed him deeply, “hello baby,” she purred and she clung to him like a limpet. His friend was trying not to look smug but he was failing dismally. Kaelan was chuffed for him, he deserved to be happy.

  While he was enjoying the sight of Elliot’s happiness, Paula had moved in. He felt her arm linked through his. Her breast pressed against his side and it felt so good he had to resist the urge to touch her. “And how is my handsome partner today?” The word ‘partner’ set his blood racing.

  “I’m good, are we pairing up again?” he thought that maybe Elliot had arranged things without talking to him, and it appeared that he was right.

  “Elliot said you wouldn’t mind?” Paula fake-grumbled with a pout, “if it’s a problem we can always find someone else to play with,” there was a hint of threat in it, despite the projected humour.

  “No, no, that’s great. I wouldn’t want you playing with anyone else,” it was a good save, and the ‘double entendre tennis’ stood at fifteen-all. It might get fruitier than that, Kaelan thought, he had Sophie
’s permission to take this as far as he wanted, and with her breasts and thigh pressed against him, he wanted things to go the whole way.

  “Mmmm well that’s great, partner, let’s go claim our court,” Paula kept hold of his arm all the way there. Kaelan wanted the match over, he was going to sample her unless she changed her mind, and he didn’t think that would happen.

  His suspicions were confirmed as the game progressed. Every chance she got she flashed him, letting him see her little white panties, and she was far too tactile for it to be merely friendly comradeship. As they reached match point, she left him in no doubt what she wanted after it was over.

  “Make this serve ace, and I’ll let you play doubles properly,” she whispered, as she went to the net.

  “I’ll hold you to that,” he said.

  She looked back at him over her shoulder, licked her lips and said: “I want you to hold me to all of it.”

  Even with the blood thumping in his ears and the slight hardening of his cock he still managed to blast the ball past Elliot to win the match. He’d wanted a prize more.


  “Oh shit! Oh shit, don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t...stop!” it had happened very quickly, they’d had a cursory drink as a foursome, then Paula had made her excuses and said she had to get home early, offering Kaelan a lift, unless he really wanted to play gooseberry? It was a brilliant spiel and the two lovers bought it completely.

  Now he was holding her up against her bedroom wall, legs draped over his forearms, just as he’d imagined, driving his cock deep into her soaking wet slit. She bit his neck and he thrust in even harder, wanting to punish her.

  “Fuck, Kaelan you’re so big, so fucking big!” He kissed her like an animal, possessing her mouth, loving the way her legs bounced with every thrust. She was not a slight woman, but he felt no weight at all, his energies were all focused into his prick and the way her gash pulsed around it, welcoming his intrusion, grabbing at him greedily.

  “When…will…Mark…get…home?” Every word was accompanied by a violent stroke which made her eyes roll and her mouth fall open. He held himself inside and rolled his hips, she was so tight it hurt him.

  Taking the opportunity to say something, she said: “he won’t be…ah… back until this evening, he’s at a day conference…ahhhhh. There, right THERE!” he gyrated his hips, eliciting a loud sob. Then he carried her over to the bed and dropped her there, letting her fall off his huge prick.

  “Awwwwwww,” she cooed, “I want more,” and she opened her legs wide and pulled herself apart. She showed him the deepest part of herself and clenched it, it was beautiful. He stroked his shaft, and watched as a steady stream of her fluids poured onto the bed.

  “I’m going to wreck your cunt Paula, you won’t even be able to feel Mark’s dick when he gets back. You’ll only want this.” He bounced it in his hand and her eyes went wider, she tossed her gleaming hair back, grabbed her tits and left her legs wide open.

  “Come and get it,” she snarled, and pinched her long brown nipples, twisting them cruelly.

  Kaelan clambered between her thighs, slapped her mound with his cock, making her gasp, and then he fed himself back into her. Her little gash bulged around him almost obscenely, like she was swallowing him. He propped himself over her and fucked her like a jackhammer. Her tits bounced wildly and she fell flat on her back, giving herself over to it.

  He rubbed her clit and he thought she was going to choke, her eyes went back into her head and she wailed, grabbing blindly at the pillows behind her, overcome with the power of the fucking she was receiving.

  As he began to push her legs back to her chest, to get as deep as he could go, a phone began to ring. “Fuck!” she screamed, “baby you have to stop, just for a second…please.” Kaelan couldn’t help a last vicious stroke, and then he grudgingly started to pull out. “No, it’s okay don’t go anywhere, just hand me my bag, if you can. It’s on the floor, just there.”

  He shuffled back slightly, leaving most of him buried in her pussy, and found that he could reach perfectly well. He grabbed her bag and handed it to her. She fished out her phone. “it’s Mark,” she mouthed, as if they were sat in a pub or in a coffee shop, “I’ll be quick.” Paula consciously slowed her breathing and answered it.

  “Hi honey, how’s the conference,” she did an amazing job of steadying her breathing, “oh that’s great! You think it will lead to more sales? Uh huh! That’s…oh…that’s…ah” Kaelan eased in and out of her, watching her insides draw out along his shaft, “wonderful!” she said through gritted teeth. She scowled at him and put the phone to her other ear.

  “Ten? Baby that’s wonderful…I’m so proud of you. Uhhhhh. No, I’m okay love, just putting stuff in the cupboard,” Kaelan thrust in and out in slow deliberate strokes, and he put his thumb over her clit, “I…shit! No love, I just stubbed my toe…ah…ah it really hurts.”

  “I’m going to split you open,” Kaelan whispered, and he pushed in harder and deeper.

  “So…what time…will you be home baby? Six? Okay…that’s goooooddddd,” she almost dropped the phone, Kaelan lifted her ass off the bed and started to drive in and out, he wanted to make her lose it. He didn’t know why. He didn’t know why he wanted to do this to her, to threaten her relationship.

  She was listening to her husband with her eyes closed, biting her lips, trying desperately to keep from keening. Kaelan stopped. He didn’t withdraw but he stopped moving, giving her the opportunity to get through the call safely.

  Paula opened her eyes and smiled at him, “right, well I’ll make dinner and get in some beers. We should celebrate. Yeah, uh huh…ah…no it’s just my toe. See you soon hun, I love you so much. So much. Can’t wait to see you. Mwah, mwah. Byeeeee baby. Love you. Bye, bye.” She swiped her phone shut. “You are such a bad boy!” she cooed, “now you’re going to have to make it up to me.”

  Kaelan laughed, he swatted her clit and resumed his fucking, he ploughed her until she shrieked out an orgasm, and then he flipped her over, pressed her flat to the mattress and drove back inside. She was tighter like that and he groaned as she grasped at him, she had a Celtic tattoo on her lower back and he traced it with his fingers as he pushed inside.

  “Ahhhhhhhh,” she muffled herself with a pillow as she powered into her, making her sloppy pussy clench around him even harder, “fuck! I wanted you…the minute I saw you!”

  “You’re such a slut!” he growled, pounding her harder and deeper, slapping her ass, she squealed and wriggled and he felt the first twinges of an orgasm, he was going to unload in her bare pussy. He pulled out, making her whine.

  “What’s up? What is it?” she turned over, dragging her sweat-soaked hair from her eyes.

  “I need to cum,” Kaelan said, rubbing his glistening cock, I really need it, where…” he coughed, “where…?”

  Paula rolled right over showing him her red and swollen cunt, “where do I want your seed?” she giggled, “in my pussy Kaelan, give it to me.” She held it open again, and he picked her up, lifted her easily into his arms, “ooooohhhh you’re an animal!”

  He held her up, probed for her opening and slammed back in, they kissed violently as he lifted and dropped her, over and over again, he screwed her so hard that in the end she went limp in his arms. “Kaelan,” she moaned, “pleassseeeeee.”

  His release was ferocious, it poured out of him so furiously that it flooded out around his pistoning cock, it ran down his balls and dripped onto her carpet, and still he fucked her. She came alive again, biting his neck and riding him back, their movements in perfect synch. Then she was screaming, shuddering, pulsing around him, it was monumental.


  Driving home, Kaelan thought about what he’d done. The sex with Paula had been ever better than he’d expected, she was a wildcat in bed. They’d fucked again in the bathroom and finished off in the kitchen with her bent over the counter. She’d been reluctant to let him go, kissing him on the doorstep as if she didn�
��t care who saw them.

  Despite all that, and the pass he’d been given by Sophie, he felt shitty. Even though she’d been indiscreet all the way through, even admitting to her friend Liza that she was hoping to sleep with him, she didn’t have an arrangement with Mark. She wasn’t a shared wife; her unsuspecting husband knew nothing of her serial affairs. He’d fired load after load into her, accepting her word that she was on the pill.

  He sat in the drive hands on the wheel, thinking about the man he’d met at the zoo. He would never do that again, he would never allow himself to be part of someone else’s illicit game. Paula had already texted him, several times, but he’d deleted them all. Time to pull on the mask of husband and father, though for once, it wasn’t an easy fit.


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