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Ice: A Quinn Brothers Story (The Quinn Brothers Story Series Book 3)

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by Casey Clipper

  “Did he hurt you?”

  She shook her head.

  He grasped her under the chin and lifted her gaze to look at him. “Did he hurt you?” he repeated, wanting her to look him in the eyes when she answered.

  “He scared me. He didn’t touch me.” Her bottom lip quivered.

  Police officers stormed into the apartment, guns drawn, radios blaring. Shane held Leila in his arms, refusing to let her go.


  There were times when Shane considered himself lucky and blessed. Like having four brothers, who were a tight-knit group of men and a father who was still around to wrangle them. Having a spitfire of a sister-in-law in Candace. Having a decent man as a brother-in-law in Mike. Gaining a perfect little baby niece.

  But knowing Leila was safe in his arms, that the idiot who’d become obsessed with her was being hauled back to Ohio, made him astutely aware of how lucky he was. That had all been due to his girl keeping her wits about her and maintaining calm.

  Detective Jordan Hayes stepped into the living room, the police finally making their way out of the apartment. He handed Shane his card.

  “I’ll need Leila to come by in the morning to make an official statement.” The man turned his kind eyes onto Leila. “Get some sleep. You’re safe. Once he’s back in Ohio, that man won’t be out of jail for a very long time.”

  “Thank you,” she said, her voice meek and shaky.

  “I don’t understand why nothing was done in the first place.” Shane’s glare burned into the detective.

  Hayes sighed heavily, as if the question was one that had been asked too many times. “Unfortunately, it’s the law, Mr. Quinn. He hadn’t touched her. He hadn’t technically harassed her. Our hands were tied. I’m sorry. Believe me, I am. I truly wish we could have done more.”

  Mike snorted, his arms crossed over his chest. “Yeah, but the minute we take the law into our own hands, we’re the bad guys. That asshole is threatening to press charges against Liam, who could lose his job. He just had a daughter, who’s less than two days old. He can’t lose his job over some fucking dirt bag.”

  Shane’s respect for Mike went up twenty-fold.

  Jordan grinned, the look more sinister than welcoming. “I won’t allow that to happen.”

  “Yeah,” Justin said, standing next to Mike. “See that you don’t.”

  Detective Hayes raised a brow. “I know you’re upset over your brother and Miss Jeffries, but be very careful what you say to me.”

  He turned back to Shane. “Your brother will be fine.”

  “Yeah, but just in case, I’ve already contacted my attorney. Dan Turner. He said to mention his name to you.” Shane pulled out a card that he prayed worked, for Liam’s sake.

  Hayes rolled his eyes and groaned. “Goddamn Turner.” He tucked his notepad into his jacket pocked. “Tell Mr. Turner that I got the message. That he doesn’t have to worry about his client.” And with that, Detective Hayes stormed out of the apartment.

  “Whoever the hell Dan Turner is, I think I’ll give him a big kiss,” Mike said.

  Aaron punched him in the arm. “Your damn lips won’t touch any other man’s except Brayden’s.”

  “Speaking of that, my husband is worried as hell. I need to get home to him. He’s messaged me more times than I can keep track. Shane, Leila, do you need anything?” Mike pushed off the wall.

  Shane slid Leila off his lap, stood, and embraced Mike in a manly hug. “Thank you. I’m going to take her back to my place. We’re good. Go home and tell Brayden everything’s all right. He’ll worry himself to death.”

  “You’re welcome. You need anything, call.” Mike strolled out of the apartment, pulling out his cell as he left.

  “We couldn’t have asked for a better brother-in-law,” Aaron noted.

  “We’ll wait for you to pack whatever you need and take you back to your place,” Justin said.

  A half an hour later, Shane helped Leila into his apartment. It was late, and they were both exhausted. He helped Leila strip out of her clothing and crawled into bed with her, the feel of her warmth soaking into his hot skin. He kissed her bare shoulder and wrapped his arm around her flat stomach, running his thumb in a circular pattern.

  “I love you,” he whispered against her neck. “I’m so sorry for this morning. If I hadn’t been such a jackass, you would have never been put in harm’s way.”

  Leila turned in his arms. “It’s not your fault. But are you sure you can say you love me, and your admission isn’t stemmed by guilt or fear?”

  “No,” he said firmly. “I knew the moment you walked out the door that I should have confessed how I felt. I’m a driven man, Leila. I want success in my career. I want to live more than comfortably, and I thought the only way to achieve that was alone. I always considered that no woman would want to stick by me while I strive to reach the top of my company. I never thought I’d find a woman to share that with. I know I’m difficult, hard-headed, sometimes cantankerous, and have this need and desire for dominate in the bedroom. But if you’re willing to stay by my side and bring your light and joy into my life as my wife, I’ll do everything in my power to make you happy. Including being home in the evenings and weekends, taking vacations, or whatever else you want.”

  She gasped. “Did you just ask me to marry you?”

  “I did.” He took her hand and kissed her palm. “Will you marry me, Leila? I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  And he truly meant it, from the bottom of his soul. He couldn’t imagine going another day without his Leila by his side, coming home to her, or having her in his office. God, he couldn’t wait to play boss and secretary with her.

  He loved her. Truly, whole-heartedly loved her. “Marry me,” he whispered.

  “Yes.” Tears spilled down her cheeks. “Yes. Yes. Yes.”

  Shane kissed her, pouring all of his love, his passion, his everything into that kiss. He’d spend the rest of his days giving Leila all of him.

  “I love you,” Shane said, pulling back and gazing into those beautiful eyes.

  Leila curled into his body, wrapping herself around him. He was whole and settled, something he’d always thought he’d achieved already—until Leila had walked into his office, changing his world forever.


  A Note From The Author

  Thank you so much for making Ice – A Quinn Brothers Story a part of your reading library. In today’s saturated market of romance novels, I’m honored you chose Ice. If you’ve enjoyed Ice, please leave a short review. Reviews mean a lot to all authors, no matter which genre you read.

  Look for story 4 and 5 in The Quinn Brothers novelette series this year and find more information on my other novels at

  Thank you again and happy reading!


  About the Author

  Contemporary Romance Author Casey Clipper is from Pittsburgh, PA. She’s a noted sports fanatic, chocolate addict, and penguin lover. Like you, she’s an avid romance reader and loves to lose herself in a good romance novel. Casey is an active member of the Romance Writers of America, vice president of the Three Rivers Romance Writers, the Contemporary Romance Writers, Passionate Ink, ASMSG, and IAN.

  Follow Casey Clipper on these social media platforms:


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  Have you visited the freebie tab at Casey’s website to read the free short stories on some of your favorite characters? There are free stories that continuously pop up, so check in frequently to see if a new one about one of your favorite characters
makes it onto the site. Warning, these stories do contain spoilers if you haven’t read some of the novels associated with the freebies.

  Current Titles Available by Casey Clipper

  The Love Series (in order):

  Silent Love (Book 1)

  Unexpected Love (Book 2)

  Dangerous Love (Book 3)

  Taken Love (Book 4) the final installment

  The Love Series Box Set – all 4 novels in one bundle – available for a limited time.

  A Quinn Brothers Story Novelette Series

  Fire (Story 1)

  Snow (Story 2)

  Ice – (Story 3)

  Rain - coming soon

  Wind - coming soon


  Scarred (a novella)

  The Men of Law Series

  Heist (Book 1)

  Book 2 coming Early 2016

  Book 3 coming Summer 2016

  Book 4 coming Fall 2016

  The Boss’s Love Series

  Coming early 2016 – The Anniversary Edition


  (The Men of Law, book 1)

  Jason Campbell and his team are on a mission—to find the jewelry thief that has hit every store in their town. They have zero leads. Their cagey burglar uses equipment and uncanny skills to prevent the detectives from gaining ground in the case that has dragged on far too long. Jasonʼs endless hours working on this case are taking a toll. He has no life outside of his job. His nights are spent alone in a cold bed with dreams of a faceless bandit haunting him. Yes, their suspect is a woman bent on toying with law enforcement.

  Hannah Lakely is doing whatever it takes to survive. After escaping from the men who her parents owe money, she vows never to be put in a vulnerable position to be injured again. Those men favor breaking bones, specifically hers. Hannah does what is necessary for a woman with no high school diploma, no college education, no skill set, and in need of a large sum of money immediately to pay off her parentsʼ loan. A world of crime is an empty life with no one to count on except for her only friend, who is also her conspirator. Sheʼs alone in the world, always looking over her shoulder for the mob or law enforcement, afraid of the day that either catches up with her.

  Jasonʼs life of non-committed relationships is one that leaves him lonely at times, but he accepts that drawback after watching two of his LEO brothers go through hell in their marriages. Why does he need that hassle? Itʼs difficult enough to find a good woman, let alone one who can tolerate being in a relationship with a detective. A law enforcement career can test even the best of couples. But Jasonʼs world is turned upside down when he literally runs into a red-haired spitfire. Her fiery attitude amuses him. Smitten with the entrancing woman, he decides to pursue.

  Hannah canʼt believe that sheʼs attracted the attention of law enforcement in a different manner than she ever expected. She knows she shouldnʼt entertain the officerʼs blatant attraction, but Jason wonʼt take no for an answer. When she relents, deciding to cave to the determined detective, she certainly never expects to connect to him on a physical and emotional level.

  Jasonʼs personal life is settling into place. Hannahʼs world is crumbling around her as she finds herself falling for a man who could put her in jail for a very long time, if he finds out her secret. Jason admits he may be more than just entranced with this gorgeous woman. Hannahʼs desperate and attempts to walk away from the life sheʼs led, until the mob catches up to her. Again.

  What happens when Hannah tries to rid herself of the men who threaten her life by heisting the most secure jewelry store sheʼs ever attempted? What happens to the couple if Jason and his unit figure out who their thief really is? What happens when Jason questions everything he thought he knew, including his career? And what happens when Hannahʼs life is put in danger because of decisions made by Jason and his team?

  *This is not a cliffhanger series. Each novel in the series can be read as a standalone.


  Detective Jason Campbell tried to recall if the law enforcement manual addressed panting like a dog in heat over a perp.

  “This is by far the sexist thing I’ve ever watched,” his partner, Dean Rooney said.

  Nope. Nothing he could remember. No “Don’t Drool Over Suspect 101” existed. He should pull out his old notebook from the training academy.

  Jason hated to agree with his enthralled partner, but he couldn’t help himself. It was hot as hell.

  The surveillance video Jason and Dean, along with their chief and two other detectives, watched was a work of art. Well, a work of art in the illegal activity of thievery. A sense of déjà vu smacked Jason upside the head. How many times had this exact scene taken place over the past two years? Too many.

  “No fingerprints, no close ups, no hair left behind, nothing,” the chief growled in frustration.

  Jason couldn’t tear his eyes away from the television screen. The fluid movement of the perp’s body, flawless. A smooth glide throughout the store as she ran her hand over the glass display cases, as if admiring the merchandise. Each gesture necessary and never a waste of energy, entirely aware of herself. Yes, the cat burglar was a woman. A woman with the body of a goddess. The form-fitted, black one-piece suit she wore accented every curve of her hourglass shape, as if it came straight from a movie set wardrobe department. More than likely, the clichéd getup purposely planned.

  “Again, damn.” Dean’s sharp eyes zeroed in on the woman. His partner’s usual reaction and commentary to each video they’d watched over the last couple years didn’t disappoint.

  Chief finally had enough and smacked Dean upside the head. “Knock it off. She’s a criminal.”

  “Yeah, one I’d like to handcuff.” Dean smiled wolfishly.

  Jason mentally agreed. What he wouldn’t give to handcuff that body to his bed. Shit. He needed to get a grip. Fantasizing about a thief only punctuated how long it’d been since he’d had a woman in his bed. Damn it. Stop it. Crim-in-al. An extremely talented criminal. He had no business daydreaming about her despite how long it’d been since he’d had the warmth of a woman in his arms.

  “How much did she get away with?” Tyler O’Neill asked.

  “Two fifty,” Chief answered.

  Dean whistled.

  Two hundred fifty thousand dollars worth of diamonds. Man, the woman was upping her game. For just over two years, she managed to successfully break into every jewelry store in town and take what she wanted. At first she started off small, nabbing a thousand dollars worth of precious stones at a time, as if testing the waters. But over time, she increased her take with every heist. If they didn’t catch her soon, they’d be forced to call in the FBI for help. No wonder Chief stalked around the unit cranky.

  A fleeting thought crossed Jason’s mind. Could she be practicing for something larger? That scenario made sense. Originally she hit the stores that had the least security to bypass. Each theft escalated to the next higher level of protection the businesses installed. Clearly the woman did her homework. Probably was an adrenaline junkie, as well.

  “No women visiting the store days beforehand that might fit her physique?” Nick Butler asked.

  Chief shook his head. “Nothing. The store only had a few visitors. A couple men browsing for engagement rings, an older couple interested in having a necklace appraised, and a teenage boy searching for a promise ring for his girlfriend.”

  “We can presume she’s not working alone.” Dean pointed to the screen where the burglar smashed into the case of flawless loose diamonds, scooping handfuls and shoving them into a black hip bag. “It would make sense. I don’t know if she would be able to do this on her own. One of those men possibly cased the joint for her.”

  “You’d be surprised what a woman is capable of accomplishing on her own when she puts her mind to it,” Chief murmured. Obviously a hidden meaning behind that remark that Jason and the guys weren’t about to tackle. “The owner of the store gave me a list of names of all the customers over the past week. T
hey’ll be split among you to check out.”

  “Feds?” Tyler asked.

  “Not yet. I’ve been contacted by a lead investigator of the FBI. They're fully aware of these jewelry store robberies. I’m trying to hold off as long as possible, but I don’t see us having an extended period of time left. A few months at most. We need to step up and find her. I’ll be forced to call them or they’re just going to forcefully come in and take over without warning if this continues without an arrest. The last thing I want is them in our house,” Chief answered.

  “Shit,” Jason said.

  “Yeah, shit.” Chief stormed out of the room.

  Dean continued to drool over the screen and professed for the hundredth time, “Man, I think I’m in love.”

  Nick snickered while Tyler rolled his eyes.

  “Down boy.” Jason slapped his partner of seven years on the back.

  Dean stopped the video, downloaded it to his laptop and sent the file to all of their email accounts. “Yeah right, as if that’s possible.”

  Jason completely understood. This woman, with no visible facial features, but a body to die for, continued to star in his dreams and probably would until they caught her. How messed up did that make him?


  Read more of Heist (The Men of Law, book 1) and see why readers are saying they haven’t read anything like Heist and they love it.




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